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25.01.2022 FAMILY LAW MEDIATORS I am conducting mediations via Zoom online meetings during this period as mediator. I offer a low fixed price of just $900 + GST to conduct a mediation in regard to financial property settlements or child arrangements.... In these times when the courts have substantially shut down and have a lesser capacity to deal with parties in dispute, mediation is now more than ever the most effective way to keep working on resolution of client disputes. I have 15 years experience in legal practice, Accredited Specialist in Family Law and I am a certified Mediator; so I can bring a wealth of experience in the capacity of mediator to the resolution of client disputes. My services include a pre-mediation meeting with both parties legal representatives before the actual mediation takes place and a checklist process to ensure both parties are fully prepared to enter into a mediation to give them the best chance of resolution. I am available in all State/Territory jurisdictions given that our practice that have office locations in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth already and I have appeared in each of those jurisdictions, as well as the ACT, Adelaide and others. Contact me on 0410 639 921 or by email: [email protected] Glenn Thexton #familylaw

24.01.2022 FREE FAMILY LAW LEGAL ADVICE We remain open and we are available despite the challenges that COVID-19 present. In light of and the restrictions regarding non-essential travel, we are offering free initial advice to those needing assistance on a no-obligation basis.... If you have questions about child spend time arrangements get in touch and we will answer your questions OR financial matters and how reduction in value of property etc may affect you further get in touch to speak to us. Message me here on Facebook or contact me on 0410 639 921. Glenn Thexton Principal THEXTON LAWYERS #ConsentOrders #ChildCustody #PropertySettlements #FamilyLawyer #FamilyLawyers #LegalAdvice

24.01.2022 PARENTING CHANGEOVERS IN NSW IN LIGHT OF COVID-19 Since COVID-19, we have had a number of client's seeking clarification regarding whether they can travel to meet the changeover obligations within their parenting orders. Below is an overview of the newly introduced Public Health (COVID-19 Restrictions on Gathering and Movement) Order 2020, dated 30 March 2020. In NSW, the state government directs that a person must not, without reasonable excuse, leave a person's place of r...esidence.However, it defines a reasonable excuse, among others, as the following: 1.travelling for the purposes of attending childcare; 2.facilitating attendance at a school; 3.undertaking any legal obligations. Further, the NSW Government has directed that a person must not participate in a gathering in a public place of more than 2 persons unless, among others, that the gathering is necessary for the person to fulfil a legal obligation. In light of the above, travelling in NSW to facilitate changeovers between parents in circumstances where parenting orders exist, is not banned and should not be used as an excuse not to comply with parenting orders. It is understandable that the COVID-19 crisis is presenting parents with a myriad of complex issues, some of which do not neatly fit into existing legislation, however, should you need any advice about how to best handle your legal issue, message me here or call me now of 0410 598 740. Presently, I have a number of these matters that I am providing guidance and advice for my clients. Matthew Buckley Solicitor THEXTON LAWYERS #parentingorders #childcustody #covid19 #covid19parentingorders #nswfamlylawyer #sydneyfamilylawyer

23.01.2022 COVID-19 COURT APPEARANCE Coming to you today from outside the court waiting to get in the courts are still operating in some limited function and we will be appearing today by video link to a magistrate at another location. If you require legal assistance or clarification on the restrictions in place pursuant to the COVID-19 Government rules get in touch and we can help you.... We practice primarily in family law, but we also have a healthy practising criminal law as well. Glenn Thexton Principal THEXTON LAWYERS #COVID19 #legaladvice #crime #familylaw #thextonlaw

21.01.2022 RIGHTS DURING COVID-19 LOCKDOWN With fast-changing government responses to the Coronavirus pandemic, it is important to be aware of your rights now more than ever. Police are given powers under the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 (NSW) (LEPRA). Note that these powers pursuant to LEPRA have not been amended as a response to this pandemic. The Public Health Act 2010 (NSW) (PHA) also contains provisions that give authorities the power to enforce orders ...Continue reading

