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F45 Training Menai in Sydney, Australia | Sports & fitness instruction

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F45 Training Menai

Locality: Sydney, Australia

Phone: +61 432 136 122


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23.01.2022 Well team our first kickstart challenge is done! And what a challenge it was!!! We had lots of fun & smashed some amazing results! We couldn’t be prouder of everyone who participated. On Saturday we had our presentation and our winners were: MALE WINNER: loosing 7.1kg he committed to these 4 weeks 110% .... @bigrangit ... FEMALE WINNER: dropping 7.4% body fat she smashed her training every day ... @feathes86 We also did 3 runner up / mvp prizes (these were for great results / commitment during the challenge / always giving it a crack) @courtaney_s Michelle @emmmafox The commitment of everyone during the challenge was really something! The tough Sunday sessions, fitness testing & food check ins were all worth it because everyone improved & smashed some goals! Don’t stress if you missed this one though there will be another challenge around the corner details will be coming soon!!

22.01.2022 Big boys back Thursday! How good. . Don't train where exercise feels like a chore. Step into a community environment that you want to be around. Build relationships, network with great people and get the best training and results that you will find.

21.01.2022 MONDAYS WITH THE CREW. Full day of classes today! How bloody good. Be your own motivation! Surround yourself with people that bring you a whole lot of laughter, sweat and joy in your day, life’s a lot more fun that way. In the studio with the team getting it done! Starting your week off right, doesn’t get much better then this. ... . I dunno what happens when I walk in here, I just feel so happy - Hish See more

20.01.2022 Honeymoon stairs with The Crew! #TRBD

20.01.2022 ITS A VIBE! . No it really is.. it’s all about atmosphere here, the bum taps, the high fives, We are far from the stale old gym environment with the same repetitive workout and playlist. Are you looking for something FRESH, CHALLENGING, COMMUNITY DRIVEN WITH A WHOLE LOT OF VIBE?... You found it! . Head to our website or slide into our DM for a FREE 4 DAY TRIAL.. See more

19.01.2022 STAYING MOTIVATED | . Think about all the things you do on a daily basis. How many of these things are habitual? Brushing your teeth? Going to work? Taking your kids to school/kinder/activities. Cooking dinner? Some days we can’t really be bothered doing these things, but we do them anyway. . For me, staying motivated for exercise is much the same. Once you start seeing it as a non-negotiable, a must-do rather than a should do, you may just surprise yourself with how long... you can stick with it. . Try to shift your perspective. Recognise the fact that moving your body is important. Be honest with yourself as to why you keep letting it slide. Once you start FEELING great, you’ll miss feeling that way when you find yourself in a rut. Sometimes that’s all the motivation you’ll need to get started again. See more

18.01.2022 What a bloody night with the crew. Absolutely all the love in the world for everyone who’s been a part of this year. We can’t Thankyou enough. It hasn’t been easy, but easy is never fun. Looking forward to a big 2021 with everyone.

17.01.2022 REST DAYS . We forget how important it is to rest and recover in order to come back stronger and fresher! . Not only that resting your mind is key to ignite that motivation for more training. ... . HOW DO YOU REST & RECOVER? . Dinner with friends A long beach walk Netflix & chill Swim Ice baths Massage . We shouldn’t feel guilty on a rest day. In order to come back harder, fitter, faster or stronger sometimes a decent rest day is just what the body and mind needs. See more

17.01.2022 MALE WINNER OF OUR CHALLENGE IS. ANDREW! Body fat % loss2.7% Weight loss5.8kg Total CM loss17.3cm... Congratulations Andrew! Your commitment to your goal was amazing, for someone who works shift work, and has an easy excuse to let slip with training and your diet, you didn’t let anything get in your way, you stayed focused and determined. Proud of you mate, you deserve it!!

