EVH Emergency Vet Hospital in Perth, Western Australia | Hospital
EVH Emergency Vet Hospital
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9200 4460
Address: 1 Chokolich Street, WANGARA 6065 Perth, WA, Australia
Website: http://www.emergencyvethospital.com.au/
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25.01.2022 A+ for Atticus and his Mum for successfully finishing 8 weeks of homework after being found to have multiple fractures of both his pelvis and his tail. Homework included help with toileting, food, changing bedding, gradually organising exercise, managing medications and attending vet appointments. He is now walking well and his tail is recovering nicely #catlove #dedication
25.01.2022 Meet Scooby who presented with a history of vomiting .. and a missing scrunchie . The X-rays revealed a strange shadow in the small intestine with a speckled gas pattern. This is often seen with cloth intestinal blockages. Thankfully the blockage was safely surgically removed and Scooby had a really fast recovery. Cloth often gets stuck in dogs insides and definitely should not be on the menu. The most common offenders we see are socks, underwear and now it seems scrunchies. The take home message ‘ is if your pet continues to vomit it is worth getting checked out. #australianterrier #evhwangara
25.01.2022 Our x-ray shows the most perfectly round and smooth ping pong ball inside Cruz. Can you see it? Well, even with the vets help... it refused to come up...and didnt want to travel down. So with all the knowledge available once Cruz went off his food the family knew it was time to organise his surgery. This he sailed through without any worries. If this makes you squeamish check out Cruz post surgery smile and blurry happy tail on hearing he was back to at his final checkup.
25.01.2022 Odis and the vets having a good chat about her A+ marks at her first recheck after cruciate surgery: Are you resting the vets asked oh yes Have the couches been left alone yes Have play dates been postponed yes ... Extra capsular repair is for her petite size. For many dogs, one of the first signs are lameness and small repeat injuries which often worsen to the point where they can barely use their leg With others, no warning just normal activity tears the ligament. With Odis, her next steps (pardon the pun) are still resting, then progressing to rehab and having her arthritis injections #lovelylady #jackrussell
24.01.2022 In the slightly edited words of Beyonc Baby, we can see your halo, perhaps were your saving grace With severe allergic reactions some dogs which have been bitten by wasps, bees or ants develop a halo in their gall bladder. Lakaias family generously agreed to us sharing the image so families can see what we are looking for when we weave the ultrasound wand #homesafenow
23.01.2022 Dogs have amazing noses and find things in our homes we never knew existed but If you ever see your pet eating your anti-inflammatories we have a small window where we can get them to vomit and reduce a lot of heart ache. You are always welcome to call before giving your pet any medicine, just to double check. Read more about Chewies journey below. When we met Chewie he was vomiting after eating a packet of Nurofen earlier in the day. Nurofen is a potent anti-inflamma...tory good for humans. Not good for pets Anti-inflammatories work differently in each species, in dogs the anti-inflammatory lasts a lot longer in their body as their liver breaks it down slower than we do. It reduces the blood flow to the stomach and kidneys and damages the kidney tissue. The mechanism is the Nurofen block the protective action of the body’s prostaglandins which naturally maintain blood flow to the stomach lining and kidneys. The result can be bleeding stomach ulcers and kidney failure. Blood tests showed Chewies kidneys were functioning abnormally. He had fluids and antacids to help protect his stomach lining as well as a drug called Carafate which acts like a lot of internal band aids on stomach ulcers. The fluids job was to flush his kidneys and keep his blood ticking along nicely. During his stay his kidneys got worse and then returned to normal and he was super happy to get back home
