Farmgirl Produce in Horsham, Victoria | Shopping & retail
Farmgirl Produce
Locality: Horsham, Victoria
Phone: +61 417 390 603
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25.01.2022 Happy Place Ever wondered what 5kg of Strawberries soaking in Champagne looks like You're Welcome ... Happy Monday Everyone #farmgirlproduce #localproducer #supportlocal #boutiquebatch #beaprincess #happymonday #strawberry #champagne #bubbles #bestjam #cheerstothat #fresh #berries #doingtherething #pickingstrawberries #horshamvic
24.01.2022 Rockin' the Van Got out & about today visited @seednsprout.foodvan at @commercial_hotel_rupanyup Delicious lunch ... Amazing coffee Great company Sun shining Crops looking good #farmgirlproduce #supportlocal #localproducers #supportsmallbusiness #strongertogether #lovewhereyoulive #seedandsprout #rupanyup #yarriambiack #coffeeroasters #rockingthevan #ruppub #commercialhotelrupanyup #outandabout #countrylife #regionalvictoria #takeadrive #mybackyard
20.01.2022 LICKSIP SUCK Chilli Lime & Tequila Drizzle Packs a punch @ full of flavour ... Drizzle or brush me over; Prawns Wraps Grilled Chicken Baked Ham Make a dip BBQ Steak Grilled Pineapple Pizza Mexican Tacos The list goes on & on!!! Remember lick your fingers DON'T rub your eyes Great gift idea it comes with a BBQ brush #farmgirlproduce #localproducer #supportlocal #supportregional #boutiquebatch #hotchilli #dontrubyoureyes #chilli #lime #tequila #lickyourlips #kaffirlime #fullofflavour #bbqking #bbqqueen #giftideas #summerliving #party #christmasiscoming
20.01.2022 Sending Love Busy hump day deliveries!! Still can't come home to visit ...Send your family & friends some country love direct to their door Call Farmgirl for details.... Free Horsham delivery #farmgirlproduce #supportlocal #buylocal #horshamvic #sendsomelove #hampers #countrylove #countrycooking #iso #sayitwithlove #missingyou #thinkingofyou #justbecause #basketbythedoor
20.01.2022 Merry Christmas There is so much to be grateful for this year. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU... to you all for supporting my little business It has been so overwhelming!! I am bursting with pride & have a very full heart again. Enjoy the holidays, reflect on what we have all achieved this year Spread the love like jam & enjoy all your yummy Produce Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas & a safe New Year #bringon2021 Love always Farmgirl xx #farmgirlproduce #merrychristmas #thankyou #myheartisfull #localssupportinglocals #gratfulheart #celebrategoodtimes #burstingwithpride #blessedbeyondmeasure #pleasebekind #sharethelove #enjoythelittlethings #spreaditlikejam #christmas2020
20.01.2022 Sweet Thanks You have done it again Makers Market Hamilton I am absolutely blown away & extremely grateful for the overwhelming support Hamilton Region #amazing ... MASSIVE thanks to Meg & Family, you are all hardworking, passionate rockstars To Lyn, Ez & the Murphy Kids I could not possibly do this without you guys!! THANK YOU From the bottom of my heart that is BURSTING!!! My apologies for those who missed out I just could not keep up sorry!! #farmgirlproduce #localproducer #hamiltonvictoria #visitgreaterhamilton #makersmarkethamilton #greaterhamilton #countrystyle #sweetthanks #makechristmasmagical #blessedbeyondmeasure #greatful #heartisfull #thanksforyoursupport #christmas2020
19.01.2022 Market Ready Getting so excited for this weekends Markets!! Haven Saturday 9-1... Dimboola Sunday 9-1 Come & say G'day I promise it's a huge smile behind the mask #farmgirlproduce #localproduce #marketdays #havenmarket #dimboolajellexmarket #havenvictoria #dimboola #horshamvic #wimmera #hindmarshshire
