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Faithworks in Blair Athol | Charitable organisation

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Locality: Blair Athol

Address: 5 Clifton Street 5084 Blair Athol, SA, Australia


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25.01.2022 I'm looking forward to gathering as the church on Sunday. It will be another bbq at a park spending quality time together and encouraging each other in our Christian life. If you're in Adelaide and want to join us, please message me. I love organic church.

25.01.2022 This is something I read this morning. Im not sure who the original author is, it is not my own words. While it is an interesting read, it is not my view of all... institutionalized churches, but I wanted to share this to help people understand that some people love God but dont connect with an institutionalized church and that doesnt mean theyre less-Christian. "Leaving the false artificial restrictive man-made institution to walk with God is the BEST thing you can do... but can be lonely just you + God... FALSE man-made Religion / Church is: Man-Led-Controlled-Centered Human-Leadership-Centered Hierarchical Top-Down Authoritarian Power-Hungry Legalistic Hating Bullying Abusive Harsh Accusing Condemning Shaming Fear-Inducing Intolerant Manipulative Intimidating Dominating Non-Egalitarian Controlling Programmed Ritualistic Ideological Non-Relational Institutional... a system rife with and very conducive to allowing, enabling and perpetuating disempowerment + abuse. True EKKLESIA is EVERYONE experiencing God + moving in His KINGDOM GIFTS + Spirit: GOD centered led and controlled by HIM flowing thru EVERY MEMBER simultaneously equally abundantly egalitarianly in the supernatural ministry of Empowering Releasing and Equipping into full freeing + healing experiential relationship with Jesus + each other, EVERYONE ministering all the biblical one anothers in HIS power + INFINITE LOVE as HE leads each + every one having songs words prophecies + healing releasing freeing prayers from Him. unfortunately far too many good-hearted well-meaning christians are caught up in the false system + cant even envision something different."

24.01.2022 When speakers need to use comparison to others as one of their ways to self proclaim their own credibility, it should be an instant red flag that tells you to... be very cautious and very careful about what you hear. In some instances it should tell you to walk away. The statements, no one understands this, no one sees this, no one is teaching this stuff all infer a sense of the speaker being special, privileged or in some way more advanced than others, and can often be signs of ego and arrogance that can easily lead both the speaker and the hearer into potential error.

24.01.2022 Coffee'N'Chat Wednesday 9:00am-10:30am Faithworks Assist - 5 Clifton St, Blair Athol In a relaxed confidential safe environment free of judgment, you can receiv...e a listening ear whilst being in a community of supportive people. Coffee, and tea available. Be encouraged, uplifted, and receive love and understanding. See more

23.01.2022 How did church look for me today? We had a great bbq lunch at a public park, where we were like family spending quality time together and encouraging each other. I love organic church.


23.01.2022 "The fact is that, while certain things characterized the New Testament churches, the New Testament does not give us a complete pattern according to which churc...hes are to be set up or formed! There is no blueprint for churches in the New Testament, and to try to form New Testament churches is only to create another system which may be as legal, sectarian, and dead as others. Churches, like the Church, are organisms which spring out of life, which life itself springs out of the Cross of Christ wrought into the very being of believers. Unless believers are crucified people, there can be no true expression of the Church." T. Austin-Sparks See more

22.01.2022 Adelaide - South Australia


21.01.2022 Another song that my children did a lego video clip to> Enjoy. "everything" by Unspoken

21.01.2022 An organic church is born out of spiritual life instead of being constructed by human institutions and held together by religious programs. Organic church life a grassroots experience that is marked by face-to-face community, every-member functioning, open-participatory meetings (as opposed to pastor-to-pew services), non-hierarchical leadership, and the centrality and supremacy of Jesus Christ as the functional Leader and Head of the gathering. An organic church is not a theater with a script. Its a lifestylean authentic journey with the Lord Jesus and His disciples. See more

21.01.2022 The New Testament word for minister is diakonos. It means servant. But this word has been distorted because men have professionalized the ministry. We have ta...ken the word minister and equated it with the pastor, with no scriptural justification whatsoever. In like manner, we have mistakenly equated preaching and ministry with the pulpit sermon, again without biblical justification. Quoted from "Pagan Christianity, Frank Viola and George Barna"

