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Faith Revival International in Gold Coast, Queensland | Religious organisation

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Faith Revival International

Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland

Phone: +61 7 3209 6622

Address: 31. 100 Brisbane Road 4215 Gold Coast, QLD, Australia


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23.01.2022 Series 5 is on Prayer: ASKING, SEEKING & KNOCKING Rev. Paul E. Momoh

23.01.2022 To Learn More, On The Holy Spirit And The Holy Scripture, Please Visit:

22.01.2022 Live Easter Service Video restored: Sun 12/4/'20. His Resurrection, My Resurrection, Our Resurrection To Christ's Glory! To Be Fully Blessed, Keep Your Bible... Or Bible-App Open By Your Side Please: This Message Requires Your Participation To Read Out And Vocalise The Word & The Spirit Of Christ's Resurrection: To Do So And To Keep Praying And Vocalising The Scripture In That Way Makes A Life Time Change Inevitable. @Faith Revival Online Sun 12th April 2020. Click to play.

21.01.2022 Men & Women Of Faith Online Home. To Learn More Or Connect, Click On The Link Or Visit

20.01.2022 God’s Son As God’s Final Word To Humanity Before The Apocalypse: How God’s Son is The Replacement For The Prophets Of All Religions (Part 1). A Message On What Christmas Means To All Religions. Time was when Prophets backed by the Angels that spoke to them (Angels of darkness or light) initiated different religious sects and world religions. Some of those God-seeking Prophets missed the Truth but still founded those sects or religions anyway. This was necessary so humanity ca...n still have a religious way to attempt to reach the invisible God. That is, to still retain its conscience and continue to have a consciousness of God, regardless of the darkness and wickedness abounding all through the ages. God permitted that imperfect scenario for an extended era of human history due to the imperfection of the human condition. Although that was never God’s perfect will. Those were the eras of human ignorance until the Son of God came to earth in due season. God’s Son, God’s Word to humanity, then came about to replace all Prophets and all religions, as the Scripture shows: Acts 17:30-31: And the times of this ignorance by humanity God has overlooked; but now He commands all men everywhere to repent because he has appointed a Son (not any of those Prophets or the Angels that spoke to them), by whom also He made the worlds in the first place and by whom He will judge the world. Of this, God has given a clear assurance that he will do so by raising His Son from the dead. Why is that a clear assurance? Think about this: No other Prophet, no, not as the founder of Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. ever claimed to be the Son of God. If any attempted to do so, none was raised by God from the dead. Nor proven by the lived experiences of their followers to be alive forevermore. Not one in human history. This is regardless of the many false prophets in history who were always caught out to be so, before or after their death. The Living Son of God, therefore, stands alone in the realm of deity far above any Prophet, Angel, or religion. He stands evidently as the only sinless One who gave Himself as a sacrificial Lamb for the sins of the world. He then stands in the position of Saviour and Lord between all humanity and the invisible God. He stands as the Way, the Truth and the Life, to all people in all religions [Continued as Part 2].

19.01.2022 Are You Prepared For What God Has Prepared For You In The Decade 2020-2029? A Decade Of Truth: Of Speaking The Truth In Love And Wisdom, And Of Speaking Loudly And Boldly To Set You Free. To Set Others Free And To Set The Nations Free! A New Era For The Reclaiming & Retaining Of Truth, And The Proclaiming, & Prevailing With Truth By The True Believers & The True Church Which Is The Ground And Pillar Of Truth (1 Tim 3:15).... Audio/Video: Decade of Truth: Proclaiming The Truth & The Plan (Part 1). Be Prepared For What God Has Prepared For You. A Prophetic Prayer For The New Year 2020.

17.01.2022 Covid-19 - A Faith Revival Update: A Short Word For Online Church Services From Paul & Elisheba Momoh: Click To Play Video Clip. Confessions of Faith for the Season... (Against earthquakes, volcanos, wars & threats, bushfires, coronavirus, fearful evil, etc.) I shall not fear. (Psalm 91:1-16) I shall be anointed with fresh oil. (Psalm 92:10; Mark 6:12-13; James 5:14-16). Anoint yourself as often as fear threatens you, pray and speak out the confession of faith. I shall lead people to the Rock that is higher than I. (Psalm 61:2). A great time to help people find comfort, faith and hope in Christ. NB: I shall sanitise my hands to love my neighbor as myself: to do to others what I want others to do to me. (Luke 6:31-32). For though, I will walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil. (Psalm 23:4).

