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23.01.2022 No wonder Mums of babies and toddlers feel so worn out Having more sleep can make parenting so much easier. When your sleep cup is empty, you have poor concentration, feel more emotional, are more susceptible to depression, have less patience. If you would like to return sleep to your life, so you can be at your best, reach out. I have a range of one on one packages available or I can come to one of your Mother's group meetings and chat with the group.
23.01.2022 On Saturday 4th July I will be in store at Baby Little Planet to answer all your sleep questions. Anyone who lives local, come down and meet me, let's talk sleep! 11-3pm 300 Old Geelong Road Hoppers Crossing
22.01.2022 A little catnapper who refused to sleep in her cot had difficulty settling at the beginning of the night. Not any more!!! I love, love, love helping families with sleep! "Heidi is an absolute gem! couldn't have asked for a more patient, kind and gentle sleep consultant. My 3 month old daughter struggled to stay asleep for no more than 30 minutes during the day and it took us hours to settle her for her evening sleep. We have seen an amazing shift in her sleeping, naps ...during the day have extended to two hours, and settling in the evening is stress free. Heidi provided reasonable and appropriate sleeping techniques, thorough information and was available to answer every question I had. She offered guidance whenever I needed her and confidence and support that made the experience less confronting than I imagined." If you would like to work one on one with me, follow the link in the comments to book your obligation free 15 minute phone call. Let's chat about getting more sleep for your family
21.01.2022 SLEEP COACHING GIVEAWAY This was such a difficult decision, there were so many amazing entries and I would love to work with you all! The winners of my Happy Napping sleep coaching package are... Lisa Fry and Shannon Ristevski I’m so excited to work with you! Thank you to my friends and family who shared my posts, it means so much
21.01.2022 NAPS ON THE GO! There will always be times when we cant be home for our babys naps. Whenever possible aim to have the lunch time nap as a stationary nap (so in a cot, port-a-cot or bassinet). The morning and late afternoon naps are easy to have in the car, pram or front pack.... Recreate your babys sleep environment to help them fall asleep more easily. Make it dark (SnoozeShades are amazing for this for prams and port-a-cots). Play white noise -on your phone or on a portable white noise machine (you can hang it on the pram or car seat). In the pram or port-a-cot use a sleeping bag to provide that familiar sleep prop. Dont forget their comfort item! To help your baby take a longer nap if they have fallen asleep in the car, try driving for longer, so they can stay asleep. Maybe park your car and take some me time to read or check Facebook as they sleep! If they are in a pram, try rocking it a few minutes before they normally stir (about the 45 minute mark- end of a sleep cycle) to help them link sleep cycles together. If they take a shorter nap than normal, you can bring their next nap earlier and have an earlier bedtime that night. If you need to go out in the evening you can put them to bed wherever you are at their normal bedtime in a pram or a port-a-cot. When you get home offer a top up feed and pop them into their cot or bassinet. As always keep it dark and calm, cuddles then into bed. When your baby is established in a good routine then 1 or 2 disrupted days will not spell disaster. Stay home and stick to their routine for the next few days and they will quickly get back into their usual patterns.
21.01.2022 Today is RED NOSE DAY! Red Nose Australia is Australias leading authority on safe sleep. They are responsible for research, education and for supporting families who have lost a child to SUDI (Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy) which includes SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Thanks to the amazing efforts of Red Nose Australia there has been an 85% decrease in the number of babies who die from SIDS. Sadly though, currently in Australia 9 little lives are lost every day... suddenly and unexpectedly. If you are ever in need of information about safe sleep head to this website, it is a wealth of information. Red Nose Australia is a non-profit organisation, this is why I donate to them every year.
20.01.2022 I am really excited to have reached 100 followers! Time to celebrate My special celebratory offer is a 60 minute Zoom call for only $40 ... On this call you can tell me everything about your child and their sleep difficulties and I will give you personalised advice. In 60 minutes we can cover a lot of ground! Get in quick because it is only for the first 5 people who message me and mention this post.
19.01.2022 Anyone else experience this?! I did with all 3 of my babies
18.01.2022 With restrictions easing- I am really excited to be doing home consultations again! It has been a very strange time not being able to meet with any families in person. I have my first home consultation tomorrow and I can't wait!... It also means Mother's Group Coffee Chats are back on too. You can find out all about my packages here
18.01.2022 Join me on Instagram for my new IGTV series- Sleep Advice Birth to Five.
17.01.2022 Are you struggling to work out why your little one is waking overnight? In my experience as a Sleep Consultant I have identified 7 fundamental reasons and I share these in my new eBook. Uncover the reason why your baby, toddler or pre-schooler is waking, then follow my simple suggestions to help them start sleeping through the night ... For your FREE copy simply comment or drop a below.
