FADER Sharkview in Newcastle, New South Wales | Sport & recreation
FADER Sharkview
Locality: Newcastle, New South Wales
Phone: +61 419 214 794
Address: 164 Hunter st Mall next grass at Market st 2300 Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.faderwetsuits.com
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25.01.2022 New year and looking out to a brand new day. Had a lot of bad luck last year but the flip side was the day Venus and Cinderella came into the shop. Girls you are superstars in the making, don't ever doubt yourselves. You can achieve anything. In years to come i can say i knew them when.......... Thanks @laura.ausling @kianicooper #swimteam #trigirl #trigirls #trigirlz #swimtraining #kitegirl #kitegirls #supgirl #supgirls #surfgirlgang #surfinglife #surfgirl #surfgirls #surfergirl #surfergirls #surfergirlstyle #surfinggirl #surfinggirls #girlssurftoo #grom #gromsquad #gromlife #gromsearch #freedivergirl #girlsthatfreedive #girlswhoscuba #beachwear #beachwearfashion
25.01.2022 Youtube link for those that missed out seeing this before
24.01.2022 Action Boy he’s so happy it’s Monday. Don’t worry J only 5 days till the weekend and you can be at the beach in your FADER wetsuit again. #surfboy #surfboys #surferboy #surferboys #kidssurfwear #kidswear #kidsbeachwear #learntosurf #nippers #slsc #surflifesaving #surfsafe #beachsafety #newcastlebeach #nobbysbeach #stocktonbeach #annabay #birubibeach #1milebeach #fingalbeach #hawksnestbeach #bennetsbeach #mungo #treachery #fosterbeach #boomerrang #blueysbeach
24.01.2022 Happy as the 2 other Special K girls on Saturday, #surfergirl #surfergirls #surfergirlstyle #surfergirlsrule #gurfer #gurfers #momofgirls #surffamily #girlssurftoo #girlsurfer #nippers #surflifesaving #learntosurf #madeinaustralia #buyaussienow #buyaustralianmade #knowyourneighbour #maketheswitch #kidssafety #kidssafe #beachsafety #surfgirlgang #surfgirl #surfgirls #kidswetsuits #beachwear #sustainablefashion #ethicalfashion #madetolast #buylocal
23.01.2022 Boards to sell, finance Dept wont let me get a Mal until i sell some of the boards we have here. We havnt been promoting the boards due to focusing on the wetsuits and spearfishing research. These are are our Phantom full reflective camo undersides made by @Jyebynessurfboards pre covid when we were at the station. Size from 5'11 to 6'4 triple fins with square tails.... DM for more details and prices The sale price will be down to 1/2 our production cost but they are one off custom made with our patented inlay and weren't cheap to make. There are also a couple of earlier test boards that are fully functional just not as perfect as these and a few decal covered boards as well. they will be sold even cheaper. Come see them in store. #Fader #faderwetsuits #sharkview #surfer #surfboard #surferworld #surfcoast #surfers #surfinglife #surfsup #surfing#surfphotograpy #photography #surf #surfcoast #surferlife #surfday #instasurf #surfculture #surflifestyle #surfphoto #surfinggirl #surfgirls#surftravel #surfergirls #surfwear #Jyebynessurfboards #custom
23.01.2022 Made in Australia. More likely that not the store you buy your surf gear from isn't even Australian owed let alone any of the products they stock. Even if you don't buy our gear at least buy from a locally owned shop. ... #fader #faderwetsuits #gemmalee_suits #faconcreative #faconmagazine #newcastle #newcastlebusiness #newcastlecouncil #newcastlebusinesscentre #buyaussienow #buyaussiemade #madeinaustralia #buylocal #nswbusinesschamber #newcastle #inovation #ethicalfashionaustralia #ethicalfashion #ethicallymade #sustainablefashion #sustainability #aussie #australia #madetolast
23.01.2022 Shining even in the shadows. Photo @daisydarling123 Model @underwaterlinnea Wetsuit FADER 2mm ... #mermaid #mermaids #underwatermodel #surfgirlgang #surfgirl #surfgirls #beachlife #surflife #kitegirl #kitegirls #surffeminino #supgirl #supgirls #shesurfs #wakeboardgirl #surfergirl #surfergirls #girlswhosurf #girlssurftoo #californiagirl #surfcalifornia #surfsup #surferstyle #surffashion #beachfashion
23.01.2022 Blond Black Boy at Redhead in FADER Green. Protect the ones you love. Photo @gregm ... #surfsafe #surfsafety #surffamily #surfdad #momofboys #mumofboys #learntosurf #beachsafety #beachfamily #surffam #surferboy #surferboys #boysofsummer #surfingmums #surfingmumsaustralia #surflessons #surfschool #nippers #slsc #surflifesaving #surflifesavingnz #surflifesavingnsw #surflifesavingqld #surflifesavingwa #surflifesavingvictoria #gromsearch #gromsquad #grom #groms
