Eyecare Kids | Sunglasses & eyewear shop
Eyecare Kids
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25.01.2022 Do you have red eyes, watery eyes, gritty or foreign body sensation, crusted eyelashes, or eyelids that appear greasy? These could be symptoms of eyelid inflammation or blepharitis, usually caused by bacterial overgrowth. This shouldnt be ignored because bacterial buildup develops a biofilm on your eyelids which will attract Demodex mites to feed on it and live on your eyelids! (Read our blog for more details.) Fortunately, we have a solution...its BlephEx, a gently spinn...ing eyelid scrub treatment thats like giving your eyelids a thorough shampoo, to be professionally performed by our optometrist whilst you sit back. Ask us about BlephEx today. #blephex #demodex #blepharitis #eyelidscrub #eyelidshampoo #cleaneyelids #eyelidinflammation #crustyeyelids #greasyeyelids http://www.eyecarekids.com.au/blephex-eyelid-scrub-blephar/
25.01.2022 In these uncertain times, thank you for being our beacon of hope and strength, Dad. Happy Fathers Day to all the dads, granddads, and those wonderful humans taking on the role of Father. You deserve more than just appreciation on this special day. #FathersDay #FathersDayAustralia #AustralianFathersDay #FathersDay2020
25.01.2022 As our kids transition from traditional school to online home school (longer hours in front of a digital screen), parents and guardians need to be reminded that eye strain is very real even amongst kids. Heres a checklist to help prevent this. #eyestrain #digitaleyestrain #newnormal #onlineschool #backtoonlineschool #eyecarekids http://www.eyecarekids.com.au/back-to-online-school-checkl/
25.01.2022 Brain Teaser How many squares can you find? Let us know in the comments below and share with friend that might like to test their skills too! #howmanysquares #brainteaser #howmanychallenge
24.01.2022 This photo was taken before COVID with our behavioural optometrist, Dr Emily. Even though our little patients might see our team with masks on, we are still smiling and happy to see them... it might just be a little harder to see our smiles! Eye tests are important for kids - we are here for them
24.01.2022 Nike Vision frames are ideal for kids, teens and young gentlemen who want to bring sport glasses into their everyday lifestyle. We have a wide range here at the practice, so come visit us and well help you choose a well-fitting frame for your child for optimum visual performance. #Nike #NikeVision #Nikeeyewear #Sydneyoptometrist #kidsglasses #kidsframes #teensglasses #teensframes #sporty #Sydneychildrensoptometrist
24.01.2022 Look who picked up their Kate Spade sunglasses and Pixel Art 9 today Enjoy! Once again, thank you to everyone who participated in the Mothers Day comp.
24.01.2022 Health Fund Members Offer! FREE second pair of spectacles *or* Cancer Council sunglasses! To qualify, simply purchase a pair of spectacles before 31 December. #Sydneyoffers #Healthfundoffers #Sydneypromos #free #freesunglasses
24.01.2022 Congratulations to our beautiful optometrist, Dr Emily, who has recently had a healthy, gorgeous baby girl! Wishing you a wonderful time with the family !
