Expand Education in Perth, Western Australia | Business service
Expand Education
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 424 676 775
Address: 1/10 Station Street 6011 Perth, WA, Australia
Website: www.expandeducation.com.au/book-online
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25.01.2022 "For me, my learning really took off when I realised the importance of doing practice tests and questions, under timed conditions, instead of trying to rote learn my notes." Words from wonder tutor Kimberley who has transformed the results of her Expand students in 2019. Kim is not just a maths and science whiz but she is ridiculously organised, fun, curious and manages to fit a LOT into her life which makes her the perfect role model. Kim will be helping with the smooth running of Expand Education in 2020 so make sure youve got your enrolment form in to ensure you dont miss out. Link to bookings in bio.
25.01.2022 This is your life. Take control.
24.01.2022 Get your school involved!
24.01.2022 Will your long weekend have moments like this? Wishing all our families a wonderful long weekend offline getting back to nature or getting out the paints Three days overflowing with fun!
24.01.2022 This would be my sons ideal classroom! Moving and learning. Ive recently had a lot of interest in our early years classes we run in the mornings so Ive decided to outline briefly what these fun classes for 3-5 year olds involve. DM or email for further details! Tory Seashells: Age 3 Building on knowledge of letter sounds and rhymes.... Seashells is a fun and interactive program for children with some prior knowledge of letters. Our games help kids to commit letters to their long term memory and gently lead them into our Starfish reading program. They will also develop their focus and concentration skills through play based learning. Starfish: Ages 3 - 4 Developing early reading and spelling skills Our Starfish program uses childrens prior letter knowledge to start reading vowel - consonant words. Through fun and engaging games our students practice sounding out letter combinations and putting together small words. These skills will help build confidence and early literacy. Dolphins: Ages 4 - 5 Beginning to read and spell 3 and 4 letter words The Dolphins program is for children who already know their letter sounds and can read small vowel - consonant words. At this stage their play based learning is more focused on rhymes, word families, short and medial vowel sounds, decoding and spelling. As students start to grasp early literacy concepts they grew in confidence and are more prepared for school.
23.01.2022 Meet our facilitator of fun in learning Liz. When she isnt working helping students she is busy behind the scenes ensuring we offer the very best to all our students. A former Perth Modern student Liz understands the pressure that many students feel to perform and helps bring back fun, balance and perspective with her students.
23.01.2022 Something we often hear from our students is that they want more time More time to catch-up on work, more time to get assignments done, more time to spend with friends and more time to relax. Students are often so busy that they never find time to work on themselves. As challenging as it may be NOW can be the time to develop good routines and habits! Here are our top 10 recommendations of how students should spend their extra time.... 1. Develop a good morning routine 2. Read more books 3. Revise topics you didnt do so well in 4. Exercise at home 5. Get at least 8hrs of sleep 6. Work on your times tables 7. Put together a resume 8. Give your pets lots of cuddles and walks 9. Do writing under timed conditions 10. Participate in our book review competition closing on This Friday! What are you doing with your extra time? See more
22.01.2022 BOOK REVIEW COMPETITION TIME Expand will be running a series of competitions for students who are at home over coming weeks. We want to help with book inspiration so the first competition encourages students to share their favourite book and write a short review. Details below Students should write a book review convincing their friends to read their favourite book... Students in years 1-4 should include a drawing Students in years 5-6 should include a catchy heading Students in years 7-12 should write three paragraphs To submit your entry simply post a photo to Instagram and tag us @expandeducation or send to [email protected] or DM us The winner will be announced on April 3rd and will receive a $50 voucher to a local bookstore! Home delivery if necessary Please share with your friends by tagging them below. All welcome to enter. If you enter from interstate or internationally we will organise local prizes.
21.01.2022 A sneak peak of our 2020 semester 1 planner/diary. This planner will help secondary students take control of their learning like never before. It has been designed to help students thrive secondary school starting with just 5 minutes a day. You can pre-order online. Link in bio. Follow our new study account @take5study
20.01.2022 So proud of our new study planner for secondary students. Ive created it with the help of my former Scotch College, Perth Western Australia student Toby OKeeffe who has done the brilliant graphics. Such a fun project and using it with students this week has proven to me that all the work was worth it. Delighted!! You can order from www.take5learning.org or convince your school to get a school set for 2021!