22.01.2022 One of our 2nd gen FADER girls blues from 2 years that we though this was a very good girls suit the equal any of the big brands. The colours are great just what we wanted But its nothing compared to the sophisticated design by @gemmalee_suits and the limestone neoprene we are using now. This current suits make the 1 and 2nd generations look outdated and just average. ... Don't you deserve the best materials and the newest cutting edge design? yes you do #supgirl #sup #kiteboarding #kitesirens #kitesista #kitegirl #kitesurfer#girlsurfing #surfergirl #girlsurfer #girlsonboards #girlssurftoo #surfchick #yogasurfer #surfandrepeat #surfergirls #womenonwaves #longboarddancer #wakeboardgirl #bodyboardgirl #girlsurfer #girlsurfnetwork #girlssurfer #surfwoman #surftravel #surfhair #saltyhairdontcare
22.01.2022 The diver appears out of nowhere. The first Indication that there is something approaching is the head, then hands and then maybe the black zip. The rest of the body appears after. That’s what our camo is designed to do.... Hide the edges making the overall shape hard to identify. The one thing we believe our camo can do that others can’t is be just as effective in motion as it is still. How’s your camo in motion? #madeinaustralia #buylocal #maketheswitch #australianmadecampaign #freediver #freedivegirls #freedivergirl #freediving #freedivingwomen #freediverlife #freedivers #freediveart #mermaid #mermaids #spearfishing #scuba #diver #spearo #spearolife #australianmade #underwaterphotography #spearfishingaustralia #spearfishingcalifornia #spearfishingnz #camo #camoflauge #camouflage
22.01.2022 More Girls in FADER Blue, Miss M refused to accept the wetsuit was way too big for her and desperately wanted to wear one just like her friend. Too Sweet Too Cute to say no, so yes it does not fit but she didn't care. #kidswear #kidsbeachwear #surfkids #littlesurfer #littlesurfergirl #girlsurfer #girlssurftoo #surffamily #surfingmums #surfsafety #kidsbeachwear #kidswithstyle #kidsfashion #beachfashion #gurfer #gromsearch #gromsquad #gromlife #learntosurf #surflessons #summerkids #kidswetsuits #childrenswear #childrenswetsuits #surfergirls #surfergirlsrule
22.01.2022 Backdrop Display for investor presentation. Phantom Reflective Boards, FADER wetsuits. Note the strategically causally placed Patent Certification on the board just encase any need reminding that that its our technology and we will protect it. #surfer #surfinsta #surfing #surfinglife #surfinglifestyle #boardriders #shark #savethesharks #nocull #stopsharkculling #nodrumlines #stopdrumlines #wetsuit #wetsuits #sharkvision #sharkconservation #oceanconservation #marinelife #surfsafe #surfstyle #surfline #whiteshark #gsw #surfaustralia #surfnsw #slsc #surfclub #surflifesavingaustralia #surflifesaving
21.01.2022 Sometimes you want to hide, sometimes you want to shine. @gemmalee_suits @sommerso_fins ... Down to the last few of these vibrant unique suits left in store. Made from the same High flex 2mm limestone as our Fader surf wetsuits. #madeinaustralia #buylocal #maketheswitch #australianmadecampaign #carbonfiber #carbonfibre #fin #fins #freediver #freedivegirls #freedivergirl #freediving #freedivingwomen #freediverlife #freedivers #freediveart #mermaid #mermaids #apnea #apneatraining #spearfishing #scuba #diver #spearo #spearolife #australianmade #underwaterphotography #underwaterfashion #finart #wetsuitgirl
21.01.2022 Blues to match the sky. In full sun the subtle shading of the FADER Blue pattern stands out more. Our suits almost seem to change with the light but they don’t. the contrast gradient pattern and how brains process vision signals makes it look like it. ... The real purpose was from underneath in the water where it blends into the sky. Useful anywhere sharks could be nearby. That they look fabulous is just a bonus. Photo @daisydarling123 Surfer @underwaterlinnea #surfcalifornia #marinadelrey #gurfer #gurfers #girlssurfnetwork #girlsurfer #girlsurf #girlssurf #girlssurftoo #surfgirlgang #surfgirl #surfgirls #surfergirl #surfergirlstyle #surffashion #ethicalfashion #sustainablefashion #beachlife #beachshoot #beachlifestyle #beachgirl #beachgirls
20.01.2022 After a few complaints about the last video of FADER Green, Here’s some better Footage. The always stylish @niki.and.jimmy in Her 3/2 FADER Green in fluid efficient motion. Another PB freedive, well done Nicki.... Filmed by @oceansensefreediving #madeinaustralia #buylocal #maketheswitch #australianmadecampaign #freediver #freedivegirls #freedivergirl #freediving #freedivingwomen #freediverlife #freedivers #freediveart #mermaid #mermaids #spearfishing #scuba #diver #spearo #spearolife #australianmade #underwaterphotography #spearfishingaustralia #spearfishingcalifornia #spearfishingnz #camo #camoflauge #camouflage
19.01.2022 Underwaterlinnea running through Vogue poses in Mexico in FADER blue. But will she try the highly technical IALT position for the Russian judges?