23.01.2022 "Even the most gifted students struggle when their vision is compromised." This article is a very timely read about vision and learning. As our kids transition to online classes at home, we are able to witness their struggles and successes with schoolwork. If you notice your child is facing challenges with focus and learning, a first step you may want to consider is consulting our behavioural optometrist to assess their functional vision. Functional vision is relating to the ...way the eyes function together and send visual information to the brain for processing. Even if a child has 20/20 vision, a hidden vision problem may be the culprit for why they cannot focus well or take too long to do homework that can be done in 20 minutes. If you are concerned about a potential vision problem affecting your childs academic performance, please schedule an appointment with our behavioural optometrist. #elearning #onlineclasses #distancelearning #distancelearning2020 https://www.readingeagle.com//article_309a9eae-e615-11ea-a
23.01.2022 Kids activities are available at YMCAs online resources for free! These include kids yoga, culinary arts, preschool dance, preschool visual arts, youth dance, teen poetry, and fun fit cardio and core! This is a wonderful initiative by YMCA 360 to encourage kids to exercise, learn cooking, or develop creativity! #YMCA #YMCAfamily #YMCA360 #YMCAforkids #yogakids ... https://ymca360.org/on-demand/category/86
23.01.2022 We just made face-to-face encounters one more notch safer for everyone with our newly installed "clear shield". Our ever-dependable optical dispenser, Trevor, says come visit us. We will still be able to provide comprehensive eye tests, help you find solutions to your vision problems, and offer excellent service and advice. No barrier is going to stop us from doing that. ;) #eyecarekids #Sydneyoptometrist #Sydneyoptical #Sydneyoptician #childrensoptometrist
23.01.2022 ! For 4 years in a row, weve been recognised as top 3 optometrist in Sydney by Three Best Rated. https://bit.ly/3eggcHn What a great privilege and honour for our hardworking team. Taking care of your familys vision has been truly rewarding for us. Thank you for your continued trust and for referring us to your family and friends.... We will continue to work hard to provide you tailor-fit eyecare thats comprehensive and unrushed and bring you the latest eyewear brands from world-leading suppliers. #localscaringforlocals #EyecareKids #threebestrated #Sydneystop #Sydneysbest #Sydneyoptometrist
22.01.2022 Binocular vision dysfunctions and myopia are two separate conditions, but the reality is many young myopes do not have a single diagnosis and will likely present with co-morbid binocular dysfunctions. How do we approach treatment? Do we treat one before the other or treat simultaneously? Dr SooJin Nam Optometrist shares valuable insight.
22.01.2022 Kids usually won’t tell you they have a vision problem, thinking what they see is normal. 80% of what kids learn is through their vision, so if vision is compromised, learning can be too. Here are some signs that your child may be suffering from an undiagnosed vision problem. If you notice any of these in your child, book in with us right away so we can identify if there are any problems with your child’s vision. #visionproblems #childrensvision #kidsvision #hiddenvisionproblems #childrensoptometrist #Sydneyoptometrist #Sydneychildrensoptometrist #behaviouraloptometrist
22.01.2022 Its June already which means... end of financial year is close by! If your health fund is AHM, Defence Health, Navy Health or Peoplecare, make use of your optical benefits before they expire on 30th June. You can use your benefits towards new spectacles...and well give you a Free Upgrade to BlueControl coating to protect your eyes from harmful blue light from your smartphone, iPads and computers. See you very soon! #endoffinancialyear #useitorloseit #opticalhealthfund #healthfund #EyecareKids #Hillsdaleoptometrist
22.01.2022 Stare into this image for 25 seconds, then look at a blank white wall. What do you see? According to illusions.org, our brains decipher negative and positive images in an interesting way. Optical illusions occur because our brain is trying to interpret what we see and make sense of the world around us. Optical illusions simply trick our brains into seeing things which may or may not be real.... So what should you see on the blank white wall? Eventually you should see a glowing light bulb, though for some people it may take a few tries. Source: Optics4Kids #opticalillusion
