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Evolved Healing in Sydney, Australia | Alternative & holistic health service

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Evolved Healing

Locality: Sydney, Australia

Phone: +61 424 924 321

Address: King st Newtown Sydney, NSW, Australia


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24.01.2022 A powerful incantation to call the help and support of the angels into your life from a master healer Tina Pavlou

23.01.2022 Hey amazing people, I'm running a half price rate at the moment due to all this corona virus fear going around and an increased need for planetary healing. Only $40 for 1 hour of energy healing over the phone, my sessions are just as powerful over distance as they are in person. I have studied many levels in theta healing, I am a reiki master and reconnective healer. I am experienced and professional. Some of the stuff I normally work with include; - Healing trauma, weather i...t be from early childhood, genetic or past life. - Clearing suppressed emotion and energetic blockages. - Identifying subconscious belief systems that are holding you back and reprogramming you in a positive and empowering way. - Removing blocks to abundance, success, relationships, love are some issues I deal with frequently. - Can help you to manifest your ideal job, relationship, lifestyle etc.. Identifying what's blocking you from it and clear it. - I work with numerous diseases and disorders, I find the suppressed emotions behind the disorders and clear them often healing the problem at the root. - I can heal depression and anxiety pretty easily as they are just limiting belief systems that stem from trauma. If this resonates with you, shoot me a message. My number is 0424924321.

19.01.2022 Throughout these next few weeks I am giving half hour theta healing sessions over the phone for donation. My way of sharing the love and sending some positive vibes out into the world. If this resonates please reach out

19.01.2022 What does it mean to truly surrender? - It means letting go of expectations and allowing life to unfold organically. - It's going with the flow rather than trying to control others, judge or analyse when it's not needed. - It's letting go of attachment to money, people, material objects and knowing true freedom and joy comes from detachment.... - It is the key to being in your receptive mode, which is what allows your manifestations to come to you easily and effortlessly. Therefore surrender is truly the key to success and creating the life of your dreams. - We have to stop fighting and start flowing! So how can one truly surrender? - By clearing limited beliefs and misperceptions imposed on you from society, your family, your environment etc.. - By healing trauma keeping you trapped in the past or cycles of abuse. - By clearing emotional blockages that can manifest as physical disorders/ tension. How can you do this easily and effortlessly? Invest in energy healing! I do this for a living, and I'm doing half price rates for distance healing over the phone, first session is just for a donation. Pm if you want to know more about what I do and how I can help you

17.01.2022 Time doesn't heal all wounds, this is a common misperception. Some trauma is so deep it gets stored in our dna and gets passed down from generation to generation. It takes a master healer to be able to shift this kind of trauma and if left unhealed can lead to all kinds of mental and emotional problems. By investing in your self and seeing a healer your not just doing yourself a massive favour.. Your doing all the generations that are coming after you a massive favour.

17.01.2022 All I see around right now is fear, people being manipulated by unseen forces that are creating this fear in the media. Don't buy into it! If your business is going under and you can't pay the rent, yeah that might be scary but you don't need to dwell in that shit. Connect with your heart space, that's where love is the only truth, that's your authentic self. Your soul is connected to your heart space. We have to stay positive and build communities if we are going to get thr...ough this. Shine your light in these dark times, move forward in love instead of being blocked by fear. Meditate Get back to nature Eat organic foods, stay the fuck away from fluoride and GMO Let go and let God

17.01.2022 Business objectives: - Healing trauma and transforming pain and suffering into growth, learning and expansion. - Helping people to manifest their dream life and removing any subconscious blockages in the way. - Helping people to reconnect with their higher selves and their intuition so they can become the creator of their lives instead of a victim to their genetics and environment. - Creating a conscious community, awakening people to their divine nature.... - Creating a large network of powerful lightworkers to do Weekley planetary healing. - Getting people out of their ego and into their heart space, reconnecting them with their internal navigation system. - Changing scarcity mentality into abundance mentality, helping people to realise that their is plenty for everyone and we all deserve to be successful. See more

16.01.2022 I am a professional energy healer and I use a meditation technique called theta healing which dives into the subconscious and identifies misperceptions and emotional blocks that stem from trauma and genetic programming. Then we can heal and reprogram you to be in alignment with you higherself/ intuition and step into your power. First session is just for a donation, pm me if your interested or want to learn more. My sessions are just as effective over the phone as in person. God bless

13.01.2022 The heart space is something so many people don't understand or value, yet this is our connection to our authentic selves, our soul. The media is constantly bombarding people with fear, which keeps us in our heads and out of our hearts. Meditate, visualise golden light coming from the centre of the earth up into your heart space and from the heavens down into your heart space, breathe deep. Visualise a golden ball of light in your heat, use this whenever you feel stuck in you...r head. This will reconnect you with your intuition and your true self. In your heart there is only unconditional love and light. Namaste #heal #healearth #heart #bereal #unconditionallove #goodvibesonly #love

