Family Planning NSW in Ashfield, New South Wales | Medical service
Family Planning NSW
Locality: Ashfield, New South Wales
Phone: +61 1300 658 886
Address: 328-336 Liverpool Road 2131 Ashfield, NSW, Australia
Likes: 5632
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25.01.2022 Scotland made history today! The nation is the first in the world to ensure period dignity by providing free menstrual care products to all who need them. Scottish politicians voted unanimously for the ground-breaking bill, which Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon called an important policy for women and girls". #EndPeriodPoverty #MenstrualCare #PeriodDignity #Menstruation
25.01.2022 It’s almost Christmas! Family Planning NSW will be closed for the holiday season from the 25th December and reopening on Monday 4th January. We wish you a safe and merry Christmas and look forward to seeing clients again in the new year.
24.01.2022 We are delighted to be bringing accessible vasectomy services to Dubbo with our World Vasectomy Day clinic on 19 and 20 November. Thanks to our partnership with Clinic 66 we offered bulk-billed vasectomies to men in NSW’s central west and were booked out within 3 days! We recognise the need for affordable and accessible men’s health services across the state. Don’t hesitate to call our Family Planning NSW Dubbo clinic to register your interest in vasectomy.... #vasectomy #worldvasectomyday #Dubbo #NSWHealth
23.01.2022 GPs, nurses and midwives are encouraged to register for Family Planning’s second Masterclass. Abortion: A GP's Toolkit | 24 November 2020 | 6:00PM-8:00PM The webinar will provide a practical framework for approaching abortion-related cases, highlighting the current law for abortion provision in NSW, telehealth, informed consent, and the use of interpreters. ... Clinical Associate Professor Deborah Bateson, Dr Emma Boulton and Dr Lina Safro will also discuss common emotional issues related to requests for abortion, current guidelines for management of post-abortion complications, and situations where reproductive coercion is involved. Register here:
23.01.2022 Did you know: if you’re over the age of 40 and you have breasts, you can get a free mammogram! Breast cancer is the second largest cause of cancer among Australian women. Find more information on breast awareness and breast pain at or the Cancer Council NSW website. #BreastCancerAwareness
23.01.2022 This week, our international team is conducting a remote training to key educators in Kiribati, supporting the delivery of a comprehensive family life education curriculum. Our trainees will provide teachers with a range of strategies and skills for the classroom, helping them support young people to make informed and healthy choices about sex and relationships. #Pacific #Kiribati #CSE #UNFPA
22.01.2022 Check out these great images from the Family Planning NSW Hunter clinics in the early 1990s! Our first Newcastle clinic opened in 1954 in Darby Street, Cooks Hill. We moved to Queen Street in 1994 and to our current site on Hunter Street in 2012. Family Planning NSW was founded in 1926, making it the nation's oldest family planning service. We have some fantastic images in our archive which demonstrate our long-standing commitment to reproductive and sexual health #ForEveryBody #InEveryFamily
21.01.2022 For over 5 years, we have been supporting a project to increase the prevalence of contraception in Vanuatu. This project was made possible through funding from the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) and our valued partnership with the Vanuatu Family Health Association. During COVID-19 response and Cyclone Harold that devastated parts of Vanuatu in 2020, our work has continued to support access to essential reproductive and sexual healthcare. ... #ANCP #Pacific #Vanuatu Australian High Commission, Vanuatu
21.01.2022 Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding | A Masterclass for clinicians On Friday, 19 May we'll be hosting Dr Jessica Lowe, a gynaecologist with a special interest in menstrual disorders at Royal North Shore Hospital, to talk about diagnosing and managing 'Abnormal vaginal bleeding'. Dr Sally Sweeney will discuss optimising preconception care and genetic carrier counselling in light of the 2019 RANZCOG recommendations. Family Planning NSW Medical Director Dr Deborah Bateson will facilitate... a Q and A session to close. Reserve your place now:
20.01.2022 If you’ve got questions, we’ve got the right answers. Talkline provides free and confidential information, advice and options across a wide range of reproductive and sexual health issues, including: Contraception Pregnancy options Fertility... Menstruation Puberty Menopause Sexually Transmissible Infections (STIs) Healthy relationships To talk to our team, call Talkline on 1300 658 886. #Talkline #ReproductiveHealth #SexualHealth #ForEveryBody #InEveryFamily
18.01.2022 ‘‘It’s important to get the balance of the messaging right so that we give them the information most relevant to them at their stage of life without overloading them." FPNSW Medical Director Dr Deborah Bateson spoke with SMH on how essential that young people understand the factors that affected fertility as part of their comprehensive sexual and reproductive health education.
