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25.01.2022 "The quality of life is determined by the quality of questions you ask" https://bit.ly/askingyourselfpowerfulquestions << Click to Download eBook This was a quote I heard that changed my life. When I heard this, I broke records in my business, I found the woman of my dreams and started smashing life goals consistently!... How do questions make your life better you ask? Great question! (youre getting the hang of this already) Asking yourself powerful questions, allows your brain to find powerful answers. These answers give you direction, they give you motivation and they give you inspiration. Ive dropped a link to my power questions ebook. Simply click the link and press download. Read it, ask yourself the questions,make them a daily habit, and watch your results soar! https://bit.ly/askingyourselfpowerfulquestions
25.01.2022 Stop Wallowing in your Sh!t Build MOMENTUM... ... and book in a call with me if you need to >> https://calendly.com/damien-ryan-ela/call
24.01.2022 In the current climate of uncertainty and instability, its nice to know there are things we do have control over, our attitude being one of them. With the majority of our behaviour being unconscious, this article explores ways in which we can become more aware of what were doing, and provides quick strategies to begin changing that behaviour for the purposes of better results, namely in our sales conversions. #salescoaching #salesdevelopment #humanbehaviour #consciousleadership #consciousleaders #behaviouralchange #behaviouralscience
23.01.2022 !! Were currently in the process of putting together our latest program: " - " We need 3 people to test it for us for FREE...... Just to make sure it gives incredible value (which we kinda already know it will) If you want to be one of the first to trial run this incredible content and experience the affects of increased sales, Comment "MINDSET" and well get you involved.
23.01.2022 THE #1 THING THAT WILL BLOW YOUR SALE EVERY TIME Is this where you’re going wrong?!
23.01.2022 Morning rituals are an important way to set up your day. How do you start your morning? Are you a morning person?... Even if you're not a morning person, you can still implement small steps to begin setting yourself up with a morning routine that serves you to smash your goals and grow into the person you want to become. Whenever we're chasing a new dream or target, it's important to accept and embrace that there'll be challenges to come - otherwise we would have already gotten that result. So how you set yourself up for the day, feeling optimal, energised and focused will aid you in overcoming the challenges you'll face on the way to achieving your goal. Do something in the morning that energises you, fuels you and makes you feel great. For me it's going to the gym, wearing clothes I feel great wearing, having a protein-rich breakfast and my one incredible, amazing coffee for the day. I then check my calendar, write down my 3 top priorities and fill in my High Performance Planner. It took me years to develop my full week of morning rituals because on Wednesday morning I treat myself to a walk outside instead of a gym session to let my body rest and fuel my mind. Go steady, implement small changes weekly until you've got a ritual you love and that works for you. Remember, along the way, to throw out anything that doesn't work for you and do something different until you nail it. Good morning to you :)
23.01.2022 [FREE Live Sales Training] - Wednesday 20th May 8pm AEST Register Now: https://bit.ly/2W0i4NA Theres a thousand and one one coaches out there that will give you all the tactics and techniques to sell better...... ... but if you dont have this, nothing will ever change. Tactics is not what you need to sell better. After the success and love we saw from our last sales training, were bringing you another one, bigger, better and more powerful this time. Heres just a taste of what youll learn on this special online live training: The missing link between sales techniques and emotion The psychology of selling and hoe people buy How to read emotions over the phone, to captivate and add value to the client How we intertwine the head and the heart to make effortless phone sales using our Emotion Model Register Now: https://bit.ly/2W0i4NA See you there!
22.01.2022 [FREE Live Sales Training] - Wednesday 20th May 8pm AEST Register Now: https://bit.ly/2W0i4NA There's a thousand and one one coaches out there that will give you all the tactics and techniques to sell better...... ... but if you don't have this, nothing will ever change. Tactics is not what you need to sell better. After the success and love we saw from our last sales training, we're bringing you another one, bigger, better and more powerful this time. Here's just a taste of what you'll learn on this special online live training: The missing link between sales techniques and emotion The psychology of selling and hoe people buy How to read emotions over the phone, to captivate and add value to the client How we intertwine the head and the heart to make effortless phone sales using our Emotion Model Register Now: https://bit.ly/2W0i4NA See you there!
