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25.01.2022 A teacher brought balloons to school and asked the children to blow them all up and then each write their names on their balloon. They tossed all the balloons i...nto the hall while the teacher mixed them from one end to the other. The teacher then gave them 5 minutes to find the balloon with their name on it. The children ran around, looking frantically but as the time ran out - nobody had found their own balloon Then the teacher told them to take the balloon closest to them and give it to the person who’s name was on it. In less than 2 minutes everyone had their own balloon. Finally the teacher said, Balloons are like happiness. No one will find it looking for theirs only. Instead if everyone cares about each others they will find theirs as quickly as possible. See more
25.01.2022 A New Abolitionist Approach Poster AbolitionistApproach.com HowDoIGoVegan.com... The problem is one of use and there is one and only one fixgoing vegan and having a grassroots movement that makes crystal clear to the public that moral concern about animals means going vegan. ~ Gary L. Francione From: What? The Humane Slaughter Act is Not Being Enforced? https://www.abolitionistapproach.com/humane-slaughter-act-/
24.01.2022 A bed time story of how it started, and why hindsight’s 2020. #stayhome #withme Music by Katie Phillips Music Sound Design by Sam Gee Design... #untiltomorrow #tomfoolery
24.01.2022 Going vegan won’t solve all the world's problems. No, you’re right, it won’t. But what it WILL do, is stop billions of animals being commodified and murdered.... Going vegan is a step you can take right now, something you can change instantly. By refusing to partake in non-human animal exploitation and amplifying their voices and struggles, you can have a positive impact on THEIR lives, on THEIR world. And that seems like a pretty good start to solving some of our problems, doesn’t it? We Animals Media
24.01.2022 A New Abolitionist Approach Poster AbolitionistApproach.com HowDoIGoVegan.com... "Domestic animals are dependent on us for when and whether they eat, whether they have water, where and when they relieve themselves, when they sleep, whether they get any exercise, etc. Unlike human children, who, except in unusual cases, will become independent and functioning members of human society, domestic animals are neither part of the nonhuman world nor fully part of our world. They remain forever in a netherworld of vulnerability, dependent on us for everything that is of relevance to them. We have bred them to be compliant and servile, or to have characteristics that are actually harmful to them but are pleasing to us. We may make them happy in one sense, but the relationship can never be natural or normal. They do not belong stuck in our world irrespective of how well we treat them." ~ Gary L. Francione From: Animal Rights and Domesticated Animals" https://www.abolitionistapproach.com/animal-rights-and-dom/
23.01.2022 Real happiness lies in making other people happy Meher Baba Real happiness lies in making other people happy Meher Baba
21.01.2022 Let's see who going to flood their Facebook or Instagram with this one. they lives was important as Kobe Bryant
21.01.2022 A New Abolitionist Approach Poster AbolitionistApproach.com HowDoIGoVegan.com... As much as I enjoy living with dogs, were there only two dogs remaining in the world, I would not be in favor of breeding them so that we could have more ‘pets' and thus perpetuate their property status. ~ Gary L. Francione From: Commentary #2: ‘Pets’ https://www.abolitionistapproach.com/pets/
20.01.2022 Can't believe I used to think vegans were the weird ones Try a milk that doesn't involve beastiality and killing baby animals. Soy, almond, coconut, hazelnut, oat milk - all uniquely delicious alternatives! As for calicum, eat plants, they have plenty!
20.01.2022 Going vegan is more effective than buying a Prius, upgrading to LED light bulbs, washing clothes with cold water, or taking shorter showers. It halves your carbon footprint! - What is stopping you making the switch?Going vegan is more effective than buying a Prius, upgrading to LED light bulbs, washing clothes with cold water, or taking shorter showers. It halves your carbon footprint! - What is stopping you making the switch?
