Goonellabah Denture Clinic in Lismore, New South Wales | Health/beauty
Goonellabah Denture Clinic
Locality: Lismore, New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 6624 4442
Address: shop 6 29 Rous Road 2480 Lismore, NSW, Australia
Likes: 347
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23.01.2022 Full Upper denture repair.. Replacing the 21 and 22 , after they were accidentally dropped while cleaning them. #dentures #removeabledenture #repairs #denturerepairservices #samedayservice #replacemissingteeth #teethfreaks #teeth #keepingitreal #brokendenture #realityofadentures #realism #vertex #vertexacrylic #dentalacrylic #removeablepros #coldcureacrylic #dentaltechniques #dentalphotography #dentalprosthetist #dentaltechnician #ondontologia #dentalsharing #oldschooltech #analogdentures #goonellabahdentureclinic #goonellabahdentures #lismorensw #aussiehandmade #breadandbutter
22.01.2022 Another new smile created and completed to finish the week off... Happy Friday... #removeabledentures #dentures #completedentures #teeth #smilemaker #smilecreators #smilewizards #smilespecialist #newdenture #saycheese #dentalacrylic #vertex #vertexacrylic #vitapan #vita #analogdentures #oldschooltech #oldschooltechnique #handcrafted #dentistry #ondontologia #dentalphotography #dentalprosthetist #dentaltechnician #goonellabahdentureclinic #goonellabahdentures #lismorensw #lovewhatwedo #yesweekend #hellofriday
22.01.2022 This weeks addition to the festive feels in our clinic are the " Teeth Baubles " have to look twice.... AND NO THEY ARE NOT REAL TEETH!!! 3 weeks till Chrissie.. woohoo.. #christmas #christmasdecor #christmasiscoming #christmasdecorations #christmasbaubles #festivefeels #festivevibes #festiveseason #sillyseason #teethfreaks #teethcreep... #teethpeeps #teeth #handcrafted #original #havetolooktwice #christmastime #dentureteeth #ondontologia #dentalprosthetist #dentaltechnician #dentistry #dentalphotography #goonellabahdentureclinic #goonellabahdentures #lismorensw #instateeth #bitoffun #fun #festivefun See more
21.01.2022 Full on Full wax try-in... #saycheese #removeablepros #dentures #removeabledentures #teeth #fullupperandlowerdenture #smilecreators #smilemaker #newsmile #newdentures #smilemakeover #custommade #waxartist #waxart #engimalifeteeth #waxtryin #waxcarving #analogdentures #handcrafted #oldschooltechnique #ondontologia #dentalphotography #dentaltechniques #dentalprosthetist #dentaltechnician #goonellabahdentureclinic #goonellabahdentures #lismorensw #teethfreaks #teethpeeps
21.01.2022 Full Upper and Partial Lower wax try-in. If all is okay, we'll do 2nd impression on the upper and finish them.. #removeablepros #partialdenture #partiallower #fullupperdenture #maxillary #functionalimpression #smilecreators #smilemaker #waxtryin #waxtryinwithteeth #waxartist #dentaltechniques #dentalart #ondontologia #oldschooltechnique #handcrafted #dentistry #dentalphotography #dentalprosthetist #dentaltechnician #dentallabtech #dentures #analogdentures #dentureduo #denturewizards #goonellabahdentureclinic #goonellabahdentures #lismorensw #teethfreaks #lovewhatwedo
19.01.2022 Full Upper and Partial Lower wax try-in... #teeth #newsmile #newdentures #removabledentures #dentures #removeablepros #partialdenture #fullupperdenture #waxartist #waxart #engimalifeteeth #dentalart #smilecreators #smilemaker #teethfreaks #dentalphotography #dentaltechniques #analogdentures #handcrafted #oldschooltechnique #ondontologia #dentistry #dentalprosthetist #dentaltechnician #goonellabahdentureclinic #goonellabahdentures #lismorensw #lovewhatwedo #youbet #instadenture
