Friends of Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary FAIBS in Adelaide, South Australia | Non-profit organisation
Friends of Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary FAIBS
Locality: Adelaide, South Australia
Phone: +61 498 730 120
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23.01.2022 The FAIBS AGM was held on Saturday, December 5th at the Henley Sailing Club, a venue enabling 32 Members and Supporters to attend under Covid spacing rules. Business followed the usual AGM protocols, and Committee appointments welcomed newcomers Maree Merchant and Robert Wilson, while Jennifer McKay has moved into the Vice-President's role, with Mary-Ann van Trigt continuing to lead the group. Ian Forsyth was thanked for his Committee service over that past 2 years, and Erik ...Dahl and Joe Dafoe acknowledged for their highly valued contributions. Guest speaker Tony Flaherty provided an insightful overview of the management of shorebirds and habitat under the newly designated Green Adelaide and Northern and Yorke Peninsula areas within which AIBS sits. He also presented a disturbing outline of recent mangrove die-back in the St Kilda and saltfields area. The morning was completed with the levity of our fundraising raffle draw, with prize winners Graham Winch (Ruddy Turnstone print), Geoff Bryant (signed Flight Lines book), Minnie and David Robertson (signed Grasswrens book) , Ali Sanger and Peter Sadler (crocheted rug) all very pleased with the results! Thanks to all attendees for coming along, and to all Members and Supporters for their contributions to FAIBS, shorebirds and the AIBS habitat over this very unusual year, 2020. Seasons Greetings to all and wishing peace, health and good personal and birding times in your lives in 2021. A Birds 'n Bickies Day will be held on January 17th at Thompson Beach. Add the date to your diaries and there'll be more info coming soon on that. See more
22.01.2022 Visits to the Sanctuary at any time of year can be exciting. You never know what you will see, like our largest migratory shorebird, the Eastern Curlew, sighted at Thompson Beach recently.
22.01.2022 The Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary is home to many birds like this mixed group of Royal Spoonbills, Great Egret and Little Egret. Aren't the colours of nature beautiful?
20.01.2022 Adelaide’s long, sandy beaches are loved by our community and are the most visited public land in South Australia. But how were they formed and how are they continuing to change? Save the date for an upcoming webinar Tuesday 4 August 2020 - 7:00pm 7:45pm Hear from leading Australian coastal expert and author Professor Andrew Short about the evolution of Adelaide’s beaches over the past 7000 years, revealing how they formed and continue to change. Learn about the in managing Adelaide’s beaches so we can continue to enjoy them for years to come. Registrations will open soon. Sign up to the coast e-news to stay informed. For more information contact: [email protected] Phone: 8124 4928 See more
19.01.2022 On Tuesday, July 21st, the air was clear and cool and the volunteers keen. We had around 275 seedlings to plant and the team comprised of Warrick Barnes and 10 FAIBS volunteers who revelled in the conditions which were ideal for the task. It was around 5 degrees and sunny with no wind to speak of, the mozzies were also revelling in the conditions but didn’t dampen our spirits (too much) as we were out and in the sanctuary and it doesn’t get too much better than that. We pla...nted in some of the bare patches of the dunes on the northern end of Thompson Beach with a selected variety of seedlings, repairing environmental damage and man-made neglect caused over the years. At the conclusion we gathered for a cuppa and a bit of birding but the tides and time of the year didn’t make for a lot of success. Babblers, honeyeaters, pelicans, cormorants and ducks made up the majority of sightings with a swirling flock of 12 Black Kites providing a spectacle for the drive along the seafront towards home. We did get to inspect our handiwork from previous plantings and it’s really nice to see almost all of them surviving and looking full of promise. All in all, a great day out, limited a little by the social distancing necessities but a good opportunity to be in the Sanctuary. FAIBS’ sincere thanks go to the volunteers, Warrick Barnes, Adelaide Plains Council and Green Adelaide for enabling this event.
