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24.01.2022 Seymour FM appreciation post! Mitchell Proactive Unit would like thank to Hank KREEMERS and Seymour FM for all your support in 2020. Thank you in particular for your support for Cool Heads, your ongoing support of the local and regional communities, and your patience and flexibility during covid to continue our regular radio segment. We'll be back for Hanks' hour in 2021!... Pictured :Senior Constable Ryan COLEMAN and Senior Constable Brooke MALANE wrap up with the last regular radio segment for 2020.
23.01.2022 "Contrast" the Seymour Youth art program was run over 9 weeks during covid restrictions. "Contrast" engaged local youth with different art mediums, provided lessons virtually by Local and Victorian artists, improved their art skills, and provided valuable social interaction with other youth in the area. Our talented young artists have a few pieces on display at the Seymour Visitor's Center until the end of Youth Month. https://bddy.me/39kw7Wr
22.01.2022 Look Familiar!? This bicycle was located 29th of October 2020 in Chittick Park, Seymour. If this belongs to you, please call the Seymour Police Station on 57350200 or pop in.
22.01.2022 If you leave car keys in your vehicle, you may as well be giving criminals a free ride. The best way to stop vehicle theft is to stop giving criminals the opportunity to do so. Secure your vehicle by locking it and placing your car keys in safe place that is known only to you.... If you are a victim of car theft, you can report it to the Police Assistance Line on 131 444. If the crime is happening now, or an offender might still be in the area, call Triple Zero (000). You can also report confidentially to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or at https://bit.ly/33gLICH
22.01.2022 16 Days of Activism: From November 25th until the 10th of December 2020 we help raise awareness for the 16 Days of Activism Campaign. We were out recently engaging with the community to help spread the message!... For more information visit: https://bddy.me/33tc4Bt #CallItOut
21.01.2022 Are you a young person aged between 16 - 24? In our ongoing support of Young people within Mitchell we are sharing this online opportunity organised by Mitchell Shire. The Career workshop helps those that need guidance and support. If you wish to participate in the online workshop please register by clicking the link below.... https://bddy.me/3dYnqBz
21.01.2022 Have you lost a Ring recently? Seymour Police have a silver coloured dress ring that was recently handed in. If you have lost a ring similar to that recently in the Seymour area then please contact Seymour Police Property officer on 57350200.
20.01.2022 Youth Month 2020 is here! Local Police together with the Mitchell Proactive Unit are further engaging with our local youth in the community. Stay tuned for more content, engagement and events being posted here during the month!
20.01.2022 If you know someone stealing petrol, don’t let them take a free trip. The cost of petrol theft in Victoria is estimated at $20 million dollars every year. People who commit petrol theft are not only stealing from retailers and business owners, but petrol theft can be linked to the theft of vehicles, aggravated burglaries, and fraud offences.... If you have information relating to petrol theft, you can report confidentially to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or at https://bit.ly/3lwwIac If a crime is happening now, or an offender might still be in the area, call Triple Zero (000).
20.01.2022 Police seek information: Police are appealing for information of a fatal vehicle collision that occurred at 8:40am on 23/10/20 near the Broadford Weighbridge in northbound lane, Broadford. Vehicle was driving north on the Hume Freeway, Broadford, 1 km north of Marchbanks Road.... Police are appealing for witnesses, in particular anyone who may have dash cam footage around of the time of the incident. If you have any information regarding the incident, please contact the Wallan Highway Patrol or Crime Stoppers.
19.01.2022 Melbourne Cup Weekend, stay safe! Part of our commitment to raising awareness around motorcycle safety and in line with operation Saturn we want to remind those out on our roads and in the bush to ride safely. Please do not drink and ride and look after your mates. Have a great weekend!... #Ridesafe #Drivesafe
19.01.2022 OPERATION SATURN State-wide road policing operation running from 22nd October to the 8th of November. Police will continue focussing on all manner of risk taking behaviours including; speed, drink and drug driving, fatigue, fail to wear seatbelts and distraction offences (mobile phones).... With the easing of some COVID restrictions and more people moving around we all need to be very aware of safety on our roads. I ask that people plan their trips, nominate drivers to swap minimising the likelihood of fatigue with regular coffee stops. Don’t use the phone, always have your seatbelt on and don’t speed! If you choose to have a drink then nominate another driver and don’t use drugs and drive. If you witness poor road user behaviour be brave enough to call it out and stop it before it endangers someone. Ring 000 if its urgent or your local police station and the matter will be attended to. With some heavy rain also forecast for the remainder of the year its timely to remind people to check their vehicles for wear and tear, check tyres and lights and always drive to the conditions. If you plan on getting back on your motorbike, take your time and wear protective clothing and make sure your bike is in safe working order. If your headed up to the bush for off road riding comply with all the laws required of you and remember you’re a long way from help if you have an incident, so ride safely. #Drivesafe #Ridesafe #OpSaturn
18.01.2022 As we move around our beautiful region during summer, days of extreme heat can occur. Heat related illness can happen to anyone. Elfie's Safety Tips: * Check weather warnings, and plan ahead when travelling.... * NEVER leave kids, older people and pets in cars-even with the windows open. * Exercise during the cooler parts of the day- (that includes you Elfie!) * Drink plenty of water, stay cool, seek shade. * CHECK IN with vulnerable people: The elderly, people with a pre-existing medical condition and young children are the MOST at risk of heat-related illnesses. For further information on heat related illnesses visit: https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au//heat-stress-and-heat- https://www.stjohnvic.com.au//cant-escape-heat-heres-mana/ Pets in hot weather: https://kb.rspca.org.au//what-can-i-do-in-hot-weather-to-/ Do you know where Elfie is? Location and Suburb?