21.01.2022 CORONAVIRUS PARENTING This current crisis sees us heading into unprecedented times in regard to separated parents sharing custody. As the government recommendations develop on a daily basis the situation is changing rapidly.... Children are still required to attend school and parents should be following the government guidelines if they are to avoid being contravened in regard to parenting orders. Should a family member become hill and self isolation is required we see that that could give rise to a reasonable excuse for not complying with court orders this does not mean that the other parent should be cut off entirely and communication should continue through electronic means. This is a time for calm and reasonable decisions to be made, but understandably the current pandemic conditions will no doubt increase conflict between separated parents. Court closures are further affecting the practice of family law and in the short-term only urgent matters will be heard by the family court jurisdiction we will keep you up-to-date on this page as things develop with the coronavirus pandemic impacts on family law. If you require advice on enforcing court orders during this time in regard to parenting matters get in touch with us here on Facebook by messenger or alternately contact me on my mobile direct 0410 639 921 to discuss any issues that arise. Glenn Thexton Principal THEXTON LAWYERS #coronavirus #parenting #familylaw #thextonlaw #familycourts

18.01.2022 SPOUSAL MAINTENANCE FAMILY LAW The Family Court or Federal Circuit Court deal with two types of spousal maintenance applications: - 1. Spouse maintenance is financial support paid by a party to a marriage to their former husband or wife in circumstances where they are unable to adequately support themselves.... 2. De facto partner maintenance is financial support paid by a party to a de facto relationship that has broken down to their former de facto partner in circumstances where they are unable to adequately support themselves. What does a court consider when making a decision? The court considers the needs of an applicant and the respondent's capacity to pay. The court considers the following about both of you: - - your age and health - your income, property, and financial resources - your ability to work - what is a suitable standard of living, and if the marriage has affected your ability to earn an income. The court also takes into account with whom the children (under 18 years of age or adult children who are disabled) live. See section 75(2) (married) and section 90SF (de facto) for the specific sections of the Family Law Act. If you have any question message us here on Facebook or contact our Principal, Glenn Thexton direct on 0410 639 921. Glenn Thexton Principal THEXTON LAWYERS #alimony #spousalmaintenance #familylaw #thextonlaw #fixedfees

16.01.2022 DIVORCE REQUESTS SOAR AFTER LOCKDOWN Chinese society is going through a subsequent divorce crisis after the coronavirus lockdown. A quote from the articles says: -... Although the flood of reservations may be a result of the long shutdown of government services, Zhou Xiaopeng, an expert on marital relationships, pointed to another cause. In a post on her official social media account, Zhou said married couples became stressed out after being forced to work from home and confined to their residences together for a long period. Under these conditions, she said, couples tend to fight more and lose feelings of attachment to each other. A lesson here to learn some tolerance during the pandemic that we now are going through in Australia. Did you need advice on family law issues get in touch here on Facebook or contact me direct on my mobile 0410 639 921. Glenn Thexton Principal THEXTON LAWYERS #thextonlaw #familylaw #coronavirus

14.01.2022 OBTAINING A PASSPORT WITHOUT A PARENT’S CONSENT Obtaining a passport can present issues in cases where there is equal shared parental responsibility and a parent does not consent to a passport being issued. In such cases section 11 of the Passports Act 2005 permits a passport being issued on the grounds of obtaining a court order.... Section 10(3) of the Australian Passports Determination 2015 also sets out special circumstances in which the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade will consider issuing a passport. These include the following: 1) a non-consenting parent being incapable of providing consent, 2) the non-consenting parent is unable to be located, 3) there has been no contact between the child and the non-consenting parent for at least 2 years, 4) a family violence order has been issued against the nonconsenting parent. Should you require a passport for your child in circumstances where the other parent is not prepared to give their consent, message me here or contact me on 0410 598 740. We can advise you of your circumstances and assist you where you may need to apply to the court to obtain a passport by way of court order. Matthew Buckley Solicitor THEXTON LAWYERS #ConsentOrders #ChildCustody #ChildPassports #ParentalResponsibility #PropertySettlements

13.01.2022 A TRUE GENTLEMAN It is sad to see one of the most humble and honoured members of our profession pass. Stephen was an absolute gentleman and someone that we should all aspire to be like.... A great loss to the profession, but one that will be remembered. RIP and well wishes to Stephen’s family.....