17.01.2022 I was talking with a friend and I loved the advice she told me she gives to new parents. She tells them that everyone has an opinion on parenting. Listen politely, but just draw from it whatever resonates with you, forget the rest. Great advice for unsuspecting parents-to-be who are about to be bombarded with opinions from everyone they meet! We have all experienced getting advice from the shop assistant or even the oven repair man (yes, I was given parenting advice by Jo...e who came to fix my oven!) There are so many different parenting styles and ideals that there is never going to be advice that will suit everyone. When I work with families looking to make a change I always tailor my advice to their values. Change comes easily and feels more natural. You know your child and your family best, it is up to you to decide what feels right to you and the rest is just noise!
16.01.2022 At what age do children stop needing a nap? Usually between 2 1/2 and 3 years old. The nap will get progressively shorter from about 2 years onwards. You will know your child no longer needs a nap when they are taking an hour or more to fall asleep at night time. Or when they are consistently refusing their nap AND are able to stay awake without too much difficulty until close to their normal bedtime.... Naps do not usually just disappear all at once. Many children find that having a nap every second day, then twice a week for a month or more is an easy way to transition from 1 to no naps. It is also important to replace naps with quiet time. Children still need some time during the day to rest and recharge. When transitioning to no naps, bedtime will often need to be moved temporarily earlier. I held onto my daughter's nap for waaay too long. It pushed her bedtime out later which made her tired by lunch time the next day. So I thought she still needed a nap. The nap created a really late bedtime so she was tired by lunch time the next day..... and so the cycle continued! Wish I'd known what I know now . It is more important to have 11-12 hours of consolidated night time sleep. If this is being disturbed then it is time for the nap to go!
16.01.2022 My simple wish for you tomorrow!
16.01.2022 I love white noise for improving babies' and even toddlers' sleep! First of all- what is white noise ?... It is a combination of all the different frequencies of sound. It is a constant and consistent sound, with no pauses and no changes in tone, speed or volume. Think of the sound of a fan, a hairdryer or a radio that is not tuned to a station. How does it encourage better sleep? For newborns: It is a soothing sound. The womb is a noisy environment so silence is foreign to newborns! I have seen newborns settle in less than 5 minutes just by playing them white noise. It actually triggers their in-built calming reflex. I often recommend it for toddlers and pre-schoolers too: To block out other sounds that may wake them. For example the cries of a baby in the house, a parent getting ready for work in the morning, noisy neighbours, older siblings playing or even traffic sounds disturbing naps. Early morning rising, catnapping and overnight wake ups can sometimes be rectified simply by introducing white noise! Worried that it will become a sleep prop or sleep association? It will and that is a good thing! If your child associates white noise with falling asleep this is great. They dont need you in the middle of the night when they wake if they have white noise playing continuously. They wake, hear the white noise, then go back to sleep! It is easy to take with you for naps on the go or when travelling. You can download an app or buy a portable white noise machine. Hang it on the pram or next to their car seat. It is an easy way to help re-create their home sleep environment that they know so well. Worried that your child will never learn to sleep without it? When you are ready to stop using white noise simply turn it down a little every night for a week until it is barely audible then stop using it- done, as easy as that! I bring my portable white noise machine to every home consultation I do. If you havent tried it, I encourage you to. See if it can help improve your little ones sleep
15.01.2022 A question I am often asked: How can I get my toddler to go to bed? They keep stalling- wanting more books, more cuddles, they are thirsty, they are hungry! A very effective way to stop the stalling is to use a visual aid. Try using a chart with pictures of the bedtime routine.... ! How to use it: Customise it to include all the things your toddler does when getting ready for bed. Your toddler can either take a picture off once the activity is complete or stick a tick next to the activity. Display the chart at your toddlers level so they can easily access it. Follow the visual bedtime routine every night when getting ready for bed. If your toddler goes off track, direct them back to the visual chart. What are we up to? What is next? Stick a tick next to teeth brushing and see what is next. How to Introduce the visual bedtime routine: Have a family meeting with your toddler to discuss the chart. Show them the chart and involve them in setting it up. Make it something to be excited about and make them feel it is something you know they can follow. Give them a sense of control of it by getting them to decide how many books they would like and this becomes a permanent number on the chart, or ask them to decide the order of a couple of the activities. Fun and positivity are key! Helpful Hint: Try to pre-empt other things they ask for around bedtime, like food or drinks. Offer a small light snack before you begin the bedtime routine and remind them that this is their last food until breakfast. Have a drink bottle or sippy cup near their bed for the inevitable unquenchable thirst! Be clear that there is no more once it is empty. Follow the link to download a printable PDF or a Canva template. Instructions are included. Let me know how your toddlers bedtime goes using the chart and feel free to share the template with other toddler parents. Great for pre-schoolers too!
