Feel Better Box in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Product/service
Feel Better Box
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 402 187 887
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25.01.2022 To be asked to be featured in an article on Telstra Smarter Business is one of those goals I never dreamt would be a possibility. This year has been a roller coaster of so many things. Lockdown = heartbreak, stress, lack of time with my children, shingles, mistakes, fear, helplessness, anger, loss of freedom and the list goes on. But this roller coaster also brought us more work then the previous 3.5 years put together. I’ve had a quick fire course in running a much larger scaled business then it was 6 months ago. I am still learning everyday and I’m still very much strapped into this roller coaster.
25.01.2022 April and May, what can I say? It was a roller coaster of eight weeks. It came out of the blue and it suddenly felt like Id be unknowingly preparing for it for the last 4years. Just like that my little business was in the right place at the right time. A time of need. First I started sending beautiful care packages for those who had lost their jobs. Then I started receiving orders for nurses and doctors. Soon after it was of moral support and entertainment purposes. ... Then their came the days where there was no light at the end of the tunnel. The care packages for the struggling. Peoples mental health started to quiver and shake. Their loved ones suffering in isolation. I felt every worry and every message of strength I wrote in those gift cards. To those suffering from life threatening illnesses or living their last days in isolation. The sadness was overwhelming and heart breaking. Then came the break up boxes and celebration care packages for new babies, birthdays and sorry your wedding should be now gifts..... I have sent many orders on behalf of thousands of corporates in my 4 years but never to whole teams at once. And just like that I was asked to send care packages to full teams and companies. From small digital agencies to large companies Id never dreamt Id have the honour of working with. There were highs and there were lows. There were missing parcels of stock and 3,000 of the wrong sized shipping boxes. There wasnt enough hours in the day to pack the orders. And then the kids needed home schooling..... I leaned on my parents, my sister, my friend, my husband 24/7 - even the kids were called in at a mad frantic rush to get the parcels out. I couldnt have done any of it without them. Im so incredibly grateful for everything they have done. I can honestly say the past two months Ive survived by winging it. How about you? I asked the awesome Jessica Roberts to take this photo to remember that time from The Who Photography + Design Thank you @businesschicks for the team sweaters. A special thanks goes to @katetoon, she doesnt know it but I credit her for my little business being in the right place at the right time thanks to SEO and her amazing courses.
24.01.2022 I did a thing! For the first time ever, I’d like to introduce our Feel Festive Boxes. I’m a little nervous, are they ok?
23.01.2022 **Self Quarantine** In a time where we are suddenly given TIME, it is the most valuable commodity of our lifestyles. I would like to inspire you to use it to its maximum potential. Try not to worry. Plan. Dont fear the time at home. Enjoy it. Rest. Recuperate. Come together virtually. Do all those things that I bet you never had the time to do until today. ... Here are 21 things to do when when self-quarantined at home.
22.01.2022 #selfcaresaves I would like to GIVE AWAY 5 memberships to support @mumswhowine and you. To win an annual membership ($59) - tell me what self care youve been yearning for the last three months. Ill pick 5 of you beautiful Mums. ... For anyone who knows me, knows I support Mums Who Wine and everything Lauren stands for. Mums Who Wine events supported me when I moved states and needed to be surrounded by people when I knew very few people. Being a member means I can receive amazing discounts from small businesses across Australia (including FBB). I can join events and now more then ever the community that is Mums Who Wine. These last few months have left me 100% frazzled and lacking in any kind of self care. Im pretty sure Im not the only one. Psst here is the link to investigate: https://www.mumswhowine.com.au Entries open to Australian & NZ Residents only. This competition is in no way associated with Facebook.
22.01.2022 Thank you all for following on my journey with Feel Better Box, Ive sent over 2,600 care packages to your loved ones and that means the world to me. Merry Christmas, heres to an amazing 2020!
