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Eyewatch in Kew, Victoria | Law enforcement agency

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Locality: Kew, Victoria

Phone: +61 3 8851 1111

Address: 34 Harp Road 3101 Kew, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 There has been some great community work being conducted by members in the Boroondara area! Boroondara Police were lucky to get some goodies dropped in by Nicos Fairfield, after the great work done by Police after the owner was the victim of a crime. Over the weekend Boroondara Police were actively patrolling the parks and gardens in the area. Please see a great picture of Police entertaining the kids at Beckett Park, Balwyn yesterday.

25.01.2022 Everything we’re doing is keeping us on top of this virus. Let’s keep catching up outdoors. And keep getting tested if we have any symptoms. STAY SAFE. STAY OPEN.... Go to Authorised by the Victorian Government, Melbourne.

25.01.2022 HIGH risk of epidemic thunderstorm asthma forecast tomorrow for parts of Victoria. We have high levels of pollen, combining with severe thunderstorm forecasts i...n Mallee, Wimmera, Northern Country and South West districts. If you have asthma or hay fever, plan ahead and have your asthma medication on hand. Stay up-to-date and visit VicEmergency:

24.01.2022 We are aware that many people may want more information about the easing of coronavirus restrictions in regional Victoria that come into place from 11:59pm Wednesday 16 September. For information about the latest restrictions, please visit the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) website and follow Victoria Department of Health & Human Services on Facebook. If you require further clarification about what you can and cannot do... as part of the new directions, contact the DHHS Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 675 398. If you believe someone may be breaching the Chief Health Officer’s directions, please make a report to the Police Assistance Line by calling 131 444. If you need to speak to a police officer about a crime or a policing matter, contact or attend your local police station. In an emergency, always call Triple Zero (000).

24.01.2022 Victoria Police proudly supports #NationalChildProtectionWeek Police play an important role in keeping children safe. But so do you. For children to thrive, we need to come together as a community to put the needs of children first not just this week, but every week.... Not all children grow up in environments that are safe. Child abuse takes many forms; it can be neglect, physical, emotional or sexual abuse, or family violence. Victoria Police have experienced detectives to investigate these crimes. To speak with one of them, contact your nearest SOCIT: If a child is in immediate danger, always call Triple Zero (000).

23.01.2022 Police are seeking to locate James Lyfield, who is wanted on warrants. Anyone with information as to his location is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

23.01.2022 Many vehicles have been used a lot less over the past months, especially to drive long distances. Make sure your vehicle is safe and roadworthy before you get back on the road.

23.01.2022 On Thursday morning Victoria Police shared a video, detailing the consequences of a tragic collision which left two-people dead and a third seriously injured in Mt Eliza two years ago. Today we tell Steven’s road trauma story, the father of Kalinda, and how his life changed in one second. This Easter long weekend, Operation Nexus will target speed, drink/drug driving and mobile phone use. Think about your actions on the road this Easter.... #OpNexus

22.01.2022 Today is Police Remembrance Day. #Policeremembranceday #NPRD We honour the memory of Victorian police officers, Protective Services Officers, Police Custody Officers, Victorian Public Service employees and Police Chaplains who have died during the past 12 months by reading out their names during the formal ceremony. This includes any serving police who have died by suicide during the previous 12 months. Planning is currently underway for the full honours Police Memorial for... Leading Senior Constable Lynette Taylor, Senior Constable Kevin King, Constable Josh Prestney and Constable Glen Humphris who were tragically killed in the line of duty on the Eastern Freeway in Kew on 22 April 2020. Details will be made available in due course. Today we remember the four brave Police officers who lost their lives on the 22nd April, 2020 and all others who have died over the last 12 months. A wreath laying was held at the Boroondara Police Complex to honour their memories today.

22.01.2022 A 25-year-old woman was followed by a man who later assaulted her and tried to drag her into Henry Street at 12.50am on Sunday (November 22). She managed to escape but we need your help to identify the person in this footage. Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 See more

21.01.2022 Speeding Drivers continue to be an issue even during COVID-19 lockdowns. Members from Boroondara intercepted a driver on the Yarra Boulevard, Kew on Wednesday 16th September, just after 10AM doing 82km/h in a 50km/h speed zone. This driving behaviour is unacceptable and will continue to be targeted.... Upcoming 3 month loss of licence for this driver and a $537 fine.

