Evolve Mind & Body Coaching in Adelaide, South Australia | Medical and health
Evolve Mind & Body Coaching
Locality: Adelaide, South Australia
Phone: +61 400 110 447
Address: 9 Compton Street 5000 Adelaide, SA, Australia
Website: http://www.ready2evolve.com.au
Likes: 2592
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25.01.2022 Wow what a week These superstars are ready to help you trance-form your life. These are the new Evolve Hypnotherapy Practitioners!... #keepevolving See more
25.01.2022 Evolve Hypnotherapy Training Day 4
25.01.2022 Check out this interview Juliet Lever and I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Adam Ky Ooi it was one of the best interviews I have been a part of as we deep dived into so many areas. Check it out and drop your biggest takeaway from it in the comments below https://youtu.be/AkvCSc2hDJg
24.01.2022 I don't know about you but for me every couple of weeks my computer and phone notify me that, "you need to update your software," . I have also noticed that most people, every year or two will line up for the new latest and greatest gadget to make your life better. .... BUT. . When was the last time you updated your software or programming? . Think about it what happens to your technology after awhile if you dont update it, It runs slow it, crashes, it become less productive, frustrating and cant run and play the new technology. . The same thing with our operating system, the world has changed a lot and we need to constantly update the way we see the world and the way operate. . So we dont become too slow, crash, become less productive, frustrated and not be able to run and play the way you want to now. . Update your software this weekend ONLINE - Sunday 27th at the Evolve 1 day Self Hypnosis and Meditation Workshop. . Link In BIO See more
24.01.2022 Evolve Hypnosis Day 2
23.01.2022 Check out this interview @julietlever and I had the pleasure of being interviewed by @ooitang1 it was one of the best interviews I have been a part of as we deep dived into so many areas. Check it out and drop your biggest takeaway from it in the comments below
22.01.2022 Reflecting on a fantastic week with an amazing group, I am so grateful to do what I do an get to share it with my magical students. Thank you all so much Keep shining superstars! #keepevolving
22.01.2022 Master Pract Day 4 (Part 2) Epic Week So Far such an amazing group! Couldn’t fit everyone in the picture and we also where lucky enough to have a few superstars joining us online from WA and Germany.... Ps Superstars please share your take aways in the comments @evolveandrelaunch @julietlever
21.01.2022 Congrats to the New Evolve Hypnotherapy Superstars
21.01.2022 Promise I am NOT Flexing . Only 3 days left until the Evolve 1 Day Self Hypnosis and Meditation Workshop is live ONLINE... . In this workshop I share the tools that helped me go from a Kid that was afraid of the world and couldnt leave his bedroom without crippling anxiety and panic attacks, to eventually working in the biggest gym in South Australia that had thousands of members and running workshops for hundreds of people and completely cool, calm and confident.... . If you cant make it live you can get the reply (we have had so many people ask so we have made that possible) . If you want to know more drop an Emoji in the comments and I will send you the LINK ASAP #keepevolving See more
20.01.2022 Evolve Hypnosis Day 3
20.01.2022 Only 3 days to go to lock in our foundation membership monthly price for the life evolution program! Monthly videos from us to help you evolve your mind, body and spirit https://evolveandrelaunch.teachable.com/courses
19.01.2022 Tickets on sale now!! https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/emotional-mastery-online-se
19.01.2022 Superstar Testimonial Emily Smith from @bethinkdocoaching one of our amazing graduates shares how the Evolve hypnosis training has helped level up her confidence and results as a coach/therapist.... If you are wanting to trance-form your life and be qualified as a hypnotherapist and get paid to help people make huge life changes like Emily does for a living. Then comment below or send a DM Only 2 spots left for the July Adelaide Training. Sunshine Coast dates are about to be launched (so register your interest now) #keepevolving #hypnosis
19.01.2022 Evolve Hypnotherapy Training Day 3
18.01.2022 Life Evolution Membership Beautiful people wanting to evolve.... there are only 2 days left to lock in our very special $15 USD per month foundation rate! We ...send you videos every month to help you master: Your Mind Your Body Your Spirit Be Your Own Life Coaching Tips access to interview and podcast Exclusive offers and discounts Pre Release courses And so much more. This membership is for you if you want us in your corner sharing our most up to date tools and resources to support you in your life to show up as the highest version of yourself. Click the link in my bio and sign up for the foundation price rate and @pauleliseo and I will help you Level Up your life and Evolve and Relaunch See more
17.01.2022 Evolve Hypnosis Day 5 Today we time travelled.... The students accessed past memories and relived events that held powerful resources that they didnt even know they had laying dormant inside.... They also learnt how to transcend the labels and boundaries we create on our neurology that keep us trapped in emotional loops and limitation. Its been such and amazing week and we still have two more powerful days to go! Next Hypnotherapy training is in the Sunshine Coast in October. Dm from more details. #keepevolving
16.01.2022 Only 2 Spots Left! Have you ever wondered what was possible if you could get out of your own way and have your mind work with you instead of against you?... Have you every wanted to let go of your fears, doubts and emotional baggage that holds you back? What if you could use the power of hypnosis to take control? Learn the most Advanced hypnosis methods and make a living helping other people trance-form. Comment or DM for more info #keepevolvong
16.01.2022 Day 6 Evolve Hypnotherapy
16.01.2022 What an amazing week and an amazing group of superstars! This week I saw a group of amazing individuals transform themselves, each other and learn skills to change people lives. Everyday they levelled up their skills, let go of the baggage that was holding them back and we had a a lot of fun along the way! Such an amazing group.... My next no scripts Hypnosis training in Adelaide is coming up soon and already is already nearly sold out so comment or DM if you want to know more. See more
16.01.2022 Evolve Hypnotherapy Day 5
15.01.2022 So Excited to be running this course again this weekend The Evolve Hypnotherapy Training is like no other hypnosis course in Australia. No scripts No rigidity ... We cover so many different styles and methods but you will practice and apply them in a way that you emerge completely confident to and completely in flow and ready to handle anything your clients walk in with. There are still 2 spots left. If you want to stand out as a coach/therapist then comment an emoji below and lets help you Trance-form!