20.01.2022 The Bible calls the church the "Body of Christ". Christ is alive, not dead; therefore the church is alive, or at least it should be. If something is living it is growing and functioning. But just as bones, flesh, and muscle give structure to the body, so to the body of Christ needs structure that supports its growth. But when the structure hinders the growth and purpose of the body its like a disease or a cancer that if left untreated will destroy the body. Cancer stops part...s of the body from operating by themselves and functioning how they should. And that is a problem within "church" today. Too many "churches" are more about building up their own ministries; their own name; that they hinder other parts of the body from functioning like they should. When people attend "church" rather than be the church, when they just come to "church" out of religious duty to consume and feel good, then the body is not functioning. Thats why I personally favour the organic style of church, where the organic, natural growth of each part of the body is not just encouraged but also expected. Where each part interacts and encourages each other part. Functioning not like a hierarchal institution but as an organically living body. Thats organic church, thats the church Christ established, thats is the church. See more

19.01.2022 Church growth is a matter of removing the hindrances to growth. The church will naturally grow if not limited by unbiblical barriers" Howard Snyder

18.01.2022 How do I describe an organic church? Frank Viola describes it well "By organic church, I mean a church that is born out of spiritual life instead of being constructed by human institutions and held together by religious programs. Organic church life is a grassroots experience that is marked by face-to-face community, every-member functioning, open-participatory meetings (as opposed to pastor-to-pew services), nonhierarchical leadership, and the centrality and supremacy of Jesus Christ as the functional Leader and Head of the gathering."

18.01.2022 Great night of serving a free bbq, free drinks, free snacks, free fruit and veg in the park. This is church.

18.01.2022 OIKOS is a relational connection for simple organic church gatherings. They produce a very informative magazine and the latest edition (Spring 2020) has an article by me in it. If you want to subscribe to the magazine you can do so at

18.01.2022 CHURCH WITH NO WALLS. by Noah Cleveland What a great song.

17.01.2022 "The term laity is one of the worst in the vocabulary of religion and ought to be banished from Christian conversation" Laity means: ordinary people, as disti...nct from professionals or experts There are no ordinary people in God, we are all special not ordinary. Quote: "The term laity is one of the worst in the vocabulary of religion and ought to be banished from Christian conversation" Barth, Theologische Fragen and Antworten, 175, 183184, quoted in Erler and Marquard, Karl Barth Reader, 89.

16.01.2022 Rise up men. Rise up dads you are called to stand up for the truth. Be bold, be encouraged, be a hero.

15.01.2022 Which group structure do you feel provides a better atmosphere for learning? While both groups may hold some value the question is asking which one you fell is BETTER. Smaller interactive groups are small groups where everyone can contribute, input, and ask questions. Larger conference-style groups are larger meetings where everyone sits and listens to one person speaking at the front. .... Note: This survey has been generated to get people thinking and to start discussions. We welcome a diversity of opinions and ask that people respect all opinions. See more

15.01.2022 Theological poll. Is "SPEAKING IN TONGUES" the initial evidence of the baptism in the Holy Spirit? . Please add any bible verses to support your answer in the comments

14.01.2022 Any thoughts on this: "The old Mosaic economy of sacred priests, sacred buildings, sacred rituals, and sacred objects has been forever destroyed by the cross of... Jesus Christ. In addition, it has been replaced by a nonhierarchical, nonritualistic, nonliturgical organism called the ekklesia (church)." . Quoted from "Pagan Christianity, Frank Viola and George Barna" See more

13.01.2022 Im looking forward to church on Sunday. It will be another bbq at a park spending quality time together and encouraging each other in our Christian life. I love organic church.

13.01.2022 Just for fun poll: Will this poll get more "nos" or "yess"?


13.01.2022 Church should not be a theater with a script. Its a lifestylean authentic journey with the Lord Jesus and His disciples. Its organic.

13.01.2022 What a great song by Casting Crowns. We want our coffee in the lobby We watch our worship on a screen We got a Rockstar preacher... Who won't wake us from our dreams We want out blessings in our pocket We keep our missions overseas But for the hurting in our cities Would we even cross the street? but we wanna see the heart set free and the tyrants kneel The walls fall down and our land be healed But church if we want to see a change in the world out there It's got to start right here It's got to start right now Lord, I'm starting right here Lord, I'm starting right now I'm like the brother of the prodigal Who turned his nose and puffed his chest He didn't run off like his brother But his soul was just as dead What if the church on Sunday Was still the church on Monday too? What if we came down from our towers And walked a mile in someone's shoes? Hmm 'cause we wanna see the heart set free and the tyrants kneel The walls fall down and our land be healed But church if we want to see a change in the world out there It's got to start right here It's got to start right now Lord, I'm starting right here Lord, I'm starting right now We're the people who are called by His name If we'll surrender all our pride and turn from our ways He will hear from Heaven and forgive our sin He will heal our land but it starts right here We're the people who are called by His name If we'll surrender all our pride and turn from our ways He will hear from Heaven and forgive our sin He will heal our land It's got to start right here It's got to start right now Lord, I'm starting right here Lord, I'm starting right now It's got to start right here It's got to start right now Lord, I'm starting right here Lord, I'm starting right now Casting Crowns See more

