Faris Mouasher in Gold Coast, Queensland | Medical and health
Faris Mouasher
Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland
Phone: +61 422 017 017
Address: 8/5036 Emerald Island Drive, Emerald Lakes Carrara, Qld 4211 4211 Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
Website: http://www.farismouasher.com
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25.01.2022 We’ve all had setbacks, been hurt or betrayed. What matters is that we create the time and space to go within to heal. If we stay externalised, looking outside of ourselves for answers and love, healing and peace will forever elude us.
24.01.2022 This speaks volumes of truth. How often do you stop to listen and respond? Take a moment or more for yourself. ... It’s the place that all change grows from. Image Credit: Mindfulness Ireland
24.01.2022 In this universe, our mindset is a powerful forceChoose wisely!
24.01.2022 Transformation starts with taking our life back. Learning more about how to care for ourselves and change the physical mental and emotional strategies that thwart our growth. Discover what your body has been hanging onto and uncover new energies deep within you to resolve the filters that block your infinite potential...... ...surrender into new ways of Being you and Doing life
23.01.2022 Transformation starts with taking our life back. Learning more about how to care for ourselves and change the physical mental and emotional strategies that thwart our growth. Discover what your body has been hanging onto and uncover new strategies deep within you to resolve the filters that block your our infinite potential. #yourjourney #yourenergy #awakening
21.01.2022 Happy New Year Everyone - Welcome to 2020 Love and Blessings https://youtu.be/KoRiWGfWIVM
19.01.2022 Come and See Me ...I am exhibiting with over 700 local Gold Coast businesses at the Gold Coast Business and Jobs Expo this week. I'd love to reconnect face to face and have you take advantage of the free, informative and inspiring talks and workshops that are available. Thursday, 15th October 10am to 4pm, Carrara Indoor Sports Centre. ... I’ll be at Stand # 142. Come for an hour or the whole day for just a gold coin donation to attend. Here’s just some of the things you can enjoy as well... FREE Voice to Your Business Speaker Program - showcasing local businesses Speed networking area well spaced FREE TINAx Talks Panel Sessions - providing information + inspiration for Women in Business FREE Jobs Workshops. FREE Mentor Hub by the Queensland Office of Small Business Food Trucks and Live Entertainment from 11am to 3pm I’d love to see you there #smallbusiness #healthylifestyle #smallbusinessexpo #expo #transformation #coaching #women #feminine #loveyourself
19.01.2022 When we hold an expectation of what we should do and how we should do it in a set timeframe, we override some of our most basic needs. Focus. Commitment. Drive. ... They all are important and have there place...but not at the price of your well-being. Play the long game.
16.01.2022 Imagine Your Life Where you Can Embrace, Explore And Experience Your Divine Existence. Contact Faris now to learn more on how to honour and connect more deeply with Yourself, Your Relationships and Soul Path. Much love and Gratitude
16.01.2022 "Love is something you and I must have. We must have it because our spirit feeds upon it. We must have it because without it we become weak and faint. Without love our self esteem weakens. Without it our courage fails. Without love we can no longer look out confidently at the world. ... Instead we turn inwardly and begin to feed upon our own personalities and little by little we destroy ourselves. The only thing that can truly help us is genuine love. You must truly love, be patient with us and share with us. And we must love youwith a genuine love that forgives and forgetsa love that gives the terrible sufferings your culture brought ours when it swept over us like a wave crashing along a beachwith a love that forgets and lifts up its head and sees in your eyes an answering love of trust and acceptance. This is brotherhoodanything less is not worthy of the name." Chief Dan George
16.01.2022 It takes a strong, courageous person to be vulnerable enough to seek support and ask for what they want. If you’re in a growth phase or feeling challenged, know that they are both stressors on you and your body. It’s so easy to soldier on. To push through. To be what we think is brave and just keep pushing forward. ... Don’t! It’s dangerous in the long term. You and your body are finely tuned energetic beings. Take the time and be willing to ask for support so that you and your body can function at the highest capacity. This is where you will find you can be in the Flow. Where peace and ease the norm. Where you showing up to the world in an authentically empowered state is a given.
15.01.2022 Courage and its Heart... "The word courage comes from the Latin root cor, which means heart. To be courageous means to live within the heart. ... Whereas the weak live within the head - afraid they then create a security of logic around them. Fearful, they close every window and door - with theology, concepts, words, theories, opinions - and inside those closed doors and windows they hide. However, the way of the heart is the way of courage, it is to live in insecurity; it is to live in love and trust; it is to move into the unknown; it is leaving the past and allowing the future to be. Courage is to move along dangerous paths, for life is dangerous, and only cowards avoid the danger - but then, they are already dead. The heart is always ready to take a risk for the heart is a gambler. Whereas the head is a businessman and always cunningly calculates. OSHO - Courage the Joy of Living #mindbodysoul #divinefeminine
13.01.2022 We can easily be drawn into the space or arms of others when we feel we want to be loved and accepted for who we are. When we want someone to care for us, look after us. If we just stop, draw breath and look within rather than for an external saviour, we will see that what we truly want is to love and be at peace with ourselves.