20.01.2022 I started Expand Education on maternity leave with my first child with the goal to equip all our students with the skills and knowledge to thrive in school and life. The original goal was to help teenagers thrive academically and in life by learning how to study effectively and own their learning. To do this we didnt just focus on academics but on the following areas; - Social skills and understanding how to regulate social media and develop positive relationships offline... - Developing a purpose. This often comes through getting work experience and trying new things. Getting students out of their comfort zone. - Health and physical activity. Educating students that eating well helps boost not only energy levels but their ability to focus and, doing regular exercise and also respecting their bodies. It became clear early on that most parents wanted old school tutoring for their children and to see their children achieving academic success in areas such as maths and English. However, it was obvious that students dont benefit from one hour a week of tutoring unless they put in effort and have good routines in their own time. A huge part of our role is to motivate students so they want to improve and know what they have to do in their own time. We also needed to educate students to get offline more and learn through actually doing past papers and writing down answers and having these marked rather than mindlessly typing out notes where nothing is retained. Student learn from their mistakes and they must be taught the importance of going back and acknowledging where they have been wrong. What has been overwhelming is how many students struggle with comprehension. They cannot grasp what questions require them to do so they write what they know not what the question is asking. This led us to start our Early Years programs where we now work, in an age appropriate and fun way, with students from age 4 years. What Ive learned is the early years are the most important years and for this the best trained teachers are engaged by Expand who understand how to teach young students to read. *continued in comments @ Expand Education
19.01.2022 Overwhelmed studying for exams? Are you studying efficiently? We see too many students who mindlessly type out notes in preparation for exams. This is usually time consuming and nothing is retained. Instead, try doing exams under timed conditions at home free from all technology and then get these tests marked by a teacher or tutor to really understand what you dont know. It will also help with exam anxiety and time management. If the exam is 2 hours set the timer for 2 hour...s. Dont do it in parts. Study smart and youll study less and learn more. From @historycoolkids NASAs lead software engineer for the Apollo Program, Margaret Hamilton, poses next to "listings of the software developed by her and the team she was in charge of, the LM [lunar module] and CM [command module] on-board flight software team to get humans to the moon in 1969. In her own words: From my own perspective, the software experience itself (designing it, developing it, evolving it, watching it perform and learning from it for future systems) was at least as exciting as the events surrounding the mission. There was no second chance. We knew that. We took our work seriously, many of us beginning this journey while still in our 20s. Coming up with solutions and new ideas was an adventure. Dedication and commitment were a given. Mutual respect was across the board. Because software was a mystery, a black box, upper management gave us total freedom and trust. We had to find a way and we did. Looking back, we were the luckiest people in the world; there was no choice but to be pioneers. #girlswhocode
18.01.2022 Expand has been online now for over a month and its completely blown away all my expectations of learning. Expand Education has always been focused on ensuring our students fulfil their potential through quality relationships and we try very hard to match our students with the best educator possible. I must give huge credit to our incredible teachers and tutors who have embraced learning online with gusto. Moving online has enhanced the tutor-student relationship. The feedb...ack from students, parents and tutors is that students are even more comfortable working from their own home. They are more relaxed, asking more questions, the time is spent more efficiently and generally students are so receptive they are learning even more online face-to-face than offline. Not only is online tutoring more convenient and can occur at more flexible times but another great feature is that lessons can be recorded and replayed again and again. This is particularly helpful for maths as students may forget how their teacher or tutor explained something so they can go back and revise again the points at their own convenience or look the workings from the online whiteboard. Parents are also happy as they can listen in and hear how engaged their children are in the lessons and they can also listen to recordings to know just how much their child has managed to achieve. Most students dont thrive in a traditional classroom as they are too lost or scared to ask questions. Asking questions is a sign a student is engaged and learning. This means too many students sit in class all day every day zoning out and not learning much at all. We have seen countless Expand students learn in just one term or less what might take a year or two at school as lessons are tailored to exactly what each student needs. Students go from not being confident in maths to deciding its their favourite subject. Continued in comments
