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25.01.2022 Do you want to learn how to change a flat tyre? Then our 6 Step Flat Tyre Changing Clinic May just be what you’re looking for. Send me a DM for more information.

24.01.2022 Have you ever been to the stunning, historical Beechworth? If not you are missing out, There is so much that this picturesque little town has to offer. Over the Australia Day long weekend my family and I took a break from the devastating, hectic bushfire riddled summer we had been having and got away for a spot of R&R. Using the Beechworth Holiday park as our home base for our weekend of exploring Beechworth, we broke our stay up into two types of adventures. [ 878 more words ]

24.01.2022 This 2 hour clinic is what you’re after if you want to learn our 15 Minute Car Maintenance Plan as well as our 6 Step process for changing a Flat Tyre. Send me a DM for more information.

22.01.2022 The first long weekend of the year is almost upon us, who is getting out and having their own adventure?The first long weekend of the year is almost upon us, who is getting out and having their own adventure?

21.01.2022 Who’s going exploring this weekend?

21.01.2022 Have you ever wondered what engine oil does and how it actually helps your cars engine? Perhaps you know that engine oil provides lubrication to the engine but did you also know that engine oil plays other roles in protecting your cars engine? Over on our YouTube channel tonight I release our latest Car Maintenance Tips Video where I explain the 3 main roles that engine oil plays in our cars engine.... Click the following link to learn about this subject. What Is The Role Of Engine Oil? What Does Engine Oil Do?

21.01.2022 If you believe you can do it you will.

21.01.2022 Stop and pause for a moment. Imagine the feeling you have when you pull your car off to the side of the road with a flat tyre......Frustration, Anger, even worry, quickly followed by a look to the skies and a cry of Why Me, Why Now. You look down at your phone to call for some help, to change your flat tyre, only to be in a reception black spot, that’s right no reception.... How are you feeling now? Are you bordering on a mini meltdown? Now stop. Take a breath... Imagine you have learnt how to change that flat tyre...No signs of that meltdown now, you know what to do. You say to yourself I’ve got this, let’s do it. Now Imagine you have successfully changed the flat tyre, on the side of that road all by yourself. You remove your phone from your pocket and take a photo of your achievement. Now picture this, as you sit back in your car, you smile, relief has come over you. You are proud and even a little bit overwhelmed at what you have just completed, you tell yourself I can do it, I did do it, you then continue on your travels with a face full of smiles. You can’t wait to tell everyone. Once you return to reception you can pullover again, you call your Mum, your Dad, your Brother, your Sister, heck you are so proud you even call your Grand Father, who Wells up with pride over your independence. You go into your photos and post the photo, you took earlier of you tyre changing success, and post it to your Facebook and Instagram feeds along with #icandoit #independent #ididit You can’t wipe the smile from your face, you are that proud of yourself, you even feel like celebrating and doing the happy dance. See how by having learnt the skill of safely and correctly changing a flat tyre changed your mood and your feelings? You went from hating life to the world cheering you on like the rockstar you are. You too can flip those feelings of frustration, anger, nervousness and despair in a situation like that with our Flat Out lesson where you will learn how to safely and correctly change a flat tyre. The amazing side effects are that your confidence will rise, as a result of a lesson like this, as well as giving yourself, and your loved ones peace of mind that you now have the skills to conquer a somewhat stressful situation like the one above. If this story has struck a chord with you then send me a message via the button below and allow me to help you go from Why Me to Ive got this.

21.01.2022 Did you know that over on our YouTube Channel, Every Road Adventures, that we have a playlist series dedicated to Beginner Car Maintenance. Her is the new video intro clip for that series. The next video will be released on Thursday Night at 7:30pm. All videos on that playlist will be initially released on YouTube, and then they will be released here on Facebook at a later date.... So if you can't wait for the videos to reach our Facebook page then pop over to our You Tube channel and check out the, Car Maintenance For Beginners, playlist.