22.01.2022 Work Emails Do you check your work emails in non-working hours? I realised almost a month ago that I am an actual slave to my email. I check my emails in bed when I wake up in the morning and last thing at night. I check them on weekends and on public holidays. I check them when I am away or on a night out. Sometimes I even check them when Im on the loo. ... Out of control much? The penny dropped when I recieved by far one of the nastiest emails ive ever received. It flat out ruined my evening. The anxiety it brought was paralyzing. I was filled with so much grief for this one person thinking I had let them down. The realistic side of me knew I had done everything I had promised on. But the emotional side of me grieved for this person being angry at me and not happy by my service. I did reply quickly and patiently despite the time of night. I cant move on from anything until ive fixed the problem once im aware of it. A few days later I was reflecting on the situation and considering how I could never feel that awful again in my evening. And then I had an epiphany. I need to stop checking my emails in my time. I work too much already being a small business, I need to stop letting work take over my afterhours time. So after 4.3 years I have stopped checking my work emails. And it was hard. Like breaking an addiction. Im horrified to say. But now ive removed that fear of opening my emails incase there is a bad one. To the point now that I wait until my VA has logged on and shes read them first. It is hard to switch off from my work baby. I pride myself on 100% customer service. But I wouldnt expect someone to reply to me on the weekends or evenings. So tell me. Do you check your work hours in non working times?
22.01.2022 Christmas Gifts If youre looking for a gift for that hard to buy person - your friend, neighbour or great aunt Mildred, Im hoping these little gifts might be suitable! https://www.feelbetterbox.com.au//christmas-hampers-and-gi
20.01.2022 When was the last time someone asked: How are you? I ask because I realised that people ask how are you as a kind of hello. But often its just in passing and our knee jerk reaction is to say, Im fine thanks, and you? But I am 100% guilty of not being fine. Its easier to not offload. Its easier to hold in that you feel less than well. When the kids were fighting, the puppy jumped on the table and ate your breakfast whilst you were telling the kids off and now there is... a burst tea-bag covering your lounge carpet. You were late doing the school run and had to do the walk of shame for the 3rd time this week because your son couldnt find his only pair of school shoes and you had to turn the house upside down to find them under his bed. The puppy did a wee on the carpet just before you were about to leave and then you couldnt catch her to put her in her kennel. Just as the kids are getting out of the car you see toothpaste coating their clean uniforms and your daughters hair scruffy after fighting with your son. But Im fine. And you? So really. How are you today?
20.01.2022 This is everything. This is why I am. This why I do what I do. What keeps me believing I am doing the right thing. How many care packages have I sent that are basically saying - I’m here for you, I’m here when you’re ready, I’m here for you whenever you want to speak, whenever you’re ready. ... I find it heart breaking and heart warming. Sending a care package when you want to do something, you want to reach out.
20.01.2022 The Entertainment for All Ages care package will provide hours of fun for kids, or all the adults out there who enjoyed Wheres Wally as a child! Fun, calming and cheerful, there are plenty of entertainment hours in this Feel Better Box, and chocolate too of course. Youll find it in the kids section through the link in our bio.
20.01.2022 I am thrilled to announce our charity partner - Chronic UTI Australia Inc. Since the beginning of September we have donated $2 from every order. I am super passionate about supporting Chronic UTI Australia because it’s the resource I never had. I want it to be known far and wide that for all the recurrent UTI sufferers, they do not need to suffer alone. Awareness, funding and research. One day we’ll have answers but for now, we have this amazing charity and support network.
19.01.2022 When your Her Friday Night In care package arrives with Prosecco on a Monday but youre in lockdown... soooo why not! Do you have friends or family in iso? Our isolation care packages can be delivered straight to their door to help them Feel Better during this tough time. Image from @keiramary_
19.01.2022 *** Win *** To celebrate the launch of Feel Better Box UK we are giving away this Entertainment and Activity Pack! To WIN, all you have to do is answer: Who do you know in the UK?... Sanity Saver Prize, valued at $250: Adult Dot-to-Dot Gin Lovers Puzzle by Ridley Games After the Party Novel by Cassie Hamer Happy Socks Colouring Calm Diary Wheres Wally Colouring Book Faber & Castel Colouring Pencils & Sharpner Ive Totally Got This mini Diary Two Mini Game Pads Brain Training Activity Book Two Little Tarts Salted Caramel Popcorn Only Mine Swiss Milk Chocolate Bar The Wondersnacks Co Spicy Japanese Miso Nuts If you win, this should keep you entertained if you are quarantined any time soon! Competition open to Australian Residents Only from Monday 16th - Friday 27th March. If you are based in the UK - Pop over and visit Feel Better Box UK This competition is not endorsed by facebook in anyway.
18.01.2022 I was mentioned in an Insta post last night and Ive just realised Feel Better Box is in the Business Chicks Christmas List! Yay! Check it out, because its got some really great ideas - my wish list is the Une Piece one piece!