18.01.2022 Wishing our year 12 students personal bests in these final exams! Our number one exam tip is to READ THE QUESTION. It’s easy to read a question and swap the question in your mind for what you’d prefer to write about. Too many students write what they know instead of answering the question! Don’t let this be you. Make sure you underline key command terms and rewrite the question in your own words too if this helps. ... Picture above from historycoolkids NASA's lead software engineer for the Apollo Program, Margaret Hamilton, poses next to "listings of the software developed by her and the team she was in charge of, the LM [lunar module] and CM [command module] on-board flight software team to get humans to the moon in 1969. In her own words: From my own perspective, the software experience itself (designing it, developing it, evolving it, watching it perform and learning from it for future systems) was at least as exciting as the events surrounding the mission. There was no second chance. We knew that. We took our work seriously, many of us beginning this journey while still in our 20s. Coming up with solutions and new ideas was an adventure. Dedication and commitment were a given. Mutual respect was across the board. Because software was a mystery, a black box, upper management gave us total freedom and trust. We had to find a way and we did. Looking back, we were the luckiest people in the world; there was no choice but to be pioneers.
17.01.2022 COMPETITION - PARFUM AND BOOKS FOR MUM. To win a custom scent and personalised label for YOUR mum this Mothers Day, valued at $210 from the fabulous @heartwoodau who gave us this idea along with a $50 book voucher to @lanebookshop Simply: 1. Like this photo 2. Follow @expandeducation... 3. Post a photo of your mum to your story and tag @expandeducation with "Mum taught me..."followed by a short sentence with a life lesson from your mum (example in story) Competition closes Midnight Sunday 26th April. Your profile must be public for us to see your content and thereby get you in the draw to win. Winner will be selected at Expand Educations discretion. Examples of life lessons from mum include "Mum taught me not to sweat the small stuff" "To be true to myself" "To love fearlessly" @ Australia
17.01.2022 Take control of your learning in 2020 Too many students arent in control of their learning. We created the Take 5 Study Planner to help students thrive in high school, starting with just 5 minutes a day. An example of whats inside in images. Order @take5study @ Expand Education
16.01.2022 2020 school year is here This is our busiest year yet and we are thrilled to have our study planner to use to organise our senior students and @take5learning skill builder for our little learners. Each week 1 we ask our students What are you reading for fun this year? With screen time on the rise and reading rates falling across all age groups its a question we all need to ask ourselves. Do we read enough in front of our children or spend too much time on devices? Children become what they see. If you havent booked in for 2020 we still have spots on Saturday and before school and later in the evenings but they are going fast. Booking link in bio Thank you @fairytaleparades and @ruggable for this image!
16.01.2022 We are so excited that our senior study planner and junior skill builder and journal are almost ready to share with our students in 2020. These resources aim to transform learning in as little as 5 minutes a day. Im currently finishing off the section on eating for your brain for our senior students. So many wonderful books written on this topic. Ill need to pick your brain too @drlucycaratti **also** 2020 bookings filling up fast. Link to booking form in bio to make sure you dont miss out! #eatforyourbrain #brainfood #braindiet #foodforschool #learning #journal #learningjournal #studyplanner #geniusfood #skills #phonics #placevalue
16.01.2022 Really excited to share a downloadable format of our literacy and numeracy skill builder online. You can buy the thick laminated version along with whiteboard marker and eraser at www.take5learning.org or download both sides on teachers pay teachers. It is designed for teachers and parents to use.
16.01.2022 Work with us in 2020! Are you a primary trained teacher or strong with Secondary Maths or English? We are interviewing in January for our 2020 team.
15.01.2022 This quote from the website of @marieforleo speaks to me! Its exactly what we try to do with our @expandperth students. Help them understand how to unleash their potential and tap into their talents and thrive. You are not your failures. Stop focusing on what you cant do and start defining yourself by what you CAN do. Confidence is a skill that can be developed!