20.01.2022 Happy Australia Day everyone. Hope your all having a great day out. #everyroadadventures #beechworth #explore #adventure #discover #australiaday

20.01.2022 Hey there Road Crew, how are we all? I am considering running a beginner car maintenance online course. This course would include everything you need to know to regularly maintain your car and stay on any issues that may arise with your car. This course, just like our one on one lessons, would be ideally suited to young and inexperienced drivers who have little or any car knowledge. At this stage I am taking expressions of interest, so if this sounds like something you or som...eone you know would be interested either leave a comment or send me a message. This is just an idea at the moment and one that would allow me to continue to provide you with the skills, knowledge and confidence that you deserve. Cheers, Nathan. See more

19.01.2022 Some food for thought of you or someone you know is planning on doing some driving. Comment below.

19.01.2022 Have you ever wondered how to check your car's engine oil level? This video shows you how to identify your car engine's dipstick and how to check the oil level in your car's engine oil level.

19.01.2022 Woolshed waterfalls in an awesome spot to visit. Check out the view. #beechworth #woolshedwaterfalls #waterfalls #lookouts #adventure #discover #explore #everyroad #everyroadadventures

19.01.2022 15 minutes is all it takes for you to give your car a health check. 15 minutes once a month is all it takes to stay on top of your cars health, keeping it out of the workshop and saving you money in the long run.

18.01.2022 Here is a video for the young drivers who haven't yet learnt one of the first steps to car care and maintenance, with that being how to open the bonnet and fuel filler flap. If this is you please don't feel embarrassed as during my time working at service station garages I came across many who didn't know how, what or even where to start. In fact many years ago it was actually considered "the man of the house's job" to do all the basic car care and maintenance and I used to many of our older generation of ladies not actually knowing what to do in terms of basic car care and maintenance, because their husbands used to be the ones to do those jobs. Now times have changed and jobs like those are no longer "the man's" job, so watch this video and see how it can help you.

18.01.2022 Do it, it’s satisfying!

18.01.2022 The real reason the supermarket shelves are empty.

17.01.2022 Our car's require many items to run and one of those items is coolant. In this video I show you how to check the coolant level in your car.

17.01.2022 Our first adventure of 2020 is almost here, it premieres on Wednesday 4th March at 7:30pm. Based in and around the stunning North East Victorian town of Beechworth, this is the first of a 2 part adventure. This is the official trailer for the first part of our Beechworth adventures. I hope you enjoy the trailer. Let me know what you think.

17.01.2022 Don’t try and change a flat tyre or swap wheels on your car if you don’t know how to do it. There was a case over the long weekend where a wheel came off a vehicle and went straight through the front fence and garden hedge of a local home owner. Luckily no one in the car or at the property was hurt. So how can this happen? How can a wheel fall off whilst driving? Two issues can cause this.... 1: Mechanical Failure 2: Negligence 1: A mechanical failure could be that a wheel bearing has failed so badly that it has completely collapsed and the wheel has come off the axle. There is an argument that a mechanical failure, such as a failed wheel bearing, is caused by a lack of maintenance which could be viewed as negligent. 2: Negligence could be as simple as failing to tighten the wheel nuts up after changing a wheel, either deliberately or accidentally. By failing to tighten the wheel nuts up you are putting not only yourself, but others either in the car or outside of the car in very real danger of injury or even death. After talking to the property owner, it appears that in this instance the wheel came off due to loose wheel nuts and could have easily been avoided by a better understanding of what to do when changing a wheel. If you aren’t sure how to change a wheel, please make sure you take the time to learn how to do it and do it properly. This is a true story and the reality is the outcome could have been much more devastating, thankfully for all concerned this didn’t eventuate. If this raises any concerns and you would Like to learn how you can avoid this situation happening to you then send me a message to book a lesson.

16.01.2022 With school holidays coming up, it is time to teach your son and/or daughter how to look after their car. We have lessons covering How To Change A Flat Tyre as well as How To Maintain Your Car In As Little As 15 Minutes A Month. Give yourself some peace of mind and book a lesson now via the message button below.

