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Estate of Being

Address: 181A Glebe Point Road 2037 Glebe, TAS, Australia


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25.01.2022 That feeling when you can't quite ask for that pay rise. That feeling of missing out on that cute girl or guy because you didn't have the guts to ask for their number. That feeling when you have to give a presentation at work and you'd rather break your leg. That feeling when you're just doubting yourself, your opinions, your skills and worth... even though you're the most qualified, most experienced and deep inside know you have all the pot...ential you would ever need. Any of these resonate? Life isn't meant to be sat on by a big wet blanket. Insecurities suck. Remember when you were a small baby and you gave zero sh*ts about ripping a massive fart in front of everyone and letting out a sweet little gurgle? Most of us don't, but actually that is our natural state of being. We're meant to be ok with who we are. And now we even have the decency to fart in private (or at least put the mute button on when you're in a zoom meeting ). Life sometimes feels like a challenge, but it doesn't need to. It should actually feel easy, free... and dare I say it, FUN!!! Just like it did when you were a kid. Getting over yourself is easy. Ready? #Selfesteem #confidence #selfdoubt #estateofbeing See more

24.01.2022 I LOVE working with souls who are just dipping their toes into what some people term 'spirituality' or the acknowledgement that we are something more than just matter. I love when people realise we are more than just brains with bodies sat in front of the TV eating pizza and watching Netflix. We are so much more than our jobs where we spend 80% of our day working. We have spirit, we have soul. We are made of star dust, energy and But the most beautiful thing of all, is when people discover that by controlling their mind, they can control their reality. Some call this manifesting, others call it positivity or gratitude, but in truth it's all these elements combined. Your life is based on thoughts. Thoughts control actions, actions create outcomes and these outcomes appear as your life. If you have continuous spiralling thoughts. Thoughts of stuckness, 'not feeling enough', low self worth - just think about how many opportunities and situations you are limited from going out and getting. Anxiety is often the worry about what will happen. Most often due to traumatic or unpleasant things that have happened in your past. Your mind says 'don't get into that mess again' - it thinks of ways to avoid that pain or discomfort. It creates little scenarios and shows you the bad thing that happened last time so you don't do it again. I know because I've been there. Life doesn't have to be like that. You can re-program your mind so you feel happy walking out the door each morning. You feel lightness, joy and wonderment at the opportunity that a new day brings. First, I created it for myself. Now I create this for my clients. I've seen it time and time again. You deserve to bloom. #therapist #RTTworks See more

23.01.2022 Is this an ending or a beginning? Are you starting or are you finishing? Is your cup half full or half empty? Every thing is in the moment. ... It's about what you do with that moment. From the same perspective we can have different views. Have you checked your perspective lately? Are you seeing life from within the shadows or are you taking a brighter angle? Hint: Taking a more illuminated view, will always glean a clearer perspective. Things are sharper, more positive, your vision is stronger in the light. Sometimes all that's needed is a shift of how you view things and your day will brighten. #estateofbeing #perspective See more

18.01.2022 We are beautiful and complex I feel like the indigenous Australians have been in on this for a long time.

15.01.2022 Hey lovelies, it’s great to be back! A friend sent me this today... while talk therapy is wonderful, the power of diving into the subconscious far surpasses in its ability to transform and provide deep healing that comes from going to the subconscious. I personally didn’t work with this guy... but his words echo those from some of my clients. Transformation is possible within you

12.01.2022 BLOCKS It's all the rage in mindset circles to speak about blocks; subconscious blocks to be specific. Blah blah blah. They all talk about it from this trite, shallow perspective of the rational mind. As a hypnotherapist, I'm a master of the block. Most people don't truly know what their blocks are or how they got there because most of the time they were created when they were small kids. But with my clients, each and every time, my clients go right to that specific place and time that created that block. It's so fascinating. It's like watching movies from the most important part of people's lives. I adore the work that I do, setting people free and enabling them to feel empowered and in the driving seat of their mind. Life is meant to be beautiful. Having lived both extremes, the ups and downs, I understand first hand how painful the downs can be. I can now say, hand on my heart, that sometimes when you just don't know how to get out of the huge pile of , it's important to get help. I'd love to help you break through. Get in touch See more

09.01.2022 When was the last time you took time to nurture that child within? There's a brilliant Ted Talk by @johann.hari who studied happiness and wellbeing. His books are wonderful, but one thing he says that stuck with me is that each and every one of us is unique. The problem we are facing right now is that humans are tribal and our isolation from each other is causing depression and anxiety at unprecedented levels. Close your eyes for a, take a deep breath in and remember your most joyous moment as a child. Remember the feelings, the fun, the bliss of no worries, responsibilities or work. Remember the revelry, the games and the freedom to express yourself in an uninhibited way. Within us is the innate need to express ourselves through creative outlets such as song and dance. How often would you sing to yourself or dance when excited as a child? This innocence is so beautiful, blissful and pure. It's important for each and every one of us, is able to express our inner joy and get in the practice of doing so on a regular basis. There are 4 things that you can do to bring joy on the regular: - Do what your heart desires (express yourself, follow a hobby or vocation you've always wanted to, study something you've always wanted to!) - Connect with others - friends, colleagues, pets, neighbours, family! Connection is balm to everyone's soul. - Talk to yourself in positive, affirmative and wonderful ways. Imagine you are a 3 year old and praise, love and uplift yourself from within. - Get into nature I ask you to remember your childhood in the hope you can tap into that vibe and recreate it from time to time. From that memory, take inspiration into your every day life. Life is meant to be fun. #joy #love #estateofbeing #hypnotherapy See more

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