Family Health Chiropractor in Kelvin Grove, Queensland | Chiropractor
Family Health Chiropractor
Locality: Kelvin Grove, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 3356 0713
Address: Shop 2, 183 Kelvin Grove Rd 4059 Kelvin Grove, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Body fact No 26 We love body facts @familyhealthchiropractor Teeth are not just for grinding food... the mechanical loading of chewing also maintains the bone in our jaws. Loss of a tooth also results in 25% decrease in bone in that area. On average now we spend an hour a day chewing, a sixth of the time a chimp spends for the same number of calories... ... #fhcbodyfacts #teethfacts #anatomy #anatomyandphysiology #physiology #wow #amazing #amazingbodies #instagram #instagood #instadaily #sexsleepeatdrinkdream #kelvingrove #brisbane
25.01.2022 Body fact No 19 We love body facts @familyhealthchiropractor If the human eye was a digital camera it would have 576 megapixels!... #eye #eyes #bodyfacts #fhcbodyfacts #eyefacts #megapixels #wow #amazing #amazingbody #physiology #anatomy #anatomyandphysiology #bodiesareamazing #eyesarethewindowtothesoul #instagram #instadaily #instagood #insta #clever #soclever #superbody #super #pixels #pixel #photography #digitalphotography #brisbane #kelvingrove
24.01.2022 Body fact No 28 We love body facts @familyhealthchiropractor We are born without bony knee caps! Babies have small cartilage patellae (knee caps) which turn into hard bone usually by the age of 4. The cartilage is soft, rubbery and tough (like in your nose and ears)... much more comfortable to crawl and fall on in the early years of development. ... #fhcbodyfacts #bodyfacts #amazing #amazingbodies #wow #cool #anatomy #physiology #anatomyandphysiology #interesting #instagood #instagram #instadaily #kelvingrove #brisbane
22.01.2022 Enjoying the love from one of our beautiful and clever orchid growing patients #whatcolour #blooms #thanks #soclever #kelvingrove #brisbane #gorgeous
22.01.2022 12 lap continuous freestyle endurance swim is complete! So this awesome 6 year old swam 300m straight in his test swim this week! #persistence #determination #bronzecap #proudkid #awesome #superboy #freestyle #readyforwarmweather #21kgbutalwaysaiminghigh
21.01.2022 Body fact No 17 We love body facts @familyhealthchiropractor Brain tissue, though very fatty is made up of 73% water! Even just a 2% loss of hydration can cause problems with brain function, such as altered comprehension, awareness, reflexes, memory, focus. Hmmmm... so we need to drink up! #fhcbodyfacts #physiology #anatomy #bodycare #water #hydration #dehydration #anatomyandphysiology #wow #clever #h2o #waterpower #brainfunction #cleverbody #amazing #amazingbody #amazingbodies #instagram #instagood #instadaily #insta #brains #brainpower #brisbane #kelvingrove #australia
20.01.2022 Body fact No 24 We love body facts @familyhealthchiropractor Energy! Your brains amazing nerve activity consumes one fifth of the energy needed by the whole body. Thats pretty impressive for an organ that cant move...... #fhcbodyfacts #energy #nerves #brainfacts #brain #brains #anatomy #physiology #anatomyandphysiology #anatomyfacts #bodyfacts #neuro #neurology #wow #super #superbody #amazing #amazingbody #impressive #brisbane #kelvingrove #chiropractor #insta #instagram #instagood #instadaily
20.01.2022 Body fact No 30 We love body facts @familyhealthchiropractor Face recognition. Theres a theory that a single cell, a single neuron is linked to each face that you recognize? That when you see someone you know, or know of, that instead of multiple areas working together to recognize, as little as one neuron may fire? We find that amazing!... #fhcbodyfacts #bodyfacts #amazing #anatomy #physiology #anatomyandphysiology #wow #grandmotherneurontheory #sparseness #super #superbody #instagram #instagood #instadaily #brisbane #kelvingrove #sexsleepeatdrinkdream #jenniferackerman
19.01.2022 Body fact No 29 We love body facts @familyhealthchiropractor Doing mental contractions (thinking about but not actually moving the muscle) May significantly increase muscle strength. A study in Ohio showed 15 minutes a day for 5 days a week over 12 weeks increased strength, not size. The body still needs real exercise but visualisations can help! #fhcbodyfacts #anatomy #anatomyandphysiology #wow #amazing #amazingbodies #super #superbody #strong #visualisation #strength #brainpower #instagram #instagood #instadaily #kelvingrove #brisbane