22.01.2022 Mr Oxygen has a new friend. Welcome to Ms Oxygen who recently arrived much to the relief of the elves! Mr Oxygen spoke to the elves and said carrying the load alone was too great. These oxygen support machines gives the air around your pets extra oxygen when they too sick or injured to absorb or transport it around their body. Thankyou for your unending support - without it Mr Oxygen would still be puffing along by himself
22.01.2022 Arlo was apprehensive but as a heat stroke survivor agreed to be the face of this mornings post. You see, he was smooching around in the car parked in the driveway and accidentally got locked in there for hours - and it was hot, so very hot. So he is all for our pet summer message below: Be careful of small areas which don’t have enough ventilation or air flow Watch out for radiant heat that reflects off everything; house walls, the pavement, concrete areas, garage door...s, windows and other buildings Check the weather forecast - like today its supposed to be hot Rethink walk start times if there has been a sudden increase in air temperature Humidity... water and shade Be abit more cautious if you know your pet is managing a health condition. See more
21.01.2022 Meet Willows happy face . She has good reason, This was her realising there was no longer a grass seed firmly lodged up her nostril. Common signs that you might notice are; sneezing that just doesn’t stop a runny snout or when they keep wiping their face #cutenessoverload #evhwangara
21.01.2022 Der was #bullterriercuteness overload in dah house. Lilly came to the #emergencyhospital as her family were worried as she was so lethargicBlood testing showed signs of a big infection and damage to the liver. Our ultrasound showed the infection was in the gallbladder. This is called cholecystitis (coal-e-sis-titis) Intensive therapy with fluids, antibiotics and lots of pain relief and top shelf medication to protect her liver. she responded really well. Our hope is when she comes back for another blood test it will show a happier liver
20.01.2022 Meet some shoes and Boo Boo Bear just making herself comfortable after having pyo-met-ra surgery. If you are squeamish scroll on but if you are keen to learn it’s where her uterus filled with pus. This happened after her heat cycle. Her family noticed that her belly area increased in size (something no lady likes to experience) a very smelly vagina with discharge and she lost all her energy. The take home message is: pyometra can occur at any age, but it is usually seen in dogs who are 6yr+ who have not been spayed. #takecareofyourgirlbits #staffydogs #evhwangara
19.01.2022 Meet Evie - who had difficulty breathing only to find a palm tree nut stuck in her trachea (breathing pipe). She couldn’t get enough breath and was turning blue . The vets used an anaesthetic agent and forceps to grab the nut which was being naughty and didn’t want to be captured. X-rays this morning showed beautiful clear lungs and she bounced out our doors to go home
19.01.2022 Morning High fives to being successfully sterilised
17.01.2022 Meet Nollsy. We. Are. Besotted.
17.01.2022 Meet Charlie on the upside of the downside called gastro-enter-itis during which he rapidly dehydrated and slid into shock. Such a tiny but mighty Pomeranian his care included, heat pads to warm him, fluids to rehydrate him and lots of medicines to kick those bugs ass #pomeranianlove #doglove
16.01.2022 Bob had a sleepover last night. He likes to jump in and grab the ball from the sea and then swim back to shore. Having the ball gripped in his mouth means his epiglottis doesnt protect his airway. This made his throat irritated, feel sick, mildly wacky electrolytes and some of the salt water went into his lungs. Be careful at the beach if you dog gets obsessed with ball catches in the water #bluestaffy #staffy #evhvet
16.01.2022 In 20 minutes time #evhwangara will be open as a 24/7 emergency hospital. It feels kinda weird walking around in the last of the quiet zone. From our humble beginning in 2015 we are honored to have your support. We are privileged to have a job we love and thankyou everyone of you who have persisted in making us listen to becoming 24/7...we heard you.