14.01.2022 Im not sure about you but Im over sifting through the the zillions of online resources available for students and Id rather play dress ups I was emailed yesterday from a panicked mum who is keeping her kindy child home. I told her I could relate. Below is what I shared with her. These are all offline, fun (basic)activities. No doubt you all have better ideas so please share ideas in comments! Offline only please.... For my son Im doing the below activities but mostly reading and doing fun games like apple/kiwifruit on a spoon races (instead of egg and spoon)in the back yard. For our little learners aged 3-5. Remember, the best thing you can do with your child is to read to them and with them. What a great opportunity to read with your children! Try and find the sounds of their name in the words of the books you read. Also remember that young children can only focus for short periods of time. Dont expect them to sit down for 20 minutes at a time. 5 or 10 minutes is a win. Free play alone or with siblings is one of the most important ways they can spend this time. It allows them to use their creativity, develop their imagination, dexterity and physical and cognitive strength. Its vital for healthy brain development. 3-5 year olds home activity ideas. 1. Draw a rainbow over the river. 2. Each day. Make a collage of treasures from your garden: leaves, feathers, flowers, tiny stones. 3. Make a map. It can be a treasure map. Map of your suburb. Use your imagination. It can be in colour or black and white. On paper or using a whiteboard. 4. Name and number collages. Get messy and make a colourful and creative collage to brighten your house. Start with making your name and then try and do all the numbers up to your age! You can them create them for all members of your family and friends. 5. Have fun. Do regular dance-offs in your lounge room to fun music. Kids love The Beatles as much as Baby Shark and I like to move it. 6. Cook with your child. Toddlers and pre-schoolers love getting involved in mixing meals and preparing dishes! It is a daily daily activity and you can teach them about measurement and time at the same time. *continued in comments
14.01.2022 Tutor Spotlight. Here is brilliant English and humanities tutor Charlotte travelling in Morrocco last year while she was on exchange in France. We are thrilled to have Charlotte back with us. A few Charlotte reviews from students and parents below. Charlotte youre a Charlotte has been so helpful!! Shes got me to learn how to answer my questions better and gain a deeper understanding of topics Im covering in school, and has helped me gain better marks!... My daughter is finding her time with Charlotte to be very helpful. The tutoring sessions are very practical and assessment oriented. She always comes home feeling very positive and empowered after her sessions with Charlotte. In only three tutoring sessions, Charlottes encouragement and advice has greatly helped my daughter to plan and structure essays more effectively. Charlottes an absolute gem! Perfect says my daughter. She is the perfect tutor.
14.01.2022 HOW EXPAND TUTORING HAS CHANGED DURING THIS TIME (from super tutor Kim pictured in her PJs) Our biggest change is that ALL of our students are now doing their tutoring sessions online. We are mostly using Zoom to conduct our sessions, however if parents/students have an alternative they prefer then we are happy to use another platform. Due to this change there are a couple of things we arent doing:... Seeing our students face-to-face offline Changing out of our pajama pants However these are A LOT of ways we are continuing to help our students: Identifying issues our students are having and finding ways to fix them Teaching strategies on how to get the most out of online learning Organising what work students should be doing and when to do it throughout the week Motivating our students to want to achieve more Providing continuous personalised feedback Encouraging our students to use their time productively Checking students are completing all the work assigned to them Although school moving to an online platform has been a huge change, our tutors are providing even more value to our students by showing them how to best navigate this new way of learning See more
14.01.2022 For me, my learning really took off when I realised the importance of doing practice tests and questions, under timed conditions, instead of trying to rote learn my notes." Words from wonder tutor and mentor Kimberley who has transformed the results of her Expand students in 2019. Kim is not just a maths and science whiz but she is ridiculously organised, fun, curious and manages to fit a LOT into her life which makes her the perfect role model for students. Kim will be helping with the smooth running of Expand Education in 2020 so make sure youve got your enrolment form in to ensure you dont miss out. Link to bookings in bio.