21.01.2022 The staff at Hillsdale sneaking in a Xmas photo when Santa is away this morning!
21.01.2022 - Here are some tips: 1. Soap and water wash your glasses with soap and water (such as regular washing up liquid), then dry them with a microfibre cloth. This type of cloth typically comes free with each pair of glasses. You can also buy cheap microfibre cloths from most optometrists.... Facial tissues may leave lint, which attracts moisture to the lenses. Soap reduces surface tension, preventing fog from sticking to the lenses. 2. Shaving foam apply a thin layer of shaving cream to the inside of your glasses, then gently wipe it off. The residual shaving cream will protect the lenses from misting up. 3. De-misting spray you can use a commercial de-misting spray that dries clear. But make sure this is compatible with your lens type or existing coatings on your lens. You can buy demisting spray online or from your optometrist. 4. Close the gap on surgical masks mould the nose bridge at the top of your surgical mask to your face to reduce the gap that allows warm moist air up to the glasses. 5. Twist ties and pipe cleaners if you make your own cloth mask, add a twist tie (for instance, from a loaf of bread) or pipe cleaner to the top seam of your homemade mask and mould that to your nose for the same effect. 6. Tape some health professionals apply a strip of tape thats specially designed for use on skin to the top edge of the mask to close the gap. You can buy a roll online or at the pharmacy. 7. Damp tissue slightly moistening a tissue, folding it and placing it under the top edge of the mask also does the trick. 8. Nylon stocking Victorias health department says you can also get a snug fit across the cheeks and bridge of the nose by wearing a layer of nylon stocking over a face mask. Sadly, there is no magic trick, such as putting the mask or glasses on first that will stop fogging. Improving the fit around the curve of the nose and cheeks is the best approach. Source: theconversation.com #foggyglasses #handytips
21.01.2022 Eye Tracking (Ocular Motor) Reading requires very fine eye movements to be made. As well as fixating and following along a line of text, children must also be able to make the fine adjustment needed to read to the end of one line, then accurately find the next one down to begin reading.... Our central and peripheral visual systems help control eye tracking. Our central vision processes what we are seeing in clear detail and defines what we are looking at. Our peripheral (or side vision) locates surrounding objects and lets us know where to look. In reading, the central vision processes the word, while our side vision locates the following word and tells us where to aim our eyes next. Unlike convergence and accommodation which develops very early in an infants life (e.g., crawling), fine eye tracking skills do not actually mature until they are around 5 years of age. As developmental milestones, some children may take longer until they learn these skills. However, if they do not track well by the time they are 7 years old, this is when reading may be affected. Video Courtesy from Dr Helon Law
20.01.2022 Eye focusing (technically called accommodation) allows us to see clearly at different distances. Our eyes are designed to focus only at one distance at a timeso normally when looking close, far images will appear blurry. When looking far, near images will appear blurry. How does focusing work? Our eyes are naturally designed to be clear for distance, so when we look at a near object, the lens in our eye changes shape to redirect light rays on the retina (much like a macro le...ns on an SLR camera). For near tasks, more effort is required to maintain a clear, sharp image for a sustained period of time. When kids have a focusing problem, they will find their eyes fatigue very quickly and can no longer maintain the effort. When that happens, their vision at near can flicker between clear and blurry, causing watery eyes, excessive blinking, eyestrain and headaches. Some children may avoid reading by this stage whilst others will continue to try hard and may hold print very close when reading. Video Courtesy from Dr Helon Law
19.01.2022 If you notice eye turn in you child, fast action needs to be taken. Early treatment is important waiting or not getting a proper diagnosis could lead to permanent vision loss later. Our optometrists are equipped to diagnose and treat eye turns and other childhood vision problems. Our team is careful to practice and implement extra precautions to keep your visit safe, so dont hesitate to call us or send us a message to book in for your appointment. #eyeturn #childhoodvisionproblems #Sydneyoptometrist