18.01.2022 Police are appealing for information following an incident resulting in criminal damage in Heathcote between 7.30PM and 7.30AM on 17 October. Investigators believe that an unknown person has picked up a brick and smashed the rear tail light of a vehicle parked on Wright Street. Anyone with information or who may have witnessed suspicious behaviour in the area should call the Heathcote Police Station on 5433 3711 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
17.01.2022 Crime Stoppers Victoria and Victoria Police are asking you to turn in tool thieves If you are aware of someone stealing and reselling tools and equipment around your construction site, make an anonymous report. Helping police to identify tool thieves will allow them to hold offenders to account and return the goods to their rightful owners.... If you know of or see suspicious behaviour either online or around construction sites, report it online at crimestoppersvic.com.au or call 1800 333 000.
17.01.2022 16 Days of Activism is an annual international initiative which is used as a platform for organisations around the world to campaign against varying forms of abuse. Victoria Police is proud to join communities across the globe in bringing much-needed awareness to gender-based violence and challenge the attitudes that support it. We understand that although restrictions are beginning to ease, some people may still be in vulnerable situations at home. We want to ensure victims that we continue to respond to family violence matters as a priority and there are ways to seek help >> go.vic.gov.au/VhbGH
16.01.2022 'Bike and Vehicle Safety' by Kate and Will Hopper has won the OPERATION M. I. T. T. E. N. S (Mitchell Interactive Term Two Engagement Network Strategy) Safety video competition 2020, as it showed the best example of excellent safety messaging. The OPERATION M. I. T. T. E. N. S program was offered to all primary schools in Mitchell Shire in a virtual, interactive space, as a way to continue to foster the great relationship between Victoria Police and our young people in our community (during COVID restrictions in Victoria). Well done, Kate and Will!
15.01.2022 If an offer of #QuickCash or #EasyMoney seems too good to be true, it probably is. Money muling is a type of money laundering. A ‘money mule’ is a person who receives money from a third party in their bank account and transfers it to another account, or withdraws it in cash to give to someone else, obtaining a commission for their efforts.... Simply put, money mules help criminal syndicates move money around the world, but the consequences for the money mules can be severe. Learn more about money muling scams and their consequences here https://bit.ly/2KOWl9f #DontBeaMule
14.01.2022 Victoria Police is proud to join communities across the globe in supporting the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, bringing much-needed awareness to gender-based violence and challenging attitudes that support it. We understand that although restrictions are beginning to ease, some people may still be in vulnerable situations at home. We want to ensure victims that we continue to respond to family violence matters as a priority and there are wa...ys to seek help >> https://bit.ly/361Vs5t #TheOtherPandemic #16days of Activism
14.01.2022 Found in Wallan on Wednesday 25th November 2020: Are these your specs and glasses case? They were located on High Street, Wallan in between Dudley Street and Raglan Street by a honest member of the public.... The owner can contact Wallan Police : (03) 5783 0400 Property number :202011-E-1995 to arrange collection.
13.01.2022 While we know anyone can be a victim of abuse, the overwhelming majority of family violence and sexual offences are perpetrated by men against women and children. Gender-based violence is unacceptable in all communities and cultures and Victoria Police is committed to challenging attitudes, protecting victims and holding perpetrators to account. If you require immediate police assistance, always call Triple Zero (000) ... @safe steps Family Violence Response Centre offer confidential 24/7 support to victims, online and over the phone, and also provide advice to friends or family reaching out on their behalf https://bit.ly/2JoMyWP Victoria Police proudly supports 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence. #TheOtherPandemic #16days of Activism
13.01.2022 Sky-high power. It’s been more than 20 years since a Victoria Police aeroplane has taken to the skies. That changed in August when a Beechcraft Super King Air 350ER arrived at Victoria Police’s Essendon Fields base. The state-of-the-art plane is already in the skies and gives police further ability to provide assistance to anywhere in the state. ... Find out more in this edition of Police Life >>> https://bit.ly/3k1Zvm9
12.01.2022 Local police have been disappointed to witness multiple incidents over the past couple of weeks where drivers have not gradually slowed to 40km/h while passing emergency services vehicles with flashing lights and/or sirens that are stationary or moving slowly. Roadside incidents place emergency services workers at significant risk. When you see flashing lights, gradually slow down and pass at 40 km/h for their sake.