15.01.2022 In these uncertain times, its tempting to panic, but please spread the word that at this stage there is no research based, scientific evidence that cats or dogs can infect people with COVID -19. Blog article below has some useful links to the #AustralianVeterinaryAssociation which has a plethora of updates. https://emergencyvethospital.com.au/there-is-no-evidence-t/
15.01.2022 Anyone lost their fluff butt? She was found in Craigie last night and is now munching through a huge tray of hay. We are back at 5pm if she is yours. Proof will be required as she isnt microchipped #perthrabbitowners
14.01.2022 Cat lovers (or potentials ) if you have considered fostering Perth Rescue Angels are in abit of a pickle and need some help
13.01.2022 Rosie is staying away from mirrors and being reminded she is always beautiful. She is getting treatment for a rare condition called puppy strangles. At the young age of 9 weeks her body decided to over-react to her normal dog skin bacteria causing this inflammatory response all over her pretty face. Her body is responding to anti inflammatory + antibiotic medicine which will help it heal over the next couple of weeks
13.01.2022 Did you know greyhounds generally take longer to heal? Meet Lilly who saw us for about 4 months starting late last year through to last week. Why you ask? She ungainly got out of the car and couldnt put her back leg down. The vets measure lameness and hers was a 10/10 lameness score (not good). X-rays showed a minimally displaced fracture which required surgery. She was such an angel during this journey and while we will miss her we are overjoyed she has recovered!
13.01.2022 Meet Hector who enjoyed laps to rest his beautiful face on, mattress sharing and long meaningful conversations. His poor world was turned upside down when he suffered bloat. After dinner, his stomach rapidly filled with gas and flipped round preventing oxygen and all the good things getting through. First we tried to get the gas out at first with a stomach tube...that was unsuccessful. We then tried a catheter.. which released a lot of gas. He them went through to emergency surgery where his stomach was successfully untwisted. It was then delicately stitched to the inside of his ribs, a technique used to try and reduce the chances of it twisting in the future. He had 20 kidney dishes of kibble, grass and a few hairs taken out of his stomach before his stomach was successfully untwisted. #mastifflove #bloatsurvivor #love
12.01.2022 This tiny delight was bought in by a member of the public. The vets found he has pectus excavatum pronounced (x-ka-vate-m) where his chest is sunken inwards slightly more than normal. Treatment is his own personal physiotherapy programme which he has from now until he is a adult. He disapproves, however he does approve of eating HUGE amounts + doing midnight bog laps around the hospital He is having a trial to see if he gets on with a new fam-bam Fingers crossed
12.01.2022 Meet Charlie who had a sleep over last night and is now safely back home. This cutie pie did a gymnastic super launch onto the coffee table and scoffed the blueberry flavoured chewing gum 5 pack. She became unwell with scary muscle tremors. Her treatment was IV fluids, blood glucose check and some blood tests. The Xylitol causes low blood sugar which can cause seizures and tremors and occasionally liver damage. As an artificial sweetener it is used extensively in human food but is quite toxic for dogs.
12.01.2022 Need a pick me up?? This tiny kitten was bought in by a tradie in Wangara Was able to drink from the bottle and passed our vet check As it’s kitten season, there is a high probability that a foster cat mum will be fine with him joining her litter, so now it’s time for him/her to find his new Mum cat through #perthrescueangels
12.01.2022 Morning, we have looked at Google and cannot figure out which vet hospitals are open or closed today. We are open 24/7 across this very different feeling long weekend. Take care. Be safe.
12.01.2022 We are here to help with your pets. There are many changes though. In these unprecedented times we are focusing on social distancing, additional hygiene initiatives and working together to best care for each other and those we love. When you arrive: park and call us from your car and await further instruction. Together we will continue to provide veterinary care for your pets whilst try to keep everyone safe.