11.01.2022 Hello beautiful souls, I’m doing donation based theta healing over the phone during this time of crisis and awakening. My way of giving back and spreading some love and positivity into the world. P.m me if your interested. What is theta healing? Thetahealing is a powerful technique that will allow you to quickly identify limiting beliefs systems, dissolve deeply held blocks and reprogram the unconscious mind. With Thetahealing you can ultimately realise a new and empowered wa...y of living and re-create your life exactly as you choose. Thetahealing allows you to discover your endless potential for health, wealth and happiness. ThetaHealing has achieved immediate, life changing transformations by accessing the Divine via connection to the theta state. Astounding results await you when you deal with deep seated emotional and spiritual issues with Thetahealing. We all desire a life of happiness and fulfilment in the many aspects of our existence. Imagine reaching a state of true harmony, peace and success in any aspect of your life - this is possible with Thetahealing. Think for a moment the various areas of your life, ie health, career, spirituality, relationships, finances, creative abilities - your success and happiness in every aspect of your life is determined by your unconscious beliefs. It is the unconscious mind which creates your behavior patterns which in-turn creates your reality. Hence, repetition of thought creates subconscious beliefs, many of our subconscious beliefs were formed before the age of 7, and these in turn create our reality. These beliefs underpin our relationships, our health, our wealth, our career and our happiness. Health and Happiness are our natural state, yet many people spend their lives searching for both. In fact, Recent findings in quantum physics prove and validate that it is your deepest beliefs, attitudes and expectations that dictate your life experience and the level of success you can expect to experience in any area of your life. Deep-set subconscious beliefs may be the reason why some of your ambitions have not manifested, e.g. ‘I don’t deserve success,’ or ‘I always fail.’ Subconscious beliefs determine your reality. Theta Healing allows you to reclaim your power by recognising and changing these unconscious rules. Thetahealing differs from other forms of emotional and spiritual healing as it enables you to directly teach new feelings energetically to the body such as "What it feels like to be happy" or "What it feels like to be healthy and successful". True harmony of spiritual, physical and mental states can be achieved and your goals for work, finance, love, wellbeing and happiness can be achieved more easily.

11.01.2022 You are the work of God, and he's work is wholly lovable and wholly loving. This is how a man must think of himself in his heart, because this is what he is. Wholeness is the perceptual content of miracles. They thus correct or atone for the faulty perception of lack. - A course in miracles

11.01.2022 Here is a short and simple video explaining perfectly how to manifest and consciously create your reality. Weather you realise it or not we are all creating our realities with our thoughts, and words. Problem is so many people are creating misery and suffering in there life because they get told false truths by society or by their family.. Or they are carrying unhealed trauma and have so much fear and limiting beliefs that they can't manifest any more.. We are all powerful c...reators! We can create an amazing life filled with love, joy and abundance or we can create pain and misery and suffering. It all comes down to what belief programs you are running subconsciously. If you need help reprogramming your beliefs and healing childhood trauma then P.M me. I do this for a living See more

10.01.2022 Connecting with our heart space and letting go of what is holding us back from our divine nature with this powerful full moon. Also planetary healing will be included. :)

08.01.2022 Now is the time for the lightworkers to come together and fix this planet

06.01.2022 Let's focus on the solution instead of the problem, reconnecting with our divine nature (heart space) and living in harmony with one another & mother gaia

05.01.2022 Protection for the home and office I call forth to all angels, archangels and beings of 100% Pure Divine Light who have not been reprogrammed by the darkness to join me now in this time and space. Only beings of 100% pure divine light are allowed in this time and space, all other beings must leave NOW! I call forth to archangel Metatron, Melchizedek and the Mahatma to bring down the platinum net through this room, this office and this entire building releasing all negative e...nergies and imbalances on all levels now! I call forth to archangel MIchael and his legions of angels to release any spirits, entities, negative energies, waywards and/or fallens by their names from this building and take them home into the Divine white light where they may receive healing. I now ask archangel Michael to place a golden bubble (dome) of protection over this room/office and I ask him to place an angel in each corner of this office to watch over us, provide protection, healing and guidance.

04.01.2022 Non resistance is an art, when mastered the world is yours. Your ships come in over a don't care sea. -Florence Scoval Shin

02.01.2022 Theta healing command Creator, I have learnt all my lessons long enough through pain. Creator it is commanded to show me how to learn my lessons through happiness, joyfulness, gratitude and appreciation. Thank you it is done, it is done, it is done and so it is!

02.01.2022 Our subconscious mind is so powerful, it's like our unconscious rule book. 95% of our lives are governed by our subconscious and only 5% by our conscious mind. The problem is most people are programed by society and their environment with misperceptions that can really hold them back. Using affirmations is one way to reprogram your subconscious mind, I use them every day for different purposes. Here is one I've written for myself to bring in more financial abundance in my life, inspired by the great Florence Scoval shin. Creator (God) is my banker and I always am given all the money I need and more. I am a money magnet, avalanches of abundance pour into my life from unexpected places and I enter my promised land of plenty under grace.

01.01.2022 I really felt called to post this as porn addiction is something I struggled with for many years, which stemed from unhealthy Co dependancy issues, which stemmed from child hood abuse. When you are wasting your sexual energy like this your body's ability to heal itself is greatly compromised as your body has to use so much nutrients and minerals from your organs to produce semen then it cannot heal itself effectively. By not ejaculating your life force energy is increased incredibly and after two weeks your testosterone levels are increased by 40% which is incredible for muscle growth and recovery. Like being on a mixture of redbull and steroids 24/ 7 naturally. Many people have said it gives them incredible focus and mental clarity and even super human abilities. Men stop wasting your precious life force energy down the toilet bowl!

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