19.01.2022 All articulated and ready to go.... Check out the diastema, it's impressive Happy Monday. #teeth #articulation #articulator #planeline #partials #partialdenture #partials #removeabledenture #removeablepros #dentures #diastema... #stonebite #biteregistration #smilemaker #smilecreators #smilewizards #mysuperpower #dentaltechniques #dentalphotography #dentistry #dentalprosthetist #dentaltechnician #ondontologia #dentalsharing #oldschooltech #analogdentures #handcrafted #goonellabahdentureclinic #goonellabahdentures #lismorensw #yessir See more
15.01.2022 With more restrictions lifting around Covid and sports we are starting to get a real flow of mouthguards again... This video shows how we make a laminated mouthguard... It's hump day already.. Happy Wednesday. ... #maxillary #mouthguard #mouthguardsmiles #laminated #laminatedmouthguard #boxing #teeth #teethprotection #teethfreaks #smileprotector #erkodent #erkoform3dmotion #erkoform #custommade #perfectfit #customfit #bestprotection #mouth #dentaltechniques #dentalvid #dentalvideo #dentistry #ondontologia #dentalprosthetist #dentaltechnician #goonellabahdentureclinic #goonellabahdentures #lismorensw #letsplay #gameon
14.01.2022 Soooo, this is the not so glamorous side of our job.. This patient came in complaining that their denture wasn't fitting properly ,needless to say I was a little surprised as to what I saw. It was a 20year old acrylic partial that had never been removed for cleaning ....this is what 20years of Calculus build up looks like...(WTF!!!!!) It's amazing what a pair of plaster sheers and a Sympro machine can do..... #dentures #removeabledenture #partialdenture #acrylicpartial #acrylicdenture #analogdentures #handcrafted #teeth #teethfreaks #denturecleaning #oralhygiene #oralhealth #brushyourteeth #dentallife #keepingitreal #wtfisthis #holycrap #dentalphotography #dentalprosthetist #dentaltechnician #dentallab #dentaltechniques #dentistryworld #dental_pictures #identistry #goonellabahdentureclinic #goonellabahdentures #lismorensw #instateeth #yessir
12.01.2022 Full Upper and Full Lower Immediate Dentures waxed up ready to process.. #removeablepros #removeabledentures #dentures #immediatedenture #newdentures #newsmile #analogimpressions #analogdentures #smilemakeover #smilemaker #smilecreators #waxartist #dentalart #handcrafted #extractions #mandibular #dentalphotography #dentaltechniques #ondontologia #dentistry #dentalprosthetist #dentaltechnician #goonellabahdentureclinic #goonellabahdentures #lismorensw #lovewhatwedo #aussiehandmade #instateeth #instadenture #yessir
10.01.2022 Full Upper wax try-in on a processed vertex acrylic base.... #teeth #newsmile #smilemakeover #smilecreators #smilemaker #waxtryin #waxtryinwithteeth #waxcarving #waxartist #maxillary #enigmalifeteeth #completedenture #analogdentures #oldschooltech #oldschooltechnique #handcrafted #dentistry #ondontologia #dentalphotography #dentalprosthetist #dentaltechnician #dentallab #dentaltechniques #dentallife #goonellabahdentureclinic #goonellabahdentures #lismorensw #instateeth #lovewhatwedo #teethfreaks
09.01.2022 The whole tooth and nothing but a tooth.. Single tooth acrylic partial... #partialdenture #immediatedenture #acrylicpartial #singletooth #toothextraction #dentures #removeabledenture #temporary #teeth #coldcureacrylic #vertexacrylic #vertex #castapress #dentalacrylic #dentaltechniques #smileagain #smilecreators #smilemaker #dentalphotography #goonellabahdentureclinic #goonellabahdentures #lismorensw #handcrafted #lovemyjob #lovewhatwedo #instateeth #yes #
09.01.2022 With Christmas just 4 weeks away it's time to get a little festive and put up a few decorations around the clinic.. A big shout out to @toothlessau for the the Santa, Mrs Claus and Rudolph tooth decorations, they are just the cutiest things...