14.01.2022 For the first 3 months of life a baby's sleep is very disorganised and unpredictable. Their first 3 weeks can lull you into a false sense of security, they tend to sleep anywhere and for hours at a time. This is because they received a large dose of maternal melatonin from Mum at birth. Melatonin is the hormone that makes us feel sleepy. At 3 weeks this wears off and babies don't begin to produce their own melatonin until 8-12 weeks of age. This is why newborn babies are so wakeful from 3 weeks onwards. I have put together a simple tip sheet to help you and your newborn to get some extra sleep during this tricky period! If you click on the picture you can save it to refer back to
12.01.2022 I can do the sleep training for you! I recently did a double overnight home consultation. This beautiful family were so exhausted they felt they couldn't make any changes to their babys sleep overnight. They worked on sleep environment, routine and diet during the day. Then I did the overnight sleep training, using a technique the parents were comfortable with. They now have a 12 month old who can settle herself back to sleep whenever she wakes overnight! The whole famil...y are enjoying 'sleeping through the night'! If this sounds like the solution for you please get in touch. We can organise a 2 or 3 night home consultation, or together we can design the perfect sleep package for you. My sleep package options are on my website
12.01.2022 When it comes to getting our children to sleep we often find ourselves in a situation we are not happy with. It can happen when we just do whatever we can to achieve sleep. I completely understand! If you are looking for help to make a change to your current situation I would love to hear from you. Send me a message or book in via my website for your free 15 minute phone call.... Let's re-focus our energy
12.01.2022 Come down to the store and ask me your sleep questions
11.01.2022 I wanted to share how I just solved a sleep issue for a Mum in one Instant Message! She posted in a Mum's Group I am a member of, looking for advice about her toddler who needs to hold Mum's hair in order to fall asleep (surprisingly common). She tried my suggestion and he went to sleep the very next nap without holding her hair! I love my new role, being able to make a difference in people's lives is really rewarding. Sometimes the solution can be very simple. Comment below or send me a message with your sleep question
11.01.2022 Newborn Sleep Explained The latest video in my IGTV series. Getting newborns to sleep can be really tricky! Understanding the sleep of newborns and how to encourage it is the topic of this video.... How long a newborn can stay awake, how to calm and settle a newborn, creating the perfect sleep environment, preventing day night confusion, newborn sleep myths and more!
11.01.2022 This gorgeous Mumma worked with me in secret! Because sleep training has such a bad reputation. Because there is so much misinformation about sleep shared between Mums. Because Mum shaming is a huge problem. ... Luckily there was one mum in her mother’s group who shared her experience with this first time Mumma. She shared her experience of working with me, not judgement, not the misinformed views about how damaging sleep training is, not a suck it up sleep deprivation is part of parenting attitude. If lack of sleep is making it difficult for you to be the Mum you thought you would be- reach out. So that you can return sleep to your family like this Mumma has. I am happy to be your secret weapon, if that is what you need! I look forward to educating others about sleep training but for now all I want to do is help as many families as I can. Full Review Heidi is amazing, my little girl was 10 months old and had never slept more than 3 hours since her birth and then started waking every 2 hours. I was so exhausted and had no energy to do fun things with my baby in the day. I found out about Heidi through a mother’s group and am delighted I did, she honestly is an angel sent to my family. Within a few days my baby was sleeping great and we did the gentle approach and I was not expecting such good results. Heidi has a beautiful presence and support to help our family change our lives for the betterit’s been three weeks and my baby is sleeping through the night and having naps in her cot in the day. Thank you again Heidi
11.01.2022 MY $1,200 GIVEAWAY Due to circumstances beyond my control I haven’t been able to give my business all the attention it deserves. I’m re-launching and I’m looking for 2 sleep deprived parents who are wanting me to come in and empower them with the knowledge and tools to achieve better sleep for their children (and themselves!) ... On offer are 2 spots for my Happy Napping package. That’s me coming to your home for 2 hours to guide you in setting up the perfect sleep environment and settling your little one to sleep! A step by step plan, written for your unique family, to achieve your sleep goals. 2 weeks of unlimited support as we work together to get the sleep you need. I’m offering this package completely free of charge up to 30km from my base (Werribee, VIC ). I’m happy to go further, but would charge a small fee for travel beyond 30km, just to cover costs. If you would like 1 of these spots, comment or drop a below.