22.01.2022 This is how I felt about my sales last week Its really funny to think that week on week my sales up and down.... some weeks are terrible, others are record-breaking. In the downtime I find it very easy to blame external things like a pandemic, changes to digital algorithms, the moon or internal things like Im feeling off, I have too many other things on my mind, what am I doing?! ... But really over time my stats track up & up which is exactly how I want & need it to be. Taking that step out of the day-to-day, week-to-week minutia to look at the bigger picture is something I remind myself (& my clients) to do all the time - progress, not perfection. When did you last step out of the detail & look at your progress over the last 90 days? 6 months? 3 years? How are you tracking overall?
21.01.2022 If you want to think, feel and perform like a High-Performace Sales Professional, comment IM IN below Im starting a new Sales Mindset Mastery group this coming month, and Im looking for a handful of people to work with to create as successful case-studies, before our official launch of the Sales Mindset Mastery Implementation Program. Ive been working very closely with a small group of people in the last 10 weeks.... The results have been amazing and Im going to work with one more case study group over the next couple of weeks, starting next week. Comment Im in and Ill send you all the info
20.01.2022 Get your prospects into a buying mindset, rather than yourself into a selling mindset.
16.01.2022 I used to say yes to everyone. It was part of my people-pleasing habit and a deep need to feel special and important (in school I was the one fighting to be the teachers’ pet). In my corporate life, I felt it was part of my role to take pressure off others. This mentality lead me to say yes to anything anyone asked of me.... It left me in the office well after them putting my work after theirs feeling resentful of the fact that I wasn’t strong enough to say no Until I learnt to become very clear on my scheduling, I wasn’t able to communicate and honour my boundaries. Now, I know exactly when everything I have to do in a week is going to be done. It's scheduled. Things will always come up so when everything is scheduled, it's simply a question of "is this a higher priority than what I have scheduled right now?". If the answer is yes, I bump what I've scheduled. If the answer is no, I politely decline. This also helps my "free" time be exactly that. By getting clear with my physical calendar, it helps me mentally switch between work and play which is so important, particularly as a business owner. My free time is rejuvenating because I’m not thinking about work and can remain present. This makes for healthy relationships personally and professionally and keeps me energetically balanced. Schedule your tasks in all of them. Business, home, kids, social, EVERYTHING See the effects of how having a clear schedule leads to stronger boundaries enabling you to have a healthier work/life balance and being able to unapologetically tell people no
16.01.2022 What another amazing week! What can you look back on and feel proud about this week?What another amazing week! What can you look back on and feel proud about this week?
16.01.2022 !!! Another happy client has made back her 6 month SYS6 course investment in her first week!! WOW!! It just goes to show, if youre willing to say YES to yourself and take action on changing your sales approach, your whole world can change instantly!... Congrats to all our clients taking action and KILLING IT in their sales!!
16.01.2022 !! We're currently in the process of putting together our latest program: " - " We need 3 people to test it for us for FREE...... Just to make sure it gives incredible value (which we kinda already know it will) If you want to be one of the first to trial run this incredible content and experience the affects of increased sales, Comment "MINDSET" and we'll get you involved.
16.01.2022 When we come from a place of love and care and understand that a transaction is just helping someone feel an emotion that theyve been chasing, we can then take down the walls of ego and scrap the closing techniques and genuinely give value to our customers.
15.01.2022 HAPPY MONDAY LEADERS I trust you've got your mindset primed for the new week and your confidence to level up, once again, is high. If confidence is something that you seem to be lacking lately, maybe have a quick glance at my latest article.... I explain how simple it is to have confidence and where you can always access it, inside yourself. Check it out and have a great week! https://www.excelleadership.com.au//creating-the-confidenc #confidence #business #mindset #sales #coaching
15.01.2022 If you don’t have confidence and certainty within your sales, you’re completely working against yourself and your business. Comment below if you want our Confidence Sales Manuals
15.01.2022 Focus straight ahead. Eyes on the prize. One thing we find in common amongst our new clients is the incessant need to look sideways & focus on: - what their competitors are doing - whats happening in their industry that may derail them or their business ... - the current economic climate The thing all of these have in common is that we have no control over them. None. We have this amazing thing in our brain called our Reticular Activating System which enables us to be goal-achieving machines. But to achieve at our maximum capacity, we must focus on what we want. Only in what we want. For those of you who recently watched The Last Dance on Netflix, listen to Michael Jordan talk about where his focus was, his entire career. Pay attention to what happened when his focus was taken off his game because other things were distracting him. He had laser-focus and its that laser-focus that will - get you to where you want to be - having the success you want to have - and contributing to others So what do you want? Whats keeping you inspired? Are you focusing on things you can control or cant control? Hows that working for you? Need some help? Comment below & well reach out to see if we can help