16.01.2022 It’s Friday.. . Super excited to be ripping in with the team tomorrow! . Hope everyone’s had a great week; this just puts a smile on my face. ... . LessGoo See more

15.01.2022 Something is coming... Super excited for this.

15.01.2022 SPRING SPECIAL _ Spring has sprung and we’re running head on into summer!! Warmer days have arrived which means fewer cold mornings and warmer, longer afternoons. _ If you’re thinking about getting into training and kick starting your summer body before summer actually starts, now’s the time!!... _ Doesn’t matter if you’re new to exercise or you’re looking to shake things up with you’re current training be sure to come into our studio, meet the team and try one of our sessions. _ Join us before 13 October 2020 and receive HUGE discounts!! _ Contact us for more info!! See more

15.01.2022 FEMALE WINNER OF OUR CHALLENGE IS KATIE! Body fat % loss4.5% Body fat mass loss4.7kg Total CM loss19.2cm... Congratulations on all your hard work Katie! We’re super proud of your work ethic during sessions, not just in the gym but outside too.. those bloody steps.. Your goal this challenge was to be consistent; well you did that and more and don’t your results show it!! Absolutely smashed it!! BIG thanks for being part of the team! We’ve loved being apart of the process!

15.01.2022 Thank you to all of our members and trainers for another great year here at F45 Menai. We couldn’t have got through this year without you. We have aspiring goals for 2021 which we can’t wait to share! Happy new year legends .

14.01.2022 SPECIAL MENTIONS FOR OUR CHALLENGE WITH THE CREW! IAN Weight loss4.9kg BF % loss1.1%... CM loss14.7cm JEROME Weight loss3.3kg Muscle gain700g BF % loss3.5% CM loss12.3cm MARY Weight loss400g Muscle gain400g BF % loss1.6% CM loss5.2cm You guys could not be forgotten! You all got awesome results, committed to the challenge, smashed it out day in and day out and blew us away. Keep chipping away at those goals guys! We’re so proud of you guys have achieved, big love from the whole team!

13.01.2022 What you can expect from training with us.. . An environment that empowers the community; That comes together to move and be moved. That supports those around us when they need it. ... That aspires to peak physically and mentally. To not give up when it gets hard. . Our mission isn’t just fitness, it’s your wellbeing. It isn’t just your health, it’s your life. It isn’t just you, it’s everyone. This isn’t just movement, it’s a collective coming together. It’s people who don’t know each other, becoming one and doing the work. . This isn’t your typical group training! @ F45 Training Menai See more

13.01.2022 We are almost there.... - It’s gonna be a little different and we all know that. A lot has changed and we all have a lot to learn! - Going back to the gym is going to be like starting school again!... - Always remember what Mum told you... - Do not get close to strangers, keep your distance Always book your classes in advance and then show up Always wash your hands If you are feeling sick have the day off - Are you excited for your first day of school? We are that’s for sure! See more

13.01.2022 Thursday thoughts..

13.01.2022 2021. Thoroughly enjoyed this morning! . Looking forward to getting back into it with The Crew full time. .... Classes back to normal this Wednesday. - Booking in is essential. - Don't forget to cancel an hour before if you can't make it. - Sweat towel and smile non negotiable. . 4 Day free trials for anyone looking to get amongst it. See more

10.01.2022 Top 4 Tips for Fat Loss Did you struggle through Iso? Gain some weight? Struggle to stay motivated with your training? Don’t stress if you did your not alone & we are here to help! If you’re wanting to drop some of that belly fat and keep your muscle mass, give these tips a try. ... Count your calories: Not forever, just for a week. Be as critical as possible and see how much you’re actually eating. Once you start to understand how many calories are in certain foods + their macronutrient splits, you’ll be able to make more informed decisions going forward. Create a calorie deficit If you want to drop body fat, you’re going to have to be in a negative caloric balance. (Either through the reduction of food intake or by increasing your energy expenditure. Both is best) Aim to be in a 10-20% deficit, depending on how aggressive you want to go. Just remember that the more aggressive you go, the more risk of craving and relapse their will be as well as the risk of losing muscle mass in the meantime, which can have an effect on your RMR. Start with protein first Aim to have protein make up around 40% of your total daily calories. You can break the remaining 60% up with either carbs or fat, depending on your preference. This is due to the metabolic properties of protein. (The more protein you have = the more muscle mass and therefore burn more calories at rest) Increase your energy expenditure, preferably weights and NEAT Whatever you’re doing, increase it by 10-20%. Increase your NEAT by choosing a more active lifestyle, park further away from the store, take the stairs not the escalator. This will help increase your deficit! Stop waiting to make a change, start now. See more

09.01.2022 Issa’ good day to have a good day! . Get out and enjoy the weather! . What a week it’s been, don’t forget to book in for your classes next week.