12.01.2022 Morning - if you have a sudden and desperate need to clean out your cupboards we would to be considered for any towels, blankets or thick sheets. Disclaimer: Jet doesn’t clean cupboards...he lounges
11.01.2022 Speaking of cats. Meet this young man watching our busy washing machine go round and round and round....alas so many thing we could say
10.01.2022 Good read for all those people whose dogs gobble grapes
10.01.2022 What a survivor! At 7 days old Buddy breathed in milk which went into his lungs instead of making its way into his stomach. The milk in his lungs caused pneumonia. His breathing became laboured and his chest began to rattle. Because of his young age and an immature immune system he found it hard to shake the infection. In hospital, he was given antibiotics to fight the infection, water bottles for warmth and placed in our little oxygen support crib to help him breathe. He stayed in oxygen support and was tube fed until he was strong enough to suckle. Oxygen assistance was slowly reduced as his breathing improved. It was touch and go for this little one but his roster of cuddles and unwavering family support was remarkable #evhwangara #emergencyvetwangara
10.01.2022 Morning everyone .#EVH is open 24 hour right across the Easter break. Here to help if you need us, otherwise listen to Mark and ScoMo and stay home
09.01.2022 Just ask Gus, mould and fungal toxins make your horribly sick with fever, shaking (tremors), nausea and salivation. His poops were remarkably mulch like and confirmed an earlier mis adventure. He had a sleep over with a lot of drugs and fluids. Thankfully he didnt progress to seizures or worse. Amongst other things the vets really focused on protecting his little liver with s-adenosylmethionine. This medicine increased the level of antioxidant glutathione which guarded his liver against those mulch monsters #australianterrier
09.01.2022 And then suddenly...the magical #madeinwangara shelving arrived. What can I say we have been transformed The prescription dietary foods you order through us from #hills and #royalcanin will be WAY easier to find
08.01.2022 In the lead up to Easter. This link has a fabulous calculator which helps you know whether your pets have eaten a toxic amount of chocolate or not. https://emergencyvethospital.com.au/chocolate-poisoning-in/. If you are just freaked out you are more than welcome to give us a call at any time of the day or night and we can work through it together #eastereggs #chocolatetoxicdogs #chocolatetoxicitylevels #vetopeneaster
07.01.2022 Ginger is a medical miracle who suffered a serious brain injury (like really, very serious injury). She not only survived but in her recheck tonight the only impairment left is a lack of sight. Taking into account how unwell she was it was an uplifting affirmation of #hope and #kindness. She is coping well by working out where everything is in the house and back yard.....like us when the lights are off
06.01.2022 Awww...this border collie . We are open all day as its WA Day Call if you need us
06.01.2022 Miss Demi (750grams and a couple of months in age) had a short stay at EVH as she had gastro. When you are this young and so small the risk of dehydration is significant. With fluids, antibiotics and gut protectant she became a rowdy party animal and was sent home in the middle of the night. #chihuahuacuteness
06.01.2022 By late lunch this was Shadow...resplendent with her 7 new born puppies. Her labour journey began in the middle of the night and then continued at EVH. After consultation with the vets she had some Oxytocin which in certain labours can be used and works by stimulating the uterus and encourages contractions. Oxytocin is not without its risks but has the advantages of a potential natural birth without the cost of surgery. Unfortunately these injections didn't work. Shadow was over the whole trying business and for the sake of her and her babies health she had emergency cesarean surgery. Still in that whole journey one pup didn't make it. The final puppy was stuck at the cervix. The amniotic sac had ruptured and the puppy did not have a heartbeat. All attempts to resuscitate were unsuccessful after 30 minutes.
05.01.2022 this fish hook was in no mood to behave around any of the attachments in our endoscope kit. After admitting defeat Douglas went on to have a very successful oesophageal surgery. This is where the surgeons delicately opened his neck and oesophagus to get the fish hook out. Douglas is back home and a very happy woofus #happydog
05.01.2022 Human kidneys are mainly fine when we eat grapessultanas and wine ...not for our dogs though....they are toxic to their tiny little kidneys. They have a toxin that has not been identified (thought to be fungal toxin) Bettys treatment was successful and involved vomiting them up and IV fluids to support the kidneys. This is to keep everything peachy and safe because even a few of these tasty morsels are regarded as toxic. Usually a day or 2 on fluids and a final blood test to check the kidneys are ok is whats needed.
