Extended Learning Centres in Mooloolaba, Queensland | Educational consultant
Extended Learning Centres
Locality: Mooloolaba, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 5478 1172
Address: 2/173-175 Brisbane Road 4557 Mooloolaba, QLD, Australia
Website: http://elc.net.au/
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25.01.2022 Students are always learning more than maths in maths classes. "All mathematics teachers are identity workers, regardless of whether they consider themselves as such or not. They contribute to the identities students construct as well as constantly reproduce what mathematics is and how people might relate to it (or not)." -Rochelle Gutierrez
25.01.2022 Looking forward to NAPLAN being over this week. More on the ELC Blog about the double-edged sword that is NAPLAN. It's important to let your child feel it's no big deal... despite the hype they'll be picking up from some adults.
25.01.2022 "Wow, I really love maths now." The difference a positive maths environment makes to people who thought 'Maths sucks!!!' Or who thought they could never do it, let alone enjoy it. #youcubed #maths
24.01.2022 Banish the maths myths your child has likely picked up (and maybe you too). Let them know frequently: 1. Struggle now does not mean struggle forever. 2. Mistakes and challenges make for better learning. 3. Maths is far more than memorisation. BUT so as not to get/give the wrong ideas here, we encourage you to read this article as an introduction to how and why thoughts and actions needs to change for all students to get the right messages about maths.
24.01.2022 We like these sensible tips for staying mentally and physically well during this time.
24.01.2022 Students need to feel in control of their school life. Do your children make time to think about and plan their school journey? Or are they too focused on the next due date to plan ahead? --Read our latest ELC Blog--
24.01.2022 Advice to Year 12 #maths students preparing for external exams. Biggest Tip: You KNOW there will be 'complex UNfamiliar' questions, so to prepare, you must study BEYOND what teachers have taught you. #qce #qcaa #atar #mathmethods #GeneralMath #specialist #exams2020 #study
24.01.2022 While putting the finishing touches to a blog about procrastination (why students do it... how we can alleviate it...), I found this beautiful list of cognitive biases. We'll never be making the most of that marvellous machine inside our heads if we don't browse the instruction manual once in a while! -Dan
23.01.2022 Head to the #SunshineCoastShow2019 today and this weekend for lots of ways to inspire the kids away from Fortnite and Facebook...
23.01.2022 Scientific articles made easy for young minds to take in. Point your curious tweens at this site on a rainy day these school holidays, or have younger ones read pick one for you to read them at bedtime. We particularly like the ones which help kids understand their own brains, like this one:
22.01.2022 Sooo many STEM opportunities on offer to Sunshine Coast students (during and beyond school). They just need the inspiration to reach for them. That means keeping up maths and science skills ALL through school.
22.01.2022 We'd like to introduce you to six of the talented women on board our RV Investigator You'll meet an biological oceanographer, a doctor, a marine geophysi...cist, a voyage manager, a ship's captain andlast boat not least!a leader who oversaw the construction of the ship itself #BalanceforBetter #IWD2019 #womeninSTEM #GenderEquity
22.01.2022 Has your child considered a career in zoology? This field inspires many students. We recommend they start working towards Maths Methods and Chemistry in Years 11 and 12. Call us to discuss your child's future and what they should be doing today to get there.
22.01.2022 For our aspiring veterinary science students!
21.01.2022 ELC is happy to keep our students humming along with their maths progress and schoolwork over this unusual school break. But if you're looking for more free online learning to keep young brains occupied while cooped up inside, here's what we recommend.
19.01.2022 School has great influence on children's growth, but that's nothing compared to their home-life. Some rational reminders from one mother before her parent-teacher interview:
19.01.2022 This Grade 5 ELC student has an AMAZING plan for where he wants to be after Year 12!! Whether or not he changes his mind along the way, picturing life after school is really important motivation for getting through 13 years of schooling. Some Sunshine Coasters have a very limited horizon. So please open your teens' eyes to the wide, wonderful word of vocations and life choices beyond tests and assignments.
19.01.2022 Technology can assist humans to care for, repair and restore our environment. Get excited about future STEM jobs and innovations that current students can aspire too. We have no problem with students taking a day off school to do worthwhile, inspiring learning in the real world.
19.01.2022 Term 3 places available for primary and secondary students for tuition (support/extension) and holistic student management at ELC Mooloolaba.
19.01.2022 Today's university course price shakeup means students should carefully reconsider their plans beyond school; current Year 12s especially, given competition seems high this year with many students cancelling gap year plans. Although, an extra 20,000 domestic places have been added to offset some of the fall in international student enrolments. We do like the idea of building capabilities in the areas of high future job growth, and have been telling our students this for years.
19.01.2022 Free TAFE courses for Year 12 graduates in high-demand industries. Covid messed up your gap year? Don't know what career to start? Boost your CV? Train yourself up for FREE!