19.01.2022 Our behavioural optometrists work hard to continue providing excellent eye care for you and your family. Our number one priority is the health of our patients, team members and the broader community, so we are taking significant extra safety precautions at this time. If you or your child is due for an eye test or are concerned about vision problems, book in for an appointment with one of our optometrists.... #SydneyOptometrist #EyecareKids #Hillsdaleoptometrist #childrensoptometrist #behaviouralopotmetrist
19.01.2022 August is Amblyopia Awareness Month. Amblyopia is a type of poor vision that happens in just one eye. It develops when theres a breakdown in how the brain and the eye work together, and the brain cant recognize the sight from one eye. Over time, the brain relies more and more on the other, stronger eyewhile vision in the weaker eye gets worse. (National Eye Institute) If you or a loved one has amblyopia, we are here to offer you support and advice. Thanks to neuroplasticit...y, there is still hope for those with amblyopia even if you are past childhood stage, which is the best time for treatment. Watch this video and share it to spread awareness. https://www.facebook.com/Amblyopiastrabismuskids/videos/313444509403361/
18.01.2022 Do you suffer from: -Headaches? -Difficulty reading and concentrating? -Eye strain (especially with or after reading)?... -Double vision? -Blurry vision at near? -Words appear to move, jump, swim or float? -Squinting or closing one eye? Your eyes may not be teaming accurately and efficiently. Convergence is the way eyes coordinate and focus on things up close like on the computer, iPad and when reading. Convergence insufficiency refers to when your eyes cannot focus inwards together enough. This can occur in both adults and children. Convergence insufficiency may be treated through vision therapy and/or glasses. It is never too late to get help for this condition. Do you suspect you or your child to have convergence insufficiency? We can help. #EyecareKids #convergenceinsufficiency
18.01.2022 Eye Teaming / Convergence Skills Normally, we have 2 eyes which are able to work together as a team. This means when we look at an object, both our eyes are pointing at that object in a precise and coordinated way, giving us single comfortable vision which we can sustain for long periods. This is good eye teaming.... Good eye teaming is an important skill for visual acuity during reading. If your child has poor eye teaming, they may see overlapping images which may cause problems when reading for any length of time. Because vision is not comfortable when your child sees double or when they cant sustain a single vision for long, they may tend to avoid reading tasks. Convergence Insufficiency is when the brain perceives an object at near to be farther away than it is, which results in the need for extra effort to be used as the eyes and brain must work harder in order to point accurately at the object. Therefore, the eyes have a tendency to turn slightly outward when viewing close objects due to this problem with localisation. Convergence Excess is when the brain perceives an object at near to be closer than it is, which results in the need for extra effort to be used as the eyes and brain must work harder in order to point accurately at the object. Therefore, the eyes have a tendency to turn slightly inward when viewing close objects due to this problem with localisation. Video Courtesy from Dr Helon Law
18.01.2022 , Our optometrist, Dr SooJin Nam, has taken leave until October to look after the team across 6 practices in Sydney. Optometrists Dr Emily Chen and Dr Tania Seligmann are available at Hillsdale to help answer any questions you might have and provide continuing care for the next few months. Our vision therapist, Swathi Vemula, is closely working with us remotely.... If you would like to contact Optometrist SooJin or Swathi directly, you can send them a message here on Facebook. You can also email Swathi at [email protected].
18.01.2022 What items can you claim with your optical extras health fund cover? What is a 'preferred provider'? Read more to know how you can maximise your health fund benefits before 2020 ends. #healthfund #healthfundblog #privatehealthfund
17.01.2022 Answer key to yesterday's anagram. Did you get all words right?
17.01.2022 Many Australians are neglecting to prioritise their eye health during the pandemic times. Please read why you shouldn’t...it may save your sight. #eyehealth #COVID19 #coronavirus #eyecare #takecareofyoureyes