12.01.2022 'We are all meant to shine.. It's not just in some of us; It's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine,... We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, Our presence automatically liberates others.' Marianne Williamson So be that shining beacon of light.. your presence in this world matters! Shine on
12.01.2022 You are loved just for being who you are, just for existing. You don’t have to do anything to earn it. Your shortcomings, your lack of self-esteem, physical perfection, or social and economic success none of that matters. No one can take this love away from you, and it will always be here. - Ram Dass... #selflove #lookafteryourself #divinefeminine
12.01.2022 Honouring your body and having gratitude for who you are is an essential gift to hold for oneself. It’s easy to take our bodies for granted...when we get sidetracked chasing after our goals, other people, financial security. Be kind to your Self. ... Love your Self. Slow down. Breathe. Take time to appreciate all that you have and hold with your loved ones. Invest in your self, continue to plant the seeds and take steps that nourish and fuel your body and soul. Enrich your life through each conscious breath and moment experiencing the true Gift of Life - YOU. Be in reverence with yourself. Love your body and it will serve you well.
11.01.2022 Now, more than ever... Seek out the time, space and support you want and need to maximise your transformation. Each of us has an opportunity to literally recreate ourselves and our lives as the old paradigms literally are crashing down around us. ... A new world. A new life. A new You.
11.01.2022 Are you present with the stories you are telling yourself about your life? The stories that define you and what you are capable of? Once we become present with these stories we can give them a new ending! What happened in our past does not have to define our future.... Perhaps we can even change our perception of 'our story'? We invite you to look for the 'gifts' in your his/herstory and see the perfection of all the events that have brought you to this moment and who you are now. Sometimes this is easier said than done. We can have physical anchors that lock us into our self-limiting stories. The work I do will help you to develop new strategies in your body/mind which loosen this hold. Then you are able to more effortlessly reorganise and resolve your relationship to past events, assisting you in moving forward in your life. From this place you can create the most Wonderful, Connected, Love filled, Expansive and Joyful continuation of 'your story'. The ending of your story is not fixed. What story do you choose to create for your life? Faris
10.01.2022 Take the time and space to honour your ability to heal yourself. The journey starts and ends there
09.01.2022 It has been an honour and privilege to have connect with and work with you through 2019. Being a part of your journey of wholeness, health and wellness is something I am grateful for every day. It has been a joy to witness the commitment of so many amazing women that have given themselves the time, space and freedom to continue their journey of growth. Thank you for all those that crossed my path, my teachers, mentors, colleagues and those that supported me and my fami...ly through our big year this year Our Ability To Deeply Receive and honour oneself and take action in ones life truly rewards us in moving forward and aligns us to connect with our purpose and live the life we want I encourage you to continue on the path you seek that fulfils and liberates you to love what you do and make a difference as you follow your dreams. I look forward to the continued path of service to those on their journey of transformation, health and wellness in 2020 Here are your two pathways offered in 2020 https://www.farismouasher.com/30-day-body-mind-soul-challe/ https://www.farismouasher.com/infinite-potential-healing-a/ May your lives be filled with Deep Love, Gratitude and Magic Lots of Love Faris Mouasher
09.01.2022 Today I find myself caught in the space of ‘in between’ .. The dark space in between..... Spirit and Ego Heart and Mind Soul and Personality... There was a time where I identified with my ego, my mind and my personality; but over time I have felt the call of my spirit, my heart and my soul in a much deeper way.... These deeper parts of me; my ‘light’, has become what I have chosen to identify with and to show the world. My heart now beats to connection, self-reflection, healing, growth and awareness; where once I was trapped in a world of ego & glamour. I felt sparkly and shiny. I felt glamorous. My hair was always freshly coloured, my nails well manicured & cosmetic procedures brought me ‘joy’. Nights infused with alcohol & high heels brought with them a ‘short-lived high’ that I once lived for. It was easier back then. More comfortable. To live life externally, to find beauty and happiness in the things I ‘acquired’ on the outside. To do the inner work of sustainable transformation and commit to living from a higher place is tough. We live in an external world whereby beauty is often defined by the external.... and it is a difficult thing to not get caught up in it. Today I feel old and tired. And I find my egoic mind searching for external things to bring me ‘joy’ once more. I find myself in a tunnel of comparison, self- judgement & un-ease. And it feels ‘heavy’ But rather than getting lost in that tunnel & attaching myself to the external world & my external self, I just ‘sit’. I cry a little & allow the ego to have her say; but I do not invest in her voice. I allow myself to use this as another step toward embracing my inner light. I remind myself of my humanness & that it is ok to be caught in spaces of the ‘in between’ sometimes.... I breathe. I find my centre once more. I allow the voice of the soul to take the mic. I allow myself to be in my light. After all; external youth and beauty is not forever. But inner beauty radiates from every cell of our being until the day we take our last breath; and follows us into the next lifetime; and the one after that. So, beautiful, if you find yourself caught in the space of ‘in between’ from time to time.... Be gentle with yourself & know- That it too shall pass..... Thank you Alecia Jade for your truth and wisdom.
07.01.2022 Wisdom Indeed!
07.01.2022 I would like to thank Paula Brand and the Team for a wonderful day at the Gold Coast Business Expo. A special thanks for all those wonderful souls that I had the absolute pleasure to meet and connect with today. Much love and success to all ...
05.01.2022 How did we get here so quickly?! It can be so easy to lose ourselves in the busy-ness of the end of year and holidays yet it's something that that we can prevent. How?... Stay true to who you are. Continue to open your heart to your Self, the one inside. This is where you will connect with the love, wisdom, courage and peace that will liberate you and allow you to shine like a beacon in this world. From me to you, may you have a Merry Christmas and a joyful and safe holi...day period with family, friends and loved ones. Lots of Love Faris
02.01.2022 The Gift Of Honouring One Self, Learning To Receive And Replenish Is A Powerful Journey.
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