Evans Testa Barristers & Solicitors in Hope Valley, South Australia, Australia | Criminal lawyer
Evans Testa Barristers & Solicitors
Locality: Hope Valley, South Australia, Australia
Phone: +61 8 8263 2400
Address: Unit 1 / 1236 Grand Junction Road 5090 Hope Valley, SA, Australia
Website: http://www.etlaw.com.au
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25.01.2022 From one small business to another
25.01.2022 Not a pleasant subject, but one that must be thought about for many people. Do you have your individual and family affairs in order. In unknown circumstances as we are in now, we should ensure that all our legal affairs are in order and that of course involves having a legally valid Will and / or A Power of Attorney and / or Advanced Care Directive. ...Continue reading
25.01.2022 Something for everyone to be aware of.
24.01.2022 Despite the illegalities always be aware that any drugs may have a hidden secret http://m.adelaidenow.com.au///story-e6frea6u-1227184521902
24.01.2022 Do you have a car ? A bank account ? Any income? Whether young or older, at home or travelling, you need a valid Will Call our office on 82632400 and we can see you anywhere, even at home
23.01.2022 Watch this space !!!!
23.01.2022 DON'T MISS OUT ON YOUR ENTITLEMENTS - IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING WORKERS COMPENSATION A recent decision of the Full Court of the Supreme Court of South Australia provides clarification on whether an injured worker would be entitled to surgery expenses being paid. Legislation allows a worker to request the cost of medical treatment required now, or within the medical treatment period. ... Legislation specifically relates to a request for pre-approval for surgery to occur at a time in the future, outside the medical treatment period. It is important when requesting pre-approval for treatment and, particularly, surgery, that the correct procedure is followed and that proper notice is given pursuant to the relevant section of the Act. What this means for injured workers requiring future surgery outside of their medical expense entitlement window under the Return to Work Act is that they will need to put their Compensating Authority on notice as to the type of surgery that may be required in the future. Don’t miss out on your entitlements contact us for any queries regarding your workers compensation entitlements.
23.01.2022 http://www.abc.net.au//workcover-return-to-work-ch/5650706 If you think you may be affected by these new changes, the time to seek advice is now, not when it is too late. Are you currently on WorkCover ? do you have an active claim? are you wishing to see if you have any entitlements?, call our office now to find out 8263 2400
22.01.2022 Mobile phone questions This will make it easier for those who question it
22.01.2022 Fine increases coming !!!! https://www.facebook.com/619300798/posts/10157466112930799?sfns=mo
22.01.2022 In these times, whatever they are. We meet people who, despite their own needs, will always help others out. We at Evans Testa lawyers today learned we have a garden fairy. A chap who visits us and hedges the bushes , keeping the aesthetic a few times a year. Today we saw you, we do not know you, we do not even know your name to say thank you. ... We though, do say thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We only hope you get back 10 fold of what you give
22.01.2022 You may not know that there are major changes to the S.A. Workers Compensation scheme coming into effect on 1 July 2015. Now more than ever is the time to seek... advice in relation to your entitlements. Without the right advice you may forego compensation you would otherwise be entitled to. Call us on 8263 2400 if you think you may be someone affected.
20.01.2022 An article does not make you an expert. Always seek advice if in doubt. This article while helpful, should not deter you from seeking advice about 'your' particular situation.
20.01.2022 Times are a changing thanks to Covid-19 , but not everything can stop We are continuing to provide legal services and assistance for people at all times. Some legal services cannot stop even with the problems we are experiencing in the world at the moment. We can accommodate your needs in person where necessary and of course from a distance... Open 24hr 82632400 or 0409645733
19.01.2022 Unfortunately as lawyers we see it from both sides. Of interest we see there is a great media presence on female victims. Men too can be victims and are in most cases the silent ones. An interesting page for those that may be too scared to stand up and be counted. http://www.oneinthree.com.au/malevictims
19.01.2022 While you may see a 'For lease sign' don't panic, we're not closing or moving , we're expanding next door - business as usual
17.01.2022 Just because you are married or have been in a long term relationship doesn’t mean you will get the house if your partner dies unexpectedly We can’t stress the importance enough. Make sure you have a valid Will, make sure all of your affairs are in order, at all times