19.01.2022 Woah, check this out. These images were sent to me this morning. Since Dan Andrews ignores the cruelty of duck shooting on our wetlands, someone has taken it t...o Parliament House ... where he can't ignore it. Make sure you share this to spread it far and wide. The Victorian Government's outrageous inaction on duck shooting lawlessness is a disgrace. Despite them stating if shooters broke the law, they'd consider shutting down the season, they have failed to act. Even when shooters were caught ingesting cocaine before shooting, and breaching physical distancing laws. Their slogan is 'say what you do and do what you say’ - but really, they say one thing and do another. The overwhelming majority of Victorians who want this barbaric native wildlife thrill kill banned have a right to know what it will take to shut the season down. If coked-up shooters in charge of deadly weapons isn’t enough, what is? Do we have to wait for another rescuer to be shot in the face as happened 9 years ago? If there is some level of violence that the Government deems unacceptable, then the public have a right to know what that is. Or perhaps, there is no level of violence that they will not tolerate? SPEAK OUT: http://animalsaus.org/DNx
19.01.2022 I want to share this link about implicit bias - you can choose to do the test on race, gender, sexual orientation, age, skin colour etc. I recommend at least doing the skin colour one. https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/
18.01.2022 A New Abolitionist Approach Poster AbolitionistApproach.com HowDoIGoVegan.com ... Video: Advocate for Animals: An Abolitionist Vegan Handbook https://youtu.be/neery7feG6g
18.01.2022 This is the Joaquin Phoenix Oscar speech everyone will be talking about tomorrow
18.01.2022 #Easter #Jesus #religion #pandemic
16.01.2022 Using any animal for entertainment purposes is exploitation, and riding any animal is a decision made by one individual with no input from the other. Yet some people claim to be vegan and still ride horses.
14.01.2022 It's not your "right" to eat and wear the bodies and secretions of others. You do not have a "right" to someone else's body. If you respect rights, then why not... respect others' inherent right to be free from harm and exploitation? Go vegan, and make a stand for what "rights" are REALLY about.
14.01.2022 Since everyone seems to come up with a different definition of veganism these days, AV wants to come back to the roots and clarify the meaning and purpose of th...e term. The word veganism was coined by Donald Watson in 1944 to stray away from the Vegetarian Society and start a new Society with two main objectives: 1. That humanity’s food should be derived from fruits, nuts, vegetables, grains and other wholesome non-animal products and that it should exclude flesh, fish, fowl, eggs, honey and animals' milk, butter, and cheese. 2) To encourage the manufacture and use of alternatives to animal commodities. Until then, it was a movement focused only on diet and that was the beginning of the Vegan Society with Donald Watson. However, the definition of veganism had become too blurry and so, in 1951, Leslie Cross, vice-president of the Vegan Society at the time, wrote a paper called VEGANISM DEFINED, which put the emphasis on ALL animal exploitation by saying: ‘The object of the Society shall be to end the exploitation of animals by man’; and ‘The word veganism shall mean the doctrine that man should live without exploiting animals.’ The Society pledges itself ‘in pursuance of its object’ to ‘seek to end the use of animals by man for food, commodities, work, hunting, vivisection and all other uses involving exploitation of animal life by man.’ Then he went on to explain that veganism is not only a means of avoiding consuming animal products, but a principle that leads inevitably to such result in the praxis: One may become a vegetarian for a variety of reasonshumanitarian, health, or mere preference for such a diet; The principle is a smatter of personal feeling, and varies accordingly. VEGANISM, HOWEVER, IS A PRINCIPLEthat man has no right to exploit the creatures for his own endsand no variation occurs. That was it. There was no need to re-define it, as sadly the very same Vegan Society did 13 years later, when Watson and Cross were no longer in the lead position, calling it a lifestyle, perhaps in an effort to make veganism seem like a bigger movement. But as Cross said, it was a PRINCIPLE i.e., an unwavering ethic, not something you change from time to time. There was also no mention of any problem that humans cause to each other through economic systems, religion, politics and so on. While it’s true they wanted a fairer world, VEGANISM should not be distorted into anything that puts animals again in the background. Non-human animals and their plights were the reason why the movement was created, and it shall remain so. AV wants to preserve this initial meaning and goal of the movement for the sake of the most oppressed: NON-HUMAN ANIMALS.
13.01.2022 A New Abolitionist Approach Poster AbolitionistApproach.com HowDoIGoVegan.com... If you regard animals as members of the moral community, you stop consuming them. Period. It’s not a matter of ‘happy’ exploitation; it’s not a matter of exploiting them for some animal products but not for others. It’s a matter of no consumption; no use. All animal products, whatever they are and however ‘humane’ are the products of torture and exploitation. ~ Gary L. Francione From: Blessing Exploitation https://www.abolitionistapproach.com/blessing-exploitation/
13.01.2022 "If you are not vegan, please consider going vegan. It’s a matter of nonviolence. Being vegan is your statement that you reject violence to other sentient beings, to yourself, and to the environment, on which all sentient beings depend. ~ Gary L. Francione