19.01.2022 Amongst the Trees That's where you will find us. TOMORROW 9-1 H A V E N M A R K E T ... Just some friendly reminders Bring cash as no eftpos Make a list for ease Wear your masks Social distance 1.5m Look don't touch PLEASE be patient The car is packed to the roof, Birthday gifts done See you all out there!!! #farmgirlproduce #supportlocal #localproduce #supportsmallbusiness #marketready #havenvictoria #marketday #havenmarket #boutiquebatch #farmfresh #countrymarket #wimmera #horshamvic
19.01.2022 Welcome Home These Hampers are HOT PROPERTY!! The team is working hard @ray_white_horsham ... You guys rock THANK YOU for supporting local small business #farmgirlproduce #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal #raywhite #horshamvic #newbeginning #welcomehome #sold #congratulations #celebrate #homesweethome #youguysrock #realestateteam #handoverthekeys
19.01.2022 FULL BLOSSOM I think I am obsessed with this tree!! Busy weekend in the garden hanging with the bees Planning new veggie boxes ... Refreshing my mind #farmgirlproduce #growyourownfood #blossom #bees #getyourhandsdirty #lovespring #healthymind #clearyourmind
17.01.2022 Thinking of You Celebrating International Day of Rural Women It has been a tough year for all, no matter where you hung your hat in the world. This year I want to reflect on rural women of the Moroccan villages I visited, their crucial role & contribution in agriculture & the impact they had on me. Resilience is an understatement!! These women are the glue of families, food production, land management, communities & villages. From tending to flocks in the rocky paddock...s, walking for miles to collect water, hand weeding & stripping crops, grading & crushing wheat for flour, collecting wood for the village communal bread ovens, hand collecting argon nuts for oil, creating makeshift shelters/homes moving with the seasons or building stone walls these are the most passionate, hard working women preserving their traditional life style & heritage for generations to come. I came home inspired & ready to face any challenge, very grateful to live where I do, but also proud to be a rural woman contributing my little piece to this world. Today reflect & appreciate the contributions rural women have made in your community #strongertogether can make extraordinary things happen!!! #ruralwomensday #farmgirlproduce #ruralwomen #farmlife #internationalruralwomensday #womeninagriculture #farmgirlstrong #wimmera #notjustafarmerswife #countrywoman #communitystrong #makingadifference #supportwomeninbusiness #womenupliftingwomen See more
17.01.2022 Cheers it's Friday Roll into the weekend & spoil yourself with our ~Champagne & Strawberry Jam~... Because you're worth it!! #farmgirlproduce #localproduce #supportlocalbusiness #freshfromthefarm #celebratefriday #inthepatch #bubbles #cheerstothat #localdrop #strawberry #champagne #matchmadeinheaven #feellikeaprincess #justbecause #whynot
16.01.2022 In Amongst It WOW what a weekend!!!! Our site today was very fitting, in amongst the veggie patch at the #dimboolajellexmarket ... M A S S I V E Thanks to everyone that supported this little business at both markets My heart is bursting BACK TO BACK AMAZING!!!! Thank you for being patient & everyone for doing what was asked of them #farmgirlproduce #localproduce #dimboola #dimboolastore #boutiquemarket #countrymarket #inthepatch #gratefulheart #burstingwithpride #thankful #youguysrock #stunning #wimmera #madewithlove #roadtorecovery
14.01.2022 Spread the News Extremely blessed to supply the awesome team from - The Weekly Advertiser - MIXX FM... - 3WM With Corporate Hampers this year Locals supporting locals has been top priority with amazing results Thank you Kelly & Brendan, for your continued care, support & encouragement #strongertogether Merry Christmas #farmgirlproduce #localproducer #localsupportinglocal #localsupport #buylocal #workingtogether #leadingtheway #leadbyexample #corporatehampers #supporthandmade #supportsmallbusiness #keepingitlocal #mixxfm #horshamvic #wimmera #appreciationpost #weeklyadvertiser #myheartisfull #christmas2020
