Fraser Coast Disaster Coordination Centre in Hervey Bay, Queensland | Government building
Fraser Coast Disaster Coordination Centre
Locality: Hervey Bay, Queensland
Phone: +61 1300 794 929
Address: 77 Tavistock street 4655 Hervey Bay, QLD, Australia
Likes: 11415
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25.01.2022 Were All in This Together. That means we all have to do the right thing to look after each other. Imagine visiting a restaurant where there was a known COVID...-19 case, and because of the wrong details you provided, you were never contacted or made aware. This not only puts you at risk, but also your family and community. So next time youre dining out at a restaurant or venue, do the right thing and fill out the correct details
25.01.2022 Marge! Marge! The rains are ere! Check out the Bureau of Meteorology September November rainfall outlook. Now is the time to prepare for what could be a wet few months ahead.
25.01.2022 Feeling Sick ? Get Tested
23.01.2022 The Fraser Coast SES Unit is looking for some driven, community minded people to fill the following volunteer positions: Local Controller: Group Leaders - Hervey Bay and Howard:
22.01.2022 Back It up
22.01.2022 Did you know you can log a job with SES online this storm season ?
22.01.2022 You can now sign up to "OPT IN notifications service on the Disaster Dashboard. You can even receive notifications on individual flood gauges!
22.01.2022 **Fraser Island will be off limits to visitors from 5pm Friday Nov 27** Queensland Fire and Emergency Services - QFES and Queensland Parks And Wildlife Service have decided to restrict access to incoming visitors this afternoon. Visitors who are already on the island are not being evacuated at this stage. Stay informed. Avoid travelling on inland tracks and roads.
21.01.2022 What is an "East Coast Low" ?
21.01.2022 **This bushfire warning is no longer current please refer to the QFES Facebook page for updated information** PREPARE TO LEAVE: Kingfisher Bay Resort and (part of the K’gari, Fraser Island bushfire) as at 1.20pm Tue 1 Dec Bushfire warning level: WATCH AND ACT Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) advises there is a bushfire near the Kingfisher Bay Resort and Village on K’gari (Fraser Island) and conditions could get worse. There is a separate warning for residents on K'gari (Fraser Island). Residents should refer to this warning for further information. Any person at the Kingfisher Bay Resort and Village should follow the directions of Queensland Fire and Emergency Service or Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service officers. You need to be ready to follow your bushfire survival plan. If you do not have a plan, or intend to leave, you should be ready to leave the area because the situation could get worse quickly. Currently as at 1.20pm Tuesday 1 December, a bushfire is travelling from Boon Boon Creek south towards the Kingfisher Bay Resort and Village. Extensive waterbombing is continuing to slow the spread of the fire. Fire crews are working to contain the fire but firefighters may not be able to protect every property. You should not expect a firefighter at your door. People in the area will be affected by smoke, which will reduce visibility and air quality. Call Triple Zero (000) immediately if you believe your property is under threat. WHAT YOU SHOULD DO: Listen to your local radio station or visit the Rural Fire Service (RFS) website for regular updates. If you have a bushfire survival plan, finalise it now so you are ready to follow it. If you do not have a bushfire survival plan, or if your plan is to leave, identify where you will go if you leave the area. Advise family and friends of your plan. Close windows and doors to minimise smoke exposure. If you suffer from a respiratory condition, keep your medication close by. Drive with caution in low visibility conditions. Contact your neighbours to see if they need help preparing for the bushfire. Pack important documents and essential items (e.g., passports, birth certificates, prescription medication, food and water, and protective clothing) in case you need to leave the area. Put on protective clothing (e.g., a long-sleeved cotton shirt, boots with thick soles). Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Bring pets inside; restrain them with a leash, a cage, or inside a secure room; and provide them with plenty of water. Take action to protect your livestock. Move flammable materials such as doormats, wheelie bins, and outdoor furniture away from your house. Fill containers such as your bath, sinks, and buckets with water so you have access to drinking water and firefighting water. Close windows and doors, sealing the gaps under doors and screens with wet towels to keep smoke out of the house. KEEP UP TO DATE BY: Following QFES on Facebook (@QldFireandEmergencyServices) and Twitter (@QldFES) Staying tuned to your local radio station. Find your local ABC radio station at and your local commercial radio station at; Visiting the Rural Fire Service (RFS) website at FURTHER INFORMATION: For bushfire preparation tips, visit the RFS website: For information about road closures, call 13 19 40 or visit The next update will be provided by 3.20pm or if the situation changes.
