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25.01.2022 Beetroots are easy to grow and available anytime of the year. Filling and easy to prepare the night before, for lunch the following day.
25.01.2022 Today’s gift from the garden, organic, homegrown and delicious. Looks like more tomato sauce on the horizon. #homegrown #organichomegarden #cucamelon #cucamelons #organiccucumbers #homegrowntomatoes #organicgarden
23.01.2022 When you are kindly given a variety of homegrown tomatoes, it seems a pity to not make delicious homemade tomato sauce! #homegrown #homegrowntomatoes #homemadetomatosauce #sugarfree #garlic #letfoodbethymedicine #tomatoes #tomatosauce
22.01.2022 In 1985, the Environmental Protection Agency labeled glyphosate a carcinogen. In 1991 they mysteriously reversed the decision & in May of this year they re-affi...rmed their position that glyphosate - despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary - is not a risk to human health. Now Bayer, the company who purchased Monsanto in 2018 & are now 3 for 3 in court losses are using the EPA’s position as an argument that the 3 cases (including the latest $2 Billion case) as well as the 13,000+ waiting for their turn - should all be dropped. They’re claiming that the court cases conflict with the position of a federal agency, as you can see they’re getting desperate. It’ll be very interesting to see how this all plays out, but in the meantime, the best thing we can do is continue to avoid this toxin as much as possible, starting with these 9 foods: Canola, corn & soy are mostly GM & sprayed heavily with glyphosate. Non-gmo soy is also sprayed prior to harvest, a process called desiccation. Avoid canola oil, corn syrup, soy milk etc Wheat & oats are also sprayed prior to the harvest to dry them out & make them easier to handle (desiccation). This is a big one, because oats are such popular food choice these days & even though they’re considered the ‘ultimate health food’, hardly anyone talks about the fact that they’re marinated in glyphosate before being harvested. If you do choose to eat them it’s so important to buy organic oats. We probably didn’t need another reason to avoid sugar, but sugarbeets are GM in the US & so any foods containing sugar made from them will contain residues. Remember that 80% of the packaged foods in Australian supermarkets contain GM ingredients, sugar & corn syrup being the most common! Chickpeas, faba beans, lentils & other legumes are also sprayed prior to harvest & so contain glyphosate residues. If you choose to eat these foods go organic & always discard the water from the can. . . Interesting read. Thanks @thehealthypatch for awesome content See more
21.01.2022 Oooo, I can’t look the rain even smelt like smoke. #thundercloud #vicstorms #metung #lakesentrance #eastgippsland #gippslandlakes #vicfires #thunderstorm
21.01.2022 Scientists Discover Hormone Produced By Exercise May Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease NEW YORK Endorphins are a well-known exercise by-product, the result of hormones being released that can significantly boost one’s mood. Now scientists say exercise also releases another hormone that may protect the brain against Alzheimer’s disease later in life. Previous research has long shown that regular physical activity improves memory and may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s, but researchers didn’t understand why. Researchers at Columbia University sought to shed light on the mystery, honing in on a hormone produced by exercise that was only discovered a few years ago.
20.01.2022 Easy family favourite that is quick to put together. Just be sure to read the ingredients on the the packaged foods and choose the lowest sugar option. For a vegetarian option use some gilled smoked tofu. https://www.exercisetherapyaustralia.com.au//burrito-bowl/
19.01.2022 Cold weather can make it really challenging to fit in your daily exercise. But well all appreciate the importance of physical activity for cancer survivors and those with a diagnosis or for diabetes, so here are a few tips to help you stick to your regime all winter-long
19.01.2022 Protect your brain health with physical fitness. According to a study published in the online issue of the Journal of Neurology, women with higher physical fitness in their middle ages were nearly 90% less likely to develop dementia until decades after their less active piers.
19.01.2022 So important to get in and do your own research. Let’s face it, your health is a priority.
19.01.2022 Organic homemade chocolate and chocolate peanut butter! #organic #rawcacao #chocolate #chocolatelab #chocolatepeanutbutter #peanutbutter #organic
17.01.2022 Be careful, when healthy eating...
17.01.2022 In simple terms any sugar that is in it’s unnatural state should be avoided. Conventional white sugar is processed using extreme heat treatments, chemical purification and bleaching. It is not uncommon for brown sugar to be processed white sugar that has either had molasses added back into it to make it brown or it is artificially coloured. So brown sugar should be avoided at all costs as well. Sugar is basically nutrient and vitamin empty, calorie dense and chemical laden.
16.01.2022 Smokey, stormy skies over the Gippsland Lakes, this afternoon. Big thanks to all those individuals out doing and a amazing job, helping in all aspects of protecting life and property. Fingers crossed for rain without the lightening strikes or strong wind. No filter on this image at all, the skies are very spooky. #gippslandlakes #gippslandfires
16.01.2022 Healthy options, simple delicious and most important, quick - Pak Choy, red cabbage, red pepper and broccolini, sautéed in garlic and coconut oil. #redpepper #coconutoil #redcabbage #cabbage #redcapsicum #garlic #pakchoy #healthyfood
16.01.2022 Coconut Chocolate Chia Berry Pudding Berries are consider to be nutritional powerhouses whether they are eaten fresh or frozen. You can also gain the nutritional benefits from dried, freeze dried or powdered berries. In general, berries are naturally high in antioxidants as well. They are also packed with fibre, vitamin C and folate. The darker the berry, the greater its phytochemical content and the higher the health benefits.... RECIPE HERE http://bit.ly/2SO00Xl
15.01.2022 Exercise and Mental Health Illnesses Studies show that exercise reduces the risk of mental illnesses such as Stress, Depression, Anxiety, Stroke, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s. It is also used as a Medicine to help treat and manage all the above conditions. It slows disease progression, improves physical function and quality of life. ... Our Accredited Exercise Physiologists can prescribe the optimum exercise program for your condition. Learn more - http://bit.ly/2Bs9Hzh
14.01.2022 Starting the day with a sunrise walk. It’s really such a beautiful time of the day and starting with a bit of exercise is a great way to get yourself set for the rest of the day.