20.01.2022 Every day around 18 Victorians will have a cardiac arrest, with only 1 in 10 surviving. Bystander intervention has the greatest impact of improving that rate. October is now dubbed 'Shocktober', as Ambulance Victoria encourages all Victorians to learn CPR and locate their nearest AED. ... To find your nearest AED To learn CPR or how to use an AED #Shocktober #EasyAsAED

19.01.2022 Find out how to get help in an emergency from police, fire rescue and ambulance services in Victoria by calling Triple Zero (000), thanks to ESTA 000. For other language options visit:

19.01.2022 Join us online from 10am tomorrow, Tuesday 29 September, for a virtual Victorian Police Remembrance Day (Victoria) service to honour the fallen police employees who have made the ultimate sacrifice. This year we honour and remember the four officers who sadly died in Kew on 22 April, as well as the lives of another 19 Victorian Police officers, Victorian Public Service staff and Police Chaplains who died in the last year. See the National Police Remembrance Day (Vic) Facebook... Event for full details of how to join the service online Download the digital service booklet #NPRD2020

19.01.2022 The children of Petit Early Learning Journey Kew have kindly prepared beautiful artwork to our Police Station to say thank you for the hard work and dedication of Victoria Police, and for keeping them safe during these challenging times. The kids have also added personal notes to their pictures, which are all now proudly displayed within our Boroondara Police Station for our members to see.

19.01.2022 Pro-Active Unit Police members from Eastern Region Division 1 and Eastern Region HQ's partnered with Manningham School Focused Youth Services & Manningham Council to participate in a 2 day training course focused on Applied Suicide Intervention Skills. The Police trained alongside workers from inner east health services, primary and secondary schools and other key service providers. The training was provided free of charge to Victoria Police members through the generous spons...orship from Manningham School Focused Youth Services & Manningham Council and is internationally recognised. It is important to remember, Covid has presented many challenges for the community and has contributed to a rise in poor mental health in the community and amongst youth. If you would like to find out more about future courses checkout

18.01.2022 Local Area Commander Update With the relaxing of CHO restrictions in recent weeks, Boroondara and Camberwell police have seen an increase of people moving through the community, which has led to an amount of burglaries and thefts of and from motor vehicles. We are putting more resources in these hotspot areas as detailed below. Multiple burglaries have occurred near High Street and Studley Park Road Kew. We have activated our Proactive Policing tasking team to provide ...a visible presence and intercept vehicles to look for people loitering in the area for crime. A male from the northern suburbs was recently arrested and charged with 10 offences including 3 burglaries. He was remanded in custody. Another area of burglaries has been adjacent to the Camberwell train line. We are working with our Transit Police partners to intercept those people who are travelling into the area by train. We have also seen a small number of vehicles stolen this month near Toorak Road and Through Road Camberwell. A timely reminder for all Boroondara residents to please lock your homes and vehicles and remove valuable items from view. Robberies at Anderson Park Hawthorn have been investigated and 8 people have been arrested. Our Divisional Crime Team and neighbouring detectives made the arrests last week as part of an operation to prevent further crime. We are working with council and have committed a large number of resources to parks and gardens across Boroondara to deter anti-social behaviour across open spaces, and are continually reviewing our intelligence about those who contribute to public order issues. CommConnect is creating positive community engagements in Boroondara’s 11 Wards, with dedicated Sergeants out and about building relationships with community groups, not for profits, education facilities and marginalised groups. Please feel free to contact us to discuss any safety issues in your area. We look forward to working with our Neighbourhood Watch volunteers to look for opportunities to support community safety and crime prevention.

17.01.2022 Victoria Police continues to play an important role in keeping people safe during the coronavirus pandemic. We do not want regional communities to be put at risk by those who deliberately breach the Chief Health Officer directions and travel there. Victoria Police will be strengthening its enforcement activities, both at our vehicle checkpoints and in regional and rural areas in order to help prevent the spread of coronavirus. We will be increasing the number of vehicles chec...ked; every vehicle towing a caravan or boat, every car carrying a fishing rod or swag will be checked. There will be significant delays at these vehicle checkpoints, and we know this will be frustrating for those who are travelling for one of the permitted reasons. However, these checks are an important and necessary step to prevent the spread of coronavirus to regional Victoria. Anyone found to be blatantly and deliberately breaching the Chief Health Officer directions and travelling from metro Melbourne to regional Victoria without a lawful reason will be issued with a $4957 fine.