19.01.2022 4 days to go for the Great Southern Bioblitz. 12 Countries 132 Areas 3 languages coming together to explore #biodiversity via #Citizenscience ... Raising awareness Atlas of Living Australia Australian Citizen Science Association Redland City QLD Inaturalist Bioblitzers City Nature Challenge 2020 / Sydney Great Southern BioBlitz 2020 - Coffs Harbour Region INaturalist Botswana INaturalist - southern Africa Great Southern Bioblitz @GlobalCitizenScienceMonth Grupo RANA - Perú Ciencia Ciudadana Perú USFQ Museo de Zoología & Laboratorio de Zoología Terrestre Museo de Historia Natural de La Pampa Museo de La Plata Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad - Ecuador Biology Society of South Australia Fundación Vida Silvestre Museo Ameghino Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Salta
18.01.2022 Sick of the indoors and feel like looking for Orange-bellied Parrots and the other coastal Neophemas on the weekend of 25/26 July? This is the date for the Annual July OBP count, and it would be great to cover as many potential sites as we can to try and find the little green buggers. Since over 100 OBPs left Melaleuca at the end of the breeding season, Covid 19 has played havoc with our lives and also our chance to try and find them on the mainland. It would be great to find some with recent sightings of two birds in SW Victoria confirmed. If you would like to participate please contact Bob Green, SA OBP Regional Coordinator, either by email ([email protected]) or mobile 0407 649 909
17.01.2022 BirdLife Australia's Coastal Birds team is excited to bring the beach to your home with the new online Coastal Birds Workshop Series! Join us and learn about ou...r Australian coastal birds, their challenges, what we do to protect them and how you can help. We’ll cover a wide range of topics, from bird ID to nest protection and more! You can see a full program here We kick off on Thursday 20th August with Beach-nesting Bird Conservation You can RSVP here #ThinkBeachBirds #ProtectingHoodedPlover Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment National Landcare Program Glenelg Hopkins CMA Corangamite Catchment Management Authority West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board Kangaroo Island Landscape Board Northern and Yorke Landscape Board Limestone Coast Landscape Board Threatened Species Commissioner Sussan Ley MP Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board NRM North Choose Cradle Coast Green Adelaide
17.01.2022 The Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary National Park - Winaityinaityi Pangkara Management Plan is now available. A copy can be found at the below link;
17.01.2022 Please note people should attend only if they are well and social distance restrictions will apply.
16.01.2022 Red-necked Stints coming for a landing at Thompson Beach. Some are showing some of their breeding plumage.
16.01.2022 Getting some small signs ready for the Vigil for St Kilda Mangroves and Saltmarshes, on World Wetlands Day, next Tuesday 2 Feb, 11:30 am on Parliament steps. Link in the comments. #savestkildamangroves
14.01.2022 On Saturday 12th September FAIBS visited Thompson Beach for some shorebird viewing. Below is a photo of a flock of Red Knot in flight after being disturbed by Black Kites. If you are interested in reading Birdlife Australia's latest Shorebird Monitoring report for Gulf St Vincent have a look at: When you scroll down the page you will see a list of documents and this is the first one.