18.01.2022 Stay home, stay safe and take care of yourself and the people in your life. Well get through this! Image from @mr.pokee
17.01.2022 Oh my goodness I cant believe it Honestly I cant. I have some incredibly exciting news! But Im going to wait to tell you on Wednesday. Its something Ive been working on all year, something so huge I have to pinch myself. Like, who even am I l? I received the news yesterday morning and I could cry. Happy happy tears. But also a little nervous. All the what ifs in the world but nothing is stopping us now..... Wednesday you shall see!
17.01.2022 Tomorrow is our last day in the office! We are staying open until 5pm, but that’s it for the year. We have a few Christmasy boxes left plus an updated Isolation Boredom Beater for all those suddenly stuck in lockdown (oh man that sucks!) Don’t forget our UK office is also open today for all those going into stage 4 lockdown ... www.feelbetterbox.com.au www.feelbetterbox.co.uk
16.01.2022 Festive Care Packages are here If you’re looking to send a warm hug to your friends, family or colleagues this Christmas - I’d love for you to have a look at our Feel Festive Box’s. We have a large range and can always customise to what you’d like to send that’s a little more tailored to its recipient.
15.01.2022 A little insight to my week so far..... Ive sold more of these care packages then I have any other care package I sell. And not quite for the reasons you first think. 1. To someones Nan to make sure they stay healthy... 2. To someones son whose family are in the UK, they said Please let us know if youd like help coming home 3. To many people who seem to have a cold 4. Lots of staff who must have a cold from their employers 5. A cheer up care package Does everyone have The Virus? I have no idea. But there are heaps of people with a cold whom I assume are staying at home to lower the risk of their colleagues catching something. But what I love the most, is the stay healthy care packages from loved ones during this time.
15.01.2022 Victorians in the Metro Lockdown. There are 5million people in Melbourne lockdown for the billionth day today. I am one of them. In the media we dont see the stories of normal people living though it. So Id like to shine a spotlight on them here today. Id like to invite you to share. ... Do you know someone in Melbourne in lockdown? How are they doing? Are you in lockdown? How are you doing? For me, the light at the end of the tunnel is quite far away. There is NO END DATE. And when I sit down and think about it it spins me out. I am generally ok. The spring is here. The sun has been shining, heck the parks are open. I am fortunate that I work with my family and I can now take my children to the park. But every day I send care packages to people who are not ok. I worry so much for all the people who are not so fortunate. Who cannot see the end in sight. Because theyre there. In every street in every suburb across Victoria. Lets give them a voice, lets share their/your story x
15.01.2022 Getting ready for bed: Me: I put on my long sleeved thermal top my mum gave me who had received it from my nan in the uk. ... Next I put my Susan PJs on, you know the ones that button up like a shirt. Tuck my bottom legs into my socks. Make sure Winter blanket is fully over my side of the bed and duvet. Add my fluffy dressing gown over the top of winter blanket. Jump into bed and shuffle around for a minute to warm up in the cold bed sheets. Move pillow lower down in the bed Pull duvet up around over my ears so that only my face can be seen for air. My husband: Takes off clothes. Gets into bed in his boxers. Wtf? Goodnight, stay warm!
12.01.2022 Send your love and sympathy with the Our Sympathies Care Package. A care package for when you want to help someone navigate their grief and send them something that can help steer them through their journey and also show you love them and are thinking of them during this tough time. Click the link in our bio to browse sympathy gifts!
12.01.2022 How did Feel Better Box UK come about? Holly has been my best friend since I walked into my Tutor Group and found her sitting in my classroom. She joined six months into the first year of Sixth Form at the school I had been at for the past seven years. That was 18 years ago. I moved to Australia 11 years ago and every time I come to the UK to visit, its like weve never been apart. My little family unit went home to England for Christmas in 2018. It was going to be the firs...t cold Christmas my children were to have since they were born in Sydney. Holly had been recently made redundant and she was looking for a new challenge. And challenge she has now embarked upon. The crazy adventure of hustling your own business with little ones. I admit I tried to push back on the idea of starting Feel Better Box UK not because I didnt want it to happen, but because I know how hard it is. The juggle of growing a business, small children and no time is challenging and its not for the faint hearted. It was difficult to convey this, its like telling someone who doesnt have children how tired you are. No one can understand fully until theyve not slept a full night in six months. But the more I pushed, the harder Holly pushed back and I knew she was the right one. Anyone who wants it that bad and goes for it almost off their own backs is the right person. Since I launched FBB in Australia, it had always been a dream of mine to have FBB in the UK. The crossover is huge because everyone in Australia knows someone in the UK and everyone in the UK knows someone in Australia, right? And I had quite a few people interested in doing it. But heres the clincher no one pushed the idea hard enough. No one had the drive or the persistence to give it a go. And thats how I knew Holly is the right person to look after, nurture and grow Feel Better Box UK. I am Hollys most loyal customer because I know the love and care she has put into finding the perfect items to add to her care packages. I hope you will remember to look her business up when you need to send a care package in the UK.