18.01.2022 Be at one with the ocean in FADER Winner of the 2020 University of Newcastle Audio Visual Award for Multi Media Production. Created by Kiani Cooper and Laura Ausling... @wildbluewonder2020 @laura.ausling @kianicooper #wetsuits #wetsuitgirl #kidswear #kidswetsuits #grom #groms #gromsurf #surfschool #learntosurf #surflessons #kidsswimwear #beachday #surfing #surfergirl #surferboy #waterbaby #sunprotection #swimsuit #nippers #slsc #surflife #surflifesaving #surflifesavingaustralia #newcastle #newcastlebeach #oceangirl #surfsisters #littlesurfergirl #madeinaustraliacampain
18.01.2022 Last week I watched a helicopter joy flight go along the our beaches pretending to be public protection against sharks with 15-20km winds and poor vis water and surprise they saw no sharks. These flights are pure PR and have nothing to do with safety or science or conservation. Here is the 1st set of satellite tracks of juvenile Great Whites off Newcastle when the aerial surveys were being done by scientists. ... See how the Whites dont like Newcastle, see how the LOVE northern Stockton Birubi. If you were really doing this for public safety you would double the flights over Birubi and 1/2 them over Newcastle but no every beach gets there once or twice a day fly past visit why? Show the more highly populated non shark areas your government is doing something. Think of the $$$$ being thrown away every year that could be put into real shark protection measures. For populated beaches Drones operated by surf clubs is a fraction of the cost and 1000 times the benefit. More remote or un patrolled beaches its time to take control of your safety and READ the independent reports on shark deterrents then have a look at ours. #faderwetsuits #sharkview #sharkconservation #sharkbiologist #surfclub #surflifesaving #portstephens #mpa #sharktag #marinepark #marinescience #girlsinmarinescience #mpa #marine #sharkscience #marinebiology #marinebiologist #sharkresearch #Oceanresearch #sharktagging #marinescience #womeninmarinescience #electronicetag #sharkbehavior #sharksinaustralia #saveourseas #nodrumlines #dosharkresearchbetter
18.01.2022 Family time for mum and son. Both these wetsuits were made here in Australia. Where were yours made? Photo @gregm @bronnums1... #buyaushandmade #madeinaustralia #buyaussienow #buylocal #madeinqueensland #aussiemade #buylocal #newcastle #sustainabledesign #sustainableclothing #ethicalfashion #ethicalfashionaustralia #fairtradefashion #faconaustralia #kidswetsuits #bodyboarders #surferboys #gromsquad #groms #surffamily #surfbrothers #surfkids #surfkid #bodyboarding #bodyboarders #mumofboys #familysurf #surfholiday #boyswear #surfclub
18.01.2022 Feeling Blue on a Monday morning? Swimming helps. Maybe you don't really need a wetsuit here just yet in Aus late Summer, with water temp at 21 C and air temp at 24 C but "Winter is coming". Our 2mm high flex limestone surf wetsuits have shoulders designed for ease of paddling so there great to swim in as well. we have a couple of test suits that you can even try before you buy to prove just how good they are.... #swimteam #trigirl #trigirls #trigirlz #swimtraining #kitegirl #kitegirls #supgirl #supgirls #surfgirlgang #surfinglife #surfgirl #surfgirls #surfergirl #surfergirls #surfergirlstyle #surfinggirl #surfinggirls #girlssurftoo #grom #gromsquad #gromlife #gromsearch #freedivergirl #girlsthatfreedive #girlswhoscuba #beachwear #beachwearfashion
17.01.2022 No 1 FADER Try on photo of the year. Without Doubt. Hands Down... Don even bother to check with the judges. @underwaterlinnea #supgirl #sup #kiteboarding #kitesirens #kitesista #kitegirl #kitesurfer #girlsurfing #surfergirl #girlsurfer #girlsonboards #girlssurftoo #surfchick #yogasurfer #surfandrepeat #surfergirls #womenonwaves #longboarddancer #wakeboardgirl #bodyboardgirl #girlsurfer #girlsurfnetwork #girlssurfer #surfwoman #surftravel #surfhair #saltyhairdontcare
