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EveryAGE Counts

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25.01.2022 Vale Susan Ryan. So sad we have lost this champion of human rights and equality. As Australia's first Age Discrimination Commissioner Susan shone a light on the prevalence and impacts of age discrimination. Susan advocated for a profound shift in our attitudes to ageing and urged us to see the benefits of our new longevity. Thank you Susan

25.01.2022 Check out our new blog post, reflecting on the Royal Commmission into Aged Care Quality and Safety "We all have a deep stake in the outcomes of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Royal Commission. We are all getting older and whether this has a direct impact on us or a loved one now or some time into our future, it matters to all of us."

24.01.2022 Does death at EveryAGE count? Read our new post on how COVID-19 deaths are reported.

23.01.2022 "These factors... lead to too many older workers relying on marginal work, which tends to be more precarious. Many of these workers are already facing social and financial insecurity, and increasing precariousness of work has a compounding affect." This week the EveryAGE Counts campaign put a submission into the Senate Select Committee on Job Security, because there is a profound interaction between ageism in the workplace and the impacts of insecure work. You can read the submission here

23.01.2022 EveryAGE Counts is part of the Global Campaign to End Ageism. Check out this video released by the UN. You can join the campaign too, click here to take the pledge to stand for a world without ageism

23.01.2022 Too old to treat? What ageism in health care looks like. 'Wrote her off like an old car' via @ABCNews

23.01.2022 'To put it very directly, older people are not less deserving of hospital treatment because they are old, such an approach is ageist'. COVID-19 has shone a light on the fault lines in our aged care system EveryAGE Counts

21.01.2022 Ageism is everywhere. But it doesn't have to be. Will you join the campaign to end ageism in Australia?

20.01.2022 'COVID-19 has made everything worse in all sorts of ways, but it holds particular perils for those of us who are older'. Read more here and join Jane Caro and Ashton Applewhite on 24 November at 10.30 to discuss Beyond 2020: What's Ageism got to do with it?' Register at

20.01.2022 Check out this Dance for a world without ageism, produced by Brisbane North PHN Inspired by New Zealand’s Hip Op-eration Crew, they wanted to remind everyone that we will all be old one day so don’t discriminate against your future self!

20.01.2022 Language matters! It has an impact on how we think, act and feel about ageing. Join us to reframe ageing and end ageism at

19.01.2022 "Older jobseekers falling through the cracks in 'silent crisis'" Read this important article from the ABC covering the ageism faced by older workers This is the reason that there were more unemployed older workers than any other age group heading into the COVID-19 recession, and why older workers rely on unemployment benefits longer than younger workers. ... All jobseekers deserve a job, regardless of age, and the Government needs to act on ageism in the workplace.

18.01.2022 How has the COVID-19 pandemic exposed ageist attitudes and ageism in employment? We hosted Ashton Applewhite and Jane Caro in sharing their perspectives on this. We hope you were able to join us! If not, fret not. We recorded the discussion, and you can watch it on our website here

17.01.2022 Counting the enormous cost of ageism Dr Marlene Krasovitsky and Lucy Stronach talk to ABC Life Matters after the release of the WHO First Global Report on Ageism

17.01.2022 "Experiencing ageism has also been found to be related to health behaviours that are associated with particular disease outcomes, such as smoking, or alcohol abuse. It may also be related to not participating in health-promoting behaviours, such as cancer screening or diabetes management." Ageism is bad for your health. Check out this new post by our campaign director Dr Marlene Krasovitsky


15.01.2022 We're loving this track "Dear Sir Madam" about ageism and unemployment, from local artist @keleamusic! You can read our interview with Kelea on the EveryAGE Counts website here:

13.01.2022 'Why is it that we as a nation fail to acknowledge we have a problem with ageism?' Catch up on this robust discussion on last night's Q&A

13.01.2022 Dr Marlene Krasovitsky on ABC Life Matters discusses ageism in Australia

12.01.2022 Losing your job impacts at any age. Join the campaign for an Australia without ageism

12.01.2022 EveryAGE Counts warmly invites Australian companies to work with us to strengthen intergenerational solidarity, build age friendly workplaces and address age discrimination://

11.01.2022 Losing your job hurts at any age. Join the campaign for an Australia without ageism

10.01.2022 Very excited that our webinar 'Beyond 2020: What's ageism got to do with it?' starts at 10.30 today! If you can't join us, don't worry, we'll have the recording available very soon after!

10.01.2022 Three reasons the World Health Organisation is calling on us all to end ageism: 1. Ageism is prevalent worldwide and ubiquitous. Ageism is socially accepted, largely undetected and strongly institutionalized. 2. Ageism is extremely detrimental to our health and wellbeing. 3. Ageism influences social values and shapes the focus of research and policy. Unless ageism is tackled and these fundamental beliefs and processes are changed, our capacity to seize innovative opportunities to foster a world for all ages will be limited. It's what EveryAGE Counts is all about!