13.01.2022 Did you know EXPAND has a team of 40 teachers and educators many of whom have been with us since we started almost 5 years ago? We tutor across Australia online and in Perth online and face-to-face. Weve shared a few tips from our team below. Tracy With 17 years experience as a primary teacher Tracy transforms her students enjoyment of learning with her knowledge and dynamic lessons.... Learning tips: Confidence is the key to learning- A healthy sense of self-confidence is necessary for your child to develop social skills, become more resilient, and embrace her full potential inside and outside the classroom. Reading gives us endless knowledge and lessons. The importance of a book to help learn and understand things cannot be underestimated. Kimberley One of Expands hottest maths tutors with continual rave reviews. Kim has a talent for teaching and putting students immediately at ease. Learning tip: Students who ask the most questions learn the best Charlotte Want to learn to write a good essay or unpack questions? Charlotte is the go-to tutor for all things English and humanities. Charlotte is adored by her students. If only we could all have a Charlotte in secondary school. Learning tip: Confident writing comes from strong structure and lots of writing essays. George Taking students in both Maths and English at the highest level, Georges relaxed nature immediately puts his students at ease and helps bring out their best. Learning tip: Students who are comfortable learn best, students who are confident perform best. Louis History and humanities whiz and soccer aficionado Louis curiosity and knowledge inspire his students to want to know more and be more. Learning tip: Be open minded when writing and dont be afraid to head in new directions. Amelia A delightfully warm and bubbly maths and science superstar, Amelia has helped transform her students from being shy under performers to being as good as they can be. Amelias learning tips Explore different learning stylesand Dont forget to go over and learn from past tests!
12.01.2022 HOW EXPAND TUTORING HAS CHANGED DURING THIS TIME (from super tutor Kim pictured in her PJ’s) Our biggest change is that ALL of our students are now doing their tutoring sessions online. We are mostly using Zoom to conduct our sessions, however if parents/students have an alternative they prefer then we are happy to use another platform. Due to this change there are a couple of things we aren’t doing:... Seeing our students face-to-face offline Changing out of our pajama pants However these are A LOT of ways we are continuing to help our students: Identifying issues our students are having and finding ways to fix them Teaching strategies on how to get the most out of online learning Organising what work students should be doing and when to do it throughout the week Motivating our students to want to achieve more Providing continuous personalised feedback Encouraging our students to use their time productively Checking students are completing all the work assigned to them Although school moving to an online platform has been a huge change, our tutors are providing even more value to our students by showing them how to best navigate this new way of learning See more
12.01.2022 We have had a brilliant start to 2020. Thank you to @postnewspapers for the story on our planners. Term 1 is underway and senior students are loving getting ahead using our Take 5 Planner. Our junior students are also having fun using their own @take5learning skill builders. This term we have a few last spaces left on Saturday mornings or weekdays before school. @ Expand Education
10.01.2022 Term 4 here we come! We are excited to welcome all our students back this term. We hope you’ve all had great breaks and are refreshed, recharged and ready to learn and have fun.
09.01.2022 Holidays here we come! Well done to all our wonderful year 12s (& all our students)this year who all put in . 2020 is set to be the most exciting yet for Expand as we launch our learning resources to complement what we offer our students. We will be interviewing in January for new staff so if you have brilliant knowledge in a particular subject, youre a teacher or trainee teacher we want to hear from you. Email your expertise to [email protected] Merry Christmas
09.01.2022 Expand has been online now for over a month and it’s completely blown away all my expectations of learning. Expand Education has always been focused on ensuring our students fulfil their potential through quality relationships and we try very hard to match our students with the best educator possible. I must give huge credit to our incredible teachers and tutors who have embraced learning online with gusto. Moving online has enhanced the tutor-student relationship. The feedb...ack from students, parents and tutors is that students are even more comfortable working from their own home. They are more relaxed, asking more questions, the time is spent more efficiently and generally students are so receptive they are learning even more online face-to-face than offline. Not only is online tutoring more convenient and can occur at more flexible times but another great feature is that lessons can be recorded and replayed again and again. This is particularly helpful for maths as students may forget how their teacher or tutor explained something so they can go back and revise again the points at their own convenience or look the workings from the online whiteboard. Parents are also happy as they can listen in and hear how engaged their children are in the lessons and they can also listen to recordings to know just how much their child has managed to achieve. Most students don’t thrive in a traditional classroom as they are too lost or scared to ask questions. Asking questions is a sign a student is engaged and learning. This means too many students sit in class all day every day zoning out and not learning much at all. We have seen countless Expand students learn in just one term or less what might take a year or two at school as lessons are tailored to exactly what each student needs. Students go from not being confident in maths to deciding it’s their favourite subject. Continued in comments
07.01.2022 Worth a read! "What have scientists figured out? First of all, while learning to talk is a natural process that occurs when children are surrounded by spoken language, learning to read is not. To become readers, kids need to learn how the words they know how to say connect to print on the page. They need explicit, systematic phonics instruction. There are hundreds of studies that back this up."