10.01.2022 The giveaway ends tonight! I'm thrilled with the wonderful applications that I have received. There are so many families I would love to be able to work with. I have chosen one winner, but there is still one spot up for grabs. It is going to be a really difficult decision! ... I will be announcing both winners tomorrow If you are interested please comment or send me a message
08.01.2022 , ? I am often asked by parents if what their child is doing is normal. 99/100 times my answer is yes! Normal can look very different for everyone. The only time you need to seek help or make changes is when the situation is not working for your family. Not to fit with someone elses idea of what is normal.... It is normal for a 10 month old to wake 3 times overnight. If you are happy to feed your baby 3 times overnight then this is normal! If your 10 month old is able to settle themselves back to sleep whenever they wake this is also normal! If your current normal is not working well for your family: you may be exhausted, your child may be exhausted, you have PND or anxiety, bedtime has become something you dread, you need to return to work .. then this may be the time to seek help. If you are happy with your current sleeping situation and it works for your family, then ignore anyone who tells you that you need to change it! If you are happy having your 3 children sleeping in your bed with you, then this is your normal! If co-sleeping has become your normal only because you cant get your child to go to sleep any other way, but really no one is getting enough sleep you may decide it is time to seek help to make a change. Do what is right for your family! No one else has the right to judge what you do. Hold your head high if you decide to do some sleep training, hold your head high if you are happy with the way things are! . I wouldnt be doing my due diligence if I didnt add a disclaimer. If you do co-sleep, please do it safely- go to the Red Nose Australia website and read the how to practice safer co-sleeping guide What is your "normal"?
08.01.2022 MY $1,200 GIVEAWAY
08.01.2022 Yes holding a baby while they sleep is a delicious thing- breathing in their smell, feeling their warmth, the rise and fall of their tummy as they breathe. Having to do this EVERY TIME they sleep is not very practical- how do you have a shower, do the washing, eat, cook? If you are holding your baby while they sleep, but are ready for change then this article is for you. Here are a few suggestions for moving them to the cot or bassinet when they are asleep and for beginning...Continue reading
06.01.2022 Early morning wake ups are the worst! Here are some ideas to help your child sleep for longer- because 5am is not party time!!! If you would like some help with resolving early morning wake ups or any other sleep problems send me a message. We can book in an obligation free 15 minute phone call to explore ways we can work together to improve your baby, toddler or pre-schooler's sleep. I have a range of packages available, or I can create a custom package to suit you
06.01.2022 I hope everyone had at least one opportunity to really enjoy being a Mum today. It is such an important role, but such a challenging one. My daughter surprised me by setting up a picnic in the lounge room, by candle light for us all to eat dinner and watch a movie together! Share your happy Mothers Day moment
05.01.2022 What is best- a really dark sleep space or a night light? For babies up until the age of 2 years, a pitch black room is best. Toddlers 2 years and older may like a night light. ... A dark room promotes melatonin production (the hormone that makes us feel sleepy). The darker the room, the better. It is also less distracting- nothing to look at when trying to fall asleep, or when trying to go back to sleep. Blocking out sunlight is SO important when trying to prevent early morning wake ups. For children 2 years and older their imaginations are developing and a dark room can be scary. When your little one will communicates with you this is what they are feeling, this is the time to introduce a night light. What type of night light? A red, orange or yellow light. Blue and white light block the production of melatonin. Keep it really dim, a bright light is too distracting and can make it hard to fall asleep. Some great night lights are: Aloka, VAVA baby night light, Glow Dreaming and Aroma Snooze- all on their lowest settings. Or simply buy a red globe to put into a night light you already have (available at Bunnings ). If you have any questions about light and sleep, please ask!
04.01.2022 From newborns to 5 year olds. If you have questions about sleep, I have answers! Get in touch via Messenger, book in your free 15 minute call to see how I can help you. Find details of my packages here Working with me means getting advice that is tailor made for you- your parenting style, your child's temperament and your unique sleep difficulty. I would love to work with you
04.01.2022 I love waking up to messages like these Improving children's sleep impacts the whole family. Everyone is calmer, happier and full of energy after a good night's sleep!
04.01.2022 For Mums and Dads of toddlers and older children- just for a laugh!
04.01.2022 if you were wondering... How many naps should my baby be having? How much sleep does my newborn need? How long can my baby stay awake for between sleeps? How long should my toddler's nap be? Download my nap and awake times chart as a reference to keep and refer back to as your little one grows.... If you have any questions about how much sleep your baby or toddler needs during the day please ask in the comments below and I will answer them for you.