17.01.2022 Green with envy? Don’t have to be but don’t leave to long stocks are low. Only the 4/3 mm are on the web. ... In 2mm only 1 size 8 but a few K12 kids that fit girls up to 54kg 3/2 mm sizes 6 (44-55kg )and 8 (54-70 kg) only 3 of each Photo @pride1.4 Model @maddylocantro_ Wetsuit design @gemmalee_suits Registered Pattern FADER Green @sharkveiw.com.au #scubagirl #girlswhoscuba #divegirl #freedivegirls #girlswhofreedive #kitegirl #kitegirls #girlsthatkite #kitesurfergirl #wakeboardgirl #supgirl #supgirls #shesup #longboardsurfergirl #longboarddancing #ladyslider #gurfer #gurfers #surfgirl #surfgirls #surfergirl #surfergirls #surfergirlstyle #girlsurfer #girlssurfnetwork #surfsisters #surfsistas #girlssurftoo #girlswhosurf
16.01.2022 There's more to our suits than just looking good. It's what they look like underwater that really matters. Blue, grey and green all blend into the surface. See the website for more. Black doesn't. #surfsafe #surfboard #surfer #shark #sharkattack #sharkavoidance #sharkconservation #nocull #removesharknets #nodrumlines #sharkbiologist #sharkbehavior #slsc #surflifesaving #surflifesavingaustralia #surflive #surfinsta #surfers #oceanconservation #sharkdeterrent #sharkawarenessday #sharkresearch #whiteshark #surfinglife #surferworld #surflifesavingnz #surflifesavingusa #surfcalifornia #surfhawaii #surfmaine
16.01.2022 Guess which one of the Special K girls got cold 1st? Water temp that was a pleasant 18.5C dropped to 16 yesterday so even with days getting warmer kids can chill quickly. But in a kids FADER wetsuit they can play as much as want. Thanks D for the picture. #kidsbeachwear #kidswetsuits #childrenswear #beachkids #waterkids #surfkids #littlemermaids #swimsisters #littlesurfergirl #beachsafety #surfsafety #surfsafe #kidssafe #kidssafety #nippers #slsc #surflifesaving #surflessons #swimlessons #girlsswimwear #momofgirls #surffamily #beachfamily #summeriscoming #beachtime #girlgang #girlpower #supergirls
16.01.2022 It took a few circuits before we good view and it even rolled to give a nice profile. 2 dorsal fins, long serpentine tail, lumpy forehead. 99.9% sure it was a Grey Nurse ( Sand tiger, Ragged Tooth) about 2.3m. So do the commercial companies spot sharks in these Conditions? ... If they do will they waste fuel and time doing as many circuits as needed to get a positive ID? Or will they miss sharks, just stab in the dark ID and over estimate sizes by 1-2m? I know that the 1 commercial flight we followed 5 minutes behind for a 30km beach recorded 1 shark, we spotted 5 all Great Whites. This was a while ago so I’m sure they have improved a lot since then. Maybe they would get at least 1/2 the sharks now. This is why helicopter shark surveys should not be done by the lowest tender or whichever company the Minster owes favours to. The only efficient way is Drones operated by surf clubs for smaller populated beaches and helicopter flights performed to standards and set protocols for more distant. @sharkconservation_australia @envoyfilm #faderwetsuits #sharkview #sharkconservation #sharkbiologist #surfclub #surflifesaving #portstephens #mpa #sharktag #marinepark #marinescience #girlsinmarinescience #mpa #marine #sharkscience #marinebiology #marinebiologist #sharkresearch #Oceanresearch #sharktagging #marinescience #womeninmarinescience #electronicetag #sharkbehavior #sharksinaustralia #saveourseas #nodrumlines #dosharkresearchbetter
15.01.2022 The ever elegant @shelbyray367 with blue eyes to match our FADER wetsuits. Photo @pride1.4 ... #surfers #surfergirl #surfinglife #surfstyle #surfgirl #surfphoto #surfing #surfinglife #surfergirls #surfculture #surflife #surfsuit #wetsuit #surfapparel #surfwear #oceanwear #surfergirls #styleandcomfort #fashionandfunction #saltwatertherapy #vitaminsea #slideladyslide #surfculture #surfvibes #womenwhosurf #surflife #saltyhairdontcare #womenonwaves #saltysoul See more
