Gerry & Theonie Roussianos: Everybody’s Other Favourite G&T | Community organisation
Gerry & Theonie Roussianos: Everybody’s Other Favourite G&T
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23.01.2022 What could be wrong with boys and men’s health? They are always on their feet, working hard, they are doing fine and dandy, isn’t it? That is not always the case and many boys and men suffer mental and physical health setbacks that they almost never talk about. How many men do you know talk about Depression, being Sad, being Hurt, or Prostrate Cancer or any illness in general. They are taught to ‘man up’ but is hiding really ‘manning-up’?... In this episode, our valuable panelist, Rick Carter discuses his life with cancer and how he is turning a setback into an opportunity, with a positive mindset. Tune-in on YouTube at 10:00 PM (Adelaide)/ 10:30 PM (Melbourne)/ 1:30 PM (London)/ 7:00 AM (New York Time) at **************DISCLAIMER***************** Talk to Me Movement and Late Night with Theonie and Szebastian are hundred percent non-financial, non-transnational, zero money cause and show. There is no paid or commercial alliance. Szebastian Onne and Theonie Roussianos, along with Talk To Me Movement and Late Night with Theonie and Szebastian reserve the right to all content. - This video is neither endorsed, nor produced or promoted or in any way affiliated to any Social Media Brands. No Social Media brand is responsible for the content in any way. - Music Credit: We are using Creative Commons approved music as by Music By Aden. Details below. Summer Love by MusicbyAden | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported #TTTMMovement #TTMMovement #TalkToMe #SuicidePrevention #MentalFitness #MensHealth #MensHealthWeek #MensMentalHealth #ProstrateCancer #CancerAwareness
20.01.2022 The 'F' Word that stops us in our track .... in this episode not only we discuss the 'FEAR' but our Star Panelist in fact faces it herself and takes the big leap, holding our hands! Tune-in on YouTube at Hosted By - Theonie Roussianos and Szebastian Onne G. S.... Panel Specialist - Annie Dimitriadis See more
18.01.2022 BIOGRAPHIES are hard to write, we all know that, don't we? In this episode we discuss, The Good, The Bad and The Hidden parts of writing a Biography and how it helps us, tests us and is both a freeing and a taxing journey full of contradictory experiences. Rachel Ireland, Author of From The Ashes of Eden, a Mom Boss, Mental Fitness Advocate and a Super Human overall, joins us on the open-for-all panel discussion. ... Check us out on YouTube as Talk To Me Movement, the name behind the show. - Late Night with Theonie and Szebastian is a Talk To Me Movement initiative and is a Free-To-Air non-commercial Project to empower communities with an open and constructive dialogue on difficult topics! All rights reserved by Talk To Me Movement and the Hosts. ***CAST & CREW*** Guest: Rachel Ireland Show Host: Theonie Roussianos Co-Host: Szebastian Onne G. S. Engagement Director: Keerthi Hari Creative Production: Sanjit Kumar Produced, Distributed, Promoted SZEBASTIAN INSPIRE PVT. LTD. ********Disclaimer: ******** This production is in no way sponsored, endorsed or represented by any Social Media brands. The hosts are neither qualified Medical, Legal or Financial experts nor provide any professional advice. You should refer to Certified Professionals for any Expert advice.
16.01.2022 It’s a long read, but worth it. There’s been a mockery made with people panic buying supplies, but the severity of the situation can’t be ignored. Commonsense is what is needed here.
16.01.2022 Well delivered Prof Flint, AKA Michael Mills. Michel MCed our two gala balls and he did it out of the generosity of his own heart. Entertainment is what we look for in times of despair. Laughter when people are quarantined is also going to be needed. With today’s technology, there’s always a way to keep thriving. Just requires a lot of work and someone to think outside the box. You have my support, ol’ chap.
13.01.2022 I truly hope people take the self isolation seriously. As the days go on, I know I want to be at work less and less and would love Gerry to work from home if he can. I have also considered keeping the kids home from school.
10.01.2022 Many of us are conditioned to put others' needs before our own, but what we don't realise is that this often comes at a cost. Sometimes we learn this when it is far too late. Speaking from our personal experiences, we are here to share with you the importance of putting yourself first - it's not arrogant; it's necessary. Tune-in on to the Late Night with Theonie & Szebastian talk-show on YouTube at ... CAST & Crew: Your Hosts: Theonie Roussianos & Szebastian Onne G. S. Engagement Director: Keerthi Hari Production Assistant: Sanjit Kumar Relations & Legal: Santosh Satish J. Resources: Carol Clark **************DISCLAIMER***************** This broadcast is neither produced, nor endorsed or in anyway associated with Facebook or its affiliate brands. Facebook is not responsible for the content of this broadcast. ****************************************** This broadcast is produced, and distributed by Talk To Me Movement, a is 100% non-commercial, zero transaction campaign and this content is absolutely Free-To-Air with no financial collaborations #TTTMMovement #TTMMovement #TalkToMe #SuicidePrevention #MentalFitness #SelfWorth #SelfCare #NumberOneFirst #Wellbeing #WorkLifeBalance #WorkLife
10.01.2022 Did you know? What great foresight! The RAH is also equipped to handle this. Single bed rooms with no shared bathrooms will do wonders helping contain the virus. I know people complained that they should not be single bed rooms when the hospital was first built, but I suggest those people have a re-think. Gerry is immunosuppressed and caught a superbug at the old RAH. He’s not had any issues at the New RAH. I don’t think this is a coincidence.
