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23.01.2022 It’s a worrying, uncertain time at the moment. We are a community of people with disability and their families and those who support them. We know many people in this incredible community are particularly vulnerable and that can be scary. But we also know something else about this community. That when we all work together we are powerful. ...Continue reading
23.01.2022 In case you missed it Draft changes to the NDIS Act were leaked to the media last Friday. At 300+ pages this incredibly important legal document is unlikely to be something many of us can decode without a little expert help. ... Fortunately, Darren O'Donovan from La Trobe Law School joined Dr George Taleporos from the Summer Foundation to discuss just that - what he understands about the leaked draft of the NDIS Act. Watch or listen to the podcast from YouTube (captions available) https://youtu.be/3fls467RLlU (Image description: Still frame from the beginning of the video. There is a phone and headphones on a desk, and a picture of Dr George in front of a microphone. The text reads "What is the government planning to do to the NDIS? Dr George Taleporos speaks to Legal Expert Darren O'Donovan, Senior Lecturer at La Trobe University about the draft changes to the NDIS Act that were leaked a few days ago. Reasonable & Necessary with Dr George. Making sense of the NDIS.")
23.01.2022 There has been a mountain of paper released by the NDIA today. And hiding amongst all those words is some news that we all kinda suspected all along but is now laid bare for everyone to see. Does the introduction of compulsory assessments to the NDIS mean the end of individualised planning as we know it?... Sure looks that way. You can check what we found in the report here - https://everyaustraliancounts.com.au/is-this-the-end-of-pl/ And if you want to read all four reports released by the NDIA today you can find them here - https://www.ndis.gov.au/community/have-your-say #NDISMakeItWork (Image description: A page torn from the NDIA's planning and assessment consultation report. There are five steps running down the left hand side of the page. Step one has a magnifying glass sitting in a circle. The text reads "Applicant undergoes an independent assessment, incorporating an assessment of functional capacity including any environmental factors and individual circumstances. Step two has a calculator inside a circle. The text reads "An NDIS delegate considers a budget informed by the outcomes of the independent assessment and identifies any additional supports required." Step three has a file inside a circle. The text reads "Participant receives a draft plan including a draft budget." Step four has two people talking inside the circle. The text reads "Planning conversation about the participant's goals and how their community and mainstream supports and NDIS funds can be used to pursue these and meet their disability related support needs." Step five has a dollar note inside the circle. The text reads "A plan and personalised budget is finalised by the delegate including any additional supports, allocation to a fixed and flexible budget, release and management of funding.")
20.01.2022 Some important breaking news this morning about the introduction of compulsory assessments to the NDIS. The legislation to introduce these new assessments has now been delayed. The draft legislation will now be released for consultation early next year.... The legislation is expected to be passed by July 1. This means the start date of these new assessments will now be delayed - but no info yet about exactly when that will be. And the NDIA will also "shortly" release three new consultation papers about these assessments. These papers will look at: Access and assessments Planning and assessments Changes to early childhood early intervention (ECEI) Consultation on the content of these papers will happen over the next few months. No word yet about what it will look like - we will let you know as soon as it hits. And how you can have your say. In the meantime you can find an information paper from the Department of Social Services here - https://www.dss.gov.au/disab/ndis-reforms-information-paper There is also an Easy Read version. You can find it on this page - https://www.dss.gov.au/disability-/ndis-legislative-reforms #NDISMakeItWork #NDIS (Image description: A red rectangle with the words "Breaking News" in white capital letters. Underneath the words you can see the Every Australian Counts logo and the words "NDIS: Make It Work)