12.01.2022 *** Mothers Day *** Sunday 10th May - its next weekend! We have teamed up with DHL to ensure your Care Packages will arrive in time for Mothers Day - EVEN in New Zealand (yep for a flat rate fee of $15 - its a new thing).... 2020 for most of us is just hanging on in there, looking forward to the day we can hug our loved ones again. I really hope this Mothers Day we can do this.
11.01.2022 Last Minute Christmas Gift Ideas Save 10% by using the discount code: Lastminute on our Christmas Collection. https://www.feelbetterbox.com.au//christmas-hampers-austra... We all have last minute shopping to do, especially for those Kris Kringle or hard to buy people in your lives. Hopefully we can help!
10.01.2022 Behind the scenes at Feel Better Box. Never before have we opened the doors and let you guys in (mainly because it’s always messy ). I did what any self respecting business owner would do and asked my 8 year old to film me (hence the low eye level videoing ) - I was too shy to ask anyone else. ... So here you have it, my office / warehouse / storage and home all rolled into one.
10.01.2022 Its been two weeks...... And so much has changed for all of us. Life as we knew it is referred to as back when we were allowed. As for me and my small business, things have taken a turn for the extraordinary. Its like Ive spent the last four years building up to this horrendous moment in time. I am sending care packages to family members who cannot get home to their home countries. Teenagers quarantined on their own in hotels. Young people suddenly find themselves in th...e same four walls. Old people doing the same and doing it tough. New mums at home, without her tribe of support. Every day I see peoples mental health quiver and shake. Ive been brought to tears knowing that someone has been given two months to live and that will be in isolation. Im still sending care packages to those who are sick, recovering from an illness or accident. But now Im sending so much more love and strength. Now more then ever people need a hug in a box. And I find my little business in the centre bridging the gaps that people are feeling. Ive never sent so many care packages in my life. Id never dreamt that my little service could bring help so many people in such a short period of time. Im working every waking minute of everyday. I have 5,000 new boxes arriving next week and suddenly thats not enough. I have corporate orders from companies I never dreamt I would work with. Im stunned and thrilled and overwhelmed that in this short period of time Australian has lent on me. Sarah x
09.01.2022 TikTok Oh gosh, I’ve joined TikTok! I have a special request, if you’re on TikTok, would you spare me a follow me? pretty please. Remarkably I do have one follower but two would be better....
08.01.2022 It was so sad to read about the collapse of KikkiK this week. As an entrepreneur I have admired Kristina K and have followed her amazing journey. To read about the collapse of this beautiful business gives me shivers. If I could inspire you to do one thing today, its to go out and buy Kristinas book Your Dream Life Starts Here. I am listing to it on Audible and filling out the Dream Life Journal. It also makes an incredible gift. #kikkiklove
08.01.2022 Because weve all got mates in the UK and Australia, thats why we have a Feel Better Box UK
08.01.2022 I had this photo taken to hang on my wall and remember that time we survived the busiest time of FBB ever, lockdown and homeschooling. Not once did I imagine in my wildest dreams that Melbourne would go back into to Stage 3, and then Stage 4 Lockdown. I cant believe in May I was so happy that wed made it out the other side. I even have the photo to prove it. Hilarious. I honestly thought that our lockdown time was behind us. ... But were still winging it, were surviving and were hopeful well be out the other side in 5 weeks. Hang on in there everyone and tell me - did you have a photo like this taken?! @thewho_photography_design
06.01.2022 Coronavirus - Are you worried? Its a topic thats on the worlds lips. I talk about it with my family, I talked about it at dinner last night with friends. Are you worried? Are you taking measures to prepare?... Me, kinda yes. Have I considered bulk buying loo roll, rice and 2min noodles? Yes. Have I been taking vitamins daily? Yes. But what else can I do? What can WE do? Tell me your thoughts (but try not to scare us all...)