15.01.2022 God’s Son As God’s Final Word To Humanity Before The Apocalypse (Part 2): How God’s Son is The Replacement For The Prophets Of All Religions (See Part 1 Below Or On This page). In the earlier message on this subject (Part 1), we established that:...Continue reading

13.01.2022 A Word For The USA Church: The Church Must Remain Apolitical To Be Effective In Speaking Truth To Power [Paul E. Momoh]. Examples: When God Used King Cyrus And... Emperor Constantine. God, in His sovereignty, can use a believer, the unbeliever, the donkey (as with Balaam), the bird (as with Elijah), or the very stones (as with the kids holding their peace, Lk 19:37). Whenever God uses the 'un-Godly' sovereignly to do His will, if God's people interfere, God backs off. (By the un-Godly is meant those God expressly chooses to use over a nation even though they may not be Godly. By interference is meant what follows). Every time God sovereignly chooses to use the un-Godly for His greater purpose, God's people, as the Body of Christ, must never praise and justify the evil ways of that un-Godly leader, nor shut their eyes and mouth, as though helping God to do what He alone can do. The Church must forever remain 'the pillar and the ground of the truth' (1 Tim 3:15); always speaking truth to power, and never let the 'gifts' of reversing 'their persecutions' to blind its Godly eyes and shut its prophetic voice. If the Church closes its eyes and mouth while lies are exalted in leadership, good is called evil and evil good (Isaiah 5:20), then woe betides the future of the nation, for then justice stands afar off, truth is fallen in the streets and equity cannot enter the nation (Isaiah 59:14). When the Church began praising Constantine for reversing the persecution of Christians, God backed off. It led to 1000 years of darkness: 500-1500 AD, until Martin Luther's call for repentance, and ultimately, reformation in the 1500s. Israel never praised, celebrated nor defended Cyrus (Isaiah 45) in his un-Godliness when God used him for Israel. If they had defended his evil deeds or exalted Cyrus as their new "god", God would have backed off. His glory will He share with no one, not least the un-Godly. (The same thing happens when God punishes the wicked and the Godly starts rejoicing at the fall of the wicked, God backs off). We call for prayers for the future of America's peace, progress, and global evangelization task. The world has been blessed by the USA. Let the world stand strong with the USA in prayers and supplications for all the saints and the future of the nation, in Jesus' name!

09.01.2022 In Times Like This...Five Minutes With Paul E. Momoh. Life-Changing Truth On The Go. In Times Like This...When Life Throws U A Lemon. "Excuse Me ... Let's Make... A Lemonade In 5 mins Of Your Time". Subscribe Today On YouTube. Life & Truth: Where the Facts of Life Meets with the Gospel Truth!

05.01.2022 PART 2: GIVING WITHOUT LOVING. LOVING WITHOUT GIVING. By Paul E. Momoh. ( You may choose to start with Part 1, which is a separate post on this page, in order to make a full sense of part 2. Otherwise, here we go). The 5 characteristics/principles or spirit of Tithing contained in 1st Corinthians 16:1-2....Continue reading

03.01.2022 Before You Read The Book Of Ephesians Ever Again (By Paul E. Momoh) Take a good look at yourself in a good mirror: In what follows, I am providing you with one. A mirror of truth for your individual life as a Believer and as a member of a local church: the subject of the Book of Ephesians. With this, take a personal assessment of who you are as an individual in Christ Jesus, and what the church is to you in Christ Jesus....Continue reading

01.01.2022 [Excerpts From "Why Pray In Other Tongues?" In 'School of The Bible, SOB' By Paul E. Momoh] Why Desire The Baptism Of The Spirit Or Why Pray In Other Tongues?... It is divine empowerment for: (1) Praying deeply in wisdom and doing so accurately with strange knowledge (or insight) concerning the prayer-subject (1 Cor 14:2; 2:7, 16). Surprisingly, you get to know the past, present, and future of your life. Life's meaning and purpose. The more deeply you pray this way over time and with the benefit of its spiritual growth, you gain incredible hindsight, insight, and foresight. (2) Praying longer and thoroughly on issues and delivering amazing outcomes in signs and wonders (Rom 8:26). (3) Praying while being both refreshed in His presence and anointed by the Spirit 1 Cor 14:4). (4) Praying while your faith is being stirred up and built up on your most holy faith and growing in love (Jude 20-21; Rom 5: 5). (5) Praying in words that the devil cannot know or understand, because he cannot receive the things of the Spirit. The tongues inspired by the Holy Spirit are only spiritually discerned through the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 2:13-14). (6) Praying with joy and seeing visions and revelations for yourself and for those you minister to (Phil 1:3-4). (7) Praying with thanksgiving perfectly well, singing in the Spirit and prophesying with amazing results (1 Cor 14:17). (8) Praying and being able to access interpretation of tongues another gift of the Spirit. The gift of tongues and the gift of interpretation of tongues (when coveted and utilized) produces prophecies of unique manifestations (1 Cor 14:15). (9) Regularly praying in tongues uses the Word of God within you to renew your spirit, sharpen your intellect, heal secret or inner wounds of your soul, and is a healing tonic for your physical and mental health (Prov. 4:20-22). (10) A sign to them that believe not (1 Cor 14:22): when you pray in tongues while being confronted by an attacker/unbeliever, the presence of God with you causes them to fear and flee; a sign to them that God (the greater One) is with you to deliver you and honour you (Psalm 91:14-15)! For more help with this, you can email me below or attend a couple sessions of the Online Edition of the School of the Bible, SOB. Book free at [email protected] Otherwise, you may also attend any of our forthcoming conferences and my wife and I will b quite happy to minister to you during the prayer line at the end of the meeting.

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