11.01.2022 Hey there Mitchell and Strathbogie Communities What a year 2020 has been! We have such an amazing community of supportive people in such a tough year. Thank you everyone! To count us down to Christmas, "Elfie" our cheeky Christmas Elf (who is quite popular with our youngest members of the community) has been out and about assisting the Mitchell Proactive Unit with a few Safety tips.... Each post has it's own safety message with photos of Elfie in a suburb in either Mitchell or Strathbogie. See if you can recognise the location/place and suburb in each post!
11.01.2022 Speeding increases the risk of road trauma. The faster you drive, the higher likelihood of serious injury or death to you or other road users. So, for your sake and the sake of everyone else using the roads, drive to the conditions and stick to the speed limit. #OpSaturn
09.01.2022 Operation ROADWISE has commenced as of 12:01 AM this morning Friday 18th December 2020, and concludes Wednesday 6th of January 2021. The state-wide operation aims to reduce road trauma during the Christmas and New Year period, which is one of the busiest times of the year on Victoria’s roads. Police will be highly visible during the operation to detect and reduce the main causes of fatal and serious injury collisions.... OP ROADWISE targets excessive speed, drink and drug driving, driver distraction, fatigue and seatbelt offences. What Victoria Police would like most for Christmas is for everyone to get home safely. #OperationRoadwise #RoadtoZero
08.01.2022 Wallan Community- Can you identify this person? On Saturday 21st November at approximately 11:15 PM, unknown person(s) have attended Hatfield Park and used a permanent marker to graffiti play equipment and damage the seat belt latch on the all ability swing. It is unknown why someone in our community would do this. An active Police investigation is underway.... The male pictured below is: approximately 18 year old, Caucasian in appearance, wearing: a red/burgundy hoodie, orange and black jacket, dark blue tracksuit pants, and black and white shoes. If anyone knows the identity of this person or anything else about the crime, please contact Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 (where you can anonymously give information).
06.01.2022 2020 has been a challenging year for us all. If you’re out on the road this weekend, remember that a little patience and kindness goes a long way. Find out more about how to keep yourself and other road users safe on the roads>>>https://go.vic.gov.au/g9UoTI
05.01.2022 Were you in Heathcote in the early hours of 13 October? Police are appealing for information following a burglary on 13 October. Unknown offender(s) gained access to a factory on Heathcote-Redesdale Rd at around 3.45AM. Once inside, the alarm was activated and the offender(s) left with a quantity of power tools. ... Anyone with information or who may have witnessed suspicious behaviour in the area is urged to contact the Heathcote Police Station on 5433 3711 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
05.01.2022 November is Youth Month! Are you a young person aged between 16 - 24? In our ongoing support of Young people within Mitchell we are sharing this online opportunity organised by Mitchell Shire. ... The Career workshop helps those that need guidance and support. If you wish to participate in the online workshop please register by clicking the link below. https://bddy.me/2TUgTid
05.01.2022 With the holiday season upon us, it's important that the community is across Water safety. Elfie's Safety Tips: * Safety first for everyone in/on the water... * Be aware of unstable edges on river banks, dam banks and lakes * Be aware of submerged objects, debris and strong currents in the water * Refresh CPR /First aid skills, personal survival techniques, swimming skills and water safety knowledge * Know when you're required to wear a life jacket * Always swim with a friend * Don't forget water safety at home and when away at holiday homes/accommodation * Comply with speed limits/rules when boating and using personal watercraft For more water safety information please visit: https://www.watersafety.vic.gov.au/ and https://transportsafety.vic.gov.au//victorian-recreational Do you know where Elfie is? Location and Suburb?
04.01.2022 My PSO training gave me to tools to handle the challenges that come my way. Become a PSO and help keep our public transport network safe. Apply now at https://bit.ly/36pcvyz
03.01.2022 Even during the Holiday season, the opportunistic thief is around. Securing homes, shed and garages are essential in preventing thieves from making an easy profit from your valuable property. Elfie's Safety tips for homes and sheds/garages: * Install security lighting and alarms ... * Install good quality CCTV cameras * Invest in high, secure fences * Lock gates, doors and windows * Collect mail and keep gardens tidy * Get to know your neighbours-look out for each other * Make a list of valuables: photograph and record serial numbers, make, models, and value. Consider insurance. For more information on securing your property visit: https://bddy.me/34F9hpB and If you're going away, fill out an absence from residence form: https://bddy.me/38kZndM and follow the links. Do you know where Elfie is? Location and Suburb? *Hint retail, small town*
02.01.2022 Victoria Police is looking for high quality female candidates to take on this challenging and rewarding role. Apply now at https://bit.ly/32eJiE4
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