17.01.2022 Body fact No 36 Your feet arches are the suspension for your feet and body. They should act like a spring to reduce the impact through your joints as you step. There are three arches in each foot. Two run in direction from heel to toe, one on the inside of the foot and one on the outside. Theres another arch which runs across the foot from inside to outside. The arches are made up of 12 bones in each foot (calcaneus, talus, navicular, cuboid, 3 cuneiforms and 5 metatarsals).... Who knew the arches were so complicated? We love body facts @familyhealthchiropractor #bodyfacts #arches #feet #feetanatomy #foot #anatomy #physiology #anatomyandphysiology #amazing #wow #cool #socool #super #superbody #instagram #instagood #instadaily #brisbane #kelvingrove #amazingbody #springinyourstep #bones #anatomyfacts #physiologyfacts #trainyourfeet #crazycool #fhcbodyfacts See more
16.01.2022 Hello! We need your help by 20th June. There is an investigation into whether chiropractic care should continue to be available for children under the age of 12. We believe that parents should be able to make that decision themselves. In our practice we use age appropriate, very gentle techniques using best practice evidence based care for musculoskeletal issues in children. If you or your children have benefited from chiropractic care we ask you to complete the survey BEFORE 20th June. Please share with others you think may wish to contribute. Thanks in advance.
15.01.2022 Body fact No 15 We love body facts @familyhealthchiropractor Human hair is grown from follicles. Every follicle is capable of producing 20 hairs in a lifetime. Different colored hair usually has differing quantities of follicles. Blondes average 146 000 follicles, black hair averages 110 000, brunettes 100 000 whereas redheads average 86 000 follicles. Amazing huh? #fhcbodyfacts #amazing #amazingbody #amazingbodies #hair #hairfollicles #hairfacts #hairy #wow #clever #cleverbody #anatomy #anatomyandphysiology #anatomyfacts #humanbody #humanbodyfacts #instagram #instagood #instadaily
15.01.2022 Body fact No 35 What is a part of your body that doesnt get its oxygen from your blood??? Your cornea. The most superficial surface of the eye gets its oxygen supply directly from the air! Its also one of the fastest healing parts of the body and a scratch can heal in as little as 1-2 days... We love body facts @familyhealthchiropractor #anatomy #anatomyandphysiology #amazing #amazingbodies #wow #superbody #super #cool #physiology #naturalhealth #kelvingrove #brisbane #instagram #instagood #instadaily #interesting #bodyfacts #bodies #supercool #eyefacts #fhcbodyfacts #bodyfact #humanbody #humanbodyfacts #human #people
13.01.2022 Body fact No 25 We love body facts @familyhealthchiropractor Signals travel in varying speeds along a nerve fibre. Sometimes to do with how thick the diameter is and how well insulated the fibre is (with fatty myelin tissue). Your age, gender and medical conditions also can change this. The slowest signals travel about half a meter per second, the fastest at approximately 100 meters per second!... #body #bodyfacts #anatomyandphysiology #anatomy #physiology #amazing #amazingbodies #wow #cool #super #superbodies #instagram #instadaily #instagood #brisbane #kelvingrove #nerves #nervoussystem
13.01.2022 Need an adjustment before Christmas break?
13.01.2022 Body fact No 20 We love body facts @familyhealthchiropractor While we sleep The average amount of air inhaled and exhaled by a sleeping person would fill an average sized bedroom! Half a litre of air in and out, 15 to 20 times each minute. Why some of us like to sleep with the window open!... #fhcbodyfacts #familyhealthchiropractor #lung #lungs #air #sleepfacts #sleep #anatomy #physiology #anatomyandphysiology #anatomyfacts #wow #amazing #amazingbody #amazingbodies #breath #breathe #breathinbreathout #breathing #insta #instagood #instagram #instadaily #brisbane #kelvingrove
12.01.2022 So thrilled for you! Weve been watching your progress from next door. Great to have such gorgeous little people having a blast in your space