08.01.2022 Full Upper wax try-in with palatal rugae.. This is something that we rarely do.... #maxillary #dentures #fullupperdenture #teeth #rugae #palate #waxtryin #waxtryinwithteeth #waxartist #dentalwaxuplab #dentalart #waxcarving #analogdentures #handcrafted #enigmalifeteeth #dentaltechniques #oldschool #dental_pictures #dentalphotography #removeablepros #ondontologia #dentistry #goonellabahdentureclinic #goonellabahdentures #lismorensw #aussiehandmade #lovewhatwedo #yessir #fridaymotivation #fridayalready
05.01.2022 Partial Upper and Lower Acrylic Dentures with wrought stainless steel clasps. #dentures #removeabledentures #partialdentures #acrylicpartials #clasps #wirebendingsucks #wirebending #teeth #newsmile #newdentures #vertexacrylic #vertex #dentalacrylic #dentaltechniques #coldcureacrylic #castapress #keepinitreal #dentistry #ondontologia #dentalprosthetist #denturewizards #dentaltechnician #dentureduo ##goonellabahdentureclinic #goonellabahdentures #lismorensw #instateeth #lovewhatwedo #paysthebills #breadandbutter
04.01.2022 Full Upper bite registration rim, with palatal relief, on a processed vertex acrylic base... Oh Monday why do you come around so quickly?? #centric #centricocclusion #biteregistration #takingrecords #bitetogether #biterecords #palate #metrowax #waxart #waxartist #dentalwax #vertex #vertexacrylic #lovetheshine #dentalphotography #dentaltechniques #smilecreators #smilemaker #removeablepros #ondontologia #dentalprosthetist #dentaltechnician #dentureteam #dentureduo #teethfreaks #goonellabahdentureclinic #goonellabahdentures #lismorensw #aussiehandmade #yessir
02.01.2022 Full Upper and Partial Lower bite registration rims. The full Upper is on a light cured acrylic base. #dentures #removeabledenture #fullupperdenture #partialdenture #waxartist #dentalart #centric #centricocclusion #biteregistration #ovd #bitetogether #takingrecords #midline #lipline #occlusionmatters #occlusalplane #dentaltechniques #dentalphotography #dentalprosthetist #dentaltechnician #dentallab #dentistry #ondontologia #lismorensw #goonellabahdentureclinic #goonellabahdentures #handcrafted #lovewhatwedo #teeth #teethfreaks
01.01.2022 So every year since our business started(16years ago) we have entered a team "The Toothless Tigers" in the local Touch Football Competition... Although Covid has put many restrictions on everything , the comp has still been aloud to run which we were super excited about, because this year we get to play along side our two sons .... which for us is very special. Our new kit arrived today and we think it looks pretty dam hot.... Here's to a fun filled season... GO THE TIGERS!!!
01.01.2022 Full Upper and Lower Dentures Set up in wax ,waiting to get approval.. Applying the 3 's' to this one. Smooth, Simple and Shiny . ... #removeabledentures #dentures #completedentures #teeth #smilemaker #smilecreators #mysuperpower #passion #waxartist #waxtryin #waxtryinwithteeth #dentalwaxup #prothesis #analogdentures #handcrafted #oldschooltech #dentalart #smooth #shiny #simple #dentistry #dentalphotography #dentalprosthetist #dentaltechnician #ondontologia #goonellabahdentureclinic #goonellabahdentures #lismorensw #lovewhatwedo #youknowit
01.01.2022 On this particular case we converting this patients Partial Lower Denture into a Full Lower Denture.... they are having the remaining 4 teeth extracted and 4 implants placed. We are modifying there old denture as a temporary measure while we wait for Osseointergration of the implants.. And that's another week down. Happy Friday. #dentures #immediatedentures... #osseointergration #implants #dentalimplants #extractions #mandibular #fulllowerdenture #denturerepairs #dentalacrylic #vertexacrylic #vertex #oralsurgery #dentalphotography #dentaltechniques #denturewizards #dentistry #ondontologia #dentalprosthetist #dentaltechnician #dentallab #dentureart #dentalart #goonellabahdentureclinic #goonellabahdentures #lismorensw #keepingitreal #breadandbutter See more