05.01.2022 Hello, I dont think weve met? Im Sarah and I thought Id tell you a few things about me and we could get to know each other. Where to start........ From the beginning?... 1. I have always pulled my hair, especially when Im tired or stressed out. Hello bald patches.....(not too often thankfully) 2. I love ALL dance movies and Disaster / end of world movies. I also love going to the cinema. 3. I am 37 Years Old. 4. My biggest goal is to take my children to Disneyland 5. My favourite colour is blue, it brings out my eyes haha 6. I spend 80% of my money on Food. I love food. I love eating out, I love dessert, I love wine. 7. Im in love with wine. And Im not particulary fussy - Red, White, Rose, Sparkling. It often depends on how warm I am at the time as to what I choose to drink. 8. My ideal day out is a wine tour, gourmet lunch, beach walk, film at the movies, dinner at a fish restaurant and then a dance in a bar that plays R&B music. 9. Before mobile phones and working for myself I struggled to sit still. I would crochet, knit, sew, weave, and paint. I was always working on a new project. 10. I need about 8-9 hours sleep, anything less and Im a mess. 11. I bloody love going to Zumba and Step classes. I can only exercise if I feel like Im concentrating on steps rather then the actual exercise. Plus I think its helping my brain stay young. 12. I work a million times better under pressure with too much to do. When I have less things to do and more time, I do nothing. 13. I met my husband at a work function when I was 21. 14. I am an Audible junkie. I listen to 1 book every week. 15. I enjoy doing all the washing and folding the clothes but never like to put them away. 16. Im a coldie. I love the warm cosiness of Summer. 17. Whenever I see the Moon or the stars in the sky, I say thank you for my children and for their health. 18. I talked my family into moving to Australia from London after I spent 3 weeks down the East Coast with friends when I was 21 (about 8 months before I met my husband to be) 19. I dream of working for myself as a digital nomad. 20. I was made redundant when I was 6 months pregnant with my son. Tell me, am I normal? Anything sound familiar?
05.01.2022 Simple acts of kindness I was left a blubbering mess around 3:30pm today. Someone kindly left this small care package on my doorstep. It turns out it was a school mum who has arranged a zoom meeting tonight to check in and make sure everyone is doing ok during lockdown and homeschooling. Unfortunately my body waved the white flag on me this week and I broke out in Shingles. I think thats exactly how I feel about Victorias lockdown 2.0.... Im pretty sure Im not the only one. I dont feel like Im under any more stress or pressure then the last lockdown (which was/is more then usual) but I guess to do it all again so soon, hasnt done me a great deal of good. So to receive a small act of kindness on this day means so very much more. Im grateful for the new friendships Ive made since moving to Melbourne and I am even more so grateful that my team has been able to step up and hold the fort whilst I attempt to sit still and try not to work too much. If I can help create this feeling I felt today every day, gosh Ive got the best job in the word.
04.01.2022 Big Announcement Its here - Feel Better Box UK is open for business!! Today is our 4th Birthday, and what better way to celebrate than to launch Feel Better Box in the UK? And to top it off, we sent out our 5,000 care package today!... Holly, the UK owner is one of my best friends from high school. Weve known each other for 18 years. From the minute she started in my Sixth Form shes been my friend. And shes the perfect person to nurture and take care of all her UK customers, I couldnt think of a more suitable person. If you know someone in the UK that might be interested, would you mind tagging them know or sharing our news? For anyone who needs to send a care package now - use the discount code: LAUNCH10 to save 10%. Its been a crazy ride and certainly a marathon not a sprint. Nothing warms my heart more then helping people to feel better and now I have the privilege of extending it all the way to the UK. www.feelbetterbox.co.uk
04.01.2022 New Feel Better Boxs Hello, we have new care packages launch this week. I have this quirky weird habit of ordering amazing new products but never getting around to paring them up in a care package....... And I have plenty more bad habits but ill save them for another time. Hope you like them. My aim is be useful and entertaining. ... Sarah x
04.01.2022 Feel Better Box turns 5 It comes as a bit of a surprise even now when I think about me running and owning my own business. I don’t really think about the future or dare to think too far ahead. It suits me just fine because everything that has happened and is happening I’m grateful for. I don’t expect, if anything I expect the lesser of what actaully happens - this year included. For anyone who has been playing along, I popped down memory lane and here are some of the standouts of 2015-2020. https://www.feelbetterbox.com.au//five-years-of-feel-bette
03.01.2022 Fathers Day in the UK is THIS Sunday, hurry and visit @feel_better_box_uk for your UK care package orders. @ London, United Kingdom
03.01.2022 @ruokday is a day to remind us to ask the people in our lives this important question, every single day. Are you okay? If youre looking for a gift that goes a step further to look after your loved ones or employees, we have a range of care packages to choose from. We can also customise our Feel Better Boxes so theyre exactly what your special person needs.