15.01.2022 Must be Sunday. No short boards here. FADER wetsuits made for the individual. Photo @sierrabertiniphotography ... Surfer @_lolo_808 Wetsuit FADER Blue 2mm limestone neoprene made in Australia Why pay more for a big brand wetsuit made with lessor neoprene, an unsophisticated design and straight seams to minimise sewing times in a SE Asian factory? Look past the marketing, sponsorships, glossy adds and hype. Get a wetsuit that fits you better, feels better on you and will last far longer. Don’t even believe our pitch try on a FADER girls and you will know instantly just how much better they are. So are you an individual that can make your own decisions of just another sheep in the flock? #longboardsurfing #longboards #longboardsurfgirls #longboarddancing #longboardsurfing #longboardinggirls #longboardsurf #ladyslider #ladysliders #malabo #mal #surftravel #surfista #surfwear #surfline #surfergirl #surfergirl #surfgirlgang #surfgirls #wetsuits #wetsuits #surfwetsuits #surfsisters #surfsistas #womenonwaves #girlssurf #girlsurfer #girlsurfers #girlssurftoo #girlssurfing
14.01.2022 Just need water. #wetsuits #wetsuitgirl #kidswear #kidswetsuits #grom #groms #gromsurf #surfschool #learntosurf #surflessons #kidsswimwear #beachday #surfing #surfergirl #surferboy #waterbaby #sunprotection #swimsuit #nippers #slsc #surflife #surflifesaving #surflifesavingaustralia #newcastle #newcastlebeach #oceangirl #surfsisters #littlesurfergirl #madeinaustraliacampaign
14.01.2022 Making the most of every summer day. @pintoguga @kakaleite73 #buyaushandmade #madeinaustralia #buyaussienow... #buylocal #madeinqueensland #aussiemade #buylocal #newcastle #sustainabledesign #sustainableclothing #ethicalfashion #ethicalfashionaustralia #fairtradefashion #faconaustralia #kidswetsuits #bodyboarders #surferboys #gromsquad #groms #surffamily #surfbrothers #surfkids #surfkid #bodyboarding #bodyboarders #mumofboys #familysurf #surfholiday #boyswear #wavecheck #surfdays #madelocal See more
13.01.2022 Beneath the waves far off shore on borrowed breaths. Photo @gregm Surfer @bronnums1 Wetsuit FADER Grey Ghost ... #surfergirl #surfinglife #surfinggirls #surfingjapan #surfinghawaii #surfingcalifornia #surfingaustralia #surfingnz #surfingstyle #instasurfing #surfingbali #surfmom #surfingmums #surfamily #surfingusa #surferyoga #surfandyoga #surfandyogaretreat #surfandsand #surfergirls #surfgirlstyle #girlssurftoo #gurfer #gurfers
11.01.2022 Dive into Monday’s like it’s a wave. Photo @gregm Surfer @bronnums1 Wetsuit FADER Grey Ghost ... #surfergirl #surfinglife #surfinggirls #surfingjapan #surfinghawaii #surfingcalifornia #surfingaustralia #surfingnz #surfingstyle #instasurfing #surfingbali #surfmom #surfingmums #surfamily #surfingusa #surferyoga #surfandyoga #surfandyogaretreat #surfandsand #surfergirls #surfgirlstyle #girlssurftoo #gurfer #gurfers
10.01.2022 This week is surf grom week so we’ll post our young customers in their FADER wetsuits. No 1 KP of Merewether, growing so fast he might need to trade in his wetsuit on a bigger size by the end of summer. Photo @kakaleite73 @pintoguga ... #surferboy #surferboys #surfboy #surfboys #grom #gromsquad #groms #gromsurf #mumofboys #surfingfamily #surfsafe #kidsafe #kidssafety #beachsafety #slsc #surflifesaving #surflifesavingaustralia #surflifestyle #kidswear #kidswetsuits #beachwear #childrenswear #surfholiday #surftrip #surfeveryday #learntosurf #surfschool
10.01.2022 Sunday’s just aren’t right for short boards. Photo @sierrabertiniphotography Surfer @_lolo_808 ... #longboarding #longboardsurfing #longboardsurf #longboardsurfgirls #longboarddancing #longboarddance #longboardlifestyle #longboardstyle #surflongboard #surfergirl #yogasurfer #surfandyoga #surfandrepeat #surfhawaii #hawaiisurf #hawaiianlife #islandgirl #tropicalsurf #bluewater #surfergirl #girlsurfer #girlsurfers #surftrip #surftravel #surftherapy #saltyhairdontcare
10.01.2022 Of course Laura’s smiling, she just tried on a wetsuit that fits and feels unlike than any others she has ever warn. Ours dry is better than other brands wet and in the ocean it’s even better again. We have a couple available for trying out as we know that once you go FADER limestone you can’t go back to the petroleum based, poorly designed big brands. ... Surfer @laura.ausling #kitesurfing #kiteboarding #kitegirl #kitesurf #kitegirls #girlsbehindbars #kitegirlsunited #wakesurfing #wakeboarding #wakeboardinglife #wakeboardgirl #wakeboardgirls #sup #supgirl #supgirls #standuppaddleboarding #shesup #oceanswim #oceanswimming #boldandbeautifulswimsquadmanly #triathlontraining #trigirls #trigirl #trigirlz #swimgirl #oceanlover girl #surfergirls