09.01.2022 Happy International Day of Older Persons! Today we mark the critical contribution made by older people around the world and acknowledge the work we need to do to ensure we all age well. We are particularly excited this year as today marks the first day of the WHO’s International Decade of Healthy ageing. As one of its top priorities WHO has committed to undertaking a global campaign to combat ageism. And that’s where we come in with your help! Join us to end ageism. If you ...haven’t already done so, go to to sign our pledge and encourage one more person to do so. Or, why not bring an organisation you’re connected with to the campaign? Maybe a sporting club, cultural or community organisation. Adding your name, or your organisation’s name, to the EveryAGE Counts pledge is a simple but powerful thing you can do right now do to show you believe in a fairer, more equitable Australia: a place where everyone is valued, respected and has the opportunity to participate fully in our society. And don’t forget to send us a photo! See more

09.01.2022 What happens when we segregate people by age? What impact does that have on society? Check out our latest post, reviewing Marc Freedman's book - How to Live Forever: The Enduring Power of Connecting the Generations

09.01.2022 Thanks to our friends at FiftyUpClub for outlining the issues for older people and work so well and for supporting EveryAGE Counts. Sign the Pledge and work with us to end the ageism that underpins age discrimination.

06.01.2022 EveryAGE Counts team member Joel Pringle will be presenting to this event. Sign up if you're interested, especially for those in eastern Melbourne!

06.01.2022 In support of the UN's sustainable development goals EveryAGE Counts is an example of a campaign to raise awareness of ageism and tailor advocacy to address ageism in ourselves, each other, policies, programmes and practice. Congratulations to the 73rd World Health Assembly adopting the Decade of Health Ageing and for linking it so directly with combatting ageism

06.01.2022 Ashton Applewhite's This Chair Rocks tour of australia inspired many of us in so many ways - for Michael Seymour that included the impetus of the story for his screenplay You Can't Take It With You! You can read our interview with Michael here

05.01.2022 Ageism is a key driver of failures in safety, quality of care and quality of life within the Australian aged care system. One of ageism's most pernicious impacts is that we have no vision of what a good life means in older age or what a good end of life experience is. EveryAGE Counts argues this position powerfully in our 3 submissions to the Aged Care Royal Commission Sign up (and encourage your friends and family!) and take the pledge to stand for a world without ageism

05.01.2022 On International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, Merri Health and the Elder Abuse Prevention Networks North and West organisaed this webinar Women’s Community Café celebrating the wisdom and resilience of older women. This clip is part one of four from the event, addressing "ageism in a time of pandemic" and featuring our very own Dr Marlene Krasovitsky, director of EveryAGE Counts!

05.01.2022 "Older Australians are never disposable not even during a pandemic" We couldn't have said it better than Barbara Barbosa Neves and Narelle Warren. You can take the pledge to address ageism and join the campaign

04.01.2022 Our study with the Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia on "Ageism in culturally and linguistically diverse communities' on A hugely rich treasure trove of campaigning resources. Check it out and get active!

04.01.2022 Our friends at the Benevolent Society are using today, UN International Day of Older Persons, to launch the website for the Index of Wellbeing for Older Australians. The IWOA can assist policy makers, researchers and social planners by showing how wellbeing indicators interrelate and compare within small areas within our communities. Using this knowledge we can learn what is working well in particular communities and provide support to recreate those factors in other communi...ties. You can read more at their blog post The IWOA is a joint project between The Benevolent Society and the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) at the University of Canberra.

03.01.2022 Did you remember to celebrate International Day of Older Persons by signing the EveryAGE Counts pledge? We hope so - and if you've already signed, we hope you introduced someone else to our national campaign to end ageism! Thanks for your support!

03.01.2022 COVID-19 has shone a bright light on ageism in our communities. But what opportunities does it present? Find out more.

02.01.2022 "We have breathed in these negative attitudes about getting older and towards older people and about this phase of life since we were children. It is so deeply embedded in each of us and so deeply embedded the institutions around us that we hardly notice it." EvergyAGE Counts Co-Chair Dr Marlene Krasovitsky spoke to the ABC about the WHO First Glbal Report on Ageism, which found that one in every two people hold moderately or highly ageist attitudes. You can take the pledge to stand against ageism, and respresent a global campaign in your own community

02.01.2022 Failures in aged care must result in change. An important article from one of the EveryAGE Counts campaign partners. "Even more frustrating has been witnessing the same political process that built this system repeating its failings. It is disturbing how much finger-pointing and blame-shifting is going on while we are still in the middle of this crisis. Many statements, some clearly wrong, about who or what is to blame seem to be motivated by agendas other than care and resp...ect for the older Australians who have just died and are still dying, and those trying to stop that from occurring.Old agendas people have run for years, well before COVID-19, are being trotted out as silver bullets when they are not. My appeal is for this point scoring to stop so we can focus fully on what needs to be done right now."

02.01.2022 EveryAGE Counts is proudly supported and funded by The Benevolent Society. Congratulations to TBS for including age as a ground of diversity in our Inclusion and Diversity in Service Delivery and our Inclusion and Diversity (and Equal Employment Opportunity Statement). It's hard to believe but many organisations simply omit age from their policies. Why? Many of us are all living and working longer. In some workplaces four to five generations work side by side.Employers prosper when they focus on providing work environments that cultivate a multigenerational workforce that maximizes diversity, equity and inclusion. This is a photo of the TBS tearoom proudly displaying EveryAGE Counts pledges.Why not encourage your organisation to do the same.

02.01.2022 Congratulations to the Australian Human Rights Commission for producing the wonderful 'Upholding the rights of older workers'. If you make decisions about who you hire, promote and train, or even if you just work with people, take some time to do this informative, engaging program. The course can be accessed at: Proud to see EveryAGE Counts in there so sign up and take the pledge to end ageism!

01.01.2022 Thanks to our friends at Aged Care Guide for this article on ageism and its impacts EveryAGE Counts #ageism Talking Aged Care

01.01.2022 Do you think what you think doesn't matter? Think again

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