13.01.2022 THE IMPACTS OF COVID-19 ON PROPERTY SETTLEMENT MATTERS Undoubtedly as legal practitioners, the coronavirus has challenged us to adapt to a rapidly changing working environment. Significantly however, it has also changed the way that clients are approaching splitting their assets. Some of the negative impacts arising from COVID-19 in a property settlement context are as follows:... 1. reduced capacity to refinance with an uncertain market; 2. reduced value of super due to market crashes; 3. reduced ability to sell a matrimonial home; 4. loss of job/reduced income and the impact of that on capacity to refinance and payout the other party. However, we are finding that parties are using the effects of Covid-19 to their ADVANTAGE moreso than to delay a property settlement. In the last week we have seen that parties are quick to: 1. update disclosure of super statements because their super has reduced in value; 2. obtain appraisals/valuations of properties because of the reduction in house prices; 3. propose more realistic cash payouts because of their reduced capacity to refinance; 4. propose sale of the matrimonial home due to the likely difficulties of selling in this current market; 5. propose a further valuation of their business due to the likelihood it has decreased in value. Covid-19 appears to be having a positive affect on a client who wishes to: 1. retain the house; 2. make a cash payout to the other party; 3. split their super; and/or 4. retain a business. Should you have a property settlement matter that you need advice on, message me here or call me on 0410 598 740. Matthew Buckley Solicitor THEXTON LAWYERS #FamilyLawyer #FamilyLaw #PropertySettlements #ConsentOrders

11.01.2022 FAMILY COURTS TO STAY OPEN DESPITE COVID-19 CRISIS The Federal Circuit Court and Family Court Chief Justice Will Alstergren said the Family Courts will stay open despite the current crisis overwhelming the country. Justice Alstergren said the courts will hold as many hearings as possible using video conferencing or telephone, but where in-person appearances needed to occur, they would.... In times of crisis, there is greater propensity for family violence, he said. We have to make sure we provide access to justice, we have to ensure people are properly cared for in those times. Since the spread of the Coronavirus, a number of changes have occurred in the Family Courts. The number of people in a court room has been reduced, cases are being staggered, hearing times reduced and rooms cleaned afterwards. Should you have a family law matter that you need advice on, message me here or call me on 0410 598 740. Matthew Buckley Solicitor THEXTON LAWYERS #FamilyLawyer #FamilyLaw #ConsentOrders #PropertySettlements #ChildCustody

09.01.2022 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SERVICE CHANGES The NSW Government has made a series of changes to domestic violence service responses in response to COVID-19. TEMPORARY ACCOMMODATION... The NSW Department of Communities and Justice have issued instructions to service providers that if they need to access temporary accommodation for affected clients to ensure they can self-isolate, they can get in touch with their District Contract Manager to advise and the Department will cover the costs for this. LOCAL COURT CHANGES Local Courts changes include: All appearances by persons in custody wherever possible to be made by AVL, List matters currently pending to be dealt with electronically, Pleas to be entered via email or in writing, And the court not requiring attendance of the person in need of protection in respect of any application brought by police for a Domestic Violence Order unless the proceedings are fixed for hearing. Should you have any criminal law or AVO matters that you need advice on, message me here on Facebook or call me now on 0410 598 740. Matthew Buckley Solicitor THEXTON LAWYERS #SydneyCriminalLawyer #NSWCriminalLawyer #LocalCourts #AV0

08.01.2022 APPEARANCE TODAY IN PARRAMATA FAMILY COURT Based in Sydney, I regularly appear in Family Law matters throughout New South Wales. Today I appeared in parenting matter at the Parramatta Federal Circuit Court. The matter has now been listed for a Final Hearing in a few months time.... Should you be facing any type of family law matter, get in touch with us. We are family law specialists and can progress your matter efficiently and ensure that you get the best outcome in your circumstances. We are happy to take a call and give you a general overview of your matter on a no obligation basis. Should you have any family law matter that you wish to discuss, message me here on Facebook or call me on 0410 598 740. Matthew Buckley Solicitor THEXTON LAWYERS #FixedFeeLegalServices #ConsentOrders #ChildCustody #ParentingOrders #PropertySettlements

07.01.2022 PROPERTY SETTLEMENT MATTER IN SYDNEY A wet day in Sydney today. Just finished a family law property settlement matter in the Federal Circuit Court. Back to the office now! Should you have any family law matter that you need assistance with, call me now on 0410 598 740.... Matthew Buckley Solicitor THEXTON LAWYERS #SydneyFamilyLawyer #NSWFamilyLawyer #ConsentOrders #PropertySettlements #SydneyPropertySettlements #ChildCustody