08.01.2022 Our Adventure Girls in FADER Green Sup code names Captain Jade and Miss Americana. @wildbluewonder2020 @laura.ausling @kianicooper... #swimteam #trigirl #trigirls #trigirlz #swimtraining #kitegirl #kitegirls #supgirl #supgirls #surfgirlgang #surfinglife #surfgirl #surfgirls #surfergirl #surfergirls #surfergirlstyle #surfinggirl #surfinggirls #girlssurftoo #grom #gromsquad #gromlife #gromsearch #freedivergirl #girlsthatfreedive #girlswhoscuba #beachwear #beachwearfashion
08.01.2022 Top Brazilian surfer in his FADER blue wetsuit. Anyone know who the guy with the board is? #wsl #surftrip #surfingphotography #surfinglife #surfculture #surferlife #surftown #surferworld #surfsup #surfcity #surfbabes #surfboard #surfinsta #barrel #swell #surfingiseverything #surfcoach #Fader #Faderwetsuits #surfingiseverything #surfingmagazine #surfingday #surftime #surferslife #surfing #shark #sharksafe
08.01.2022 Not Sunday i know but needed a bit of Longboard action even at a distance. Photo @sierrabertiniphotography Surfer @_lolo_808 Wetsuit @faderwetsuits Blue 2mm... #longboardsurf #longboardsurfing #longboardsurfgirls #longboarddancing #longboarddancing #ladyslider #mal #surfadventure #surfaustralia #surfhawaii #surfallday #surfandrepeat #surfapparel #surfaddict #surfafrica #surfboarding #surftravel #surftrip #surftexas #surfgirlgang #surfergirlstyle #surferchick #surferlifestyle #surfersjournal #yogasurfer #girlssurf #girlssurfnetwork #womenonwaves #surfinglife
08.01.2022 Doubling up in style @nunufis in a 1 off FADER Charcoal Grey swim suit and a 1 of only 2 FADER Grey wetsuits. Hard to think how she could any better fitted out unless she has a FADER Grey rash guard too. That would be Triple threat for sure. ... #longboarddancing #kitesurfing #surfchick #surfgirlgang #surflife #surfsistas #girlssurftoo #fader #faderwetsuits #surfergirls #womenonwaves #womenssurfing #ladyslider #wakeboardgirl #bodyboardgirl #girlsurfer #girlsurfnetwork #girlssurfer #surfwoman #longboardlife #longboardworld #malabo #hangfive #longboardclassic #longboardclassico #longboardgirls #logging #islandgirl #islandgirls #oceangirl
07.01.2022 Swam so fast they almost cleared the edge. Must be those Super powers from the FADER green wetsuits. Thanks @wildbluewonder2020 @laura.ausling @kianicooper #swimteam #trigirl #trigirls #trigirlz #swimtraining #kitegirl #kitegirls #supgirl #supgirls #surfgirlgang #surfinglife #surfgirl #surfgirls #surfergirl #surfergirls #surfergirlstyle #surfinggirl #surfinggirls #girlssurftoo #grom #gromsquad #gromlife #gromsearch #freedivergirl #girlsthatfreedive #girlswhoscuba #beachwear #beachwearfashion
06.01.2022 Guess what happens next? Not the recommended use for our camo FADER wetsuits but it does show what the Redhead Surf Team put them though. The boys had these suits for 6 months and as they were surfing almost every day through covid it was more like 18 months of use. they also wore them rock climbing, to and from the beach and hours in the swimming pool. The suits came back a couple of weeks ago to trade in on bigger sizes and I was expecting them to be ripped to pieces but... they aren’t. The outside nylon layer stood up really well. Of the 5 we got back 4 have been sold on to other parents for their kids. Photo @gregm #momofboys #mumofboys #surffamily #surfboys #surferboys #bodyboarding #bodyboarder #bodyboarders #bodyboarding4life #beachsafety #surfsafe #kidsafe #kidssafety #boyswillbeboys #kidswear #kidswetsuits #kidsbeachwear #childrenswetsuits #grom #gromsquad #gromsearch #learntosurf #surflessons #surfschool #beachlife #beachday #sanddunes