17.01.2022 Something to consider
17.01.2022 A warning for everyone. !!! https://www.facebook.com/sapolicenews/posts/993691164041559
17.01.2022 Could this be something you need to consider ?
16.01.2022 Proud supporters of Rainbow Flag https://rainbowflag.com.au/ For anyone needing legal advice, please call us on 82632400
16.01.2022 We have procedures, laws and rights in place for a reason. If you find yourself in a position where you think you may have been unjustly stopped, reported or arrested, give us a call 82632400 www.etlaw.com.au #takenothingforgranted #legalrights #sapol
16.01.2022 Some much needed information from the ATO Do not fall victim to these scammers
16.01.2022 The breakdown of any relationship is often stressful. We are able to provide legal advice aimed at achieving quick and cost effective outcomes. Call 82632400 for assistance or visit at www.etlaw.com.au
15.01.2022 WILLS AND ESTATES - ***** July offer . Mention this ad for a reduced rate. ***** Having a valid will ensures your family and loved ones are adequately provided for out of your estate. Our experienced solicitors can best advise you on how to ensure your estate is best divided to accord with your wishes. Passing away without a valid will can cost your estate a substantial amount of money. You can not really afford not to have a valid will in place should the unthinkable happen.... We are experienced in handling all aspects of both applying for Grants of Probate and Letters of Administration. Contact us now for guidance through the maze of legislation and procedure. Are you the executor of an estate? Are you drowning in procedural red tape? Contact us on 82632400 for advice on applying for a Grant of Probate. www.etlaw.com.au @evanstestalawyers
15.01.2022 WE ARE NOW AT 121 TOLLEY RD ST AGNES 82642380 Right next door to Stratco ... Hi it’s been a while since we have posted but would like to ask if you could please share this post as some client are still confused thinking we are still at our old site TIA Cheers Joe Musolino
15.01.2022 All too often, we think we have everything covered, but do we?..... Anyone believing their Superannuation Policy is up to date and valid, may want to have a read of this http://www.adelaidenow.com.au//story-fni6uo1m-122717876192
15.01.2022 Think it, do not say it and most definately do not write it http://www.news.com.au//faceb/story-fnjwnhzf-1227498531873
13.01.2022 If you want the right advice , speak to a solicitor Do not rely on social media and those that speak to someone , who knows someone .... The cost of a proper Will, will far out way the cost to your estate and the potential loss to those you want to inherit ... ‘Free Wills’ are great, but read the fine print as there is often a catch, for example you may not be able to nominate your Executor of choice and / or your Estate may be charged a significant deferred fee and / or there may be other conditions imposed which may affect how you want your loved ones to benefit . For further enquires please contact our office in 82632400 https://www.adelaidenow.com.au//d8eaa93e047f6f0cac3687bc66
13.01.2022 This decision may impact on you or someone you know. Unfortunately, a lot of people who don't understand the legalities like to make comments that are either irrelevant or unfounded. We have procedures, laws and rights in place for a reason. If you find yourself in a position where you think you may have been unjustly stopped, reported or arrested, seek legal advice. Call our office on 8263 2400 or visit us at www.etlaw.com.au
13.01.2022 Just a bit of light reading A hair tie is for your hair $594 buys a lot of them !!
13.01.2022 Is this you You may have heard that police are having some difficulties at the moment with speed detection matters involving a laser gun (known as the Lidar) . The last 4, went to the higher court on appeal, and they agreed the way the evidence was used was not admissible. Now many others may have the same issue. If you have received a fine or have been charged with a traffic offence, the sooner you act, the better off you may be. ... Give us a call and have a free chat, see if you may get to keep your licence
12.01.2022 Keep your eye out for the mobile advertising. ET Lawyers and Merritt Conveyancing available for you
12.01.2022 Have you been charged with a criminal offence or a traffic matter? Advice at the earliest stage is important. Do not leave it until your matter is over Call our office 8263 2400. www.etlaw.com.au
12.01.2022 We are pleased to announce the opening of a new office located at 10/153 Brebner Drive West Lakes. Call on 82632400 or [email protected] for an appointment or discussion about your matter. We can now meet with you at either office at your convenience.