14.01.2022 , . ! Today I decided to write an article on how to improve your relationship with your self and with your future self, so you can achieve better results Check it out below, give it a quick read, implement the work and watch your successes flourish.... https://www.excelleadership.com.au//your-relationship-with
13.01.2022 Instant gratification is a devil in business. It causes us to react, seek validation and externally-sourced praise. But if we accepted and welcomed that new levels of success would also bring about negative emotions, instead of simply projecting positives, how would that change our approach? What lessons could we learn? And how much quicker would we meet with success as a result? #salescoaching #businessadvice #ambitions #coachingtips #resultsdriven #leadershipcoaching #leadershipdevelopment https://www.excelleadership.com.au/post/projecting-negatives
12.01.2022 Sales teams, working together or remotely, can offer challenges for any busy business owner. Here are 4 Dos and Donts we recommend when supporting and leading your sales staff. #salescoaching #salesdevelopment #resultsdriven #remoteteams #leadbetter
12.01.2022 " " I hear this all the time... ... and thats why Ive decided to give away our Sales Mindset Mastery Access for Just $1... https://bit.ly/1dollaronlyaccess Its a secret place hidden away from prying eyes filled with the greatest Sales Mindset strategies and systems to create complete sales clarity. The truth is, you cannot have authentic, consistent sales without understanding the sales mindset. Most people think its enough to just learn the tactical sales techniques, but... - the right scripts - the gift of the gab - the best closing techniques - the most convincing objection handling skills ... is only a small piece of the sales puzzle I know you might have looked at sales training stuff before but if youve never been to one of our workshops or seminars, I can assure you that you have never seen anything like this. Its time for us to finally create the mindset of a sales professional, close more sales with ease and make selling your product or service, so much more exciting. If you accept this offer, it will only ever cost you $1... Thats right... - No monthly membership - No recurring cost - No lock in contracts Just one little dollar coin that will give you access to the entire membership area... FOR LIFE! Want to know more? Click here >>> https://bit.ly/1dollaronlyaccess
11.01.2022 It's just the way it goes... Never enough time and always so much to do that all I can do is laugh We filmed on location today - had such a great time in such a beautiful landscape and then we realised that - after all my filming was done (of course), I hadn't turned my camera around the right way (which, for those of you who don't know, makes editing for a non-professional REALLY hard)... I'd done my hair, make-up and I'd packed everything to make sure we could entertain Mr P (our busy, curious, now running 18-month old) long enough to get the filming done We're rushing around in the short time we have to develop new content, new marketing funnels and other bits we've had on our never-ending to-do list FOREVER Some days I feel like I'm never going to get there... and I'm not even sure where "there" is But here's where I'm super clear on my boundaries I will not give up time with my son for work, even work I love doing I learn from every mistake to be better next time I'm laser-focused, putting one foot in front of another If it doesn't happen today, it'll happen tomorrow I know which of the balls I juggle are glass and which ones are plastic As a very close girlfriend of mine once said "if you're going to laugh about it later, why not laugh about it right now?" So that's what I'm doing. I hope you're all having a giggly day and have an ability to take your hurdles right now, lightly Talk soon!
11.01.2022 . Thoughts are the catalyst of failure or success. Its what you think that ultimately creates your world and everything in it. This 3 minute read could take your results skywards!
11.01.2022 36 Ways To Build Your Sales Confidence eBook If you want a copy, let me know in the comments below and I'll send it straight through to you! I just finished putting together this little eBook to help you be complete confidence with every sales conversation.... Confidence is the key to converting more leads, being seen as a trusted advisor, and being more authentic and true to yourself. Take these 36 Sales Confidence Tips and implement them into your next sales conversation.
11.01.2022 "In every sales conversation, the buyer will constantly question the intent of the seller. At the point where the buyer perceives that the seller cares more about closing the sale and getting the win than they do about the buyer's position and solving their problem, trust is lost and more often than not, so is the sale."
11.01.2022 !!! !!! Congratulation to one of our wonderful and courageous clients who closed a million dollar sale for her business!! THAT IS INSANE!!! ... So so so proud of this woman and how much shes evolved in such little time working with us!