21.01.2022 If you have symptoms please get tested.
20.01.2022 We cant stress enough how important it is to stay at home if youre unwell! Even if youre only experiencing mild symptoms, please stay at home and avoid publi...c places . By staying at home when youre sick, youre not only protecting yourself, but also your loved ones and everyone else around you. From the person you work alongside each day, to the person who may have served you your coffee; theyre all going to thank you for being responsible, stopping the spread and staying at home If youre showing signs of coronavirus (COVID-19), you should go and get tested and then return home. Were all in this together, so lets protect each other by staying home when unwell.
20.01.2022 Well done Fraser Coast
20.01.2022 "The Burning Question" is a short documentary that tells the story of bushfire mitigation in Queensland. Outlining the science, the challenges, and the changing world of bushfire mitigation. The Burning Question calls on experts from Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, the Bureau of Meteorology, Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, the Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation and the Inspector General of Emergency Management to explain the practices and strategies of bushfire mitigation in Queensland, weather and climate factors that govern the implementation of bushfire mitigation methods, traditional and emerging burning practices and what Queenslanders can do to combat bushfire risk on their own land.
19.01.2022 What Is a La Nina weather pattern ? Find out here:
18.01.2022 "If its Flooded Forget it"
18.01.2022 Have a Plan B if roads are flooded...
18.01.2022 What is a flood? No two floods are the same and can vary depending on the quantity, duration and location of rain falling on our catchments. There are four main types of flooding experienced in Queensland. River flooding happens when widespread and prolonged rain falls over a river catchment.... Creek flooding happens when intense rain falls over a creek catchment causing the creek levels to rise, which often occurs quickly with limited warning. Overland flow happens as water travels over the land during heavy rainfall events and generally occurs over a short period of time. Storm tide flooding happens when a low pressure system or strong onshore winds force sea levels to rise above normal levels, creating a storm surge that can cause flooding of low-lying areas close to tidal waterways and foreshores.
18.01.2022 Due to current bushfires on K’gari (Fraser Island) the following areas are temporarily closed: Bowal, Awinya, Bowarrady, Woralie, Coongul and Moon Point camping areas Beach Camping Zones 2-7 (One Tree Rocks, Cornwells, Gabala, Poyungan, Winnam, Guluri, Eli, Maheno, Wahba, Eugarie, Yurru, Guruman, Wyuna and Burad) Dundubara camping area ... Platypus Bay, Awinya and Woralie Roads Moon Point Road West of Lake Garawongera Northern Road north Smith-Poyungan Road Poyungan Valley road (500m off the beach) Cornwells Road between Cornwells Road and Northern Road Postans (Poyungan) Road 500m west from the Eastern Beach Lake Garawongera Scenic Drive from Happy Valley Happy Valley Road Wungul / Bowarrady walking tracks Lake Allom Day Use area Sandy Cape Lighthouse Visitor Precinct All permits for closed areas are being transferred to alternative camping areas where possible. To request a refund please log into your account at Commercial tour operators and other permit or agreement holders are not permitted to enter closed areas. Observe all signage, barriers, and directions from rangers, and do not enter closed areas. For a comprehensive list of Park Alerts, visit us online
