Experience Work Pty. Ltd. in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Education
Experience Work Pty. Ltd.
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
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24.01.2022 I had the pleasure to interview 2 amazing engineers, Nadia Habibi and Laurie Bowman. There are so many nuggets of wisdom from both Nadia and Laurie, which I'm sure will add value to any professional, and engineers in particular. Enjoy. ... My intention is to interview role models of professionalism, excellence and leadership in this series. If you wish to be interviewed, PM me. https://www.youtube.com/playlist Nadia's profile - https://www.linkedin.com//nadia-habibi-mieaust-cpeng-rpeq/ Laurie's profile - https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauriebowman/
23.01.2022 29/3/2021 Professional Engineers Round Table (PERT) Morning huddle sneak peek A sneak peek of what we discussed in our morning huddle today. Today we discussed the concept of Campfire. As community members, we bring firewood to the campfire, to replace the heat we consume. We generate content for others to consume and they in return bring their own content. We don’t just consume We also give back.... If you like to become an engineering leader, join the round table of like-minded people. The group’s mission is to lift the engineering profession in 2 ways: 1. Develop leadership skills with-in engineers, and 2. Promote professional excellence by Registration. Here is a link to the group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13602834/ (you will have to request to join)
22.01.2022 The group "Professional engineers round table" hit the 250 members mark. These 250 engineers stand behind the group's mission. In case you wonder, the groups mission is to lift the engineering profession in 2 ways: 1. Develop leadership skills with-in engineers, and 2. Promote professional excellence by Registration. ... We are all like-minded individuals that together create ripples in our circle of influence. If you are one of us, please join us here: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13602834/ Cheers!!!
20.01.2022 Which team do you want to be on? to lead? to reward? https://www.linkedin.com//simon-sinek_theinfinitegame-impa
20.01.2022 Let's wrap up Experience Work's 2020 and see how we will serve our clients in 2021:
20.01.2022 30/3/2021 Professional Engineers Round Table (PERT) Morning huddle sneak peek A sneak peek of what we discussed in our morning huddle today. Today we discussed the mindset of registration and how to plan our journey to become registered and how to develop strategies to implement consistently... If you like to become an engineering leader, join the round table of like-minded people. The group’s mission is to lift the engineering profession in 2 ways: 1. Develop leadership skills with-in engineers, and 2. Promote professional excellence by Registration. Here is a link to the group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13602834/ (you will have to request to join)
19.01.2022 We are launching a Give yourself a Xmas present Apply to become registered challenge. In this challenge, we will work together to support you in completing your registration application, before xmas. This challenge is for all levels of engineers, from graduate to 4+ years of experience. See details in the video.
18.01.2022 Words with of wisdom!!!
18.01.2022 How to improve your employability and job security by being ahead of the curve. A call to engineers based in Victoria, NSW and ACT who are leaders or inspired leaders, and care about the future of the engineering profession.
18.01.2022 Our Leadership workshop is about to start. Im looking forward to serve the room.
17.01.2022 31/3/2021 Professional Engineers Round Table (PERT) Morning huddle sneak peek A sneak peek of what we discussed in our morning huddle today. Today we discussed the transition from technical role to leadership role. ... We discussed what is behind that transition, why we CAN choose to do that transition and what stops us from doing it. Check out the full huddle in the group. If you like to become an engineering leader, join the round table of like-minded people. The group’s mission is to lift the engineering profession in 2 ways: 1. Develop leadership skills with-in engineers, and 2. Promote professional excellence by Registration. Here is a link to the group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13602834/ (you will have to request to join) #leadership #engineering #leadershipdevelopment #leadershipskills
17.01.2022 Our last workshop of the decade is coming soon. If you are into developing an engaged, effective and fulfilled team you can not miss it. Register below and we will see you in the room.... https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/staff-retention-mastery-tic
16.01.2022 A lesson to leaders from Simon. This lesson is crucial for a leaders growth.
16.01.2022 What a great example, before jumping into Implementation (doing your thing) set up the Environment (culture, mindset, values) for your team. Respect for the people, respect for the game, respect yourself.