20.01.2022 "People need information, they need their culture honoured and they need people walking along beside them supporting them, cheering them on to care for their child living with disability." Foster carer Michelle Bates told the Disability Royal Commission yesterday that First Nations families were not receiving the support they needed for their child with a disability. And as a result sometimes the child with disability was removed from the family - rather than getting help.... She said it was "heartbreaking" and said much more need to be done to change the way families were supported. The Disability Royal Commission hearings continue today. You can watch them live here - https://disability.royalcommission.gov.au And a reminder that there will be many heartbreaking and distressing stories heard this week. If you find yourself struggling please reach out for help. There is a national support line for any one affected by the Commission's work and hearings - 1800 421 468 (9am - 6pm AEST Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm AEST Saturday, Sunday and public holidays). https://www.abc.net.au//disability-royal-commissi/12911502 (Image description" A photo of two Royal Commissioners. The Chair Ronald Sackville is on the left and Commissioner Andrea Mason is on the right. Mr Sackville has short grey hair and is wearing glasses, white shirt, red tie and dark suit. Ms Mason has mid length curly black hair and is wearing a black top and a necklace)
18.01.2022 More breaking news this morning regarding the introduction of compulsory assessments to the NDIS This morning the NDIA have released four consultation papers. They cover: Assessments and access... Assessments and planning and budgets Proposed changes to how the NDIS supports young children and their families Project report on the Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) Reset project The papers make clear the introduction of these new assessments will now be delayed by about six months. Assessments for access to the scheme will now begin in the middle of next year Assessments for existing participants will begin at the end of next year There are a series of questions in each of the papers. Feedback can be given through the NDIS website. You can make a written submission or upload an audio or video recording. The consultation will run until the end of February next year. You can find out how to give feedback here - https://www.ndis.gov.au/community/have-your-say We are looking through the papers now to see if they answer the questions you have been asking us. And, most importantly, what will be the outcome of the consultation how people’s feedback will be used to change what is being planned. So stay tuned we will come back to you with how you can get involved and have your say. In the meantime you can read the media release here - https://www.ndis.gov.au//5683-ndia-invites-participants-ha And you can find the papers here https://www.ndis.gov.au/about-us/improving-ndis We have checked and Easy Read versions of the papers are on their way and will be available by the end of the day. And finally a very BIG thank you to everyone out there who wrote to the Minister or wrote to their local MP about their concerns about this enormous change to the NDIS. YOU did this. There was no consultation planned and you have made this happen. But (you knew there would be a but) This isn’t over. This is just the first step. Now we HAVE to make sure they listen to our concerns and then act. We have proved what we can do when we work together. Now for the next step. So stay tuned there will be more to come. #NDISMakeItWork (Image description: A red rectangle with the words "Breaking News" in white capital letters. Underneath the words you can see the Every Australian Counts logo and the words "NDIS: Make It Work)
16.01.2022 Breaking news The NDIA have just opened up a new consultation on early intervention supports for autistic children. We are making our way through the details now. ... Read the media release https://www.ndis.gov.au//6199-ndia-releases-consultation-p Find the consultation papers https://www.ndis.gov.au//interventions-children-autism-spe #NDIS #NDISMakeItWork (Image description: "Breaking News" in big news intro style lettering on a red background. Every Australian Counts logo. NDIS Make it Work.)
16.01.2022 "The latest ‘Consultation’ paper released by the Agency is confusing, vague and makes some alarming assertions about autism and the lives of Autistic people." On Stuart Robert’s last formal day as NDIS Minister, the NDIA released a new consultation paper called Interventions for children on the autism spectrum. The paper proposes radical new changes to NDIS funding and supports for Autistic children. ... Katharine Annear explains why this consultation paper has Autistic people feeling so frustrated. Read Katharine's op-ed on our website: NDIS Autism consultations are futile and frustrating this new consultation is a case in point https://everyaustraliancounts.com.au//ndis-autism-consult/ #NDIS #NDISMakeItWork (Image description: Screenshots of the NDIS consultation paper on early intervention changes for Autistic children. The highlighted text reads "We are proposing four funding levels based on functional capacity" and "Many children on the autism spectrum will benefit from short term early intervention that is delivered through our early childhood partners and may never need to be participants of the scheme".)