18.01.2022 Back It Up
18.01.2022 How do you get disaster readiness in your community ?
17.01.2022 Everyone has a view on weather radars, but here is how they work and the limitations.
17.01.2022 Check out what a "Disaster Ready" community looks like !!
17.01.2022 Do you have questions about COVID-19 testing? Weve put together a Frequently Asked Questions page to help, covering everything from who should get tested and w...hat they symptoms are, to what to expect at our testing clinics and what happens afterwards. To have your questions, answered visit: See more
16.01.2022 Due to a current bushfires on K’gari (Fraser Island) the following roads will be temporarily closed between 25 November and 04 December 2020: Cornwells Road between the Eastern Beach and Northern Road (see map) Lake Wabby Road between Cornwells Road and Northern Road (see map)... Postans (Poyungan) Road 500m west from the Eastern Beach Lake Garawongera Scenic Drive west from Happy Valley Access to Kingfisher Bay Resort and Village is available via Eurong and Pile Valley. Please be aware of increased traffic on Pile Valley road, reduce your speed and drive to conditions. Observe all signage, barriers, and directions from rangers, and do not enter closed areas. For a comprehensive list of Park Alerts, visit us online
16.01.2022 An oldie but a goody ! If its flooded forget It
15.01.2022 Believe youre not old enough to worry about COVID-19? Thats just not true - Queenslanders across all ages have caught the virus, with 20- to 29-year-olds the highest number of cases.. While most people recover from COVID-19, not everyone can, with some research now suggesting that the lasting impact could take years off your life. 1. Wash hands thoroughly 2. Cover ALL coughs and sneezes 3. Avoid touching your face 4. Stay at home if youre sick 5. Get tested if you have even mild symptoms including fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, fatigue, shortness of breath, or loss of taste or smell For more information about where you can get tested go to our Fever Clinics page at: See more
14.01.2022 Do you understand Flood classifications ? if not learn here:
13.01.2022 Were urging anyone who shows any potential COVID-19 symptoms no matter how mild - to come forward and get tested. Its particularly important to be extra vigilant now that our borders are opening up and our social restrictions are lifting. Our fever clinics are open 7.30am-5.30pm, seven days a week, at the following locations: *Hervey Bay fever clinic St Stephens Hospital car park, cnr Nissen St and Medical Pl (entrance off Nissen St), Urraween. (call ahead on 4325 6011) * Maryborough fever clinic Maryborough Hospital, entrance via Winston Noble Drive. (call ahead on 4122 8048)
10.01.2022 Are you Covered ? Its time to review your insurance. Regardless if you are a home owner or a renter, this can be extremely costly and stressful.... This video shows the story of a couple who discovered they were uninsured for both the value of their home and home contents, following a destructive fire.
10.01.2022 When a disaster hits there are many scenarios that can unfold within your local community. You need to understand ‘the big picture’ so you can best prepare and put a plan in place for your household about what to do if anyone is unable to get home, or needs to leave home unexpectedly.
10.01.2022 Queensland schools have the chance to win a visit from Johnathan Thurston as part of a Get Ready Queensland competition thats designed to help children prepare for disasters. The schools competition is open to students of all ages and can provide curriculum links to Health and Physical Education, and Humanities and Social Sciences for Years 3 and 4. A curriculum guide for Years 3 and 4 is available on the competition website. Visit for more information. Entries close Friday 6 November 2020.
09.01.2022 Due to current bushfires on K’gari (Fraser Island) the following areas are temporarily closed: Bowal, Awinya, Bowarrady, Coongul, Woralie, & Moon Point camping areas Beach Camping Zones 9 (Diray and Carree), 6 (Eugarie, Yurru, Guruman) and 7 (Wyuna, Burad) Dundubara camping area... Platypus Bay, Awinya and Woralie Roads Bullock Road and Northern Scenic Drive north of Moon Point Road Moon Point Road West of Lake Garawongera Lake Allom Day Use Area Wungul / Bowarrady walking tracks Sandy Cape Lighthouse visitor precinct All permits for closed areas are being transferred to alternative camping areas where possible. To request a refund please log into your account at Commercial tour operators and other permit or agreement holders are not permitted to enter closed areas. Observe all signage, barriers, and directions from rangers, and do not enter closed areas. For a comprehensive list of Park Alerts, visit us online
09.01.2022 Its really important that anyone with even mild symptoms related to COVID-19 gets tested at one of our fever clinics. That means you need to head along to one ...of our clinics if you have a fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, fatigue, shortness of breath, or loss of taste or smell. Its vital that you do so to not only protect yourself, but also your loved ones and the community around you. The Bundaberg clinic is located at the Recreation Precinct (Agro-Trend Grounds), entry via Kendalls Road, Branyan, and is open from 7.30am to 5.30pm. The Hervey Bay fever clinic is located at the St Stephens Hospital car park corner of Nissen Street and Medical Place, Urraween, and is open from 7.30am to 5.30pm each day. The Maryborough fever clinic is located at Maryborough Hospital with its entrance off Yaralla Street and is open from 7.30am to 5.30pm. See more
08.01.2022 LOCAL FIRE BAN FRASER COAST REGION Due to heightened fire conditions, a local fire ban has been imposed within the Fraser Coast Region from 11.55pm Monday (30/11) until 11.55pm Monday (7/12). Under a local fire ban, open fires are prohibited and all Permits to Light Fire which have been issued in the designated areas have been cancelled.