18.01.2022 Thank you to our Family Planning NSW clinicians and support staff! Despite the challenges posed by COVID-19, we provided more than 31,000 clinical appointments from our clinics in Ashfield, Newcastle, Penrith, Fairfield and Dubbo and outreach locations in 2019-20. Our most popular clinical services over the year were contraception (39%), gynaecological services (37%), STI (11%) and pregnancy and fertility related services (9%).... After the Abortion Law Reform Act passed in late 2019, Family Planning NSW rolled our medical abortion services across all fixed sites from January 2020. #clinic
15.01.2022 If you’re from a non-English speaking background, Family Planning NSW has a website just for you. Know Your Health is designed for young people and people whose second language is English. We provide easy to read resources, translated information and videos on a range of topics. Click on the link to find out more: ... #CALD #KnowYourHealth
15.01.2022 It's not too late to register for tomorrow's Preventing Cervical Cancer 2021 Virtual Conference! Family Planning NSW Medical Director Doctor Deborah Bateson will be appearing on a panel tomorrow morning from 8:00 AM to discuss Australia's role as a world leader in achieving cervical cancer elimination. Register here to attend for free: #PCC2021 VCS Foundation Conquering Cancer #EliminateCervicalCancer
14.01.2022 Family Planning NSW advocates for quality and inclusive education, including comprehensive sexuality education. If this matters to you, let NSW Parliament know schools should be inclusive of all students: Equality Australia #NSWPol #NSWEducation #CSE
13.01.2022 We’re excited to announce our upcoming partnership with Awabakal Ltd health service in the Hunter region. Starting in early 2021, Family Planning NSW will be launching two new outreach clinics at the Awabakal clinics in Maitland and Raymond Terrace. Through this partnership, we will be able to provide our expert reproductive and sexual health care to Awabakal’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients.... Our first clinic dates begin in January 2021. #NewcastleNSW #HunterRegion #Reconciliation
12.01.2022 Register now for our next professional education session in Cabramatta on April 12! Family Planning NSW helps people who work with with culturally and linguistically diverse communities to increase their knowledge of common reproductive and sexual health issues. Our factsheets are easy to understand and are translated into a range of languages. Registrations close Monday, April 5.... #Cabramatta #SWSydney #CALD
12.01.2022 We’re celebrating our Education Services team today. Family Planning NSW is a leading provider of reproductive and sexual health education for clinicians (doctors, nurses, midwives) and school and community leaders. During 2020, we responded to the coronavirus pandemic by pivoting many of our key reproductive and sexual health courses to be delivered online. Over 2019-20, thanks to our dedicated education staff, we delivered 95 courses to more than 1,500 participants.... In 2021, we’re excited to gradually return to face to face courses as restrictions ease, but we will continue to offer online courses as an option, too. See more here: #education #reproductivehealth #sexualhealth
12.01.2022 New research, co-authored by Family Planning NSW Medical Director Deborah Bateson, has found that 1 in 6 women and 1 in 10 men have experienced unwanted sex while drunk or high. Young people and those with bisexual experiences especially women were most likely to report ever having unwanted sex while intoxicated.
11.01.2022 As somebody who has never been a teenage boy myself, I wondered: Is there a special talk that dads give their teen sons about sex? A special way to shave a face, which is different from shaving legs? Do I need to tell him anything about his changing bits? Check out this great article on how to tackle the talk with your kids as a single parent. ... Having the talk with your child doesn’t need to be difficult. Family Planning NSW has a range of useful tools and information to help you have the talk with your kids. is just one resource available to help you with information about their body, relationships and reproductive and sexual health.
11.01.2022 Our friends at End COVID For All have created a special video asking all Australians and our political leaders one vital question: Will we be the generation that helped end COVID-19 for everyone? Or just ourselves? Australia has already committed significant resources to vaccinate the Pacific and parts of South East Asia. ... It's a great start, but to end COVID-19 for the poorest and most vulnerable populations, we must: 1. Scale up our efforts to end the pandemic 2. Strengthen health systems in our region 3. Stop famine Family Planning NSW is an advocate for reducing health inequity in Australia, the Pacific and the world. If this resonates with you, share the video to get the word out. #EndCOVIDforAll
10.01.2022 Family Planning NSW and Cancer Institute NSW have been campaigning to remind women across Sydney’s South West and the Blue Mountains to get a cervical screening test (CST). The CST takes a just few minutes out of your day, once every 5 years. So go on, #TestOutWest.
10.01.2022 Today is International Men's Day and the 2020 theme is 'Better Health for Men and Boys'. It's a great occasion to launch our pop-up vasectomy clinic in Dubbo with Clinic 66 for #WorldVasectomyDay. Check out Dr Deborah Bateson and Dr Emma Boulton answering your questions on vasectomy below.