03.01.2022 As close to 3 years old as possible!! Before this age children have very little impulse control. Developmentally they cannot stop themselves from doing whatever they feel like doing- like getting out of bed! I have seen many times a wonderful sleeper become a nightmare for parents, just because they moved them to a big bed too early.... If, however, your child is climbing out of the cot and you have tried putting them in a sleeping bag but they still climb out, then the safest option is moving to a big bed. Try to put some rules in place with a big bed and some rewards and positive reinforcement for staying in bed. If you need some strategies for toddler sleep I would love to work with you. You can check out my website for more information about me and the packages I offer.
03.01.2022 This is a review from a family I recently had the pleasure of working with If you are experiencing lots of overnight wake ups, or any other sleep issues please get in touch. Even though I am in Melbourne and in lockdown, I am still doing phone consultations.
01.01.2022 Mother's Group Coffee Chats You name the time and place of your next Mother's Group meeting and I can come to you! A relaxed, informal way to learn and ask questions about baby and toddler sleep.... Some of the topics I cover (tailored to the age of your children) - How to teach your baby to sleep through the night - Gentle ways to settle a newborn to sleep - Age appropriate routines - Solids and how they affect sleep - Crawling and standing in the cot - Dummies - Sleep Associations - Dropping a nap - Toddler bedtime battles - Getting a baby to sleep in their cot - Catnapping - Moving to a big bed and answer any other burning questions you have! (Within 35km of Werribee, Victoria) Message me or comment below if you would like to know more
01.01.2022 The 12 Month Sleep Regression is the one most parents notice the most (other than the 4 month sleep regression). Keep reading if you want to know more! ? A sleep regression is a period when a child who has been sleeping well suddenly starts waking at night, being difficult to settle, having short naps or skipping naps. They usually occur at certain ages during the first 2 years because of changes to sleep patterns or physical or developmental miles...Continue reading
01.01.2022 "Putting my 3 year old daughter Ebony to bed at night used to be a nightmare." Ebony's Mum purchased my PHONE CONSULTATION package. In 10 days we changed the battle that was bedtime into a calm and stress free experience. Now after their bedtime routine, Ebony's mum can leave the bedroom while Ebony falls asleep by herself then sleeps through the night. Bedtime battles are a thing of the past, Mum has time to herself in the evening and gets a full night's sleep!... What having my help via a phone consultation looked like: Ebony's Mum and I spoke on the phone to decide on the best package for their family and sleep challenge. Mum filled out my questionnaire. We went through the questionnaire and discussed the solutions I had in mind. Together we created the perfect plan for their family. My plans are all personalised- no cookie cutter solutions! Mum received my very detailed sleep plan (I love to be thorough!) and we got started. We kept in touch almost daily for 2 weeks, making tweaks and minor adjustments when needed. In no time we were celebrating: the first night Ebony slept through the night, the first night Ebony self-settled and Mum was out of the room and finally the night Ebony told her Mum to leave her room and go and sit on the couch!!! Some Tips for Toddlers: If your toddler is having trouble falling asleep at night, try shortening their nap, especially if they are over 2 1/2 years old. Have a consistent bedtime routine- a 'wind down ritual'- in order to help your toddler wind down as well as having some important time one on one with you. Use the amazing toddler sleep technique known as the 4R's (too long to put in this one post). Private message me if you would like to know more about the 4R's or wait for my video! Toddlers can often be fussy eaters, so they may be missing certain key nutrients in their diet. Iron and Magnesium are two of the most important nutrients for sleep. It is also very important that a toddler's diet includes lots of protein and low GI carbohydrates- this helps them sleep through the night. If you would like help with your bedtime battles, send me a message or go to my website to find out more about the packages I offer
01.01.2022 I don't know anyone who is the the best version of themselves when they are exhausted. I know myself when I am tired I have no patience, I can't focus well, I have trouble making decisions, I can't remember things and I am highly emotional. Not the recipe for a great parent! There are many people out there who would have us believe that sleep deprivation is just part of being a parent. This is not true! You should never be afraid to ask for help if you are feeling tired a...nd need some more sleep. Ask your partner, your parents, your in-laws or a friend to help out so you can catch up on some sleep. Sleep is not a luxury- we all need sleep to function- it is a biological necessity. Broken sleep and sleep deprivation are major risk factors for post-natal depression. Sleep is as necessary for our bodies as food. Please don't ever feel guilty for wanting more sleep. Sleep is vitally important for your little one and for you too! Reach out to me if you would like some help with improving your little one's sleep and in turn improving your own sleep
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