05.01.2022 Those eyes - my heart! Meet Chloe who is so young and learning fast that finding food and eating that + the sand in hindsight is a terrible combination. The sand was sitting in her intestines and colon causing a terrible belly ache, vomiting and super uncomfortable. Her sleep over included fluids, pain relief, stuff to protect her gut and x-rays (have a peek) She will have a short stay at her regular vet today just to make sure all the sand moves along and we get back to play time
05.01.2022 Jax the husky was caught chewing up a ladies razor on the bathroom floor. When they tried to take the razor from him he swallowed the blades and razor head. He was bought into EVH for xrays which showed the razors sitting in his stomach. His family agreed to emergency surgery as razors are very sharp and can rupture the stomach or intestines as they pass through the body. While preparing Jax for surgery Dr Georgia saw he only had 1 testicle in his scrotum the other t...esticle was still in his abdomen (it didnt descend). Left there have a very high change of becoming cancerous (yikes) so while in surgery it was decided to remove it and the razors from his abdomen while we were in surgery. His surgery was a complete success, he recovered very well and ate chicken only a few hours after surgery. He went home with some oral medication including pain relief and had frequent check-ups in the weeks he was recovering. Jax made a full recovery and is back to fun puppy chaos #huskypuppy #ohahthatsnaughty
04.01.2022 Yom yom yom yom. Meet Master Pennywise In the middle of the night he was sterilised and microchipped and the next step of his life journey is to #PerthRescueAngels so he can find a forever home (not a drain). #cutecat
04.01.2022 Eye see you. Eyes are very complicated structures and they can change suddenly. They get ulcers (nasty quickly) scarring (go cloudy) change in eye pressure (bulgey and sore) Lily was unlucky. Her acrobatic off the roof dismount was most unsuccessful with her eye taking most of the brunt by clipping the bin on the way through. Sadly after her first surgery her eye stayed painful and unable to make tears. She visited the eye specialists and they agreed that she needed another ...surgery to remove her eye. Although drastic, taking out her eye has relieved her pain and given back her quality of life. If you notice your pets eyes go squinty, change colour, are getting rubbed alot, are held shut or look at you oddly its better to see a vet earlier rather than later.
04.01.2022 Open right across the long weekend. If you have any questions or need some guidance with your super heros we have here to help #loveafurrysuperhero #evhvets #vetopen24hr #longweekendvet
03.01.2022 Merry Christmas to you and all your furry, fluffy, feathered and scaled friends. May the tree stay intact The tinsel where it belongs and the food on the table #evhwangara #wangaravet #perthchristmas
02.01.2022 Meet Freckles he has the pawtential to be a vet He generally isnt a fan of the #vethospital but we did love this moment of nervous confidence!! With a swollen paw + face sting situation he was here for the magical niramine injection. The good news for him is he didnt have a gall bladder halo. His family also took antihistamine tablets home as allergic reaction often have a flare up to 48 hours later
01.01.2022 Hard lock-down update - 4 steps to make it work : park, call, mask on and wait. From 6pm tonight if your pet requires urgent medical care we are open but nobody is allowed in the building. We will come and get your pet, take them into the hospital and give them care and do everything over the phone. We will be unable to assist should you leap out of the car or not have a mask (firmly over your mouth) or get all angry and bent out of shape In summary park, call, mask on and wait. To repeat, nobody will be allowed into the hospital but we will be able provide care. Good luck to us all. If you need to contact us call 9200 4460 or email [email protected]
01.01.2022 Fingers crossed for cutie pie Sally. She had a visit to us earlier today as she hasnt pooped for 24hr. She is young and this isnt her first bout. This can be caused by many things. Her family have started with a laxative enema and a chat about nutrition. Thinking of her this afternoon hoping things improve otherwise more investigations
01.01.2022 Meet Kimba thriving on each tasty delight after successful surgery to remove bones which refused to leave her stomach making her absolutely miserable and in pain. We could talk about bones for hours so our general stay out of trouble recommendations are; choose a raw bone bigger than your dogs head and select one with the marrow out #siberianhusky #dogsandbones
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