03.01.2022 Sunday Working Bee. Thank goodness my parents and sister offered to come round and give me a hand to wrap all the weeks corporate orders. Luckily they did! Oh man, I always underestimate how long it takes to wrap hundreds of care packages . @graze__4__dayz came to our rescue, look at their amazingly delicious platters! Thank goodness they fed us, we needed the refuel and it was a special touch to a time that is hard here in Melbourne. @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
02.01.2022 Win Dad a Care Package To win, let us know what you love about Dads. Its Fathers Day in the first weekend in September. If you was unsure of what to send this year (seeing as were all in lockdown) maybe a hamper full of locally made goodness! All Melbourne gourmet products (except the Beer lovers cards). ... Ingredients Only Mine Swiss Milk Bar Two Little Tarts Salted Caramel Popcorn Wondersnacks -Spicy Japanese Nuts Bad Shepherd Pale Ale Native Man Shower Gel Koja Bar - Peanut Butter Bar Beer Lovers Playing Cards Only Mine Box of Handmade Chocolates Visit our collection: https://www.feelbetterbox.com.au/collections/fathers-day This competition is not associated with Facebook. Open to Australian Residents only. Closes on Sunday 23rd September.
02.01.2022 RU OK? Im not going to lie, during this second lockdown things havent always been OK. The mere thought of staying in lockdown and my 5kms radius until 26th October does not make me feel OK. I try and tell myself we are so lucky in so many ways, we have everything except freedom. And that is lucky. But it doesnt take away the fear and anxiety that the 26th October brings. What if we are not allowed back to normal life after then? How much longer can this continue? I am in ...a privileged position, I get to see how many Australians are checking in and sending support to friends, colleagues and loved ones. There is pain, understanding and hope wrapped in every care package. Being isolated is the cruelest outcome of this pandemic. I urge you today and everyday of isolation to check in with loved ones because everyday brings a roller coaster of emotions. Kindness and compassion is what Victorians and those in isolation need right now. Because we all know the saying - health is wealth, and that includes mental health..... #ruok @catsanz
02.01.2022 My first Podcast...... I actually wanted to hide when Jen from Simply Smarter Numbers asked me to be a guest on her amazing podcast. I confess the nerves were getting the better of me. But I did put my big girl pants and said yes. It has been a huge year for so many reasons, a roller coaster of emotions - not just for me Im sure. Feel Better Box has been blessed with an unimaginable spike in sales due to the unimaginable suffering from covid-19 and the endless lockdown that... Victoria faces. For anyone who has been following on on my journey as the owner of Feel Better Box and would like to hear a bit about me and my business, have a listen :) I would just like to thank Jen who was incredible kind for my first podcast. She did all kinds of things to reassure and make me feel at ease. It really shows the level of skill and dedication she applies to what she does and I wouldnt look any further when I need help with my my numbers. https://www.simplysmarternumbers.com/feel-better-box-i-the/
02.01.2022 This week Ive been a foggy. Lethargic. Tired. And honestly, even trying to decide which emoji face to use has taxed my brain. Anyone else?
01.01.2022 Last chance to enter! Win this Fathers Day care package!
01.01.2022 Its times like these (lockdown) where we need to beat the groundhog feels and reach out to our friends. Weve joined METreat (who *usually* run the most amazing womens Retreats) for their Friend of the week challenge. Have a read and join in. Nothing feels better then reaching out and catching up with a good friend.
01.01.2022 Who will be our 10,000th order? This week is the week! FBB is nearly 5 years old (in November) and quite honestly I never dreamt in those early days of sending one care package a month that I would hit 10,000 We are currently sitting at order number 9994, will you be our 10,000th order? If you are, I will send you a care package to say thank you for sending a care package with Feel Better Box. ... Thanks so much for all your support! Sarah x
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