15.01.2022 Take us on an adventure Dad...Please #everyroadadventures #adventure #discover #explore #everyroad @_journeyapparel_

14.01.2022 Do you really know what role engine oil plays in your cars engine?Do you really know what role engine oil plays in your cars engine?

14.01.2022 Who used their Easter long weekend lockdown to carry out some maintenance checks on their car?Who used their Easter long weekend lockdown to carry out some maintenance checks on their car?

14.01.2022 15 Minutes. What can you do in 15 minutes? #15minutes #carcare #carmaintenance #everyroad #everyroadadventures

13.01.2022 Tag someone who needs this note stuck to the back of their phone.

13.01.2022 Helping you to build your skills, knowledge and confidence.

13.01.2022 Tag someone who needs a longer dipstick

12.01.2022 If you haven’t seen the trailer for our first adventure of the year then click the following link to for the video and while you are there remember to subscribe to our YouTube Channel so you don’t miss out on future videos.

11.01.2022 What are you looking at Cailin Nothing, Dad told me to look over there #beechworth #waterfalls #woolshedfalls #adventure #discover #explore #everyroad #everyroadadventures #lookouts #travelvictoria #northeastvictoria #travelwithfamily #travelwithkids

11.01.2022 Want some inspiration for your own adventure this weekend? Check out our YouTube channel, Every Road Adventures, for our previous adventures.

11.01.2022 Adventure, Discover, Explore, Every Road. This year on our YouTube channel there will be more adventures, more car care tips, adventure vlogs and even a cooking segment that will help feed your adventures. Checkout the Link Tree in our bio for a link to our YouTube channel, EveryRoad Adventures and subscribe to avoid missing out on all that is coming your way. #adventure #discover #explore #everyroad #everyroadadventures #travel #travelvictoria #travelaustralia #northeastvictoria #vichighcountry #victoria #carcare #carmaintenance

10.01.2022 Whilst I have been reasonably quiet here on this page, behind the scenes I have been coming up with some ideas to better serve you all. About 6 weeks ago I asked a question on who may be interested in an online beginner car maintenance course. The response was strong enough that I decided to start planning for said online course. I have come up with a frame work and content ideas, however I would like to know what kind of information you would like to learn from a beginner ca...r maintenance course. It doesn’t matter of what you want to learn is more in-depth than a beginner level or if you think that it is too simple that it would be silly to include, chances are if you want to know the answer then there are many others who are also wanting answers to the same questions. So let me know either in the comments or via DM what information you would like included in an online course. I only ask you because ultimately the more relevant the contents of the course the better that the course can serve you and the rest of our community. I really look forward to hearing from you.

10.01.2022 Is this something that concerns you when you, or someone you know, are out driving?

09.01.2022 Do you know that we offer not only complete car care and maintenance instruction for beginners, we also provide instruction on the individual areas of car care and maintenance. To find out how we can help you, click the send message button below to see which of our services suit your needs.

08.01.2022 Hey there, its been a while since my last blog post, however things have become less hectic now that summer is over. The Australian summer has been a massive one for a number of reasons, so now that the major bushfire threat appears to be behind us people are heading back out, into and around the country side to support and help the people and communities effected get back on their feet and back to a normal way of life, if that is at all possible. [ 792 more words ]

08.01.2022 What worries you about your car?

08.01.2022 The person who invented air conditioning needs a medal

08.01.2022 Are you doing the #socialdistancing ? Then why not go and check out our latest adventure, where we explore the township of Beechworth, visit Billson's Brewery and take an historical tour through the town of Beechworth. Click the following link to watch.

08.01.2022 A road trip is just a journey from Point A to Point B. A successful trip is reaching Point B. A journey is what happens between leaving Point A and arriving at Point B.... What do you do to make sure you turn up to Point B

08.01.2022 Are you affected by the widespread power outage? Then instead of aimlessly scrolling through your phone to fill in the time go and read one of our informative and entertaining blog posts on our website below.

07.01.2022 Staying on top of your basic car maintenance can allow you to take advantage of quick day trips like this that David Kennedy recently took up to Bindaree Falls in the Vic High Country. Thanks for the pic Dave.