06.01.2022 COMPLYING WITH PARENTING ORDERS & COVID-19 COVID-19 is currently placing pressure on parents being able to fulfil their parenting obligations. This video provides general advice about how parties should approach the issue should they not be able to fulfill their obligations.... Should you require more detailed advice on how to comply with parenting orders in light of COVID-19, message me here on Facebook or call me on 0410 598 740. Matthew Buckley Solicitor THEXTON LAWYERS #ConsentOrders #ChildCustody #FamilyLawyers #FamilyLaw #ParentingArrangementsCOVID-19 #FamilyLawCOVI19 #COVID-19

06.01.2022 POLICE ENFORCEMENT OF PARENTING ORDERS At first instance State Police Powers are limited to undertaking a welfare check on families to ensure that in particular children are being cared for in a safe environment. If one parent is not complying with parenting orders during the COVID-19 restrictions for no other reason than the requirement to self-isolate then parenting orders can and will be enforced.... A Recovery Order Application if filed with the court, if granted an urgent hearing will be heard and determined within seven days. This can include the enforcement of spend time arrangements for the non-primary care parent, for example, to enforce school holiday time or each alternate weekend time. Once a Recovery Order is issued by the court then the Australian Federal Police (AFP) can come in and remove children from a parent. AFP action is not normally required, as by the time a court order is issued the other parent will normally comply. If you are being denied court order time pursuant to court order, Mr William Alstergren, Chief Justice of the Family Court and the Federal Circuit Court of Australia has proclaimed that there will be consequences and the courts will take decisive immediate action to redress non-compliance. If you need advice of compliance with parenting orders get in touch with me here on Facebook by message or contact me direct on 0410 639 921. Glenn Thexton Principal THEXTON LAWYERS #familylaw #thextonlaw #recoveryorders

05.01.2022 SHARED PARENTING ARRANGEMENTS DURING COVID-19 An interesting article below from New Zealand regarding parenting arrangements in light of the coronavirus outbreak. NZ’s Principal Family Court Judge said that in situations where shared custody arrangements exist, children should not be moving between homes if that involved shifting between different towns or communities.... New Zealand’s lockdown laws are at Alert Level 4, and are presently more restrictive than Australia’s, however undoubtably moving forward, due to the geographic distances found in many parenting matters in Australia, similar responses must be considered. While this catastrophe is changing on a daily basis, it would be highly likely that a further announcement will be made by the government further restricting the movement of people outside their homes. Should you have any parenting matter that you need assistance with message me on Facebook or call me on 0410 598 740. Matthew Buckley Solicitor THEXTON LAWYERS #FamilyLaw #FamilyLawyers #ConsentOrders #ChildCustody #RelocationOrders #COVID-19FamilyLaw #CoronavirusFamilyLaw

04.01.2022 A GUIDE FOR SEPARATED PARENTS DURING COVID 19 Undoubtedly the Coronavirus is having a large impact on separated parents dealing with parenting matters involving spend time. As a result of the current crisis, the Law Council of Australia has compiled a guide of 10 tips to help navigate separated parties through this challenging time.... See the documents attached below. Should you need assistance with any family law matter, message us here on Facebook or call me on 0410 598 740. Matthew Buckley Solicitor THEXTON LAWYERS #ChildCustody #ConsentOrders #FamilyLawyer #FamilyLawyers

03.01.2022 PARENTING ARRANGEMENTS AND COVID-19 The Family Court on Thursday issued a press release regarding how parents should handle arrangements for spend time in light of the COVID-19 crisis. In short, the best interest of the children are paramount, however, court orders are required to be followed, communication between parents is encouraged and a sensible, practical solution to any obstacles are expected to be undertaken.... Should you have any parenting matter that you need advice on in relation to COVID-19, I can help you. Message me here or call me on 0410 598 740. Matthew Buckley Solicitor THEXTON LAWYERS #SydneyFamilyLawyer #SydneyFamilyLaw #FamilyLawyer #FamilyLaw #ChildCustody #ConsentOrders

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