Evelyn & Charlie Daoud Property Management Specialists | Property
Evelyn & Charlie Daoud Property Management Specialists
Phone: +61 424 278 936
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25.01.2022 Makes us feel all warm and fuzzy #feelingthelove #warmandfuzzy #kindwordsmakemehappy #thedaouds
25.01.2022 Picture Perfect Potts Point... finishing up at open homes .. how’s your weekend going? #openhomes #pottspoint #longweekend #sunnysydney #sunshinesndopenhomes #sexysydney #thedaouds
25.01.2022 Happy Valentines Day xxxx #happyvalentinesday #love #valentine #realestate #thedaouds
25.01.2022 Tin sheets Glass Wood Redfern #design #home #redfern #sydney #thedaouds
24.01.2022 I think sometimes we all forget this ... are you a believer? #believeinyourself #believeinyou #youarethebest #thedaouds
24.01.2022 Loving you always #thedaouds #love #kissingbooth #lovingyoualways
23.01.2022 Its Fri-yayyy!!!! Have an awesome weekend #friday #friday13th #fridayvibes #fridaymood #happyweekend #thedaouds
23.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day to our rays of sunshine #mummad #mazalicious #happymothersday #ourshines #twoamazingwomen @marykarkoulas56
22.01.2022 Sydney Harbour Bridge on a beautiful day #sexysyd #sexysydney #sydneyharbourbridge #thedaouds
21.01.2022 Six years married! Loving you now, forever and always! #happyanniversary #happyanniversarymylove #lovingyounowforeverandalways #mylove #sentfromabovejustforme
21.01.2022 Our weekend was spent celebrating the Christening of our God son Valentino. What a beautiful weekend with family. @mrs_khoury88 What did you get up to? #weekend #familia #family #charliethegodfather #godparents #ourgodson
21.01.2022 Why Ive accepted the Water Challenge https://fundraise.wateraid.org.au/fundraiser/evelyndaoud 1 in 9 people worldwide dont have access to a clean water source close to home. But as we all know, water is essential for life and good health. Thats why I am challenging myself this March to make water my only beverage. Ill be improving my health, while raising money to help more people enjoy the benefits of clean water.... WaterAid will reach everyone, everywhere with clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene within a generation. This vision inspires me, and I hope it inspires you too. Please donate to my fundraising page to contribute to WaterAids amazing work. For just $70, WaterAid could provide clean water to a child, while $350 could help provide clean water to a family. The more people that know about WaterAid, the more we can achieve together. Please spread the word by sharing my fundraising page with your friends and family. Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot! #waterchallenge #wateronlymarch #mrsdaoud
21.01.2022 Someones a happy boy!! Finally found some toilet paper!! #toiletpapercrisis2020 #yeytoiletpaper #stophoardingtoiletpaper #toiletpapercrisis
20.01.2022 Even on a cloudy Sydney you sexy! #sexysydney #SydneySydneySydney #australia #darlinghurst #sydneyviews
19.01.2022 Keep your face to the sun and youll never see the shadows - Hellen Keller #sunshine #happyplace #neverseetheshadows #sunshineandlillipops #raysofsunshine #thebeautyineveryday #thedaouds #charlieismysunshine
19.01.2022 Our hearts are so saddened to hear about the tragedy in Lebanon. Sending our love and prayers to all affected xx #prayforlebanon #prayers #sendinglove #thedaouds
19.01.2022 The Daoud’s become a family of four ... Princess Tallulah did not want to be in the photo ... welcome home Leonardo Maximus Daoud (Max) #maxthepom #pomeraninan #thedaouds #welcomehomemax #dogsofinstagram #dogsofinsta
18.01.2022 This Woollahra Beauty had a slight uplift before it was re-let and it made all the difference. This property is a fav #renobeforrelet #realestate #thedaouds #woollahra #myfav #propertymanagement
18.01.2022 Beautiful sunsets with flashes of pink #SYDNEYsunsets #sydney #sunsets #beautifulsky #clouds #pinksunsets #thedaouds
18.01.2022 This review made our day #positivevibes #feelingthelove #madeourday #thedaouds
16.01.2022 Christmas is so close and we are super excited yeyyyyyy #christmas2020 #chrismtas #jinglebellrock #soexcitedletsdance #thedaoudajinglebellrock #thedaouds
15.01.2022 Its amazing how much a nice review can just make your day So thankful for the people that take their time so show their appreciation #thankful #thankyou #positivevibes #feelingthelove #thedaouds
15.01.2022 Happy New Year !!!!!!! #hny #happynewyear #2021 #howyoudoing #thedaouds
15.01.2022 First coffee in a monthOOoOoOo it tastes good #coffee #yumyum #ilovecoffee #coffeetime #challengeoverandout
15.01.2022 Gorgeous Day at Woolloomooloo #gorgeousday #woolloomooloo #lookinggoodsydney #sexysydney #thedaouds
14.01.2022 As we near the end of 2020, we are thankful for what we have and hope the new year is kinder to those who are not so lucky. It has been a tough one for all may 2021 bless everyone with health, happiness and love. #newyear #byebye2020 #hello2021 #love #happiness #thedaouds
14.01.2022 Merry Christmas from our family to yours xx Lots of love from The Daouds xxx #merrychristmas #thedaouds #exoticshorthair