07.01.2022 Too scared to ask for help?Youre not alone. If there is one thing I wish Id done differently when I was at school its asking for help. In year 12 I worked hard and often suffered in silence by myself until I figured something out. Im getting better at asking for help and constructive feedback but it hasnt come naturally to me. I dont think it comes naturally to most people. Asking for help is a sign of strength not weakness. Especially when it comes to learning. ... The best way to improve is to take on board feedback from our teachers and tutors and seek out help wherever you can. So, instead of being frustrated as to why youre not improving in English and dont understand why one result was 50% and the next 80% then back to 50% again you should probably go and speak to (or Zoom with) a teacher or tutor that specialises in this and can give you constructive feedback. The feedback then should not be taken personally (again, a very hard thing!) but you must learn why youre not getting consistent grades. If we become open to feedback and open to asking for help the skys the limit. As a classroom teacher I was always blown away that the same few students would email me essays to review for feedback each week in the leadup to exams. Not just one but often several! I would then spend a lot of time giving feedback and emailing back or meeting with the students one-on-one to explain things. These students nearly always topped the class or ended up at the top end of the class. However, they werent always the most naturally gifted students. They understood that it took hard work to do well and they worked hard and more importantly, they understood the importance of asking for feedback and help when they needed it. I cannot emphasise enough the importance of students seeking help when they are lost, overwhelmed, or unsure of what to do. Most students suffer in silence and its important to know that while asking for help is scary it does get easier once you start. Life is truly a series of putting yourself out of your comfort zone in order to grow and the earlier students can learn to do this the better. See more
07.01.2022 Thank you Celia Hammond MP for all your work.
07.01.2022 As things slow down this Easter weekend and we take some time to reflect on the current situation we wanted to say a huge thank you for the continued support of all our clients. Everyone in our community has shown us so much support, patience and loyalty as we have transitioned to online learning. We have been so thankful for the ongoing encouragement and kind words. It is because of you that we are still able to operate at full capacity online. Every client that has stayed... with us helps us to stay in business which means we can continue to support our staff, and most importantly the students that need help more then ever during this times. To our new clients thank you for joining us during this uncertain time. We promise to help you and your children get through this in the smoothest possible way with the support that they need to thrive in this new environment. From our team to your families we would like to say a heartfelt thank you and wish everyone all the best for a wonderful break at home.
06.01.2022 Our ambition should be to rule ourselves, the true kingdom for each one of us; and true progress is to know more, and be more, and to do more.Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde never gets old. Forget comparisons. Lead your own unique and wonderful life.
06.01.2022 Learning from home. For our students who cant attend lessons as they are in temporary quarantine or immune compromised we have started online lessons using our online whiteboard and video conferencing. All our teachers and tutors are trialing it this week. Learning never stops and this is a great way to keep learning!
04.01.2022 Wish I had one of these in my sons room when its raining outside! Perhaps we will invest in one of these when @expandperth has a bigger space!! Wishing all our families energy to make it to the end of term we have very limited spots for term 3 so get in touch if youd like a spot in our early years classes or for one-on-one tuition.