14.01.2022 Are you in shape? People know the power of moving and training their bodies, But most people forget to train mentally. The body wont do what the mind cant conceive and believe. You need to be able to see yourself succeeding!... Things are created twice first in the mind then in reality! I teach my high level athlete clients, how to use mental rehearsals (with self hypnosis) to condition them to get more out of themselves, to recover faster, to bounce back from mistakes, to jump higher, ran faster, lift heavier. I will be teaching these ideas in my 1 day self hypnosis and meditation course. Its online Sunday 27th of sept. Link in bio Its time to level up your mental conditioning!
14.01.2022 Merry Christmas Everyone From the whole team
13.01.2022 Evolve Hypnosis Day 6 Did you know its actually possible to let go of your past emotions and change your personal history. The events you have experienced have been distorted by your emotions and your stories.... Today the students learnt to make rapid changes that freed them from past emotional events that create cycles of drama and repetition of the same patterns and themes they perceived. Once they have made this change their world will change because they create and filter the present and predict the future based on their past which now, will be seen and created through a new filter. Freeing them to create a different future, no more ground hog day. When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change. Dont be a victim of your history, Become a master of your destiny! #keepevolving
12.01.2022 This episode of Evolve and Relaunch's Youtube and Episode 131 of Relaunch My Life radio covers: - the importance hypnosis has on our daily lives - how we are constantly hypnotising ourselves all the time (in useful and unuseful ways) - why we need to be careful about who we let program us... ENJOY! And please share, comment to spread the love! #keepevolving
12.01.2022 Are You In the Driver Seat of Your Life? . Or are you on Autopilot? .... Take the steering wheel, its your Turn 1 Day Self Hypnosis and Meditation Workshop 27th of Sept. ONLY 10 SPOTS LEFT
12.01.2022 Wow what a week Such an amazing group Even though we had to reduce numbers and keep social distancing this group still connected and trance-formed in a massive way. I saw a group of individuals grow, stretch and expand their beliefs and develop into amazing coaches.... Keep shining superstars Keep Evolving See more
10.01.2022 Keep Evolving
09.01.2022 Evolve Hypnotherapy Practitioners Course day 5 We are having fun and Changing lives faster than Usain Bolt
09.01.2022 BALANCING THE MASCULINE + FEMININE ENERGY WITHIN Would you love to know the difference between toxic/wounded or divine masculine and feminine energy? Are you curious to discover the two different paths to enlightenment, through the positive or negative entry and also how to find the balance point or middle road between the two?... Have you wanted to dive deeper into movement that nourishes your yin (working in) vs yang (working out) energy? Well... in the JULY theme for our Life Evolution Programs our members voted for the topic of Balancing Masculine and Feminine. You can join the program with a FREE 7 day trial for July only and see what its all about! Monthly videos and meditations to support your body/mind and spirit, and even tips each month to help you become your own life coach. This is immensely valuable and a powerful tool to have in your life to support you in so many areas. Click the link in our bio to join the membership and get started in our supportive community of seekers and evolvers! #keepevolving #relaunchmylife #evolvemindandbody #evolveandrelaunch #masculinefeminine #membership #lifecoaching See more
09.01.2022 Life Evolution Membership Only 3 Days left to lock in the $15 USD per month foundation rate. We send you videos every month to help you master:... Your Mind Your Body Your Spirit Be Your Own Life Coaching Tips access to interview and podcast Exclusive offers and discounts Pre Release courses And so much more. Click the link in my bio and sign up for the foundation price rate and @julietlever and I will help you Level Up Your Life
08.01.2022 Did you know that you are being Hypnotised Everyday? . What even more interesting is it has been happening your whole life... . Even from the first moments of your birth your Parents (your first hypnotists) made a noise repeatedly (your name) and conditioned you to respond to it.... . This process is useful but through life you probably had a variety of things said and done to you on a regular basis that may not be so useful. . Now is the time to take control of your programming. . 1 Day Self Hypnosis and Meditation Course 27th Sept! Link In Bio See more