12.01.2022 Part 2 of mr 6s fishing birthday cake is done!
11.01.2022 Body fact No 14 We love body facts @familyhealthchiropractor Your stomach is filled with acid, which is how your food digestion begins. This acid is so powerful it can dissolve razor blades! #anatomy #anatomyandphysiology #physiology #bodyfacts #fhcbodyfacts #stomach #tummy #digestion #digestionfacts #wow #clever #power #powerful #familyhealthchiropractor #instagood #instagram #instadaily #brisbane #kelvingrove #instafact #instafacts #amazingbody #amazing
10.01.2022 Yay! Our signs have arrived #kelvingrove #chiropractorbrisbane #hooray
10.01.2022 Body fact No 33 We love body facts @familyhealthchiropractor Sleep! While learning about the effects of sleep deprivation on our brains, that it even speeds up signs of aging, we also learnt that all animals sleep in some way. Elephants and giraffes sleep for 2-4 hours a day. Dolphins sleep one half of their brain at a time! One hemisphere sleeps for several hours while the use the other and then it swaps for a few hours. Incredible!!! #fhcbodyfacts #bodyfacts #anatomyandphysiology #anatomy #physiology #sleep #sleepdeprivation #sleepdeprived #animalphysiology #dolphins #amazing #incredible #wow #instagram #instagood #instadaily #sleepphysiology #mammals #super
10.01.2022 Body fact No 22 We love body facts @familyhealthchiropractor Whats in the leftovers? Bowel motions are only half made up of left over food. The other half is rubbed off parts of stomach and intestine lining as well as dead friendly bacteria that help us to digest our food ... #fhcbodyfacts #familyhealthchiropractor #kelvingrove #brisbane #bodyfacts #amazingbodies #amazing #digestion #anatomy #physiology #anatomyandphysiology #wow #strangerthings #instagram #instagood #instadaily #digestionfacts #intestines #bowels
09.01.2022 Body fact No 27 We love body facts @familyhealthchiropractor Caffeine and your body... Did you know that within 15 to 20 minutes of consumption, 90% of the caffeine in your cup has left your stomach and has spread equally through all the bodys tissues and fluids... Thats so fast! It binds to your bodys adenosine receptors which blocks them from quieting your system.... #caffeine #fhcbodyfacts #humanbodyfacts #bodyfacts #humanbody #amazing #physiology #anatomyandphysiology #interesting #amazingbodies #wow #speedy #sofast #instagram #instadaily #instagood #kelvingrove #brisbane
09.01.2022 Body Fact No 18 We love body facts @familyhealthchiropractor When awake, the human brain produces enough electricity to power a small lightbulb ... #brains #power #wow #fhcbodyfacts #bodyfacts #anatomy #physiology #anatomyandphysiology #clever #cleverbody #amazing #brainfacts #electricity #instagram #instagood #instadaily #insta #amazingbody #humanbody #human #brisbane #kelvingrove
08.01.2022 Body fact No 34 Brain freeze or ice cream headache is a real thing. When the cold hits the roof of your mouth your brain makes change to rush blood to the area to warm it up. In doing so, nearby pain receptors sense the dilation of the blood vessels and send a pain signal to the brain. The nerve that sends this pain signal also sends information from the forehead, so the brain can perceive the pain is in the forehead despite the stimulus being to the hard palate. We love b...ody facts @familyhealthchiropractor #icecream #iceblock #brainfreeze #icecreamheadache #anatomy #anatomyandphysiology #amazing #amazingbodies #wow #superbody #super #cool #physiology #naturalhealth #kelvingrove #brisbane #instagram #instagood #instadaily #interesting #bodyfacts #bodies #icelolly #icelollies #supercool #neurology #brainfacts #brainfact #fhcbodyfacts #bodyfact #humanbody #humanbodyfacts #human #people See more
07.01.2022 Its our official moving day tomorrow. Already started with wheelbarrow trips across kelvin grove rd the last few days. Happy kids, happy days. Cant wait to settle in #kelvingrove #brisbane #newspace #yay #gettingready #everyonewelcome