02.01.2022 Too scared to ask for help?You’re not alone. If there is one thing I wish I'd done differently when I was at school it's asking for help. In year 12 I worked hard and often suffered in silence by myself until I figured something out. I'm getting better at asking for help and constructive feedback but it hasn't come naturally to me. I don't think it comes naturally to most people. Asking for help is a sign of strength not weakness. Especially when it comes to learning. ... The best way to improve is to take on board feedback from our teachers and tutors and seek out help wherever you can. So, instead of being frustrated as to why you're not improving in English and don't understand why one result was 50% and the next 80% then back to 50% again you should probably go and speak to (or Zoom with) a teacher or tutor that specialises in this and can give you constructive feedback. The feedback then should not be taken personally (again, a very hard thing!) but you must learn why you're not getting consistent grades. If we become open to feedback and open to asking for help the sky's the limit. As a classroom teacher I was always blown away that the same few students would email me essays to review for feedback each week in the leadup to exams. Not just one but often several! I would then spend a lot of time giving feedback and emailing back or meeting with the students one-on-one to explain things. These students nearly always topped the class or ended up at the top end of the class. However, they weren't always the most naturally gifted students. They understood that it took hard work to do well and they worked hard and more importantly, they understood the importance of asking for feedback and help when they needed it. I cannot emphasise enough the importance of students seeking help when they are lost, overwhelmed, or unsure of what to do. Most students suffer in silence and it's important to know that while asking for help is scary it does get easier once you start. Life is truly a series of putting yourself out of your comfort zone in order to grow and the earlier students can learn to do this the better. See more
02.01.2022 EXAM TIPS Good luck to all our students on their final exams! Its time to shine some tips from Expand below Answer exactly what the question is asking NOT what you know and want to write about Define all key terms Use ALL your time if youve been completing past papers under timed conditions this wont be a problem... Think about what you are going write before putting pen to paper to ensure you answer all parts of the question Look at the mark allocation have I written enough for the marks? Do I need an example? Have I written too much (be concise especially if youre clueless as its a waste of time, writing more wont make it right) With multiple choice. Your first answer is usually correct. Ensure youve answered them but spend more time proof reading the questions and ensuring youve answered the questions correctly See more
02.01.2022 THE COLOURS OF LIGHT #dorotheamackellar This is not easy to understand For you that come from a distant land Where all the colours are low in pitch - ... Deep purples, emeralds deep and rich, Where autumns flaming and summers green - Here is a beauty you have not seen. All is pitched in a higher key, Lilac, topaz, and ivory, Palest jade-green and pale clear blue Like aquamarines that the sun shines through, Golds and silvers, we have at will - Silver and gold on each plain and hill, Silver-green of the myall leaves, Tawny gold of the garnered sheaves, Silver rivers that silent slide, Golden sands by the water-side, Golden wattle, and golden broom, Silver stars of the rosewood bloom; Amber sunshine, and smoke-blue shade: Opal colours that glow and fade; On the gold of the upland grass Blue cloud-shadows that swiftly pass; Wood-smoke blown in an azure mist; Hills of tenuous amethyst. . . Oft the colours are pitched so high The deepest note is the cobalt sky; We have to wait till the sunset comes For shades that feel like the beat of drums - Or like organ notes in their rise and fall - Purple and orange and cardinal, Or the peacock-green that turns soft and slow To peacock-blue as the great stars show . . . Sugar-gum boles flushed to peach-blow pink; Blue-gums, tall at the clearings brink; Ivory pillars, their smooth fine slope Dappled with delicate heliotrope; Grey of the twisted mulga-roots; Golden-bronze of the budding shoots; Tints of the lichens that cling and spread, Nile-green, primrose, and palest red . . . Sheen of the bronze-wing; blue of the crane; Fawn and pearl of the lyrebirds train; Cream of the plover; grey of the dove - These are the hues of the land I love. Dorothea Mackellar #australia #australiaday #lucky #sunburntcountry #rotto #rottnest
01.01.2022 Women who read are dangerous. I bought this book in Paris years ago as I fell in love with the cover image. The power and contentment of a woman who reads. Unstoppable.
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+61 421 379 182