07.01.2022 Evolve Or Repeat If you dont learn and level up when challenged and triggered in life, Youll get more challenged and more triggered by the same things over and over and again!... We go through cycles, We are stuck in revolution, Until we take leaps in our evolution! Are you ready to Evolve? Links to up and coming courses in BIO.... #keepevolving
07.01.2022 I want to share with you the tools that took me from a Teenager that was literally afraid to leave the house to someone that is cool, calm and confident in delivering workshops infront of audiences of unknown people (which is usually a huge challenge and fear of most people). In my late teens early twenties I literally would have to run through shopping centres, as I was so fearful and anxious in public, I would have panic attacks and my stomach would churn and i would break... out into sweat as I did my best to hide from the world. I thought I would never be able to feel safe and comfortable around other people let alone live a "normal" life...... Until I started practicing Self Hypnosis and Meditation..... What happened was literally unbelievable, in no time my confidence increased, my body and health transformed, I started studying and even changed careers, got out of a dysfunctional relationship and ending up working in the biggest gym in South Australia and eventually went on to receive PT of the Year. A few minutes a day to train my body and mind to respond will literally change your life join me online next Sunday. The Link is in my BIO
07.01.2022 Evolve Hypnotherapy Training
07.01.2022 Who Has Control Of Your Mind? . Have you ever noticed that youll be catching yourself say things in your head to yourself like.. .... Youre Not Good Enough.. You Dont Deserve That... You will never .... . Lot of these Programs come from: People we saw as authoritative figures growing up and they probably just said things when they were having a bad day and you where in a highly emotional state or you had these things installed through repetition (these are hypnotised naturally) It could have been youre teachers, your parents, your peers, your brothers, sisters etc. . NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE CONTROL! . Next Sunday 27th September Join me ONLINE!! . Learn how to take control at the 1 day self hypnosis and meditation Workshop. . Link in Bio #keepevolving See more
06.01.2022 Are you ready Superstar? Our Adelaide Hypnosis Practitioner Certification Kicks off 10th May!
06.01.2022 The Evolve 1 Day Self Hypnosis & Meditation Course is Finally Being Held ONLINE Sunday 27th Sept - join us online from anywhere in the world to learn how to use, self hypnosis and meditation as tools for your self care and personal transformation! Get in ASAP for the early bird rate... LINK IN BIO #keepevolving See more
05.01.2022 1 Week To Go!! Tickets still available... link in bio
05.01.2022 We are only 2 days away from my Online Self Hypnosis and Meditation Course! In this online 5 hour course hosted by Hypnosis Master & Trainer, Paul Eliseo you will learn: - Why consciously trying to change doesn't work and how the unconscious mind controls 96-98% of your behaviour. - How unconscious change is easier, more powerful and more effective than consciously trying to change. - The difference between meditation and hypnosis and the benefits of both.... - How to use self hypnosis anywhere and anytime you need it. - How to harness the power of your unconscious mind to help you to achieve goals PLUS MORE! Tickets are available on Eventbrite! Link in the comments!
05.01.2022 Day 4 - Evolve Hypnotherapy
03.01.2022 Part 2 of graduation photos
02.01.2022 Life Evolution Membership Only 3 Days left to lock in the $15 USD per month foundation rate. https://evolveandrelaunch.teachable.com/p/evolve-and-relaun... We send you videos every month to help you master: Your Mind Your Body Your Spirit Be Your Own Life Coaching Tips access to interview and podcast Exclusive offers and discounts Pre Release courses And so much more. Click the link https://evolveandrelaunch.teachable.com/p/evolve-and-relaun and sign up for the foundation price rate and @julietlever and I will help you Level Up Your Life
01.01.2022 BLACK FRIDAY SPECIAL SAVE 25% On the Evolve Online Self Hypnosis & Meditation Workshop.... You’ll have lifetime access Videos and course manual as well as bonus hypnotic audios. CLICK THIS LINK: (And use the code BLACKFRIDAY at the checkout) https://evolveandrelaunch.teachable.com/p/self-hypnosis-a/
01.01.2022 Yes finally we can share some of the course date for the rest of 2020! The borders are opening up and @julietlever and I are excited to get back out on the road and help you level up your life!... Comment an emoji below if you want to know more Tag any one you know thats ready to Evolve
01.01.2022 Day 3 Evolve Hypnosis
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