16.01.2022 We've heard all your concerns about the introduction of compulsory assessments to the NDIS. Now it's time for the NDIA to hear them too. Yesterday the NDIA released three consultation papers about these new assessments.... And today they have released the Easy Read versions. But whichever version of the paper you read, the MOST important thing is that you have your say about what these assessments will mean for you. You can give feedback on the NDIS website - https://www.ndis.gov.au/community/have-your-say Or you can share your story with us. And we will do all the work for you - https://everyaustraliancounts.com.au/have-your-say-on-ndis/ You can find the Easy Read on Access and assessments here - https://www.ndis.gov.au//access-and-eligibility-policy-ind You can find the Easy Read on Planning and assessments here - https://www.ndis.gov.au//planning-policy-personalised-budg You can find the Easy Read about changes to how the scheme supports young children and families here - https://www.ndis.gov.au//supporting-young-children-and-the #NDISMakeItWork #NDIS (Image description: A picture of the front cover of the Easy Read version of the NDIS consultation paper on assessments and planning. There is a picture of a young woman with long dark hair and wearing a green top in the middle of the page. She is holding a clipboard and a pen. There is an image of a circle to her right. Inside the circle there is an illustration of a piece of paper with the word "plan" on it. An illustration of a wallet with money and three arrows is also inside the circle. The text at the bottom of the page reads "Flexible NDIS plans and funding: we want to know what you think". The Easy Read symbol and the NDIS logo sit underneath the text.)
14.01.2022 Today the Disability Royal Commission will start a week of public hearings. These hearings will focus on the experiences of First Nations people with disability. And while the hearing will look at all aspects of the violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation experienced by First Nations people, this hearing will particularly look at the child protection system.... The hearings start this morning at 9.30am AEST, 10.30am AEDT. They will run all week. The Commission's hearings are always streamed live on the Commission website. You can watch here - https://disability.royalcommission.gov.au First Peoples Disability Network have a statement about this week's hearings. You can find it here - https://fpdn.org.au/first-nations-people-with-disability-r/ You can also find the story behind this beautiful artwork created by Wiradjuri artist and lifelong disability advocate Paul Constable Calcott on the Commission's website. This artwork entitled "Respectful Listening" was created just for the Royal Commission. You can read more here - https://disability.royalcommission.gov.au//resources-first These hearings, like all the others, will be filled with distressing evidence and stories. Please remember there is support available if you need it. Blue Knot Foundation offers free, counselling and support for people with disability, their families and anyone affected by the Royal Commission. You can call Blue Knot on 1800 421 468 (9am - 6pm AEST Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm AEST Saturday, Sunday and public holidays). You can also find more information here - https://disability.royalcommission.gov.au/counselling-and-s (Image description: A photo of a beautiful artwork by Paul Constable Calcott. The artwork is titled "Respectful Listening". There are seven circles representing the seven Royal Commissioners. Each has a message stick in the centre of the circle. The circles are surrounded by blue, red, green and yellow. The blue represents the salt water coast and islands, the red is the desert, the green is the hinterlands and the yellow represents the coast. These are all the lands the Commission will travel through.)
12.01.2022 Breaking news out of the NDIS this afternoon ... There is a new price guide. Yes - again. Phew!... This guide updates the prices for more than 300 line items. These line items are the ones affected by the decision by the Fair Work Commission to increase the wages of some workers in the community and social services sector. At the beginning of December, these line items will all go up by a small amount - somewhere between 1.5% to 2.7%. The good news - the NDIA says plans will automatically increase in December to cover the new prices. It's important to remember that your provider should not start charging the new prices without talking to you first. The new guide also features something that used to be in the old guides but disappeared for a while - a column showing which providers are eligible to charging for certain things - like travel or non face to face support. Well worth everyone checking out. You can find the new price guide here - https://www.ndis.gov.au/providers/price-guides-and-pricing You can find information for participants about the changes here - https://www.ndis.gov.au//managin/understanding-price-guide #NDISMakeItWork (Image description: A red rectangle with the words "Breaking News" in white capital letters. Underneath the words you can see the Every Australian Counts logo and the words "NDIS: Make It Work)
12.01.2022 In case you missed it Last Friday the NDIA released summary reports of the feedback they received as part of their recent consultations. The consultations were about the proposed NDIS compulsory assessments, as well as the changes the government and the NDIA plan to make to access, planning, and early childhood early intervention. ... We are still making our way through the reports. But even the quickest scan makes their cherry-picking clear. Our submission to the NDIS alone contained more than 700 individual submissions from all of you. But our summary of your feedback looked very different to the summaries in the reports below. The NDIA and the government will use these cherry-picked interpretations of your feedback to argue for these changes to go ahead. Make sure the Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS hears what you really think. But you need to hurry - submissions close tomorrow afternoon https://everyaustraliancounts.com.au/have-your-say-on-ndis/ Take a look at the NDIA's summaries https://www.ndis.gov.au//you-said-we-heard-post-consultati (Image description: A pile of cherries with mould starting to grow in the middle.)
