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Everest Health in Wavell Heights | Nutritionist

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Everest Health

Locality: Wavell Heights

Phone: +61 407 116 428

Address: 7th brigade park, Newman rd 4012 Wavell Heights, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 Seriously cant wait to get my hands on the details of this study in the news today that says Paleo mice put on more fat and had higher glucose levels than control mice because I would bet my life there is something more to it than what the news portrays. Im not paleo but I am an jerf advocate (jerf - just eat real food) and unless they completely over fed the mice (which is what I suspect) then I dont see how unprocessed food can have the effect they claim. Shall be interesting to delve deeper....

24.01.2022 So I dont really know how they calculated this as I havent read the full study but it would seem very logical to me that inactivity costs us all lots of money (this says $90 billion). I am very pleased that the focus is on activity rarther than how much we weigh because it is our fitness not our fatness that will determine our health (or lack of). Now get off FB and go for a walk :)

24.01.2022 I was doing some research on stress and the brain and saw this article which I thought was a pretty good explanation of how chronic stress can influence the brain. The difference is though they seem to think that some of the changes were permanent but Im more inclined to believe that with the right nourishment and conditions that the brain can change and develop - thats certainly what the latest research is suggesting.

23.01.2022 The exact reason why restrictive dieting approach does not work.

21.01.2022 I had forgotten how good this one is so worth sharing if you are having trouble getting moving!

21.01.2022 So last of the daytime group classes today. Thanks everyone who has come down to support with a special mention to those who have been with me from the start. I will miss Mondays and Thursdays group sessions but we are still on on Sundays at 6am at Shaw Rd - if you can brave the early morning then we would love to see you. For the moment I need to concerntrate on studies and some one on one work. Cheers.

20.01.2022 Cleaning out the photos in my phone and came across what I suspect is my all time favourite meme. Happy Sunday peeps.

20.01.2022 Some wonderful information about restrictive dieting practices and the negative effect it can have. Worth a read for chronic dieters.

19.01.2022 Sorry bootcampers - called off due to rain today. Have a great week.

18.01.2022 Did you know that scientist estimate that there is over 37.2 TRILLION cells in our body and at least one and often hundreds of biochemical reactions happen in each and every one. Blows my brain.

17.01.2022 I was so happy to be back at the park with the Sunday crew after a week off. Great commitment and super work ethic. Happy Valentines Day!

16.01.2022 Seriously - I find it hard to believe when people say natural medicine in not evidence based. From the Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology on a radomised control trial of curcumin - otherwise known as turmeric: "Results of the present trial suggest that curcumin supplementation reduces serum lipids and uric acid concentrations in patients with NAFLD." Given how Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is on the increase and about 35% have it - this becomes important....

16.01.2022 Consistency and persistence. Happy Thursday.

15.01.2022 Great session ladies! Nice change, slowing the pace down but upping the weights. No need to go at breakneck speed all the time (yes I do understand I need to take my own advice). Have a great rest of Sunday!

15.01.2022 What a great article. Certainly made me think.

15.01.2022 I think living in this street would cause me more anxiety than living in Elm St with a neighbour whose name was Krueger. Thoughts?

15.01.2022 For those of you that like a good scientific article this one is on the link between your gut health and mental health. In short the authors suggest that intestinal permiability (leaky gut) and altered gut bacteria have a significant effect on your mental health. So, the moral to the story? Look after those bugs in your tummy by feeding them veggies, proteins and good fats, reduce your stress levels and you will feel a million times better. On that nore - have an awesome ...weekend.

15.01.2022 Love this - fat is good for you!

14.01.2022 Seminar all about the Thyroid. Super interesting

13.01.2022 Dont forget your jumper this morning team! I do love Brisbanes winter - the crisp air feels great!

13.01.2022 It was lovely to work out in the light rain this morning and we took the opportunity to do some fun partner work and slow down a little and work on control and muscle activation with floor Pilates. All a bit humid now after the rain so Im headed indoors to the aircon! Happy Sunday!

12.01.2022 Research highlights from Nature that indicates that our gut microbiota may hold the key to anti biotic resitance as they produce a substance that is in itself anti biotic. The natural medicine industry has said for years that good health starts in the gut and I love the way that new research is proving that over and over again.