08.01.2022 "They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them."
08.01.2022 Even though we are not technically in the storm season, we can still cop heavy rain from east coast lows and random storms, that can happen any time of the year.
07.01.2022 We are now in a La Nina watch phase, whilst its early days its worthwhile keeping an eye on the climate outlooks found here:
07.01.2022 Whats its like to be an Emergency Volunteer ?
07.01.2022 New to Queensland ? With the influx of people finding their way to our great State, make sure your aware of what COULD happen each Disaster Season in QLD Queenslanders are susceptible to a wide range of natural disasters. We can face catastrophic bushfires one month and unprecedented flooding the next. Since 2011, Queensland has been hit by more than 80 significant natural disasters resulting in devastating loss of life and leaving a recovery and reconstruction bill of more than $16.1 billion.
06.01.2022 Understand your role in the Qld Disaster Management Arrangements!!!
06.01.2022 Planning your next QLD holiday ? Check the conditions before you leave here :
06.01.2022 Disaster preparedness is our muse #badpoetryday
05.01.2022 Download the BoM app today, Its Free and found here:
05.01.2022 There's currently lots of smoke around thanks to the Fraser Island bushfire. It's really important to follow fire warnings, to stay updated at all times and pro...tect your health - especially from the fine microscopic particles you may not see. Smoke often causes health issues, especially for children, the elderly, smokers and people with pre-existing illnesses such as heart or lung conditions (including asthma) are more sensitive to the effects of breathing in fine smoke particles. If there is smoke around then these vulnerable people should stay indoors with closed windows and if they have aircon put it onto recycle or recirculate. People with heart, lung, other serious conditions also shouldn’t engage in vigorous activities outdoors and should follow their standard medical plans if there is bushfire smoke nearby. Anyone experiencing any other health effects from the current smoky conditions should seek medical advice from their doctor. Anyone having trouble breathing or experiencing chest pain should seek urgent medical assistance by phoning 000. For other information call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) at any time or contact 13 QGOV (13 74 68) to speak to the nearest Public Health Unit. See more
05.01.2022 **STAY INFORMED: Fraser Island (K’gari) bushfire at 10.30am Sat 28 Nov** Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) and the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS) are managing a bushfire on Fraser Island (K’gari). You need to keep up-to-date and decide what actions you will take if the situation changes....Continue reading
04.01.2022 **This warning is no longer current. Please check the QFES Facebook page for updated information.** PREPARE TO LEAVE: Kingfisher Bay Resort and Village (part of... the K’gari, Fraser Island bushfire) as at 10.15am Tues 1 Dec Bushfire warning level: WATCH AND ACT Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) advises there is a bushfire near the Kingfisher Bay Resort and Village on K’gari (Fraser Island) and conditions could get worse. There is a separate warning for residents on K'gari (Fraser Island). Residents should refer to this warning for further information. Any person at the Kingfisher Bay Resort and Village should follow the directions of Queensland Fire and Emergency Service or Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service officers. You need to be ready to follow your bushfire survival plan. If you do not have a plan, or intend to leave, you should be ready to leave the area because the situation could get worse quickly. Currently as at 10.15am Tues Dec 1 a bushfire is travelling from south from Boon Boon Creek towards the Kingfisher Bay Resort and Village. Water bombing is occurring to slow the spread of the fire. Fire crews are working to contain the fire but firefighters may not be able to protect every property. You should not expect a firefighter at your door. People in the area will be affected by smoke, which will reduce visibility and air quality. Call Triple Zero (000) immediately if you believe your property is under threat. WHAT YOU SHOULD DO: Listen to your local radio station or visit