16.01.2022 Is it safe for kids and teens to continue wearing contact lenses during these "new normal" times? Dr. Gregory Poland, an infectious diseases expert, states, I dont think the issue is so much the contact lenses as it is hand hygiene before inserting or taking out the contact lenses. You certainly want to wash, and you dont want to use an alcohol-based hand rub because youll feel it in your eye. But wash your hands well before inserting and taking them out. If your child ...or teenager has a tendency to keep on touching their eyes whilst wearing contact lenses, consider shifting to spectacles in the meantime. Read more here: http://www.eyecarevision.com.au/wearing-contact-lenses-dur/ #contactlenswear #contactlensandCOVID #coronavirusandcontactlens #contactlenscoronavirus #contactlens
15.01.2022 A beautiful reminder from Optometry Australia that life isn’t just about seeing well; it’s about living well. The earlier we start looking after our eyes, the better our chances of maintaining good vision for life. If you are looking for a local optometrist who can look after your family’s eyes, we are here for you. #OptometryAustralia #goodvision #goodvisionforlife
12.01.2022 Computer Ergonomics for Kids One of the ways to prevent eyestrain (and neck strain!) in kids is to ensure that their bodies are positioned correctly whilst they study. This includes:... -working at a comfortable distance from their screen (eyes at 18-24 inches away from the screen) -eyes parallel with the top of the computer screen -sitting with an upright posture, with rear end in the back of the chair and shoulder blades touching the back of their chair -cushion to support their lower back if their seat is too deep -forearms parallel to the floor, with their elbows at a 90 to 110 degree angle whilst typing -knees at a 90 to 110 degree angle, with feet touching the floor (if their chair is too high that their feet dangle, add a block or box for their feet to rest on) Let's help our kids make the most of e-learning by providing them the ideal computer ergonomics whilst they study. #computerergonomics #ergonomics #kidsergonomics #ergonomicsforkids #kidselearning #kidsposture #sittingposture #sittingpostureforkids #ergonomicsittingposture #ergonomicsittingpostureforkids
12.01.2022 Kids have delicate eyes, and it's up to parents/guardians to help safeguard their vision. Here are some tips to help protect your child's vision:
12.01.2022 How did the Coronavirus affect Optometry? What was our response to continue providing excellent eye care whilst making sure our patients and staff are safe? Read here. #coronavirus #coronavirusandoptometry #optometryandcoronavirus #pandemic #coronaviruseffect #EyecareKids
11.01.2022 Myopia (or shortsightedness) progression is a worldwide concern. Find out the common myths about myopia. If you are concerned about your childs myopia getting worse, we can help with myopia control. Book in for an assessment today. #myopia #childhoodmyopia #myopiacontrol #myopiaprogression #Sydneymyopia #myopiacontrolclinic https://www.facebook.com/eyecarekids/videos/1041619616226274/
11.01.2022 Happy Halloween to all our little patients! It’s been super fun seeing them today - especially with the team all dressed up for the occasion
11.01.2022 Kids' safety alert! There has been a rise in eye injuries caused by hand sanitiser amongst young kids. Some public sanitiser dispensers are at eye height for young children and have led to injuries including serious corneal lesions requiring surgery, ophthalmologists and toxicologists have warned. #handsanitiser #kidseyeinjuries #eyeinjuries
10.01.2022 Do you suspect "double vision" in your child? Kids dont usually complain of a vision problem. Our optometrists and vision therapist have a keen interest in childrens vision and have been successfully helping both kids and adults overcome their eye teaming, tracking and focusing difficulties. Book in with us for a comprehensive evaluation.... #eyefocusing #eyeteaming #eyetracking
10.01.2022 Why do we ask our patients to wear a mask? Watch this quick simulation video of how a single cough can spread respiratory droplets up to 5 metres when a person is not wearing a mask. #cough #coughsimulation #importanceofwearingmask #whywearmask #mask #wearyourmask http://www.eyecarekids.com.au/why-we-ask-our-patients-to-w/
09.01.2022 November is Diabetic Eye Disease Month. Did you know that diabetes, if uncontrolled, can damage the eyes and lead to blindness? In fact, uncontrolled diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in working age adults. If you or a family member has diabetes, enquire us about our Diabetic Eye Check today, which involves using advanced equipment to look at the back of your eyes for signs of blood vessel changes. Read about the 5 ways diabetes can be devastating to your sight. #diabeteseyes #diabeticeyes #diabetesandtheeyes #diabetes
09.01.2022 Catch the Wiggles live stream this Sunday, 14th June at 4pm! #thewiggles #thewiggleslivestream #indooractivity
09.01.2022 Thinking of getting a new pair of specs? At Eyecare Kids, we have a wide range of brands available to choose from! Contact us today to book your next appointment.