05.01.2022 Still thinking about Aus aren't you? Those Californian beaches are a poor substitute. You know were you really want to be... @underwaterlinnea Photo @daisaydarling123 #underwatermodel #surflifestyle #surfphoto #surfinggirl #surfgirls #surftravel #surfwear #mermaid #surfandyoga #surfandyogaretreats #FADER #wetsuits #swimwear #freediver #wetsuit #surf #surfer #surfergirl #surfergirls #girlsthatfreedive #girlsthatscuba #womenonwaves #surflikeagirl #camouflage #underwaterphoto #limestone #wetsuitsthatworkbetter
04.01.2022 There will come a time when a hug from mum before a surf wont get the same reaction. BUT Today is not that day. Photo @gregm @bronnums1... #surfboys #beachkids #surfsafe #kidssafety #slsc #gromsquad #gromlife #gromsurfer #momofboys #boysofsummer #surffamily #beachfashion #beachfamily #beachwear #kidswetsuits #kidswear #bodyboarders #surferboy #surfbrothers #summerboys #beachsafety #surfsafety #surflifesaving #surflifesavingaustralia #surflifesavers #surfclub
04.01.2022 Feel confident in FADER Wetsuits Award winning production by @laura.ausling @kianicooper @wildbluewonder2020 Staring @miss.americana ... Huge thanks as always to all that helped, The shining lights on the darkest days #swimteam #trigirl #trigirls #trigirlz #swimtraining #kitegirl #kitegirls #supgirl #supgirls #surfgirlgang #surfinglife #surfgirl #surfgirls #surfergirl #surfergirls #surfergirlstyle #surfinggirl #surfinggirls #girlssurftoo #grom #gromsquad #gromlife #gromsearch #freedivergirl #girlsthatfreedive #girlswhoscuba #beachwear #beachwearfashion
03.01.2022 Flashback to the first time our FADER suits were put on show for the world to see. What a show it was. 40 models outdoors at our Iconic Newcastle Ocean baths. It took a lot of big balls to put it on. 12 1.5 m white beach balls in fact.... A perfect evening except for the 40-50 Km winds. No balls were lost but 2 deflated. Ill post video to show just how tough it was. Very grateful to @facon_au for the opportunity and the Models @soph_.u in blue with @saggyalira in Green and @atayarobinson in Grey. Wetsuit designer @gemmalee_suits #faconmagazine #facon #newcastleoceanbaths #fashion #fashionrunway #fashionmodel #fashionaustralia #fashionweek #newcastle #madeinaustralia #wetsuit #wetsuits #wetsuitgirl #slowfashion #handmade #buylocal #surfgirls #surfgirlgang #surfsistas #girlsurf #girlgang #girlpower #gurfers #surfergirls #girlssurftoo #newcastlebusiness #newcastlefashion #newy #ethicalfashion #slowfashion #sustainability
03.01.2022 Redhead boys in FADER camo that’s hard to see from underneath waving to a surfer in black that’s easy to spot. 2nd pic shows our camo Vs black. A black wetsuit is never going to matter until that one time it does. ... That 1 time that it counts you want your kids in one of ours. The same wearing helmets, seatbelts, life jackets. It’s a small inconvenience to prevent a catastrophic event. Protect the ones you love. Photo @gregm #surfsafe #surfsafety #surffamily #surfdad #momofboys #mumofboys #learntosurf #beachsafety #beachfamily #surffam #surferboy #surferboys #boysofsummer #surfingmums #surfingmumsaustralia #surflessons #surfschool #nippers #slsc #surflifesaving #surflifesavingnz #surflifesavingnsw #surflifesavingqld #surflifesavingwa #surflifesavingvictoria #gromsearch #gromsquad #grom #groms
03.01.2022 Here is just how versatile our FADER surf wetsuits are. The sophisticated shoulder panels mean there are great to swim in. The camo works for spearing and if the water isn’t to deep or cold enough scuba as well. The high grade limestone give so much flex that Other girls have used them canyoning, On jetski’s, On SUPs and kite surfing.... Our favourite DR has been doing as much as she can in hers on a 3 state road trip. Yesterday’s effort was her 1st time spearing and got a kingfish. blue weight belts look like there’re becoming a trend. Photo @travellingmanchild Ocean super girl @elizalouisemcdougall #scuba #scubadiving #girlswhoscuba #padi #ssi #scubalife #scubadivingaustralia #freediver #freedivegirls #freedivergirl #freediving #freedivingwomen #freediverlife #freedivers #freediveart #mermaid #mermaids #apnea #apneatraining #spearfishing #scuba #diver #spearo #spearolife #australianmade #underwaterphotography #wetsuitgirl #underwaterphotographer