11.01.2022 Supporting Leukaemia Foundation Aussie Muscle Car run this year, if you want to make a tax deductible donation as your show of support, please use the link below To follow the adventures of car 61, search and like AMCR61 on FB
11.01.2022 http://www.mac.sa.gov.au/drivers#drink-driving
11.01.2022 WorkCover changes : Act now !!!! Despite recent changes you may still be entitled to lump sum compensation as a result of an injury sustained at work. Now, more than ever, it is important to obtain legal advice regarding your entitlements. Call us now for a no obligation chat in relation to work or any other injury you may have sustained. 8263 2400
09.01.2022 Give us a call and ask the question to see what the consequences may be, if you don't at least seek advice First 1/2 hr appointment costs you nothing
09.01.2022 We can advise you on all aspects of a relationship breakdown. We work with you to achieve the best possible outcome. Experienced in dealing with all aspects of family law including property disputes, prenuptial agreements, marriage, de facto relationships and divorce. We can assist you in advising you in relation to your entitlements following the breakdown of a marriage or de facto relationship. Call us on 82632300 to speak with us ... www.etlaw.com.au
09.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/sapolicenews/posts/918715664872443 A warning to be careful !
08.01.2022 Have you recently divorced or separated ? These times are distressing and emotive. We are here to assist with the legal aspects in matters such as these. To have your matter dealt with by lawyers that will listen and act as expediantly as possible, please call our office on 8263 2400
08.01.2022 Worried about what you are leaving or not leaving when you are gone ?
08.01.2022 Everyone involved in an accident should remember this checklist
08.01.2022 New steps in NSW , We’re sure South Australia will not be too far away - watch this space !! #nomobilephoneswhendriving
07.01.2022 Evans Testa is pleased to announce the opening of our new Adelaide CBD office. Conveniently located at 155 Waymouth Street Adelaide (Light Square). Call us on 82632400 for enquiries
06.01.2022 A permanent speed reduction to a section of the Sturt Highway, Nuriootpa, will come into effect next month in a bid to reduce the risk of accidents at two notorious intersections.
06.01.2022 If you have received something like this, beware ! We don't refer to traffic infringements, they are expiations and are not emailed
06.01.2022 Don't have a valid Will? Who will claim? Who can claim ? Call us 82632400 or visit www.etlaw.com.au #nextofkin #legalrights #relationship
05.01.2022 This is something we need to be wary of until the answer is final http://www.caradvice.com.au//is-it-illegal-to-use-an-appl/
05.01.2022 Have you been affected ? Are you in the system ? Feel free to call our office to see where you stand https://www.news.com.au///dedd168fc0eac18061be13c75a1ff619
05.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/101740356569982/posts/2025850167492315/
04.01.2022 We have now settled into our new working abode and thank our clients who have been patient with us during the move and reno's. Still providing your service and only a phone call away. Call us in 82632400 with your enquiry or visit us at www.etlaw.com.au
04.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/101740356569982/posts/2017656384978360/
04.01.2022 Don't have a valid Will?, planning on spending your lives together ? Who has a claim ?? Don't leave it until it's too late and the unexpected occurs Call us to ask your questions and prepare your documents 82632 2400 or visit us at ww.etlaw.com.au
03.01.2022 Currently partnered, contemplating marriage or buying property together? Society today is placing a larger demand on parties to ensure that any distribution of assets is properly accounted for prior to a relationship and what is obtained during a relationship. Many people are seeking Binding Financial Agreements / Prenuptial Agreement when commencing a de facto relationship, whether same sex relationships or not. Sadly, should a relationship end any asset that you think was protected may not be. If you think you may need a Binding Financial Agreement contact our office fur further advice and assistance 8263 2400
03.01.2022 Thank you St Joseph's , glad to be a part of your community
03.01.2022 We have had an influx of enquiries regarding Wills and their validity. Unfortuntely a high percentage of them have not provided the answers people were looking for and their Wills do not conform. If you think your Will may not deal with your bequests, concerns or wishes, or you need to review yours or even a make a new one, please call our office on 8263 2400
02.01.2022 ET is right behind you Brendan
02.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/sapolicenews/videos/921343984609611/ As they have said ......!
01.01.2022 http://m.adelaidenow.com.au//sa-government-rakes-in-7-mill A warning to all drivers. Put a reminder everywhere and don't be next ....
01.01.2022 It is important to update your legal documents. Don't 'think' you've got it covered, make sure you do by asking someone legally qualified to do so
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