14.01.2022 Welcome back to #FridayNetworkSite! This week #FlywayNetworkSite, we welcome you to Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary [EAAF 131] in #Australia. With its... productive ecosystem, the site supports nationally and internationally significant numbers of migratory and resident shorebirds and coastal-dependent reptiles and rare butterflies. Read more Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment BirdLife Australia Australasian Wader Studies Group #Adelaide #ImportantBirdSite Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary
13.01.2022 From Craig Greer Photography "I witnessed and captured this scene at West Beach a few weeks back when a pair of Hoodies were protecting their chick. I thought was best used as a reminder to all beachgoers to keep their dogs on a leash when near beach-nesting birds, particularly where there are signed, roped off areas alerting to people to the presence of breeding Hoodies. Feel free to download the graphic and post to your own page to help the word get around ..." #hoodedplover
11.01.2022 Calm, part-sun, warm conditions created a lovely atmosphere for FAIBS volunteers to view the shorebirds at Light Beach recently. A Brown Falcon stood ‘on guard’ on a fence post on the way in, while the foreshore rewarded us with numerous Red-necked Stints, several rather skinny looking Sharp-Tailed Sandpiper Siberian returnees, some Red-capped Plovers, a Caspian Tern along with Crested and Fairy Terns, an immature Pacific Gull, and the inevitable Silver Gulls. After the bird ...viewing we retreated inland to remove tree guards from a planting we did in previous years. It was heartening to see a significant number of thriving shrubs waving their fronds above the green guards. Towards the end of our morning’s efforts we were treated to a flock of Australian Pelicans gracefully wheeling upwards on a thermal. Sincere thanks to our wonderful volunteers and to Ranger Warrick Barnes for enabling this worthwhile morning to take place. See more
11.01.2022 Adelaide Advertiser 11 December 2020
11.01.2022 FAIBS AGM is to be held next Saturday, 5th December, 10am to 12.30. Note that the location has been changed. The meeting will now be held upstairs at the HENLEY SAILING CLUB, 1 Seaview Rd, West Beach. Covid restrictions mean we can no longer offer attendees morning tea, but the Beach Break cafe at ground level sells coffee and cakes etc. Numbers are strictly limited so RSVP's to [email protected] are necessary.
09.01.2022 Revised 2021 edition of BirdLife Australia’s educational Shorebirds WingThing brochure now available
09.01.2022 It’s Plover Appreciation Day! In the AIBS and along our metropolitan coast we are host to migratory Grey Plover and Pacific Golden Plover and our resident Red-capped Plover and the vulnerable Hooded Plover. From now until February it’s breeding season for our resident plovers, so respect their place as they work towards raising their chicks. Please remain at distance from fenced off nesting areas, walk on the wet sand and keep your dogs on a lead. As beach nesting birds they work hard to achieve breeding success. Appreciate plovers today and every day! #PloverAppreciationDay
08.01.2022 The GSB event for 2020 will be held from Friday the 25-28th of September (00:00 local "Area" time), incorporating different communities, areas and regions acros...s the Southern Hemisphere. Follow and support us by reposting content, follow us on Twitter/ El GSB 2020 se realizará del 25 al 28 de setiembre próximos, con la participación de diferentes comunidades y regiones del Hemisferio Sur. Siganos y apóyenos compartiendo en Facebook y Twitter @GSBioblitz For more information visit our website / Para más información visite nuestro website or check out our project on / o visite nuestro proyecto en you should be able to find your local area there or see below; allí encontrará el proyecto de su ciudad o en la lista a continuación: Africa Garden Route District - Gaborone Area Botswana- Northern Botswana.- Kenya - Oceania Greater Adelaide- Fiji- Brisbane- City of Onkaparinga- Coffs Harbour Region- Lower Murray and Coorong - Geelong CNC Region- Redland City, QLD Australia- Surf Coast- Greater Sydney- Colac Otway and Corangamite shires, Victoria.- Albury-Wodonga - Ballarat Region, Victoria, Australia. Canberra, A.C.T Australia Murry Plains, Victoria, Mallee Catchment, Victoria, Lake Mac City - Greater Melbourne, Victoria, Glenelg Hopkins Catchment, Victoria, Wimmera Catchment, Victoria, Wangaratta, Benalla and Alpine Shires- King Island Tasmania - Orange, N.S.W.- Greater Perth, Western Australia, Australia - South America Argentina _TBA join Brasília-DF - Curitiba and Metropolitan - Columbia- TBA join Rio Branco-AC- Peru -TBA join Porto Alegre and region Brazil
07.01.2022 The Adelaide Plains Council will be considering a motion for a temporary trial beach closure to vehicles at Thompson Beach at the next council meeting on 28th September. This action will provide protection to the habitat, feeding and roosting sites of migratory and resident shorebirds and the fragile coastal ecosystem. A petition has been set up at for interested parties to sign to indicate their support for the trial beach closure this year. Please show your support by signing this petition and encourage others to take positive action for our environment.