12.01.2022 I am most definitely the second!

11.01.2022 If you are a new exerciser this is a great article to start you off!

11.01.2022 Pretty happy we got in this mornings session before this rain set in. We made use of the new flash stairs as well in a brilliant cardio AMRAP. Nice job ladies!

10.01.2022 How hilarious and true is this!

07.01.2022 Oh yeah - focus on the fun not what you look like!

07.01.2022 Sometimes when you make a decision to change it is uncomfortable for people around you but dont let that stop you reaching your full potential.

07.01.2022 This is definitely worth a watch!

06.01.2022 Ok bootcampers - two Sundays were we will not be training so I am really keen for you to commit to doing something instead of Bootcamp. Have thrown this short workout up - probs about 30 minutes. Try to complete it twice before our last Bootcamp of the year on the 18th and pop a comment on FB to let me know how u went. Drill 1 20 glute bridges 20 single leg lowers... 20 crunches 20 supermans 20 plank to push up X 3 Drill 2 20 frogs 20 lunges (total) 20 tricep dips (chair or ledge somewhere) 20 push ups 20 ab bicycles X 3 Finish 3 x 40 sec plank hold or static hold - rest between is 30 secs. Enjoy!

05.01.2022 This is a very personal post for those who are struggling with set backs and motivation. Some of you know that I have a back condition that sees me in varying levels of discomfort throughout the day and this last week it reached levels and intensity of discomfort that I had not felt since labour contractions 9 years ago. I was so close to giving it all up - the training, the clean eating, the positive thinking because I felt like there was no point. I wallowed in this for a...n afternoon but I woke up this morning and realized that opting out was not a decision that would help me or make me happier. In fact, it was more likely to result in further deterioration of my health (physical and mental) and that I value myself enough to be happy. So I got up, said my positive affirmations, ate my wholefood breakfast and put my UFC 193 T shirt on that has Rhonda Rousey and Holly Holm on the back. To me this means that there are two strong and talented women that have my back today. It also reminds me that to suceed in anything you have to be consistent and persistent and not give up when it gets tough. (That and it is OK to cry sometimes - Rousey and Holm have both openly admitted the amount of times that frustration has brought them to tears and they are badass ladies!) So Ill do my modified exercises even though I want to lift heavy weights. I wont work to the intensity that I like to because it aggravates my back but Ill still move. Ill do my rehab work even though its a bit boring. I will continue with the physio and pain specialist because all of this is still a million time better than the alternative of doing nothing.

04.01.2022 Absolutely nailed it. (Its lengthy but worth it).

04.01.2022 Great job this morning ladies - that backwards hill was nasty!

03.01.2022 Remember no bootcamp this morning as I am running the Mothers Day classic (slowly!). See you back at it next week!

03.01.2022 So big yay on this article from Brissie Times. Fat is not the issue.

02.01.2022 Professional development and catching up with some amazing practitioners!

01.01.2022 We had a few of the team out today due to injury and family events but those that attended started the session with a bit of fun with a medicine ball pass. Coordination, speed, cardio, core strength all wrapped in fun. This was the 3 round through so the teams muscles and brain had built the pathways and you can see how coordinated they are. First round was pretty funny!

01.01.2022 When people find out I am a PT they often ask - "whats the best exercise for weight loss?" I usually reply one of two ways - "anything where you are moving" and "whatever you like doing". I often get dissapointed and weird looks but my reasoning is this..... Yep, Ive read loads of the studies about resistance training, HIIT, tabata etc relating to weight loss but none of those studies show the compliance of participants long term. By long term I mean the rest of their life.... Unless you are an elite athlete all of these studies miss the point. Exercise should not be about weight loss, it should be about health. It should be about moving your body; finding joy at how resiliant you can be and helping your body be the best it can be. Maybe that will result in weight loss but unless you engage in exercise that you like (or at least with people you like) it will also not be a permanent life change for you and any weight that you might lose will be temporary. Take the focus off weight loss and put it onto to happiness and a lifetime of healthy change will ensue.

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