09.01.2022 I almost forgot about today and what it means. Today is aHUS Awareness day. A day we share what aHUS is but do you know what? I forget Gerry even has aHUS because he’s doing amazingly well. He’s got an incredible team of people around him ranging from his medical team to family and friends to co-workers, and life right now is really good. 2020 actually has been spectacular. Let’s not forget where he’s been in this journey, but if there’s one thing I have learnt through the 4 years, it’s that we live our best life when we do not become the diagnosis. Sure, there will be highs and lows, and some unfortunately lose their lives. Me though? I’m grateful for the journey. There have been many lessons and as silly as it may sound, if it wasn’t for Gerry’s health journey, I wouldn’t be the woman I am today. Do I have any regrets? No! Even during the toughest times, there was something positive to gain from that time. I truly believe nothing happens to us; it happens for us. Live life to the fullest, as none of us know what tomorrow will be
09.01.2022 On the last day of February each year, we recognise Rare Disease Day, so today I wanted to share some Rare disease day facts about aHUS which happens to be rarer than 29 Feb. For a disease to be considered rare, it is estimated to affect less than 500 in a million people. For a disease to fall in the ultra rare category, it’s considered to affect less than 20 people per million. Globally, it’s estimated that about 140,000 of an estimated population of 7 billion have aHUS.... It is estimated that in Australia’s population of 25 million, there are 60-70 diagnosed with aHUS. That’s less than 3 in a million. There are many rare diseases out there. Share your story. Share your rare below and let’s raise awareness. #RareDiseaseDay #aHUS #SaveaHUSLives
08.01.2022 It’s not uncommon for people to feel that they are stuck in a situation, relationship or set of circumstances and that they can’t do anything about it. - They feel that this is the only way for them and this is what life is all about. - Their mindset becomes such that they start to second guess every fiber of their own being, but what if it doesn’t have to be this way?... - Tune into our inaugural episode of Late Night with Theonie & Szebastian and join in the discussion all about Walking Away Without Regrets. - It is possible, and in fact necessary, to put yourself first. - A little effort of love, kindness and empowerment by Talk To Me Movement #Courage #TalkToMe #LNTS #Regrets #Resilience #YouFirst
07.01.2022 In quarantine? You can still workout
07.01.2022 Channel flicking and Gerry Roussianos came across a horror movie he couldn’t watch. Rick Stein showed some cooked octopus, bringing flashbacks of his BBQ Birthday Blast
03.01.2022 What’s your favourite misheard lyric? Until I corrected him, for years Gerry thought the first line to The Angels’ No Secrets was, I’m under the mattress.
03.01.2022 Today is #WorldKidneyDay - one of the days on the calendar that gets me thinking about where our family's journey started when Gerry Roussianos was diagnosed with aHUS. The theme for 2020 is Kidney Health for Everyone Everywhere - from Prevention to Detection and Equitable Access to Care. This morning I had the pleasure of attending for the third year running a public event put on by CNARTS at the RAH which helps raise awareness for all things kidney, learn a little about t...he research being headed by the team, and hear a patient story or two, however today was excited to also see the launch of something new. CNARTS have produced a short video for new patients to take home to their families which explains the journey of dialysis through a patient's eyes. One important fact was pointed out today by another renal patient and that is that unlike other patients, once you become a renal patient, you're a patient for life. The team at the renal unit and the Dialysis Day Centre become your family. Feeling supported and heard is so important when you are dealing with life changing diagnoses and I was excited to see the thought that has gone into this video, putting the patient and their family's well-being first. It was also announced that they are working on a video following the journey of a kidney transplant recipient which will be such an amazing support. I have seen the questions people share in a support group for transplant recipients and this video would do so much to help them on their way. Focus was also shown in the areas of prevention and treatment of kidney disease in the Aboriginal communities. Did you know that kidney disease is 10 times more common in our Indigenous communities than non Indigenous communities? #Prevention #Awareness #SaveaHUSLives See more
01.01.2022 Have you ever wondered about a situation you’re dealing with or thought about whether a passed loved one is still around? Are you dealing with something at the moment you would like some guidance or healing on? Tune in live and ask your question. Annette and her guides are here to help you, with much love and light. ****************... Disclaimer: This broadcast is neither endorsed, nor produced and is in no way associated with any of the Social Media Platforms, nor any of these platforms are responsible for the content. A Dreamaniac TV Presentation, Proudly brought to by There is no paid collaboration or product/service advertising involved.
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