11.01.2022 No government agency made any significant effort to consult with people with disability, their families and the organisations that represent them in the early stages of the COVID19 pandemic. Not one. And as a result early government plans failed to include the needs of people with disability - and placed them at significant risk.... That was the damning finding released yesterday by the Disability Royal Commission. The Commission released a report summarising their findings from the hearings they held earlier in the year about the experience of people with disability during the pandemic. The Commission said people with disability had been left without essential support, found it difficult to get critical Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to protect themselves and struggled to get basic essentials such as food and medicine. All of which placed them at risk - and increased their stress and anxiety. The Commission made 22 recommendations for change. And they urged the Federal government to act quickly - because the risks posed by the pandemic remain. You can find a copy of the full report on the Commission's website - https://disability.royalcommission.gov.au//report-public-h (Image description: A photo of a person using a walker. We can only see their hands holding the walker and a small part of one leg.) https://www.theguardian.com//lack-of-covid-plan-for-austra
10.01.2022 Thursday is International Day of People with Disability. This year's theme is "Building Back Better: toward a disability-inclusive, accessible and sustainable post COVID-19 World" Which we think is pretty appropriate given the year we have all had.... IDPWD day is all about celebrating the achievements of people with disability. And there is, of course, a great deal to celebrate. But it is also a good day not to just reflect on achievements but also how far we still have to go before the rights of people with disability are fully realised and they are able to enjoy the same opportunities as everyone else in the community. And perhaps even stop getting asked personal intrusive questions on the train. You can find events to celebrate International Day on this website - https://www.idpwd.com.au https://www.abc.net.au//abc-reporter-nas-campanel/12920246 (Image description: A picture of ABC reporter Nas Campanella. Nas has mid length dark hair. She is wearing a blue top. She is holding her cane in front of her)
09.01.2022 Breaking news out of Parliament House this afternoon The Morrison government has just announced a cabinet reshuffle. Senator Linda Reynolds will become the new NDIS Minister. Senator Reynolds is due to take over the role next week when she returns from leave. ... Our current NDIS Minister Stuart Robert MP will replace Senator Michaela Cash as Employment Minister. #NDIS #NDISMakeItWork https://www.smh.com.au//scott-morrison-announces-cabinet-r (Image description: "Breaking News" in big news intro style lettering on a red background. Every Australian Counts logo. NDIS Make it Work.)
09.01.2022 Every Australian Counts is heading to Canberra! (Well not in person. But virtually still counts!) We have heard all your concerns about the new NDIS assessments.... Now it is time for every single MP in Federal Parliament to hear them too. And while we know we can't walk the halls of Parliament House at the moment, that doesn't mean MPs need to miss out on hearing directly from you. We want you to tell us why you don't think these new assessments will work for you. Then we will bundle up all your stories and share them with all 151 MPs in the Federal Parliament. As well as the Minister for the NDIS. You can share your story with us any way you like. You can drop us a line or even record a short video. We will then create a gallery of your stories on our website as well as send them to every single MP and senator. You can find out how to have your say here - https://everyaustraliancounts.com.au/every-australian-coun/ This is THE biggest change to the scheme since it started. Don't miss your chance to speak up about what matters most to you. #NDISMakeItWork (Image description: A group of people gathered outside Parliament House in Canberra. There are five women and three men. Two people are sitting in wheelchairs while another is sitting in a scooter. Everyone is wearing red Every Australian Counts teeshirts. Parliament House can be seen in the background)
09.01.2022 One for all our South Australian peeps ... New restrictions will be introduced from midnight tonight. The new rules will apply for six days.... You can only leave your home for: essential work medical care to shop for necessities care giving. You can't leave your home to exercise. Only one person per household can leave the house for shopping once a day. Schools will close - but children of essential workers will still be able to attend in person. All retail including shops, restaurants, pubs and cafes will shut. Supermarkets, chemists, medical services will however all stay open. Public transport will still continue. Aged care and disability residential services will be in lockdown - no visitors. At the end of this six day period there will be a further eight days with reduced restrictions. More information about that will follow. Here is some media coverage