16.01.2022 Whats on your mind?
15.01.2022 Hi team, Leadership is about strategic thinking. Knowing where you are, where you are going and make the decision to go there to face the unknown problems ahead. Who here would like to gain a greater understanding of their decision making problem solving and strategic thinking abilities?... We all have natural preference to do things in a certain way, yet with awareness, we can improve our stretches and upgrade our thinking. So many coaches are heavily relaying on their intuition and their gut to help clients to progress towards their goals. (Think if your doctor will help you in the same way..) During my last visit to Melbourne, I became a Meta Dynamics certified profiler. This is the pinnacle after 18 months of training. The Meta Dynamics profiling tool is research proven and was designed for coaches to have a blue print for the work with clients by breaking down clients thinking and pin point your strengths and stretches, black on white, removing all guessing from the coaching process. The great thing about this tool is that when you repeat it, you will see how your thinking changed due to the work youve done with your coach. You will see, black on white, the ROI of your investment in coaching. My clients do the full profile as we start working together, yet, I would like to invite you to complete the Mini Profile, which will give you a taste of your natural preferences - Your archetype. Click on the link below and use access code - Xxgkup8OMN https://meta.thecoachinginstitute.com.au/mdpt32-client-det/ I trust you find this of value to you.
14.01.2022 If you are in Brisbane, our Professional Engineers Round Table community will be meeting for a casual drink, on Friday afternoon. All the details are in the links: https://fb.me/e/1SnJCRJzK See you there!!!
14.01.2022 Our video series for business owners and leaders have started. watch the first video and if you dig the conversation, join our Busines Leadership Round Table https://www.facebook.com/groups/402579500622842
14.01.2022 What a great community of like-minded engineers, standing behind the mission of, lifting the engineering profession in 2 ways: 1. Develop leadership skills with-in engineers, and 2. Promote professional excellence by Registration. If you are relating to the mission I would like to invite you to join us: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13602834/ Cheers, Shemi
13.01.2022 I had the pleasure to catch-up and interview Johnathan Gravel, P. Eng, PMP. https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnathangravel/ It was great to hear about Johnathan's journey and lessons. So much value!!! Understanding how engineers think about our profession in different countries was an eye-opener.... Thank you, Johnathan, for taking the time for this interview. Enjoy. My intention is to interview role models of professionalism, excellence and leadership in this series. If you wish to be interviewed, PM me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTkYVBuTel0
13.01.2022 Hi Facebook world, I trust you are having an awesome day. A few weeks back I’ve put up a poll in my group of engineering leaders (Professional Engineers Round Table https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13602834), asking what is going on for them at the moment. With 78% of the votes going towards Find a job I’ve had to support them.... I’ve started a private group on Facebook, with the cool name Engineers finding their dream job and I’d like to extend this invitation to you AND other engineers who want to find their dream job. Here is the link to the group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/718938365555467 I’m looking forward to serving you in the group. Let's combine forces and support you in finding your dream job. Cheers, Shemi
12.01.2022 New half-day workshop date release. If you are a leader who wants to develop your leadership skills to the next level, this half-day workshop is for you. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/effective-leadership-half-d
12.01.2022 Join the Professional Engineers Round Table (PERT) community for our End Of The Year virtual event. BYO casual drink and log in to the Zoom room. We are looking forward to connecting with you. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/professional-engineers-roun The community: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13602834/
11.01.2022 Find your kind of people, that dig your weirdness. They are out there right now.
09.01.2022 We are launching our 2021 Q1 - Become a registered engineer program. If you have the minimum requirements (as specified by EA) and you see registration as an important part of being a professional, DM me and we will get you going. Here is the link to the full morning huddle, this morning on the Professional Engineers Round Table community, dedicated to becoming registered: https://www.linkedin.com//urn:li:activity:6746556389235261
09.01.2022 Leadership starts within us, then home and only then, business. Strong message from the legendary Sharon Pearson
09.01.2022 Welcome the new normal
09.01.2022 Welcome to the first video of our December 2019 video series. This video is the introduction. The first thing is to understand is that leadership is a skill to develop and that it can be benchmarked. ... The recommended books to deepen your understanding of leadership are: 1. The 5 levels of leadership by John Maxwell 2. Good to Great by Jim Collins 3. The E Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber This series will cover: 1. Models to understand people's behavior, developed by Sharon Pearson, the founder of The Coaching Institute. 2. Archetypes 3. Profiling tools - Meta Dynamics and EDISC 3. 2020 Planning 4. Group mentoring session 5. How to hire the right people And so much more. I'm planning to do a few bonus classes too. If you dig the topic and the conversation please join our Business Leadership Round Table: https://www.facebook.com/groups/402579500622842
09.01.2022 Leadership is about the consistency, not the product.
09.01.2022 Awesome event today, digging deep in to what is it mean to be a leader. Thank you for our guest, Belynda and the silent yet saver Beth. Our guests learned heaps and shared their experiences and knowledge in this field. See you next time on 3/10.