11.01.2022 Another short video devotional. Abraham had two sons, they were both blessed. One was a substitute to the promise, the other was the promise. Play the video for... the entire devotion Here's some notes for this devotion (these notes do not include the entire message) There's an account in Genesis 15-18 when God makes Abram a promise that he will become the father of many nations. Yet, Sarai, his wife is barren, and they are both past the age of child-bearing. God has given Abram the promise, yet practically and physically Abram can't see how this can happen. Therefore Sarai and Abram decided to help God out to see his promise come about. They decide that Abram should have sexual relations with Hagar, Sarai’s servant. This resulted in Hagar giving birth to Abrams's son Ishmael and God's promise is fulfilled. Well, so they thought, but they were wrong. Ishmael was not the result of God's promise, he was the result of man's intervention to achieve God's promise. But in Genesis 17:20 God still blesses Ishmael, even though he was man’s intervention to achieve God's promise, he was never God's promise, Isaac was. Isaac was born to Sarai, who was old and barren, but God did a miracle and brought about His promise in a miraculous way. We see man intervening to achieve God's promises many times throughout scripture. For example when Israel was promised to be a powerful nation with God as their king, but they intervened and asked God for a man to be their king instead. Did God bless Israel? Yes. But was it God's perfect plan? No. Now anytime that mankind does something to see God's promise come about, it can produce a type of Ishmael. God can still bless it, but it wasn’t God's perfect plan. If we feel that we need to do something to help God bring about his promise, are we then indicating that God is not able to bring it about himself? How foolish that would be. Don’t get me wrong, I know that we are Christ's body, and therefore we need to be doing things for Christ. I know that faith without works is dead. But where the problem is, is when we do things that God himself has promised to do. Abram and Sarai’s plan was to achieve what God himself had promised he would do, and it produced Ishmael. Even though Ishmael was blessed, his conception caused a whole lot of other problems that we still suffer from today. Abram and Sarai still needed to be sexually intimate with each other to produce Isaac, but their intimacy with each other was faith in action to achieve the impossible that only God could do. When Abram was intimate with Hagar it was not out of faith to achieve the impossible it was man-made intimacy to make God's promise possible. There is a big difference between making God's promise possible and faith to see God do the impossible. Now in Galatians, Paul uses the account of Hagar and Sarai, Ishmael and Isaac; to talk about our bondage and freedom, and our flesh and spirit. Galatians 4:22-31 22 For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by the bondwoman and one by the free woman. 23 But the son by the bondwoman was born according to the flesh, and the son by the free woman through the promise. 24 This is allegorically speaking, for these women are two covenants: one proceeding from Mount Sinai bearing children who are to be slaves; she is Hagar. 25 Now this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present Jerusalem, for she is in slavery with her children. 26 But the Jerusalem above is free; she is our mother. 27 For it is written, REJOICE, BARREN WOMAN WHO DOES NOT BEAR; BREAK FORTH AND SHOUT, YOU WHO ARE NOT IN LABOR; FOR MORE NUMEROUS ARE THE CHILDREN OF THE DESOLATE THAN OF THE ONE WHO HAS A HUSBAND. 28 And you brethren, like Isaac, are children of promise. 29 But as at that time he who was born according to the flesh persecuted him who was born according to the Spirit, so it is now also. 30 But what does the Scripture say? CAST OUT THE BONDWOMAN AND HER SON, FOR THE SON OF THE BONDWOMAN SHALL NOT BE AN HEIR WITH THE SON OF THE FREE WOMAN. 31 So then, brethren, we are not children of a bondwoman, but of the free woman. Hagar (who is called the bondwoman) and Ishmael are symbolic of works of the flesh to achieve God's promises. These fleshly works create a bondage in us. Sarai (who is called the free woman) and Isaac are symbolic of the works of the spirit that carries us to freedom. Even in the face of impossibilities, God's spirit provides the miracle to bring about His promise. Scripturally God promises to build His church. Is it possible, that just like many other times, we have stepped in to do what God said he would do? We have put in place a man-made system to build a church. We’ve given the church a legal identity, we’ve purchased the building, we’ve put in our hierarchy, all in our effort to build the church. Has the church that we know, been born of the flesh like Ishmael through the bondwoman, or through the promise like the free woman? Some of you may be thinking, that’s it's impossible to step back and just let God do it, but Isaac was an impossibility too. God said, that he would build His Church; could we be radical enough to let him do it, his way. How much more beneficial would it be for us to focus upon what God has asked us to do, making disciples, and allowing God to do what he promised he would do. Maybe the amount of church leaders burning out would reduce to nothing if we didn’t focus on doing what God has promised to do. We’re called to make disciples, and God said he would build his church. The problem is, that we have had years of man intervening in building God's church. Has this resulted in an Ishmael style church? That may be blessed but is not God's perfect plan. An Ishmael style church that requires a lot of work of the flesh to keep it growing. Now I know in Galatians, Pauls comparison is of two covenants, the law and freedom, but it’s also about the flesh and the spirit. Now let me challenge you to believe for the impossible, that God will do what our world and our culture say is impossible. That God will build his church, his way. After serving and leading in the institutionalized church system for many years, I was surprised to discover how much freedom there is in breaking away and just believing God to build his church, organically. Focussing upon my role of making disciples instead of building his church has been a lot less stressful, is it any wonder that Paul said; CAST OUT THE BONDWOMAN AND HER SON, FOR THE SON OF THE BONDWOMAN SHALL NOT BE AN HEIR WITH THE SON OF THE FREE WOMAN. So then, brethren, we are not children of a bondwoman, but of the free woman. Let God bring about his promise in a miraculous way. Bruce Kurtzer

