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Face Painting with Anna Banana in Bondi, New South Wales | Arts and entertainment

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Face Painting with Anna Banana

Locality: Bondi, New South Wales

Phone: +61 405 585 290


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24.01.2022 This beautiful human for alternative & holistic health services @intuitivehealingchannel #owlfacepaint #adultfacepaint #bondifacepainter #sydneyfacepainter @ Bondi Beach

24.01.2022 Some beautiful art work by my beautiful niece (who needs to post more of her work...please) @cecile.ama #blackartists #amplifymelanatedvoices

24.01.2022 Day of the in the Fern #sugarskullfacepaint #dayofthedeadfacepaint

24.01.2022 Cutest lil Princesses #princessfacepaint #bondifacepainting #sydneyfacepainter #bondimums #sydneymums #bondikidsparties #randwickfacepainting #randwickkidsparties

23.01.2022 Looking forward to painting at @streetpawsfestival this Saturday. If you have a furry friend come along and celebrate them! #streetpawsfestival #streetpaws

23.01.2022 A joy to paint this little poppet today! #eyedesign #bondifacepainter #vauclusefacepainter #sydneykidsparties #annabananafp @ Sydney, Australia

23.01.2022 Painting at the besties sons party today #eyedesigns #bondifacepainter #sydneykidsparties #bondikidsparties @ Bondi Beach

23.01.2022 Nothing like your BFF #bondikids #bondikidsparties #sydneykids #bondimums #bondifacepainter #sydneyfacepainter

23.01.2022 Anna painted my girls faces today and they looked great First time my youngest daughter would let someone paint her face instead of a small rainbow on her hand. Anna was great !

22.01.2022 Love painting the grown ups, and there were plenty to paint today #mermaid #mermaidparty #mermaidfacepaint #adultfacepaint #adultfacepainter #bondifacepainting #bondikids #bondikidsparties #sydneykidsparties #sydneyfacepainter @ Maroubra Beach

21.01.2022 Anna Banana is off on holiday for 2 weeks to New Zealand! Please contact me after Jan 12th for bookings.

20.01.2022 Best dentist EVER! ...and most glamorous #adultfacepainting

20.01.2022 I was the lucky winner of this lovely lot! Thank you @amitolacolours @huntervalleyfacepaint @flowersforfrida

19.01.2022 Birthday girl unicorn inspired by Daizy Design Face Painting. Love painting at Nubo Alexandria #unicornfacepaint #bondikidsparties #bondifacepainter @ Nubo Alexandria

18.01.2022 My little space cadet #spacefacepaint

18.01.2022 Chin chin #adultfacepainting

17.01.2022 My beauties #facepaintingsydney @ Parsley Bay Reserve

17.01.2022 Lucky Mama I am

16.01.2022 I think you have something on your cheek.... #redbackfacepaint #spiderfacepaint #sydneykids #sydneykidsparties #bondikids #bondikidsparties

15.01.2022 Thanks for the inspiration @thegltrbox and thanks for being a model @chereine_waddell #theartofliving #raisingmoneyforcancer

14.01.2022 So many princess crowns this weekend! So many princesses where I live #princessfacepaint #bondifacepainter #bondifacepainting #bondikidsparties #bondikids #sydneykids #sydneyfacepainter #southcoogee #coogeefacepainting

13.01.2022 #blackouttuesday

13.01.2022 Lets go to the movies! #missinglinkmovie #lego #legomovie2 #bondijunctionwestfield #eventcinemas #bondifacepainter #bondifacepainting #bondikids #annabanana @ Event Cinemas

11.01.2022 Taking her pet spider out today #witchfacepaint

11.01.2022 Such a beautiful day at The Art of Living fundraiser. Ive met some inspirational women who have come together to support this event.

11.01.2022 Off she goes to school

10.01.2022 Cutest lil reindeer I ever did see! #reindeerfacepaint #takeyourkidstoworkday #commonwealthbankofaustralia #bondifacepainting #sydneyfacepainting #bondikidsparties #sydneykidsparties #annabananafacepainter #xmasfacepaint #christmasfacepainting

10.01.2022 The older girls, and Mums, are loving these small eye designs #eyedesign #grownupfacepaint #adultfacepaint #bondifacepainter #bondikids #sydneykidsparties

10.01.2022 He wanted 2 hats and a Xmas tree ! Who am I to argue?! #reindeerfacepaint #takeyourkidstoworkday #commonwealthbankofaustralia #bondifacepainting #sydneyfacepainting #bondikidsparties #sydneykidsparties #annabananafacepainter #xmasfacepaint #christmasfacepainting

09.01.2022 I shall be painting at this beautiful fund raising event for Breast Cancer Network Australia, organised by one very incredible woman!

07.01.2022 #bondifacepainting #sydneykids #bondikids #sydneykidsparties #sydneyfacepainter

06.01.2022 Really enjoyed my day at Street Paws Festival today. I met so many truly lovely people! Looking forward to next time. #sydneyfacepainter #bondifacepainting #streetpawsfestival #sydneykids #sydneykidsparties #bondikids #bondikidsparties #lovedogs @ Addison Road Community Centre

06.01.2022 When you get an order with a hand written letter thanking you for your order AND a free glitter sample! Thank you @facepaintsonline Looking forward to using my new stencils @glitternghouls #bondifacepainter #newfacepaintsupplies

05.01.2022 This woman was a joy to paint! #theartofliving #raisingmoneyforcancer

05.01.2022 This Flash is one serious superhero #flashfacepaint #sydneykids #sydneykidsparties #bondifacepainting #bondikids #bondikidsparties

05.01.2022 Had my first morning at Cambridge Market at the EQ today. Great music, AMAZING food & painted some cute as kids. What a beautiful way to spend your Wednesday mornings! #cambridgemarketseq #entertainmentquarter #sydneykids #easternsuburbsmums

05.01.2022 Free donuts at Chanukah in the City...apart from face painting what more can you ask for?! #chanukahinthecity #chanukahsameach #bondifacepainting #bondifacepainter #sydneyjewishcommunity #bondikids #sydneykids

03.01.2022 Sisters #bondikids #bondifacepainter #sydneyfacepainter #sydneykids #unicorns

02.01.2022 Its beginning to feel a lot like Christmas Coogee Pavilion with Fly By Fun @ Coogee Pavilion

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