03.01.2022 When only one shower is working and you cant decide who goes first. Photo @pride1.4 Surfer and BJJ superstars Texas, Miss Americana and The next Matilda Model management and support @harfordfletcher and @danih78... #surfergirl #surfergirls #surfergirlstyle #surfergirlsrule #gurfer #gurfers #momofgirls #surffamily #girlssurftoo #girlsurfer #nippers #surflifesaving #learntosurf #madeinaustralia #buyaussienow #buyaustralianmade #knowyourneighbour #maketheswitch #kidssafety #kidssafe #beachsafety #surfgirlgang #surfgirl #surfgirls #kidswetsuits #beachwear #sustainablefashion #ethicalfashion #madetolast #buylocal See more
03.01.2022 Valentines Day, what do you love most? Your Board? Your wetsuit? ... Photo @pride1.4 Wetsuit Blue 2mm S6 Long @faderwetsuits Designer @gemmalee_suits Surfer @scarlettavery Board Phantom Reflective @jyebyrmessurfboards
02.01.2022 Joy pure joy. Drop in water and air temp today so good time to try on wetsuits and get ready for the rest of spring. Open today at 164 Hunter st Newcastle till 4. Photo @gregm ... Action Mum @bronnums1 Wetsuits FADER Grey 2mm and Green 2mm kids 8. Unlike other brands that make kids suits with the cheapest neoprene in the cheapest factory to maximise profits for off shore share holders. Ours are made with the same high quality limestone neoprene, here in Australia so no we are not as cheap as the big brands that are dumping stock but ours will last 3 times as long. Cheaper in the long run And when your kids out grow then bring them back and trade in on a bigger size with up to 30% off. How can you go wrong? #sustainablefashion #madetolast #madeinaustralia #buyaustralianmade #buyaussienow #knowyourneighbour #auatralianowned #kidswetsuits #kidsbeachwear #wetsuitsforkids #surfboy #surferboys #momofboys #mumofboys #surfingmom #surfingmums #surffamily #surffam #surffamilia #learntosurf #surfschool #surflessons #nippers #ethicalfashion #redusereuserecycle #sustainableliving #sustainability
02.01.2022 Black sand, palm trees, Yep winter in Hawaii looks tough but someone has to do it. Don't know how you can tolerate it. Photo @sierrabertiniphotography Surfer @_lolo_808 Wetsuit FADER Blue 2mm... #mindfulness #mindset #surfsoul #surfandyoga #beachtherapy #wavesofwellness #saltysoul #headspace #mindbodysoul #soulsurfer #soulsurf #oceantherapy #innerpeace #oceanlovers #oceanliving #oceanlifestyle #surfdaily #surfmore #surfvibes #surfandrepeat #surfretreat #surfandyogaretreat #surftrip #surftravel #surfforlife
01.01.2022 Ocean girls Just about out of FADER Greens down to only 1 in some sizes across all 2mm 3/2 and 4/3. Same with kids just a few Greens left. The blue have been more popular for girls and boy and we have plenty of in all kids and girls sizes. ... Best to contact direct rather than webpage. 164 Hunter st Newcastle open all Easter. @kianicooper @laura.ausling the shot of the day for me #wsl #wslnewcastle #womenssurfing #girlssurftoo #girlscantsurf #surfergirl #gurfer #surfgirlstyle #surfgirl #surfgirls #surfsisters #surfgirlmag #girlsurfer #girlsurfnetwork #supgirl #kitesirens #kitesista #kitesisters #saltyhairdontcare #surfandyoga #surfchicks #womenonwaves #girlswhosurf #mermaid #mermaids #oceangirl
01.01.2022 Last of Ursula Shots. Must be time to do some more. Photo @pride1.4 ... Wetsuit @faderwetsuits Design @gemmalee_suits Fins @sommerso_fins Rash Guard @sharkview.com.au Styling @kianicooper Model @laura.ausling #madeinaustralia #buylocal #maketheswitch #australianmadecampaign #carbonfiber #carbonfibre #fin #fins #freediver #freedivegirls #freedivergirl #freediving #freedivingwomen #freediverlife #freedivers #freediveart #mermaid #mermaids #apnea #apneatraining #spearfishing #scuba #diver #spearo #spearolife #australianmade #underwaterphotography #underwaterfashion #finart #wetsuitgirl
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