07.01.2022 What is something that you would like to learn about your car ?What is something that you would like to learn about your car ?

07.01.2022 Is This The End?

06.01.2022 If you are planning on getting out of the house and going for a drive this weekend, make sure you take 15 minutes to check all the essentials on your car to avoid potential heart break whilst out and about. If you, or someone you know, need some guidance on what essentials you need to check on your car then get in touch with me to organize a lesson.

06.01.2022 Everyone’s ideas on an adventure is slightly different, what one person finds boring another will find amazing and vice versa. So with that in mind I thought I would start something that we can all contribute to and share ideas with each other. It maybe a Waterfall, a bushwalk, a 4wd Track a cave a lookout an art trail, it could even be a pub or bakery that you enjoy visiting, it could be anything that you have visited before or plan on visiting. I will name a town and in the... comments below list your place or location of interest that is in or around that town. I currently have a couple of YouTube videos in the editing process from our recent trip to Beechworth, so let’s start with that beautiful town situated in the Heart of the North East and share your adventure destinations from in and around there. Let’s have some fun helping each other Adventure, Discover, Explore, Every Road.

05.01.2022 Send me a message to setup a free phone call consultation to see how we can best help you. We have lesson structures for How to identify and check the important areas under the bonnet of your car, such as oil and water, just to name a few. How to check the condition of your tyres and how to adjust the tyre pressures on your car.... Our most popular lesson where we teach you how to safely, and correctly, change a flat tyre. A complete package where you will learn the complete foundations of car care and maintenance. I look forward to helping you build your confidence.

04.01.2022 Question Of The Day What are some reasons why regular servicing of your car is important? Leave your answer in the comments below.

04.01.2022 Now is the perfect time to go and familiarize yourself with your car and do your regular maintenance checks.Now is the perfect time to go and familiarize yourself with your car and do your regular maintenance checks.

04.01.2022 Change Is Coming!!!Change Is Coming!!!

03.01.2022 What could you achieve in just 15 minutes?

03.01.2022 Tonight at 7:30pm(Melbourne time) our first adventure of the year airs on our YouTube channel. In this episode we go explore Beechworth and it’s surrounds. Using the Beechworth Holiday Park as our home base we take a small bushwalk and find an old unused gold mine, cool off at the popular Woolshed Falls and travel through the stunning Gorge Drive. So check out Exploring Beechworth episode from 7:30pm tonight. Exploring Beechworth

03.01.2022 Have you wondered what our lessons involve, the length of a clinic and what the cost is? Send me a DM if your interested in learning our 15 minute plan for car maintenance.

02.01.2022 How’s your isolation going? Me:

02.01.2022 Learning is easy to do.

02.01.2022 We are now offering $50 Gift Vouchers that can be used towards any of our Beginner Car Maintenance Lessons. Is there really a better gift than the gift of helping someone improve themselves? To purchase send through a message to get the car started, pun intended.

02.01.2022 Are you planning on getting away for the long weekend? Make sure before you hit the road that you spend 15 minutes performing a basic car maintenance check over. Not sure what you need to check? Then contact me to book our 15 Minute Basic Car Maintenance lesson.

01.01.2022 Have you ever wondered how to check how much life is left in your tyres? In this video I show you how mechanics, tyre fitters and even the police quickly and easily determine how much life your tyres have. This is one of the easier tasks you can perform on your car to help keep on top of your car's maintenance.

01.01.2022 Tag someone who needs to raise their hand

01.01.2022 Have you ever wondered why vehicle servicing is important? Over on our YouTube channel you can find our latest car care tips video that covers 6 reasons why regular vehicle servicing is important. Click the link below to go and watch it now. 6 Reasons Why Vehicle Servicing Is Important

01.01.2022 The view from the top of the #woolshedfalls back towards the lookout. Who has been here for a cool off during summer? #beechworth #waterfalls #lookouts #adventure #discover #explore #everyroad #everyroadadventures

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