09.01.2022 You don’t know how good you can feel until you actually feel it. . To feel our best, we have to pay attention to a number of key pillars of our life that are all interconnected with one another. If you require accountability and guidance to progress with your training, health and mindset then look at doing something for yourself and join one of the best communities going. .... Exercise to get those endorphins, they are their own kinda magic! . Come down and jump in our classes and sweat it out, detox & enjoy moving your body! . All abilities & fitness levels welcome @ F45 Training Menai See more

07.01.2022 The juice was definitely worth the squeeze! . We’d just like to give a massive shout out to our boy Dave! We’ve all noticed how far you’ve come, not just physically but mentally too. It’s been so good to watch this change. You’re a ledge mate and we love having you apart of the family!

07.01.2022 Naughty or Nice. It’s doesn’t matter.. Merry Christmas to all of our members, friends and family. Celebrating Christmas early with the best crew! We can’t wait to see you all in the new year or in the upcoming week for some killer sessions. Love from the team!

07.01.2022 As much as we have loved celebrating the end of 2020 and enjoyed some down time with family and friends, being out of routine with our exercise and nutrition has left us super motivated to get back to work. They say.... Discipline is doing what needs to get done even if you don’t want to do it. Don’t negotiate your goals.... Just realise long term consistency trumps short term blocks. Heading back into normal hours this week, it’s all about creating habits. Yes this involves an investment of willpower, but the rewarding results you'll receive once it's part of your everyday are worth that investment. So, what are you going to make a habit of in 2021?

07.01.2022 R U OK? It’s ok not to be ok, but remember it’s also ok to talk about how you’re feeling. Don’t carry your burden alone! We are one big family, and are always here for anyone struggling or needing someone to talk to! Not just today, but everyday! Our doors are always open, phones always on, and trust me, we are always up for a coffee.... It’s time to make a change, and it starts with US! So today, we encourage you to ask the question and start a conversation that could change a life. We’re all in this together

05.01.2022 Continuing to put aside time to train and pursue physical goals. _ I’ve always found this a lifesaver. It creates a tool and a starting point to work from each day. _ Every other aspect of my day improves without question. We should never be too busy to work on ourselves.... _ New week, new goals. LessGoo. See more

04.01.2022 Don’t let yourself get so caught up on the fact that you might not reach your goal the first time that it prevents you from even trying. You won’t know until you give it a go & if you don’t reach it, you learn, you improve & you try again. . Keep going. We’ve got you!

03.01.2022 12 Weeks Off. First day back. Pretty Euphoric feeling. Big love for ‘The Crew’. Looking forward to what’s next!

03.01.2022 It’s that simple on a Monday!

02.01.2022 Vibes for a Monday!! Feeling this.

02.01.2022 Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas spent with those nearest and dearest and enjoyed some guilt-free, well deserved indulgence. Don’t forget to book in for classes this week. Last week of 2020 - Let’s end on a high!!

02.01.2022 Community baby!!. Alone we can do so little; together, we can do so much . I could not be prouder to be part of this amazing family! Since day one the people at this facility have come together and formed such an amazing community and to see it keep growing and growing day in, day out... week after week has been an absolute pleasure, and one that I’m proud to be a part of!

02.01.2022 It’s not only being able to workout but it’s being able to connect, meet and just be around like minded people! . The people you meet, the friends you make, they may just become friends for life. When you are surrounded by good people and good energy it becomes infectious. . The positivity it creates combined with a workout means that you are gonna leave feeling on top of the world.

02.01.2022 This morning was a bloody vibe!! . Huge efforts from the crew. . I’d like to introduce everyone to our newest member of the team, our Covid Marshall.... . You think the speed dealers make her look quick, wait until you don’t wipe down and see what happens.. See more

01.01.2022 Sunday’s with The Crew. . Rain, hail or Shine. What a morning. . Enjoy the rest of the day team, everyone earned their rest!

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