of the new rules - https://www.abc.net.au//sa-coronavirus-lockdown-e/12895856 We have updated our website with all new info in one place - https://everyaustraliancounts.com.au/coronavirus-changes-i/ You can also find more information on this South Australian government website - https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/emergency-declarations And don't forget you can still call the Disability Information Helpline with any questions you might have about COVID19. Restrictions, testing, services, anything at all - they are there to help. The Helpline is run by the good folks at IDEAS Disability Information who are really on top of all things disability. So if you have questions give them a call. 1800 643 787 Monday to Friday 8am - 8pm Or check out the website - https://www.ideas.org.au//the-disability-information-helpl We are sending virtual hugs across the border to everyone in South Australia. We know how hard this is on everyone - please reach out for help if you find yourself struggling. There are some helpful numbers pinned to the top of this page. (Image description: A screenshot from the Disability Information Helpline. There is a photo of a man wearing a cream shirt holding his hand up to his chin. He has three thought bubbles coming from him - one with an image of a person and a house, one with someone washing their hands and one with two people standing apart. The text reads "Disability Information Helpline 1800 643 787)
07.01.2022 Just in case you missed it ... Yesterday the Victorian government made a HUGE announcement about social housing. The Victorian government will spend $5billion building more than 12,000 new homes for people currently waiting on waiting lists for public or community housing.... People who are: homeless experiencing family violence have a psychosocial disability will be first in line for these new homes. The funding also includes 2900 affordable homes, to be rented out at below-market rates. These houses will be built to help people on low incomes live closer to where they work. Social procurement targets have also been set for the projects - meaning there should be more jobs for young people, people with disability and people from an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background. This is why investment in social housing is such a win win - people get a home AND the economy gets a much needed boost. Now - to make sure these new homes are accessible! (Image description: A picture of Victorian Housing Minister Richard Wynne. The Minister has short grey hair and is wearing a dark suit and light blue shirt. He is speaking) https://www.theage.com.au//this-will-change-lives-5-3-bill
03.01.2022 "'I may actually self-combust with incendiary rage before this thing is over,' the ACT minister for Disability, Emma Davidson, messaged her colleagues." The Qld, Vic, NSW & ACT Disability Ministers are the latest in an ever-growing list of people opposed to the proposed changes to the NDIS Act - including: people with disability...Continue reading
02.01.2022 Flexibility. We hear about it all the time. People want more flexibility in how they can use their NDIS funds.... We can now all use our core funds more flexibly - which is great. But that is just the first step. What on earth happened to that extra flexibility we all thought was coming soon? The answer is hidden in the latest NDIS Quarterly Report. (And we will give you a hint - it's not good news) For that - and all things NDIS data - check out our summary of the Quarterly Report - https://everyaustraliancounts.com.au/keeping-the-ndis-on-t/ #NDISMakeItWork (Image description: A photo of a rainbow coloured slinky. Just because we love them)
01.01.2022 Always Was. Always Will Be. This year's NAIDOC Poster, Shape of Land, was designed by Tyrown Waigana, a Noongar and Saibai Islander man. Tyrown says the poster depicts the Rainbow Serpent coming out of the Dreamtime to create this country and how we are strongly connected to it.... The Rainbow Serpent is represented by the snake and it forms the shape of Australia, which symbolises how it created our lands. The colour from the Rainbow Serpent is reflected on to the figure to display our connection to the Rainbow Serpent, thus our connection to country. The overlapping colours on the outside is the Dreamtime. The figure inside the shape of Australia is a representation of Indigenous Australians showing that this country - since the dawn of time - always was, and always will be Aboriginal land." If you would like to learn more about this beautiful artwork and the story behind it you can check it out here - https://www.naidoc.org.au//waigana-wins-coveted-naidoc-202 And if you want to get involved in the many events and activities celebrating the world's oldest living culture you can find a full list of events here - https://www.naidoc.org.au/get-involved/naidoc-week-events #NDAIDOC2020 #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe (image description: A beautiful illustration of a map of Australia. The outline of Australia is made by a snake. There is a person in the middle. The map sits on a beautiful colourful background. The text at the bottom reads "Always Was, Always Will Be. NAIDOC Week 8 - 15 Nov 2020)
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