14.01.2022 Its a tough time in property Management at the moment, being the middleman between tenants and landlords, both of whom are struggling financially. We are trying to do the best for both parties and really do care a out the struggle everyone is facing. We wish everyone healthy and safety and all the best in these troubled times - there will be a rainbow at after the storm passes ... #wishingyouhealth #thestormwillpass #wearetrying #waitingfortherainbow
14.01.2022 Happy Easter to my Orthodox family xx #greekeaster #orthodoxeaster #happyeaster #eggtime #itstimeforsomelamb #
13.01.2022 Lest We Forget ANZAC Day 2020 #lestweforget #anzacday2020
13.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to our little cutie There are so many amazing qualities that make you the best dad but my favourite is that you are just such a good human down to your core. You are one of the best people we know. We love you so much dad - Happy Fathers Day xxx #happyfathersday #happyfathersday2020 #bestdadever #bestdad #thedaouds #thedaoudsanddad
12.01.2022 There is a time and place for glitter ... ANYTIME and EVERYWHERE!! Happy Mardi Gras xxx #glitter #sparkle #mardigras2020 #mardigras #sydneymardigras
12.01.2022 It’s amazing how much a nice review can just make your day So thankful for the people that take their time so show their appreciation #thankful #thankyou #positivevibes #feelingthelove #thedaouds
11.01.2022 It's beginning to look alot like Christmas in the Daoud household... we can't wait for the holidays #christmaswiththedaouds #christmas #christmasdecor #christmastree #christmasdecorations #christmasiscoming
10.01.2022 Sometimes PM can be thankless but its reviews like this that make our day! #positive #thanks #thedaouds #realestate #propertymanagement
08.01.2022 I know we are all going through some crazy times but thank you so those who supported me! If you have a spare dollar or two feel free to show me some love ... For the month of March, Ive taken the Water Challenge and made water my only beverage. Its been tough but Im nearly there! I need your support to help me get through the last few hours, so please sponsor me at https://fundraise.wateraid.org.au/fundraisers/evelyndaoud... #itstimeforastiffdrinkandacoffeetogetthroughCOVID19 #waterchallenge #waterchallenge #onlywater
07.01.2022 Please donate This March Im taking the Water Challenge. Ill be making water my only beverage for the month, in support of WaterAid Australia. Please donate at my page https://fundraise.wateraid.org.au/fundraisers/evelyndaoud... #thedaouds #waterchallenge #drinkwater #wateronly #ilovewater #waterismyelement #waterisahumanright
06.01.2022 I know we shouldn't have favourites but this client definitely is #loyalty #favourite #lovelyclient #feelingthelove #thedaouds
06.01.2022 Make that property Dance!! #sparklelikeshiny #cleaningboss #cleancleanclean #allinadayswork
05.01.2022 Lines and Shadows in a cute Dalo terrace #terrace #darloterrace #darlinghurst #sydney #realestate #thedaouds
05.01.2022 BW Christmas Party 2020 #bw #bresicwhitney #chrismtas #christmasparty #2020
05.01.2022 Please help support me in the Water Challenge ... Its been 8 days now, a little tougher than expected but cheers to another glass of water that I so fortunately can have anytime I want https://fundraise.wateraid.org.au/fundraiser/evelyndaoud #thewaterchallenge #waterchallenge #waterchallenge2020 #wateronly #water #thedaouds
05.01.2022 Please allow us to introduce ourselves. We are Evelyn and Charlie Daoud, both Eastern Suburb market experts, licensed agents and both love working in Real Estate. Although we work separately we enjoying talking through our challenges and supporting each other in developing our skills and the service we provide our clients. I, Evelyn, born and bred in Sydneys Eastern Suburbs and could not imagine building my career anywhere else. Excelling in organisation, strategic thinking... and creativity I complement Charlies skill set. Charlie is a problem solving master and he never lets the challenges of property management alter his calming nature. With building management experience there is no problem Charlie is yet to resolve. Our hard work, knowledge and professionalism underpin our success in alleviating unnecessary stress for our landlords and tenants. We both aim to offer first-class advice and most importantly maintain and build strong relationships so our clients feel comfortable and secure with the management of their investment. Feel free to contact us at anytime: Evelyn 0413 853 535 Charlie 0424278936
04.01.2022 Driving around today the streets of SYDNEY felt so quiet - so glad to see people are trying to stay safe #staysafe #staysafeworld #letskickcoronaout #letskickcoronavirus #isolate
04.01.2022 Hooray it’s Hump Day!! #hooray #humpday #happyclient #thedaouds
03.01.2022 Love this!!! #whenisityourtimetoshine #shinebrightlikeadiamond #sunshineandmoonshine #sparklelikeshiny
02.01.2022 Sh*T!!!! #thedaouds #haveagreatday #itsthursday #sh*t
02.01.2022 Happy Hump Day ... Happy Client yeyyy! #happyhumpday #happyclient #thedaouds #realestate #makesmyday
02.01.2022 My favourite quote ever! Be kind to one another #mayaangelou #howyoumakepeoplefeel #feels #loveeachother #bekind
01.01.2022 Happy Easter!!! Celebrating away from family this year is going to be hard for us all! Lets just treasure the past and look forward to the future. Lots of love The Daouds xxx #happyeaster #hehasrisen #eastereggs #easter #isoeaster #easteriniso #hibernating
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