18.01.2022 "Almost half of new teachers walk out of the profession within five years." What a waste. We need to build up the teaching profession to the status of doctors and lawyers, not lower the entry requirements to teaching degrees.
18.01.2022 Help kids to get their head around what's going on. Share online, or even print and fold their own little comic book, to give clear info and simple instructions, allay fears and break stigmas.
18.01.2022 Some ELC students have been learning about supersaturated solutions and crystal formation while making sparkling Christmas decorations that they can take home for the tree. (We know it's early for Christmas, but term finishes soon, so we're getting into the spirit while we can.)
17.01.2022 Stave off boredom this holidays. Learn a language with the kids, or just let them loose. ELC students are welcome to contact us if they want to continue their ELC maths over this holidays too!
16.01.2022 Does your daughter or son even know that they could be a Marine Geologist one day? Why not? Explore all the career opportunities they (even you) have never heard of so they can get excited about their future, and have a reason to achieve at school.
16.01.2022 Has your child heard about Toxicology? Why not? Open their eyes now to ALL the career options awaiting them beyond school. They need to be able to picture their future-selves, to have a reason to achieve at school. This guy wanted to be a garbo, then a cook. He was in his 20s before he realised there were better options out there for him!
16.01.2022 A quick check-up on how you are interacting with your teens. It's so important to empathise with the teenage brain.
16.01.2022 We’re OPEN for in-person learning. We have limited numbers and increased hygiene but it all feels normal now. If remote school learning has students feeling behind, it’s best to catch up ASAP.
16.01.2022 This special thanks came in its own custom-made envelope! He used his free time at school to make it for us. *heart melts*
15.01.2022 $1000 bursary for school-leavers to prepare for the workforce. For Fisher electorate: Mooloolaba, Alex, Sippy Downs, Minyama, Kawana and south.
15.01.2022 If your secondary students are given marks for English which seem below the standard of work submitted, we recommend that you politely contact your school for some objective feedback on why. Read more on this at the ELC blog.
13.01.2022 So, your child likes Lego Robotics? Model trains? Remote controlled vehicles? Do they know they could one day build, maintain, operate remote control trains 5km long? Get them excited now about amazing jobs so they have a reason to put the effort in at school.
13.01.2022 Future careers in IT and Maths? CyberEXP is an interactive online program for high school and university students to gain exposure to a Government cyber security incident response operation. The experience is based on real-life scenarios and provides a taste of what it is like on the front lines of security within ASD.... Students will also find out about the various roles, skills and interests required for a career in the secretive and sought-after world of ASD.
13.01.2022 Do the assessment tasks set by your school meet these Criteria for Good Assessment from Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority? They are supposed to. Do you know how to judge good assessment? Take two minutes to learn:
13.01.2022 Students can’t stop staring at our huge new maps. And nor can I! Thanks to Pally at The Chart and Map Shop!
13.01.2022 We really like these straight-forward 'building blocks' for better #mentalhealth. No long program to stick to - Just practical, specific, adaptable, achievable tips to fill the blind-spots in our mental wellbeing. Although we might think of ourselves as 'fine' or 'too busy', don't underestimate how great it feels to feel great, and the big difference small differences can make!! Prevention is far, far, FAR better than treatment - so let everyone know!!
12.01.2022 An engaging site for curious minds to browse. Many interesting concepts to explore here.
11.01.2022 Early learners can learn to recognise alliteration and syllables, decode words by segmenting individual sounds and more! These teacher-led Mini Lessons are a fabulous way for parents and teachers to support children's learning at home and in the classroom.
11.01.2022 Parents and secondary students should open their eyes early to career opportunities and pathways. To have a reason to put in the effort to do well at school, students should be picturing themselves beyond school. Sites like myfuture.edu.au help broaden their horizons.
10.01.2022 This clever maker, Paul, 3D models and prints elements of his 1934 plane engine Learn more about the Makerspace: https://bit.ly/2v184ZZ
10.01.2022 I highly recommend you give 5 minutes to this enlightening inside perspective from a respected maths teacher of 25 years, now fed up. I agree wholeheartedly with 90% of this. The other 10%, I agree generally, but might rephrase slightly. -Dan, Manager and Educator
10.01.2022 Nice, quick overview for kids (7-14ish) of how we became a country.
09.01.2022 Kids have questions about Covid-19 and it's best to give them clear and calming answers. They'll be hearing a lot of sensationalised nonsense and rumour, so take a few minutes to watch and share this straight-forward information aimed at kids. At ELC, we now have extra hygiene precautions in place, but also want to prevent fear or panic.