14.01.2022 Even more reason to come along to our Strong Women class Posted @withrepost @exerciseright_aus How often do you do strength training? For most of us, the a...nswer is not often enough! Research shows that 76% of people aged 1864 do not do muscle strengthening activities on at least 2 days per week (which is the minimum recommended for health). Want some tips for getting started? Click the link in bio to find an exercise expert near you! #womenwholift #weighttraining #womenshealth #strongwomen
13.01.2022 It’s brain awareness week here in Australia! Did you know how good Exercise is for the brain..? Keep moving to keep your brain pumping! #brainawarenessweek #brain #exerciseyourbrain #trainyourbrain
13.01.2022 February is American Heart Month, a federally designated observance to remind Americans to focus on the health of their hearts.
12.01.2022 Family friendly, easy nutritious meal for those busy nights. Use a lean organic grass feed beef and a good quality canned tomato like, Global Organics Chopped Tomatoes. 800 grams lean ground beef 2 tbsp coconut oil 2 garlic cloves crushed... 1/2 red onion diced 400 grams canned chopped tomatoes organic sugar free 1 1/2 cups beef broth/stock 1 1/2 tbsp ground cumin 1 1/2 tbsp ground coriander seeds 1 1/2 tbsp ground turmeric 1 tsp ground ginger 1 tbsp garam masala powder salt pepper 3-4 kale leaves about 1/2 bunch, steams removed and roughly cut up 500 grams green beans trimmed and halved 1 red bell pepper small, de-seeded and diced Full recipe below
11.01.2022 Australia has a reputation as a healthy nation, with one of the highest life expectancies in the world, but a growing number of Australians are living with chronic illness.
10.01.2022 Alcohol is a Group 1 carcinogen the highest classification available and is linked to more than 3,200 cancer cases every year in Australia.
10.01.2022 Still using Round-up? Why risk it it? At least two Australian law firms are considering filing lawsuits against the manufacturer of Roundup after a landmark US court verdict in which a couple were awarded US$2bn after a jury agreed the weedkiller caused their cancer. https://www.theguardian.com//roundup-cancer-link-australia
10.01.2022 A corny pun. Literally. #peadoodles #kernel #foodpun #foodpuns #playonwords #pun #punny #kerneloftruth #corn #cornypun #youarewhatyoueat #eatfresh #veggies #healthy #kernel
06.01.2022 Exercise and Weight Loss To fast track weight loss, a specific diet combined with a correctly tailored exercise program can result in dramatic weight loss aver a period of time. You can expect to lose around 1 to 1.5 kilo’s per week or approximately 1% of your total weight. ... It all comes down to food energy in Vs exercise energy out. Our Accredited Exercise Physiologists can prescribe the optimum exercise program for your condition. Learn more - http://bit.ly/2Bs9Hzh
06.01.2022 Just a few hours ago, Monsanto - the company behind the pervasive & dangerous herbicide Roundup - LOST their second court case, where it was once again shown that Roundup causes cancer. Last year it was Lee Johnson vs Monsanto, he won & was awarded $289M (which was later reduced to $78M) this time around it’s a man named Edward Hardeman who is accusing Monsanto. In phase 1 of the case, the question was Did Roundup cause this man’s cancer? (The verdict? YES) In phase 2 the q...uestion becomes Is Monsanto liable? We’ll have to wait for that verdict, but taking into account Monsanto’s track record of cover ups, attempts to discredit independent scientists & rigging research & even ghost writing their own studies & trying to pass them off as legitimate science the odds seem to be in Edward Hardeman’s favour! Monsanto was recently purchased by Bayer for $63 Billion dollars considering there are 11,200 other people waiting with lawsuits of their own I’d be more than a little concerned if I were them! Could this be the beginning of the end of Roundup & Glyphosate in our food supply? What do you think?? . Thanks @thehealthypatch See more
06.01.2022 We are currently waiting at Sydney airport for our flight home and that means ... we’re back in the gym tomorrow! Our Strong Women class is on at 8am, so come along and bring a friend to get your session for free! #strongwomen #womenshealth #ladieswholift #womenwholift
04.01.2022 Impressive athlete, intelligent young women, you go girl!
03.01.2022 Home made tomato sauce 5kg Roma tomatoes, onions, garlic, spices and some slow cooked in the oven for, four hours, strained and will simmer until it thickens. Refined sugar free, preservative and additive free, and will be stored in glass, so eliminates single use plastic from store bought commercial sauces.
03.01.2022 Are you still drinking soda and soft drinks? You may want to reconsider and swap it for water. Read the full article...
01.01.2022 Homemade tomato sauce, ready to be slow cooked in the oven for a few hours, yum #homegrown #homegrowntomatoes #homemadetomatosauce #sugarfree #garlic #letfoodbethymedicine #slowcooked #tomatoes #tomatosauce