09.01.2022 Have you signed up for the new Reproductive and Sexual Health handbook yet? Now available as an online subscription, the Handbook acts as a one stop shop for doctors, nurses and other clinicians managing reproductive and sexual health problems. The update features significant updates that reflect changes in clinical care, law, and health policy in areas such as cervical screening, abortion, and reproductive and sexual health for trans and gender diverse people.... To sign up, visit this link: #reproductivehealth #sexualhealth #sexeducation
09.01.2022 We want to look after you, Cobar! We’re working with Dubbo & Orange Sexual Health and Western NSW Local Health District Women’s Health Service to provide more clinics in Cobar. This means more opportunities for you to get a sexual health check, see a women’s health nurse, get contraception and fertility advice.... To book a confidential appointment with Dubbo Sexual Health call 1800 851 700, with Family Planning NSW call 6885 1544, or with Women’s Health Service call 6879 9500.
08.01.2022 Globally, 1 in 3 women and girls will experience physical or sexual violence in their lifetime, and only 52% of women married or in a union freely make their own decisions about sexual relations, contraceptive use and health care. Family Planning NSW has trained nearly 300 peer educators in the Pacific to support thousands of women on issues like consent, gender based violence and joint decision making. We support UN Women’s Generation Equality campaign for equal rights an...d the end of violence against women and girls. #GenerationEquality See more
07.01.2022 Are you young and have questions about your body? Body Talk is about giving you relevant and accurate information about your body, relationships and health. Designed for people under 25, Body Talk has loads of information to support you in making healthy decisions around your reproductive and sexual health. While you are there, take advantage of the Body Explorer, designed for you to explore the human body and reproductive systems and to find out how it all works
07.01.2022 Doctor talk | Family Planning NSW Medical Director Deborah Bateson recently sat down with Professor Jason Abbott and Doctor Peter Piazza to talk about diagnosing and treating heavy menstrual bleeding. Around one in five women will experience substantial issues with heavy menstrual bleeding and there are a number of ways to treat this issue. This video is part two of two, and is designed for clinicians and health professionals. The doctors discuss hormonal and non-hormonal tre...atment options, including contraception, endometrial ablation, and hysterectomy. Thanks to Australian Doctor Group and Hologic for supporting this project. Australian Doctor subscribers can access the full article here: #AusDoc #Gynaecology #Menstruation #IUD #hysterectomy
06.01.2022 Our amazing partners are vital in supporting the health of our pacific neighbours. Each year, Family Planning NSW directly supports local family planning associations to provide more than 14,000 people in the Pacific with reproductive and sexual health and rights services. These services fit into a partnership model of co-designing and co-branding programs and co-publishing the impacts to ensure they are sustainable and resilient. This approach just one of seven partnership models utilised by ACFID to achieve social change.
06.01.2022 In response to the tragic death of Hannah Clarke, her mother Sue will teach Year 11 and 12 girls and their mothers about coercive control in order to identify red flags and abusive relationships. Family Planning NSW provides professional education services supporting young people to form healthy relationships. We are committed to ending violence and abusive relationships in all its forms.... #EndViolenceAgainstWomen #DomesticViolence
06.01.2022 Family Planning NSW has been supported by Cancer Institute NSW to promote Test Out West. This year the campaign has been reminding people with cervixes across Sydney’s South West and the Blue Mountains to book their cervical screening test. They take a few minutes, every 5 years and could save a life. ... So go on, test out west.
05.01.2022 Know Your Health is a resource for women and families from a culturally and linguistically diverse background to access important information about puberty, fertility, menopause, cervical screening and more. See more here: #KnowYourHealth
04.01.2022 CSTs are quick and simple procedures that could save your life. They screen for the presence of human papillomavirus and pick up any changes to the cells on your cervix that might need monitoring. It is the best way to prevent cervical cancer and ensure you receive the healthcare you might need. If your results are normal, you won’t need to screen again for 5 years. All Family Planning NSW clinics are providing cervical screening tests, so don’t put it off any longer. ... For more info on CSTs, you can check out! #cervicalscreening #HPV #cervicalcancer
04.01.2022 Our medical abortion course is now available for GPs, nurses and midwives working in reproductive and sexual health. The short course will guide clinicians to establish an appropriate model of care for medical abortion, managing assessment and consultation, prescription, aftercare and any complications that may arise. Learn more here:
04.01.2022 Did you know we have a course for professionals working in the disability service sector? Our Introduction to Sexuality and Disability course offers practical strategies for disability workers to support their client's sexual and reproductive health needs throughout their life. If you’re a manager, support worker or health professional working with people with disability or in disability rights, this course is for you. ...