10.01.2022 Another great house church meets every Tuesday evening down at Brighton in Adelaides South. Its organic, its frienship, its fellowship, its church.

09.01.2022 Quick Survey! Should institutionalized churches promote their denomination affiliation?

08.01.2022 We grow by functioning, not by passively watching and listening. Passively watching and listening may be required but growth only comes through functioning.

08.01.2022 The Prosperity Gospel. The Prosperity Gospel is another example of modern paganism. It is just cloaked with "Christian culture," and it uses "Christian vocabula...ry" so that it doesnt seem so foreign. Let me explain: Pagans give things to their gods (offerings & sacrifices) so that he will do something for them (crops, money, success). How many times have you heard a preacher say, if you tithe, fast, or give an offering, God will provide you with what you ask for? Anytime we try to manipulate God into giving us what we want, we are on a slippery slope of rebellion & paganism. We find ourselves worshiping a god who is not worthy of our adoration because the bribes of men easily manipulate him. Disciples are supposed to surrender TO Gods will, not manipulate God to obtain their will. True worshipers worship him because of who He is, not what he can give them. Suffering and hardships will come, but He is good. You can trust in His goodness and know He has a plan for our lives. Search your heart. Is your relationship with God built on surrender and trust or manipulation? If it is the latter, confess that to Him and let Him lead you into a more healthy view of God. Surround yourself with people who have remained faithful to God even in the midst of suffering. They can always give us perspective on how to be faithful no matter what. Quoted from J Taliaferro Author "Letters to an apprentice - a culture of mentorship"

07.01.2022 Jesus Christ came not only as Messiah, the Anointed One of God, to deliver His people from the bondage of the Fall. He came not only as Savior, paying a debt He... did not owe to wash away the sins of mankind. He came not only as Prophet, comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable. He came not only as Priest, representing people before God and representing God before people. He came not only as King, triumphant over all authority, principality, and power. He also came as Revolutionary, tearing apart the old wineskin with a view to bringing in the new. Behold your Lord, the Revolutionary! A quote from "Pagan Christianity" by George Barna and Frank Viola

05.01.2022 In the northern suburbs of Adelaide, there is The block BBQ. It is more like mates getting together and sharing around a bbq meal, but its an organic style of church where the bible is discussed, prayer is offered and people grow in their faith.

03.01.2022 Church should be more concerned about raising up an army, than attracting an audience

03.01.2022 WE NEED MORE MUSCLES. And our latest team member (this forklift) has lots. However, we dont quite have enough money to get our latest team member (this forklift) yet. Can you help us by donating? (click on the photo below for more information) Please share this post.

03.01.2022 If Christianity is to receive a rejuvenation it must be by other means than any now being used. If the church in the second half of [the twentieth] century is recover from the injuries she suffered in the first half, there must appear a new type of preacher. The proper, ruler-of-the-synagogue type will never do. Neither will the priestly type of man who carries out his duties, takes his pay and asks no questions, nor the smooth-talking pastoral type who knows how to make the Christian religion acceptable to everyone. All these have been tried and found wanting. Another kind of religious leader must arise among us. He must be of the old prophet type, a man who has seen visions of God and has heard a voice from the Throne. When he comes (and I pray God there will not be one but many) he will stand in flat contradiction to everything our smirking, smooth civilization holds dear. He will contradict, denounce and protest in the name of God and will earn the hatred and opposition of a large segment of Christendom. A. W. Tozer, twentieth-century American minister and author See more

01.01.2022 A rebel attempts to change the past; a revolutionary attempts to change the future. Jesus Christ brought drastic change to the world. Change to man’s view of God. Change to God’s view of man.

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