13.01.2022 Paying it Forward Righto we all know this year has been a complete show We may not have all been in the same boat, ... but defiantly the same storm!! BUT We have to look forward & in hope for better things to ..... BACK TO BACK MARKETS THIS WEEKEND Haven - Saturday 9-1 Dimboola - Sunday 9-1 It's time to pay it forward & share some LVE!! So in celebration of Farmgirl's 5th Birthday ~ LET'S GIVEAWAY ~ For every purchase over $50 will receive a gift #farmgirlproduce #localproduce #supportlocalbusiness #buylocal #birthday #cheers #payitforward #havenmarket #dimboola #wimmera #giftforyou #horshamvic #sharethelove #fiveyears #dimboolajellexmarket #thankyou
09.01.2022 Boutique Market TOMORROW 9-1 D I M B O O L A ... Let's bring in daylight savings with a bang Just some friendly reminders Bring cash as no eftpos Make a list for ease Wear your masks Social distance 1.5m Look don't touch Bring reusable bags PLEASE be patient #farmgirlproduce #supportlocal #localproduce #supportsmallbusiness #dimboolajellexmarket #boutiquemarket #countrylife #marketday #boutiquebatch #farmfresh #countrymarket #wimmera #dimboola #dimboolastore #hindmarshshire
08.01.2022 HAPPY NEW YEAR And suddenly you know It's time to start something new And trust the magic of new beginnings ... Thank you for being a part of this journey Let's hit the reset button & make every moment count!! 2021 I am ready for you bring it on Wishing you all a safe & happy new year Love always Farmgirl xx #farmgirlproduce #happynewyear #2021goals #letsdothis #makeitcount #newbeginnings #juststart #resetbutton #cleanstart #letsdothistogether #ihavethekeys #opendoors #shootforthestars #bringiton #bigdreams #itsyourjourney #mybasketisfull
08.01.2022 Growing Support It is so important more than ever to support local businesses The amazing team at Emmetts Horsham... have done that in spades!!! Corporate Hampers have gone far & wide, regionally & interstate for many years now#stayingpower THANK YOU for your continued support of my small business #farmgirlproduce #supportlocal #supportlocalbusiness #emmetts #horshamvic #johndeer #corporate #farminglife #lifeontheland #wimmera #wimmeramallee #tractorlife #youguysrock #grateful #countrylife #ontheland #aussiefarmers #canttakethefarmoutofthegirl
08.01.2022 Fully Loaded Count down is over the Makers Market Hamilton is OPEN TOMORROW ... Make this Christmas count by supporting this amazing market Super blessed to be warmly welcomed back again this year #thankyou Meg & Darcey #farmgirlproduce #localproducer #supportregional #makersmarkethamilton #hamiltonvictoria #greaterhamilton #christmasready #makers #localproduce #boutique #supportsmallbusiness #takeadrive #handmade #flowercrown #gratfulheart #makeitcount #madewithloveandpassion
07.01.2022 Wimmera Love Massive thanks to Patrick again for the corporate support ... The team at Emmetts receiving a little taste of the Wimmera for Christmas #farmgirlproduce #localproducer #emmetts #stayingpower #wimmera #wimmeramallee #greenone #farminglife #aussiemade #supportinglocalbusiness #grateful #manythanks #stiritup #countryliving #wimmeraliving #harvest #greenandgold #johndeere #harvest2020 #mybackyard #tractorlife #farmlife #makeminegreen
07.01.2022 5 Years Ago Absolutely thrilled to be celebrating our 5th Birthday Wow what a ride this has been!! From gifting my little jars of preserves to friends, to a full time job & business.... THANK YOU to each & everyone of you for supporting my amazing journey. THANK YOU to my fabulous stockists past & present. THANK YOU to the local businesses for their corporate support. THANK YOU for the support from other local & regional producers. #strongertogether My heart is full & forever grateful to be able to continue what I love doing More than ever it is SO important to support small local businesses. So let's Celebrate Love always Farmgirl xx #farmgirlproduce #localproducer #localproduce #letscelebrate #birthday #cheers #iamfive #highfives #thankyou #gratefulheart #lovewhatido #neverworkadayinyourlife #birthdaycheers #celebrate #regionalproduce #grampianseats #grampians #wimmera #horshamvic