10.01.2022 The perfect example that in an economic downturn there is is opportunity. where are your businesss opportunities? what arent you seeing right now? how can you get help?... PM below & well reach out https://abcnews.go.com//apple-shines-pandemic-trillion-hor
08.01.2022 Mindset is not important. It is essential to sales success. Your mindset is what separates the average and the professional.Mindset is not important. It is essential to sales success. Your mindset is what separates the average and the professional.
08.01.2022 HAPPY MONDAY LEADERS I trust youve got your mindset primed for the new week and your confidence to level up, once again, is high. If confidence is something that you seem to be lacking lately, maybe have a quick glance at my latest article.... I explain how simple it is to have confidence and where you can always access it, inside yourself. Check it out and have a great week! https://www.excelleadership.com.au//creating-the-confidenc #confidence #business #mindset #sales #coaching
08.01.2022 In the current climate of uncertainty and instability, it's nice to know there are things we do have control over, our attitude being one of them. With the majority of our behaviour being unconscious, this article explores ways in which we can become more aware of what we're doing, and provides quick strategies to begin changing that behaviour for the purposes of better results, namely in our sales conversions. #salescoaching #salesdevelopment #humanbehaviour #consciousleadership #consciousleaders #behaviouralchange #behaviouralscience
08.01.2022 ' , . ! Today I decided to write an article on how to improve your relationship with your self and with your future self, so you can achieve better results Check it out below, give it a quick read, implement the work and watch your successes flourish.... https://www.excelleadership.com.au//your-relationship-with
07.01.2022 Are you organised?
07.01.2022 While Talkers Talk, Sellers SellWhile Talkers Talk, Sellers Sell
06.01.2022 Sales come from love not only what you love and love to do, but with love for your prospect and what you can help them achieve.Sales come from love not only what you love and love to do, but with love for your prospect and what you can help them achieve.
06.01.2022 Stop Trying To Sell Like Somebody Else The only way to make sales authentic, feeling natural and easier, is to build your sales approach around your own character, your own energy and your own values. Yes! Use the best and most up to date sales skills, but don't use someone else's character or tone.... Sales is personal. When you are making sales in your own business, come from your own heart. Be you!
04.01.2022 Want to be better at sales? Act as if youre already getting the sales results you want. BE the type of person who people love to connect with.... Give results in advance and serve your prospects as if you already have plenty customers / clients. Qualify your audience by working out what they truly want, spend more time listening and then clearly match what you offer with what they desire. Thats what successful salespeople do, right?
03.01.2022 Friday Has Come Again!! What was 1 BIG win you had this week!?Friday Has Come Again!! What was 1 BIG win you had this week!?
03.01.2022 . When you think about what your giving rather than the habitual cloud of self-doubt, youre going to be more focused on what youre delivering and the value that you have to share.
03.01.2022 " ' ' " I hear this all the time... ... and that's why I've decided to give away our Sales Mindset Mastery Access for Just $1... https://bit.ly/1dollaronlyaccess It's a secret place hidden away from prying eyes filled with the greatest Sales Mindset strategies and systems to create complete sales clarity. The truth is, you cannot have authentic, consistent sales without understanding the sales mindset. Most people think it's enough to just learn the tactical sales techniques, but... - the right scripts - the gift of the gab - the best closing techniques - the most convincing objection handling skills ... is only a small piece of the sales puzzle I know you might have looked at sales training stuff before but if youve never been to one of our workshops or seminars, I can assure you that you have never seen anything like this. Its time for us to finally create the mindset of a sales professional, close more sales with ease and make selling your product or service, so much more exciting. If you accept this offer, it will only ever cost you $1... That's right... - No monthly membership - No recurring cost - No lock in contracts Just one little dollar coin that will give you access to the entire membership area... FOR LIFE! Want to know more? Click here >>> https://bit.ly/1dollaronlyaccess
01.01.2022 The best way to make more sales and build your income You dont need the all greatest closing techniques You dont need to be the sharpest speaker You dont need to look the most glamourous... You dont need to talk a big game You dont need fancy lingo You dont need heaps of different products You dont need years of experience You dont need the best discounts You dont need a fully automated sales robot Most people get caught up in being the best, having the most, knowing all the flashiest things to say All to validate the ego. Ego will not bring in the money! When the ego is in control of your sales, youre sales are thought of as icky, slimy, pushy and all about the money. When the ego mask comes down and you learn how to have great conversations, communicate through more than just words, position your value authentically and create joy in working with clients Sales increase, income increases and joy and ease of work, increases. Stop being such a salesperson and become the person people love to buy from.
01.01.2022 FEELS VS THINKS
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