13.01.2022 Condoning vegetarianism in any way is a gross error.
12.01.2022 Since Vegans do not consume dairy products is it possible to get calcium on a Vegan diet?
12.01.2022 Why vegan 'milks' are fake news.
12.01.2022 "Let-go is a deep understanding of the phenomenon that we are part of one existence. We cannot afford to have separate egos; we are one with all. And the all is... vast, immense. Your understanding will help you to go with the whole, wherever it is going. You don´t have a goal separate from the whole, and the whole has no goal. It is not going anywhere. The understanding of let-go helps you to be simply here, without any goals, without any idea of achievement, without any conflict, struggle or fight, knowing that it is the fighting with yourself which is simply foolish." Osho, Beyond Psychology, Talk#14 #osho #oshoquotes #oshoecstasy
12.01.2022 Top Vegan Memes by The Village Vegan
10.01.2022 James Randi 1928-2020
08.01.2022 A New Abolitionist Approach Poster AbolitionistApproach.com HowDoIGoVegan.com... The Abolitionist Approach regards veganism as a moral imperative. By this we mean that if animals matter morally, we are morally obligated to stop eating, wearing, and using them. That is, going vegan is not just an option for someone who agrees that animals matter morally; it is a fundamental moral obligation. ~ Gary L. Francione From: Veganism as a Moral Imperative https://www.abolitionistapproach.com/veganism-moral-impera/
08.01.2022 https://vegantegrity.com/i-am-me.php Animals are someONES. Not someTHINGS. Animals, including the ones we eat and exploit for their milk, eggs, fur, feathers an...d other purposes, feel pain and pleasure, experience terror and joy, and have the right to be left unmolested. They all have feelings, thoughts, and desires. The main desire we humans share with animals is for freedom. Animals have distinct personalities; they make distinct choices and should be free to do so. To see them only as objects to be used for exploitation causes great suffering in the animals themselves, and it also withers a part of our own hearts to be so narcissistic that we see animals only as nuggets or wings, chops or omelets, coats or boots, test objects or entertainment props. Just as we want to be respected as autonomous individuals with rights, it is only fair that we extend these rights to other beings who can similarly think, feel, make choices, have preferences and who desire freedom. Animals deserve respect. Just like you. #vegan #veganmeme #veganart #veganactivism #vegantegrity
07.01.2022 In case you have some friends that still don't understand systemic racism (via act.tv)
06.01.2022 A New Abolitionist Approach Poster AbolitionistApproach.com HowDoIGoVegan.com... "One of the questions most frequently asked of any vegan is: what about plants? Indeed, I do not know any vegan who has not gotten that question at least once and most of us have heard it many times. Of course, no one who asks this question really thinks that we cannot distinguish between, say, a chicken and a head of lettuce. That is, if, at your next dinner party, you chop a head of lettuce in front of your guests, you will get a different reaction than if you were to carve a live chicken. If, while walking in your garden, I step on a flower intentionally, you may quite correctly be annoyed with me, but if I intentionally kicked your dog, you would be upset with me in a different way. No one really thinks of these as equivalent acts. Everyone recognizes that there is an important difference between the plant and the dog that make kicking the dog a morally more serious act than stepping on a flower." ~ Gary L. Francione From A Frequently Asked Question: What About Plants?" https://www.abolitionistapproach.com/a-frequently-asked-qu/
06.01.2022 A New Abolitionist Approach Poster AbolitionistApproach.com HowDoIGoVegan.com... As I discussed in my 1995 book, Animals, Property, and the Law, because animals are chattel property, animal welfare standards will always be low and we will generally protect animal interests only when it is in our economic benefit to do so. The result is that the welfare reforms that are implemented are those that increase production efficiency. This does not result in moving animals away from being property; it enmeshes them further in that paradigm. ~ Gary Francione From: ‘Carnism’? There Is Nothing Invisible About The Ideology Of Animal Exploitation https://www.abolitionistapproach.com/carnism-there-is-noth/
04.01.2022 Friendly reminder. Learn about child labor and slavery in the chocolate industry this #NationalChocolateChipDay and how Food Empowerment Project can help you #EatYourEthics! https://buff.ly/2GCc8ng #Vegan
02.01.2022 Eat healthfully and deliciously on a plant-based diet with our daily blast of vegan deliciousness https://inourishgently.com/freedaily
02.01.2022 A New Abolitionist Approach Poster AbolitionistApproach.com HowDoIGoVegan.com... This paradigm shiftthis revolution of the heartstarts with our own veganism, not as some sort of flexitarian lifestyle issue, but as a basic, fundamental, and non-negotiable commitment to justice and fairness for nonhuman animals. Veganism, as a moral imperative, recognizes that we have no moral justification for using animalshowever humanelyfor our purposes. It continues with our daily efforts to educate others in creative, positive, and nonviolent ways about veganismsomething that each of us can do if we want to. ~ Gary L. Francione From: This Book Is About a Revolutiona Revolution of the Heart https://www.abolitionistapproach.com//animal-rights-the-a/
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