09.01.2022 We accept ALL health funds! Not the just the major health funds but also the smaller ones, the industry ones, the local ones and the ones you choose to use. Visit us and we will help you make the most out of your optical benefits. #healthfund #opticalhealthfund #opticalbenefits #sydneyhealthfund
09.01.2022 Thanking Hoya for the very thoughtful gift! Very much appreciated by the team
08.01.2022 It’s National Skin Cancer Action Week. According to Cancer Council, Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. More than 95% of skin cancer cases are caused by unprotected exposure to UV radiation from the sun, meaning it is a nearly entirely preventable cancer. As healthcare professionals, we encourage the use of sun protection and highlight the importance of early skin cancer detection for all Australians. As eyecare professionals, we stress the imp...ortance of using only sunglasses that meet the Australian standard for UV protection. Our practice offers a variety of such sunglasses for men, women, children and babies as well. So if you or any family member doesn’t own a pair of sunglasses, we can help select a pair that’s a great fit, with great style and offers 100% UV protection. #cancer #cancerawareness #skincancer #skincanceractionweek #sunglasses #Sydneysunglasses
07.01.2022 Happy Monday! See if you can guess these 4 common childhood eye conditions amongst the jumbled letters. (Answer key to be posted tomorrow) #wordscramble #eyediseases #eyeconditions #guess
07.01.2022 Limited time offer! Receive $50* OFF your next purchase when you buy 2 x 90 packs of PRECISION1 contact lenses. Offer available at our practice until 31 December 2020. *T&C’s apply. Professional fees may apply.... #Alcon #Precision1 #contactlens #contactlensoffer #Sydneyoffers
07.01.2022 Kids are using their near vision more than usual. This puts our children at greater risk for developing myopia. Myopia (or short-sightedness) is the most common cause of impaired vision in people under age 40. In recent years, its prevalence is growing at an alarming rate. Global research suggests that by the year 2050, it's expected that roughly half the people on the planet will be short-sighted. Myopia is a progressive condition and when nothing is done about it, it may be...come high myopia, increasing the risk of sight-threatening diseases in the future. So is your child at risk of developing myopia? Consult with our behavioural optometrist today so we can assess your child’s risk profile, offer prevention advice and, most importantly, slow down progression if myopia is already present. #myopia #myopiacontrol #childhoodmyopia #shortsightedness #Sydneyoptometrist #childrensoptometrist
07.01.2022 Good news to members of AHM, Defence Health, Navy Health and Peoplecare: Claim your optical health fund benefits before they expire on 30 June. Our optical dispensers would love to help you maximise them. If youre getting new spectacles, we will give you a FREE upgrade to BlueControl lenses to protect your eyes from harmful blue light emitted by your digital screens. To know more about this offer, call us on (02) 9311 4600.... See you soon! #EyecareKids #opticalheatlhfund #healthfund #endoffinancialyear #freeupgrade
07.01.2022 Today, 23rd March, is World Optometry Day. We’re taking a moment to celebrate all optometrists globally and show appreciation for taking care of our eyes. If it has been two years (or more) since you last saw yours, it’s time to book in and say hi. #WorldOptometryDay #WorldOptometryDay2021 #optometrist
06.01.2022 Good news, Medibank Private member! Your optical benefits with Eyecare Kids remain unchanged! You may have received an email from MBP stating that we are no longer part of their 'Members Choice' network. This may be true, but this does not change our ability to claim your Hicaps benefit or the service we provide. You will still be able to claim 100% of the cost of your spectacles and contact lenses back (up to your annual limit)... We can still offer you no-gap spectacles from our selected range You can still use your rebate towards premium quality frames and lenses We can provide you with on-the-spot benefit quotes using our HICAPS terminal if you have any questions about your rebate amount. So please continue to see us for your eyecare and eyewear needs. There is nothing we'd love more. As always, we'll take good care of you. #Medibank #MBP #MedibankPrivate #MedibankPrivateBenefits #MBPbenefits #opticalbenefits
06.01.2022 It’s summertime! Here are 4 ways you can protect your kids’ delicate eyes. If your child doesn’t own a pair of sunglasses, visit us and check out our sunnies that offer 100% UV protection. Choose amongst designer brands or quality ones that fit your budget. We sanitise all our eyewear before and after you try them on. #sunglasses #sydneysunglasses #kidssunglasses #sunglassesforkids
06.01.2022 How often should my child have an eye exam? Regular eye tests are important because most of the time, kids don’t even realize that their vision has changed and they may be struggling with a vision problem. Regular eye tests help ensure that your child maintains clear and comfortable vision. If your child does not need any vision correction, you can follow this schedule:... *Around age 6-12 months *Around age 2-3 years *Around age 4-5 years *Annually from age 6 and up If your child has a refractive error or reduced visual skills, your optometrist may recommend more frequent eye tests to check for new vision changes since the last visit. Book in today for a comprehensive eye test with our behavioural optometrist. #kidseyetest #childrenseyetest #childrenseyeexam #childrensoptometrist #EyecareKids