04.01.2022 Menopause is a natural event in a woman’s life that occurs when a woman’s ovaries start to run out of eggs. A woman has officially reached menopause when she has not had a menstrual period in one year. For most, this occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, with the lead-up to this event known as 'peri-menopause'. For more information about menstrual symptoms and management, call Talkline or see our factsheet: ... #KnowYourHealth #Menopause
03.01.2022 All set up and ready to go! All we need is for you to stop by and test for STIs! FPNSW's Frank is at UNSW today on the main campus Quadrangle, until 4pm. Pop in if you have questions or want to take a quick test.... Stay for the games, giveaways and prizes! #STI #testing #sexualhealth #reproductivehealth
03.01.2022 This week is NAIDOC Week! The 2020 theme is Always Was, Always Will Be. This is about seeing, hearing and learning the First Nations’ history of Australia and celebrating the survival of the oldest continuing cultures on the planet. Family Planning NSW is committed to providing reproductive and sexual health services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities in NSW. ... Find out more about our reconciliation journey and work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities here! #NAIDOC2020 #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe National NAIDOC
02.01.2022 This week, we're partnering with Clinic 66 to provide bulk-billed vasectomy services to Dubbo! The outreach clinic was booked out within three days, highlighting the need for accessible vasectomy services in NSW's central west. Listen to Family Planning Medical Director Dr Deborah Bateson and Clinic 66 Director Dr Emma Boulton answer your questions on vasectomy.
02.01.2022 We want to look after you, Nyngan! We’re working with Dubbo & Orange Sexual Health and Western NSW Local Health District Women’s Health Service to provide more clinics in Nyngan. This means more opportunities for you to get a sexual health check, see a women’s health nurse, get contraception and fertility advice.... To book a confidential appointment with Dubbo Sexual Health call 1800 851 700, with Family Planning NSW call 6885 1544, or with Women’s Health Service call 6879 9500. #Nyngan #CentralWestNSW #NSWHealth
02.01.2022 GPs, nurses and midwives are encouraged to register for Family Planning’s second Masterclass: Abortion - A GP's Toolkit. On 24 November 2020 our experts Dr Deb Bateson, Dr Lina Safro and Clinic 66 Dr Emma Boulton will provide a practical framework for approaching abortion with patients. The doctors will discuss the current laws for abortion in NSW, telehealth, informed consent, complications, reproductive coercion, emotional sensitivities and more.... Register here:
01.01.2022 Our experienced nurses are just a phone call away to answer all of your questions about reproductive and sexual health issues. Talkline provides free and confidential advice Monday to Friday, 8:30 to 5. Just call 1300 658 886 with your questions. #Talkline #SexualHealth #ReproductiveHealth
01.01.2022 Introducing Emily the emergency contraceptive pill! Emergency contraception can be used after unprotected sex or if your chosen contraceptive wasn’t used as intended, such as a missed pill or a broken condom. There are two types of emergency contraceptive pills, and they work by stopping or delaying the release of an egg from the ovaries. Depending on the type, they can be taken for up to 3-5 days after unprotected sex. ... They are around 85% effective at preventing unintended pregnancy and are most effective the earlier they are taken. They are available at most chemists, without prescription, and at all FPNSW clinics and other sexual health clinics. To learn more about the emergency contraceptive pill, visit our website #worldcontraceptionday #contracpetion
01.01.2022 The holidays are right around the corner, so it’s a great time to book in your annual check-ups at any of our clinics in NSW. Family Planning NSW clinics will be closed from 5pm Thursday, 24 December until the morning of Monday, 4 January 2021.
01.01.2022 Registrations for the FPAA National Certificate in Reproductive and Sexual Health are now open. Designed for Medical Practitioners (including GPs and GP registrars), this 6 month course uses a blend of self-paced online learning, interactive live case discussions, reflective learning and assessments to enhance your knowledge, skills and confidence in reproductive and sexual health. Register your place before 10 November
01.01.2022 Are you a nurse or midwife looking for online courses in reproductive and sexual health? The Reproductive and Sexual Health - Clinical Accreditation Program Theory [Online] course is designed for nurses and midwives who wishing to extend their knowledge and skills in the specialty of reproductive and sexual health. This dynamic study option offers a blend of self-paced online learning, discussion forums, live interactive webinars, reflective learning and assessment.
01.01.2022 Make way for Vincent the vasectomy! Vasectomy is a permanent form of male contraception. It’s a simple surgical procedure to prevent sperm travelling out of the testes and into the semen, but does not stop the production of semen. It is 99.5% effective at preventing unintended pregnancy. There are pros and cons for every type of contraception, and different things work for different people. Chat to our expert staff or a trusted doctor to work out which option is best for y...ou. To learn more about the vasectomy, visit our website #worldcontraceptionday #contracpetion
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