17.01.2022 This year, we are inviting the community to join us online for the annual National Police Remembrance Day service. From 10am Tuesday 29 September you can join a special online memorial service as we pause to remember fallen officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. The online service will not only honour Leading Senior Constable Lynette Taylor, Senior Constable Kevin King, Constable Josh Prestney and Constable Glen Humphris who died in the line of du...ty in Kew on 22 April, but also the lives of another 19 Victoria Police officers, Victorian Public Service staff and police chaplains who died in the last year. See the Victoria Police National Police Remembrance Day Facebook Event for full details of how to join the service online:

16.01.2022 KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR PORT VEHICLES IN YOUR AREA Public Order Response Team (PORT) officers are heading out to your neck of the woods today en masse and are on the look out for drivers who are using their mobile phones. running red lights and speeding. Police are sick of people who fail to put down their mobile phone while driving and those caught face hefty fines of $496 and loss of 4 demerit points. Speed is the number one contributor to road trauma and is a major factor about one third of fatal collisions each year. Taking that call or sending that text is just not worth losing your life, or taking someone else’s. The PORT officers are hitting the highways and side streets of your patch today - morning, noon and night as part of Operation Compass. #PORT #OPERATIONCOMPASS See more

16.01.2022 Bunny Cop is on patrol! Wishing you a happy & safe long weekend #BunnyCop #Boroondara #Easter2021 #BlueRibbonFoundation

16.01.2022 Have you heard of the GLLO program within Victoria Police? Victoria Police’s LGBTIQ+ Liaison Officers, or ‘GLLOs’, are available to members of LGBTIQ+ communities to help access police services and assistance when needed. We provide support for the Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual, Transgender and Intersex Community. For a variety of reasons many homophobic, biphobic and transphobic incidents and crimes still go unreported to police. This is a trend we are working hard to reverse and ...our GLLOs are at the forefront of this. We have a passionate team of GLLO’s working to improve the relationship and develop the trust and confidence of the LGBTIQ+ community in police, and we are reaching out to you for help. If you have any ideas on how we can work with the community to better these relationships please get in touch with First Constable Kara DOBSON, GLLO at Camberwell Police Station, [email protected] (03) 9882 0688. We would love to hear from you.

16.01.2022 Boroondara police are seeking to identify the person in this image, as they may be able to assist with enquiries regarding a theft. On August 28, three bottles of alcohol were stolen from a bottle shop on Burke Road, Camberwell. Anyone with information as to the identity of this person is encouraged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

16.01.2022 Camberwell and Boroondara Police Stations are open to the public again. With no restrictions on leaving your home under the Chief Health Officer’s directions, we are now able to have face-to-face contacts within the police stations. When entering the reception area, you must continue to adhere to the directions by wearing a mask and physical distancing. The reception counters were previously closed as part of changes to our service delivery model to stop unnecessary face-to-face contacts and risk of transmission in line with the Chief Health Officer directions at the time. We encourage Victorians to continue contacting the Police Assistance Line on 131 444 or using online reporting for non-urgent matters. In an emergency, contact Triple Zero (000).

15.01.2022 The Dementia Friends program is important because not only does it enhance effective and respectful conversations, it makes a huge difference to those who need it most. Pauline experienced first-hand, the stress of her father going missing from his assisted living one day. It made it an easy choice for her to become a Dementia Friend, through specialised training developed for Victoria Police officers in collaboration with Dementia Australia. More information on becoming a Dementia Friend can be found online at

14.01.2022 Don’t make it easy for a thief to sneak into your home. Always keep your doors and windows locked. If you see suspicious activity around your neighbourhood, make a confidential report to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or at If it needs immediate police attention always call 000.

12.01.2022 Boroondara Police were out on Sunday morning as part of CommConnect to patrol the Studley Ward. During their travels they were conducting checks on the Yarra Boulevard, and it was great to see the locals enjoying the sunshine. Unfortunately, a speeding motorcyclist was intercepted doing 83km/h in the 50km/h zone on the boulevard.... An infringement was issued to the rider and their licence will be suspended for 3 months.

12.01.2022 Yesterday we premiered a video across our social media channels, detailing the consequences of a tragic collision which left two-people dead and a third seriously injured in Mt Eliza two years ago. This afternoon, we tell the story of road trauma survivor, Darren and how his life changed in one second. This Easter long weekend, Operation Nexus will target speed, drink/drug driving and mobile phone use. Think about your actions on the road this Easter.... #OpNexus Watch 'The Incident' here:

12.01.2022 Four Victoria Police caps and badges have been conveyed to Canberra for the National Police Remembrance Day ceremony on 29 September. They represent the four Victoria Police officers who sadly lost their lives in the line of duty in Kew on 22 April, 2020. Four touchstones will also be placed at the National Police Memorial wall in Canberra in their honour. Due to coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions, this year’s Victorian Police Remembrance Day service in Melbourne will be st...reamed on YouTube from 10am, Tuesday 29 September, in lieu of a traditional memorial. The online service will honour and remember Leading Senior Constable Lynette Taylor, Senior Constable Kevin King, Constable Josh Prestney and Constable Glen Humphris who died in the line of duty in Kew, as well as the lives of another 19 Victoria Police officers, Victorian Public Service staff and Police Chaplains who died in the last year. See the National Police Remembrance Day (Victoria) Facebook Event for full details on how to watch the service online on 29 September #NPRD2020

08.01.2022 As the weather starts to warm up, we know this is a time when many people would normally like to be out and about but it is important that if you choose to leave your home you continue to adhere to the directions of the Chief Health Officer. For those in Metropolitan Melbourne this includes following the directions around public gatherings which are strictly limited to a maximum of five people from up to two households. Breaching this restriction will result in a $4956 infri...ngement notice. People must also continue to wear a mask and not travel further than 5km from home. While the majority of Victorians continue to do the right thing there unfortunately remain those who deliberately breach restrictions and place lives at risk. A number of fines were issued to people who breached directions at St Kilda beach yesterday (Friday 2 October) and Victoria Police will be out in force at beaches and popular public spaces this weekend. We will not hesitate to fine those who clearly and blatantly breach the Chief Health Officer directions. To find out what you can and can't do under current restrictions, visit the DHHS website If you prefer to speak to someone, call the dedicated Coronavirus (COVID-19) hotline on 1800 675 398.

08.01.2022 On a cold winter’s night in 2019, a tragic collision left two people dead and a third seriously injured. Victoria Police officer Brent Thickens shares his story, and how lives can change in one second. This Easter long weekend, Operation Nexus will target speed, drink/drug driving, and mobile phone use. Think about your actions on the road this Easter.... #OpNexus Watch 'The Incident' here:

06.01.2022 State Highway Patrol officers have arrested a speeding motorcyclist after he was caught riding an allegedly stolen motorbike in Glen Waverley last night. Read more >

06.01.2022 16 Days of Activism is an annual international initiative which is used as a platform for organisations around the world to campaign against varying forms of abuse. Victoria Police is proud to join communities across the globe in bringing much-needed awareness to gender-based violence and challenge the attitudes that support it. We understand that although restrictions are beginning to ease, some people may still be in vulnerable situations at home. We want to ensure victims that we continue to respond to family violence matters as a priority and there are ways to seek help >>

05.01.2022 Don’t let your mail get stolen. Protect yourself from identity theft by regularly checking your mailbox. If you notice suspicious activity around your neighbourhood, make a confidential report to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or at If it needs immediate police attention always call 000.

04.01.2022 A 20-year-old woman was seriously injured in the fall from the bicycle on Glenferrie Road about 5pm Tuesday 29 September. She was taken to hospital but sadly, has died. Anyone who witnessed the incident or with dash cam footage is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or file a confidential report online at

03.01.2022 Police are warning the community to be wary of a recent spate of telephone scams. Members of the public have contacted police stating they have received a phone call from someone claiming the victim has an outstanding tax debt. Often the number displayed on the caller identification is that of a local police station or other government agency, such as the ATO.... The scammers reportedly ask for personal information or bank details, and in some examples request the victim purchases online music vouchers or similar products to pay supposed fines. If you receive a phone call requesting personal information or payment from a person representing themselves from a law enforcement or government agency: Do not respond to the request and hang up Call the institution back via a publicly listed phone number If you have lost money as a result of this type of scam, please report the matter to your local police station. You can also report scams to Scamwatch via

02.01.2022 From a 15-year-old boy driving a vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration level of 0.104 to a driver who refused to be breath tested after driving through a red light at 107 km/h. #OpNexus

02.01.2022 Join us here from 10am today for a virtual National Police Remembrance Day (Victoria) ceremony as we remember those who have dedicated their lives to community safety. Download the digital service booklet Each year on 29 September, we pause to remember fallen police employees who have made the ultimate sacrifice. The service will remember and honour the lives the 23 Victoria Police officers, Protective Services Of...ficers, Police Custody Officers, Victorian Public Service staff and Police Chaplains who died between 29 September 2019 and 29 September 2020. This includes Leading Senior Constable Lynette Taylor, Senior Constable Kevin King, Constable Josh Prestney and Constable Glen Humphris who were tragically killed in the line of duty on the Eastern Freeway in Kew on 22 April 2020. Their dedicated service to the community is respected, and they will never be forgotten. #NPRD2020

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