the Rural Fire Service (RFS) website for regular updates. If you have a bushfire survival plan, finalise it now so you are ready to follow it. If you do not have a bushfire survival plan, or if your plan is to leave, identify where you will go if you leave the area. Advise family and friends of your plan. Close windows and doors to minimise smoke exposure. If you suffer from a respiratory condition, keep your medication close by. Drive with caution in low visibility conditions. Contact your neighbours to see if they need help preparing for the bushfire. Pack important documents and essential items (e.g., passports, birth certificates, prescription medication, food and water, and protective clothing) in case you need to leave the area. Put on protective clothing (e.g., a long-sleeved cotton shirt, boots with thick soles). Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Bring pets inside; restrain them with a leash, a cage, or inside a secure room; and provide them with plenty of water. Take action to protect your livestock. Move flammable materials such as doormats, wheelie bins, and outdoor furniture away from your house. Fill containers such as your bath, sinks, and buckets with water so you have access to drinking water and firefighting water. Close windows and doors, sealing the gaps under doors and screens with wet towels to keep smoke out of the house. KEEP UP TO DATE BY: Following QFES on Facebook (@QldFireandEmergencyServices) and Twitter (@QldFES) Staying tuned to your local radio station. Find your local ABC radio station at and your local commercial radio station at; Visiting the Rural Fire Service (RFS) website at FURTHER INFORMATION: For bushfire preparation tips, visit the RFS website: For information about road closures, call 13 19 40 or visit The next update will be provided by 12.15pm or if the situation change
04.01.2022 The Maryborough SES group now has a new shed to store two flood boats, which will help create more space for their regular training sessions. The $50,000 projec...t was funded with the support of Councils Disaster Management Levy. To find out about disaster season preparations and other projects funded by the levy, watch the video and read more here:
03.01.2022 Our Hervey Bay Fever Clinic, located in the Council car park next to St Stephens Hospital, has seen increased numbers of people coming for testing, which has c...aused some traffic issues on Nissen St. To address this issue and to enable as many people as possible to be tested, Council has given us permission to close the rest of the car park until at least Tuesday, August 4. Access will still be via Nissen St, but only to people entering to be tested at the fever clinic. We appreciate this will have an impact on patients, staff and visitors to both hospitals and we apologise for the inconvenience, but were grateful for the cooperation weve had both from Council and St Stephens to allow this important clinic to expand as necessary. A reminder that the Hervey Bay fever clinic is open from 7.30am-5.30pm daily, and that anyone with symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, fatigue, shortness of breath, or loss of taste or smell), no matter how mild, are urged to come and get tested. For more information on WBHHS fever clinics, go to
02.01.2022 Nice View of Lenthalls Dam this morning found on the Disaster Dashboard Flood Camera Map
02.01.2022 What is the "Feels Like Temperature" ?
02.01.2022 Anyone looking for an update on the conditions at K'gari (Fraser Island) please read this report - Before you leave home check the park alerts for the latest information on access, closures and conditions - Also keep an eye on the QFES live news stream for bushfire warnings - Photo taken by Tasman Venture Hervey Bay
01.01.2022 ROAD CLOSURES on K’gari (Fraser Island) Please note the following change of conditions: All Internal Roads North of Eurong / Wangoolba Road are CLOSED,... to all non-emergency vehicles up to and including Awinya Access Track (just above Dundubara campground) Please note access to Wangoolba Creek Barge along the Wangoolba Creek Barge Road is currently OPEN. NB: Access to Happy Valley and Cathedrals Township is OPEN from Eastern Beach. Observe all signage, barriers, and directions from rangers, and do not enter closed areas. For a comprehensive list of Park Alerts, visit us online
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