05.01.2022 It’s starting to look a lot like Xmas at Eyecare Kids!
05.01.2022 Hope youre having a chillin wonderful time this weekend. http://bit.ly/3dj4ift
04.01.2022 Our practice is closed on 8th June, the Queens Birthday. We will be open again on the 9th as regular trading hours resume. See you then. We hope you have an amazing long weekend with your loved ones. #HappyQueensBirthday #QueensBirthday
04.01.2022 Did you know? The first contact lens was first developed in 1887. Although Louis J. Girard invented a scleral contact lens in 1887, it was German ophthalmologist Adolf Gaston Eugen Fick who in 1888 first successfully fit contact lenses, which were made from blown glass. #eyefacts #contactlens #contactlenshistory
04.01.2022 Dear valued Medibank (MBP) health fund members, Your optical benefits with Eyecare Kids remain unchanged! You may have received an email from MBP stating that we are no longer part of their 'Members Choice' network. This may be true, but this does not change our ability to claim your Hicaps benefit or the service we provide.... Claim 100% of the cost of your spectacles and contact lenses back (up to your annual limit) No-gap spectacles from our selected range Use your rebate towards premium quality frames and lenses On-the-spot benefit quotes using our HICAPS terminal As always, we’ll take care of you by providing your family with quality eyecare, superior eyewear options and excellent professional advice. #Medibank #MBP #MedibankPrivate #MedibankPrivateBenefits #MBPbenefits #opticalbenefits
04.01.2022 We look with our eyes, but our brain is instrumental in helping us see by translating the image into something we can understand. This is why comprehensive eye test especially in school-age kids is very important. School vision screenings routinely check for visual acuity (how well the child sees the board), but it does not detect visual processing disorders, which means that a child has limited ability to make sense of information taken in through the eyes. This means even ...if your child tests "20/20", there may still be a hidden vision problem that goes unchecked and untreated. This is concerning because 80% of learning is through vision. Good vision is critical to effective learning. If you have a school-age child and it has been more than a year since their last comprehensive eye test, book an appointment with our behavioural optometrist. #weseewithourbrain #brain #eyes #Sydneyoptometrist #childrensoptometrist #childrensoptometristSydney #EyecareKids
03.01.2022 Love the painting our behavioral optometrist, Dr Celine, is holding!
03.01.2022 Another fun Halloween picture! Please drop by and wave hello if you are near Eyecare Kids!
03.01.2022 $ ! How? 1. Purchase 2 x 90s pack of Precision 1 or Dailies Total 1 from our practice. 2. Do this between 16th March and 12th July 2020.... For more details, contact us on (02) 9311 4600. #cashback #ContactLenses #Precision1 #DailiesTotal1
01.01.2022 A Valentine’s gift of Maui Jim polarised sunglasses shows how much you value her. Check out our lovely range in practice. #MauiJim #Valentinesgift #giftsforher
01.01.2022 August 10th is World Strabismus Day. We would like to offer our support to families who have a loved one with strabismus. Lets create awareness and show support. #worldstrabismusday #strabismus #strabismussupport #strabismusawareness
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