07.01.2022 ... Until our first day in our brand new space! Freshly renovated (as in, we just finished painting the skirting boards and door frames half an hour ago). Directly across Kelvin Grove Rd from our current clinic, we cant wait to show you around Better secure parking, no vehicle height limits, pram access from the car park into the building without a stair. Yay! #fresh #newspace #brisbanechiropractor #kelvingrove #brisbane
06.01.2022 Body fact No 32 We love body facts @familyhealthchiropractor When you have a skin wound, the area goes through several stages of healing. In one stage, some cells (fibroblasts) take on characteristics of muscle cells (turn into myofibroblasts) which lay across the wound and contract to help close up the cut and reduce the size of the wound. Muscle-like cells just turn up and tighten to close the gap. Amazing! #fhcbodyfacts #bodyfacts #anatomy #physiology #anatomyandphysiology #woundhealing #wounds #amazing #amazingbody #superbody #super #wow #instagram #instagood #instadaily #interesting #brisbane #kelvingrove
06.01.2022 Pink puppy dog cupcakes for miss almost 3s kindy birthday. Her response Oh, booootiful mummy! #cupcakes #baking #cupcakepuppy #happygirl #birthdaygirl #familyhealthchiropractor
05.01.2022 Body fact No 16 We love body facts @familyhealthchiropractor This is an interesting one. Not really an anatomy fact but a brain fact. Did you know that the pathologist who did Einsteins autopsy stole his brain and kept it in a jar for 20 years #brainfacts #weirdfacts #brainthief #anatomy #physiology #bodyfacts #fhcbodyfacts #instagram #instagood #instadaily #insta #brains #einstein #wow #amazing #uhoh #thief #brisbane #kelvingrove
05.01.2022 Body fact No 21 We love body facts @familyhealthchiropractor Its easier to smile than to frown. There are about 40 muscles under the skin of your face. You use almost all of these to make a deep frown but only about half of these to show a broad grin ... #familyhealthchiropractor #fhcbodyfacts #bodyfacts #facefacts #faces #frown #grin #smile #sadface #anatomy #physiology #anatomyandphysiology #wow #amazing #amazingbody #amazingbodies #face #insta #instagram #instagood #instadaily #kelvingrove #chiropractor #chiropractic #brisbane
04.01.2022 Wednesday nights in! Watching Daniel on the bachelorette!!! Best of luck finding your lifes love
03.01.2022 Body fact No 31 We love body facts @familyhealthchiropractor Laughter is stress relief! Stanford University study showed that when exposed to funny cartoons, not only the thinking /deciphering regions of the brain are activated but the ancient reward circuits (Mesolimbic) areas also lit up. The same regions triggered by alcohol and some drugs. They also found a difference in the level of activation between men and women. Both genders said they thought they were as funny, but... the response in womens brains was greater suggesting a greater reward response and a lesser reward expectation... Interesting... Study by Allan Reiss, Vinod Menon, Booil Jo, Dean Mobbs and Eiman Azim #fhcbodyfacts #bodyfacts #brain #neuroscience #anatomyandphysiology #anatomy #physiology #wow #amazing #superbrain #superbody #super #amazingbodies #laughter #laugh #laughing #instagram #instagood #instadaily #interesting #brisbane #kelvingrove #sexsleepeatdrinkdream #jenniferackerman
02.01.2022 Body fact No 35 What is a part of your body that doesn’t get its oxygen from your blood??? Your cornea. The most superficial surface of the eye gets its oxygen supply directly from the air! It’s also one of the fastest healing parts of the body and a scratch can heal in as little as 1-2 days... We love body facts @familyhealthchiropractor #anatomy #anatomyandphysiology #amazing #amazingbodies #wow #superbody #super #cool #physiology #naturalhealth #kelvingrove #brisbane #instagram #instagood #instadaily #interesting #bodyfacts #bodies #supercool #eyefacts #fhcbodyfacts #bodyfact #humanbody #humanbodyfacts #human #people
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