06.01.2022 Hello FAIBS, Many thanks for inviting me to talk at your AGM. A number of people asked me about various reports and studies I mentioned during my talk. Unfortu...nately, the AMLR NRM site is no longer active, but most of our Shorebird reports are available on a Samphire Coast Birdlife Aust page Shorebird Population Monitoring within Gulf St Vincent multiple reports Reports 2008/09 to 2019/20 2020 Regards Tony Flaherty Coastal Ambassador applications close Monday 7th Dec 9 am my Blogs on Grey Plover satellite tracking Flock Oz the AMLR 2013 Saltfield closure paper is at Risk and opportunities: A briefing paper on coastal habitat and shorebird conservation in the light of potential closure of the Ridley Dry Creek salt fields Peri Coleman has a range of info and some of works AMLR reports at Shorebird Management and Conservation Technical Report Delta Environmental Consulting partnered with Natural Resources AMLR in a study into shorebird management and conservation. A lot of the work we commission via Delta is available at Peri Coleman has archive data at Data for potential restoration of Dry Creek Saltfields in the Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary The linked website contains biodiversity data tables for habitats found within and adjacent to the defunct Dry Creek Saltfields, information on potential remediation ideas, and numerous mapping layers in Google's .kmz format. Metro Adelaide and Northern Coastal Action Plan
06.01.2022 FAIBS birders enjoyed perfect weather for their second Birds 'n Bickies outing at Thompson Beach yesterday (14th Feb). Migratory birds seen included the critically endangered Curlew Sandpiper and Bar-tailed Godwit, while a special treat was a Grey-tailed Tattler. Also captured in our scopes were Ruddy Turnstones, a Common Greenshank, Grey Plovers, Red-necked Stints and Sharp-tailed Sandpipers. Resident shorebirds included Red-capped Plovers, Great and Little Egrets, Crested a...nd Caspian terns, and juvenile and adult Pacific Gulls. Three Black Kites wheeling above us later in the morning completed a very satisfying viewing session. The final Birds 'n Bickies session will be held on the 21st March at Thompson Beach. At present there is a wait list for this event. FAIBS will also have their scopes on the St Kilda foreshore on the morning of 28th Feb, 8.30-12.30 with all interested birders welcome See more
04.01.2022 Find out what Miles, one of our youngest supporters and a great birder is up to.
04.01.2022 Right now, we're gathering for a vigil for the St Kilda Mangroves and samphire salt marsh. The turnout from community, politicians and media is incredible - and... there's still time to head down from the CBD. Check out Vigil for St Kilda Mangroves and Samphire Salt Marsh event for details. Save St Kilda Mangroves #SaveStKildaMangroves
03.01.2022 Do you know your terns? Twenty species of terns and three species of noddies have been recorded in Australia, including migratory species. BirdLife Austr...alia's MyTern booklet is a field companion for bird watchers. It contains key information about the habitat, distribution, ecology and identification of terns. You can download your copy here (no print version available for order at this stage): See more
03.01.2022 Volunteers from the Thompson Beach community joined FAIBS this morning planting 600 native seedlings along the Northern Walking Trail. What a fantastic effort a big Thank You! to all that attended and made it an enjoyable and successful morning. Thanks also to Warrick Barnes, Coastal Conservation Officer and Natural Resources, Adelaide and Mt Lofty Ranges for the seedlings.
01.01.2022 This is NAIDOC Week, and Friends of Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary (FAIBS) wish to publicly honour the Kaurna people on whose traditional lands stands the Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary (AIBS). The National Park within this Sanctuary is known in Kaurna language as Winaityinaityi Pangkara, meaning 'Country belonging to all birds'. This is also an appropriate time to congratulate Phillip Dudley on his recent appointment as Indigenous Ranger to AIBS National Park. FAIBS welcome the opportunity to partner with him in future Winaityinaityi Pangkara cultural learning and environmental projects. This area is a world renowned habitat that interconnects with many profoundly important cultural sites and culturally significant species. There's much here to respectfully value, protect and sensitively share.
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