05.01.2022 Sweet & Plump Gorgeous addition to your summer platters & picnics!! Sweet & plump dried fruit sourced direct from the farmers in the Murray River Region with a sprinkle of cranberries (USA) to celebrate Christmas!!... Getting ready for Makers Market Hamilton #farmgirlproduce #localproducer #supportregional #supportlocal #fromthefarmer #fresh #farmlife #driedfruit #plump #sweet #pears #apricots #apple #nectarine #cranberry #fromthetrees #pimpyourplatter #picnic
04.01.2022 Tickled PINK Pimp your next salad or cheese board with our Pink Pickled Onions Fresh, crisp, sweet spanish onions ... bottled in a delicate white wine syrup. My favourite is adding grilled prawns & mango Call Farmgirl to visit the Shed Door Studio Prior Arrangement Only #farmgirlproduce #localproducer #supportlocal #supportregional #farmfresh #sweetonions #pimpmysalad #pinkpickledonions #pickled #onions #sweet #summersalads #whitewine #countrycooking #cheeseboard #justaddcheese #fullofflavour
04.01.2022 Heritage in a Jar This Christmas chutney is a super special 5th generation recipe with limited jars created once a year { Pear & Cranberry Chutney } Beautiful chunky sweet pears, cranberries with ... a sprinkle of Christmas spice & lots of love Grab a jar from the Makers Market Hamilton before they sell out #farmgirlproduce #localproducer #buylocal #supportregional #limitededition #myheritage #boutiquebatch #5thgeneration #sweet #pear #cranberries #christmaschutney #christmasiscoming #oldrecipes #likemas #memoriesinajar #countrylife #childhoodmemories
04.01.2022 Shut The Door TODAY I close the door to the past Open the door to the future Take & deep breath, ... step on through & start the new chapter. I had many doors closed this past year. But I have learnt to be thankful for closed doors, detours & road blocks as they protect you from the paths & places not meant for you. I am thankful for the time to re-evaluate my little business, where my energy & focus was & a huge eye opener for me was loyalty. But mostly identifying my biggest asset!! It was not my cherished recipes, not my eye for detail, not who's shelves I filled.... but my TIME. I feel like I have made positive decisions moving forward to take back control of my business & time. If you have found yourself pushed into a corner, be resilient, be brave & push back there is a way out... who knows you may even end up with the keys in your hands Thank you for supporting my little business through one hell of a year. I held on by the skin of my teeth but WE did it YOU did it by supporting local #strongertogether #resilience #ihavethekeys #openingdoors #letsgrow #learn #focus #shiftyourmindset #loyalty #youtheboss #bosslady #fromsmallthingsbigthingsgrow #blessed #grateful #survivor2020 #manythanks #shutthedoor #holdon #backyourself #newbeginnings #pushback #takeyourpowerback #watchthisspace #stiritlikeafarmgirl
01.01.2022 Fresh Flavour Summer is nearly here, splash some flavour over your dinner { Pomegranate Vinegar }... Char grilled pork chop with corn, mango & avo salsa, served on a crunchy dry coleslaw splashed with our finishing vinegar #farmgirlproduce #localproducer #buylocal #supportregional #fresh #summervibes #splash #pomegranate #vinegar #pimpyoursalad #chargrilled #mangoseason #bbqlife #bbqqueen #bbqking #boutiquebatch #summerfresh #makersmarkethamilton
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