08.01.2022 Foster enjoyment in making music right from the get-go.
08.01.2022 School deemed that Dr Jordan Nguyen was NOT SMART. NOW he's a biomedical engineer who has invented a mind-controlled wheelchair, and uses technological innovations to improve the lives of those living with physical disabilities. Just because school doesn't bring out your talents, does not mean you're not talented!!! ... Here, he speaks about his journey from not seeing the point of school to finding his passion for maths and science. (25min)
08.01.2022 The QCAA external assessment guide provides handy information on how to prepare for the upcoming exams. This includes reviewing the assessment timetable or down...loading the subject syllabus from the QCAA website. We have also produced a series of videos with insights from QCAA learning area managers to help students prepare. Access these resources on the myQCE website: https://myqce.qcaa.qld.edu.au/external-assessment.html #getprepared #externalassessment
08.01.2022 This motivated Grade 3 student jumped at the chance to play with a Year 8 maths assignment. "Big kids maths!"
07.01.2022 Secondary school students need to take this into account. Government plans to change the price structure of degrees from 2021 to address shortages and oversupply in the future jobs market. Some degrees will double in price; others will halve. Students should choose wisely. ... ...read more at out blog.
07.01.2022 USC is seeking 12-year-olds for a study into teenage brain development. Early findings reveal links between sleep quality and mental health, and distress and the size of the hippocampus.
07.01.2022 40 days left to catch up on this worthwhile Australian history series with your tweens and teens. An engaging overview of aspects of Australia they will likely be unaware of. Along with the fast pace and succinct commentary, it's amazing how the colourized footage breaths new life into what used to feel like ancient history.
06.01.2022 She’s busy with Year 12 exams, as she celebrates her OAM as the youngest on the 2019 Queen’s Birthday honours list. Her message to her peers: focus on your abilities, not your appearance.
06.01.2022 This makes our week!
05.01.2022 "When my daughter makes a mess at school and it is left to be cleaned up by a person in the early hours of the next morning, whose name she does not know, who are we letting down?"
05.01.2022 Earlier today, we shared stories of six phenomenal women working aboard RV Investigator. In one way or another, their work is possible because of the vision and... courage of pioneering women scientists. Thank you Maria, Nettie, Jane, Mary, Hedy and Jocelyn for making world-changing discoveries, and for paving the way #IWD2019 #BalanceforBetter
05.01.2022 What better way to with you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS than with this ELC student's quirky holiday scene!
04.01.2022 Lowest uptake of advanced maths in 20 years! But the technological present and future is built with maths. Australia is deciding that our children should not be the innovators of the future, by driving them away from maths in droves. The road to really appreciating maths begins in early primary. And it takes concerted effort all along the way to counter the societal misconceptions of WHAT maths IS, and WHO it is FOR.
04.01.2022 It's hard for many students to connect science classes to their 'real' lives and futures outside school. "I'll never need this!" can be true in some respects. But school science is more about developing critical thinking and understanding, and taking a broad foundational knowledge into their futures, wherever that leads. So they more they are involved outside the classroom, the stronger the connection and interest.
03.01.2022 Mental well-being is ultimately much more important than education. If school is causing issues for a student, priorities need to be re-evaluated, the situation needs to change!
03.01.2022 Does your child think scientists are stuck in labs all day? You need to open their eyes to the wide world of science. It doesn't matter what their interests are, there's science involved.
02.01.2022 Maths trains brains to solve problems in all aspects of life, from sport to business to creativity, now and into the future. #MathsTrainsBrains
01.01.2022 USC is offering mindfulness training to 9-, 10- and 11-year-olds eligible to participate in a study into how anxiety affects learning.
01.01.2022 Fill your daughters' social media with healthy messages to counter the barrage of makeup tutorials and workout glamour-shots. Jade has climbed the tallest peak on each continent and skied to both of our planet's poles; now for Year 12. Her message: downplay appearances, focus on abilities.
01.01.2022 Australian Students turning their back on maths and science is disappointing. Our perceptions of maths are really skewed by the implicit messages we receive in formative years. Maybe even you don't realise what subconscious misconceptions you've inherited, and are unknowingly handing down to other in their formative years.
01.01.2022 "If we don’t recognize students’ reality, they will not trust us. And without that trust, we can’t teach." We need to understand where they've come from, and show them the possibilities for going forward. Maths units can't be discrete; we must show students what today's learning will be used for tomorrow and beyond. It's about "development of children, their understanding of why, not only what they’re doing, how to do it, but why they’re doing it. And this connects with their belief that effort into improvement will matter. And that they are building a life that they know something about. If that’s separate from the math, neither will work."
01.01.2022 "There Is a Better Way to Teach Students..." full stop. Yes, those with learning "disabilities", but ALL STUDENTS will benefit as we broaden our inherited concepts of what maths is. Worth reading this introduction to changing society's concept of education, based on our latest understanding of neurology and psychology.
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