08.01.2022 Our upcoming event - if you can relate to the challenges due to low staff retention this workshop is for you. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/how-to-improve-staff-retent
08.01.2022 Leaders fundamentals. Love it!!
08.01.2022 I had the pleasure, this morning, to be interviewed by Heidi Soliman (https://www.linkedin.com/in/heidi-soliman-0280697a/) I've shared about my background, journey to date, the reasons I became a coach and mentor, and why I started the Professional Engineers Round Table community (https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13602834/) Thank you, Heidi, for taking the time and facilitate this interview. You are a rock star!!!... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQvMvgavcGI
08.01.2022 Be the butcher in this video - Listen to your customers (avatar) and be brave to be the first.
07.01.2022 When you try to increase team efficiency without changing the culture....
07.01.2022 Burnt, with Bradley Cooper, is a beautiful story of leadership. Moving from self-center-ness into a gracefull arrival of a team. Unaware leader, developing other leaders, unintentionally, with the value of Excellence at the front of mind. How fast he could have got there using leadership benchmarks and have awareness of his thinking level? I guess there's always room for growth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsyzkkI_g14
06.01.2022 What experience you are gaining to your clients? Are you connecting with them?
06.01.2022 Invitation to (re)Launch Your Career online program. Here is the link to the program: https://experience-work.mykajabi.com/Launch_your_career
05.01.2022 1/4/2021 Professional Engineers Round Table (PERT) Morning huddle sneak peek A sneak peek of what we discussed in our morning huddle today. Today we discussed: does leadership is a talent you born with or a developed skill.... We touched on a few core topics and it was great to have a conversation with one of our community members. What stood out for me is that leadership is a choice. A choice to live a life of giving, serving and contribution. If you like to become an engineering leader, join the round table of like-minded people. The group’s mission is to lift the engineering profession in 2 ways: 1. Develop leadership skills with-in engineers, and 2. Promote professional excellence by Registration. Here is a link to the group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13602834/ (you will have to request to join) #systems #books #shouldersofgiants #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #engineers
05.01.2022 26/3/2021 Professional Engineers Round Table (PERT) Morning huddle sneak peek A sneak peek to what we discussed in our morning huddle today. Today we discussed why we talk about meaning in life in this group.... Meaning in life increases only by design. Using proven techniques is the way to develop, improve and test our MIL level, regularly. For the full explanation join our community and watch the huddle. If you like to become an engineering leader, join the round table of like-minded people. The group’s mission is to lift the engineering profession in 2 ways: 1. Develop leadership skills with-in engineers, and 2. Promote professional excellence by Registration. Here is a link to the group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13602834/ (you will have to request to join)
04.01.2022 Join us for the Professional Engineers Round Table community end of the month event, in Brisbane, this evening. This is a great opportunity for us to get together, have a drink and a bite to eat, talk about engineering leadership and get to know each other. Register, share with your network and we will see you there. Cheers... https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/professional-engineers-roun
03.01.2022 AN update from our Professional Engineers Round Table group on LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13602834/
03.01.2022 Hi Facebook world, I trust you are having an awesome day. A few weeks back Ive put up a poll in my group of engineering leaders (Professional Engineers Round Table https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13602834), asking what is going on for them at the moment. With 78% of the votes going towards Find a job Ive had to support them.... Ive started a private group on Facebook, with the cool name Engineers finding their dream job and Id like to extend this invitation to you AND other engineers who want to find their dream job. Here is the link to the group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/718938365555467 Im looking forward to serving you in the group. Let's combine forces and support you in finding your dream job. Cheers, Shemi
02.01.2022 Three more sleeps. This workshop is for leaders who want to develop their leadership skills and improve team retention. See you in the room.
02.01.2022 Our November catch up in is full swing!!!
02.01.2022 Are you committed to your journey as a leader? Comment I am below
01.01.2022 Becoming a leader is a long term commitment.
01.01.2022 Structure how you speak to achieve effective communication.
01.01.2022 Who should I pick to join my team?