Chloe Female Health Educator in North Sydney | Nutritionist
Chloe Female Health Educator
Locality: North Sydney
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24.01.2022 SEPTEMBER IS PCOS AWARENESS MONTH! Meme by @yourpcosstation Awareness starts with conversations, share you PCOS story in the comments below:... Do you have PCOS? How long did it take you to get your diagnosis? Were you offered the pill to help with PCOS? What do you do to help manage your PCOS? * . See more
24.01.2022 This is my personal story, and I share it with the message that just because I’m a menstrual health educator doesn’t mean I’m immune to my own menstrual irregularities. When I came off the OCP it took me 6 or so months to regulate my cycle to within 29-31 days. For the past 3 and a half years I have had cycles mostly within this time frame, up until the last several month... Since April Ive started to noticed my ovulation (temp + cervical fluid changes) were occurring... later in my cycle, and last month I didn’t notice cervical fluid changes until days 28 and 29. So when my period didn’t arrive at its usual time, I wasn’t surprised because I knew delayed ovulation meant a delayed period. (Okay maybe I was a tiny bit worried ) * > > . Why is my ovulation delayed and should I be concerned? This year can only be described as a bucket of stressful soup. I started a new jobs, running a new business, planning a wedding, feeling home sick for my family in QLD, changing up my complete routine to work from home for 2 months and stopping and starting exercise regimes. My prediction is that my stress has delayed my ovulation. No Im not concerned, I’m taking this opportunity to listen to my body and realign back to balance. I’m trying to ditch the stress, set healthy foundations and not be too hard on myself. I track my cycle with Clue App. I track my temperate with @tempdrop , more to come on this! @ Sydney, Australia See more
23.01.2022 This is another example of Indigenous health inequity occurring in Australia. In 2018, Indigenous Australian youth were significantly more likely to experience high levels of psychological distress and youth suicide than non Indigenous youth. In 2018-2019, 25% of Aboriginal Australians and 20% of Torres Strait Islanders (over 18yrs old) reported having at least one mental health condition, with anxiety and depression being the most common.... What these two statistics show is an obvious transition of poor youth mental health being carried over into adulthood. I have copied some risk factors for Aboriginal Mental Health from CreativeSpirts: - Discrimination and racism - Socioeconomic disadvantage - Loss of culture/identity - Unresolved trauma - Widespread Grief and loss - Culturally inappropriate treatment - Health inequity #IndigenousHealthMatters #IndigenousLivesMatter #AboriginalHealthMatters #AboriginalLivesMatter #HealthInequity
22.01.2022 A systemic review and meta-analysis from 2017 found that women in their ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle had a significant increased risk of ACL injury compared to their follicular phase. The luteal phase was associated with the least amount of ACL injury. The study also found that the contraceptive pill could potentially offer up to 20% reduction of ACL injury.... Menstrual Cycle Phases Menstruation > Follicular > Ovulation > Luteal See more
22.01.2022 Cool #clitfacts brought to you by Fem Ed. 1. Name origin The word Clitoris comes from the Greek word kleitoris which has two main meanings, Little hill and door keeper. Thought to relate to this word, kleis also means key, by which one gains entry through a door *insert imagination here*... 2. Size Myth There was and still is an anatomical ignorance and common misconception and that the clitoris was a small female glans that sat above the urethral opening. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact the clitoris is like an iceberg, with approximately only one fifth of its entire structure visible. 3. Sensitivity The clitoris is one of the most sensitive erogenous zones as it has a high concentration of nerve endings that elicit a sexual physiological response. @jessica_ann_pinn pointed out that the following statement the glans clitoris has around 8,000 nerve endings actually comes from a 1970’s study on cows and not humans!!! This reiterates that just b/c we read it on the internet and it sounds cool, doesn’t always mean it’s relevant. 4. Function For a long time, it was thought that the clitoris had no reproductive purpose. In fact, clitoral stimulation has been found to increases the chances of conception through increased vaginal lubrication to ensure sperm function and survival. Interestingly, the clitoris like the penis also become erect during arousal and increases in size. 5. Orgasms Clitoral orgasms vs penetrative? We now know that the clitoris is stimulated through the G spot and penetrative orgasms, rather than just one or the other. #clitoris #femaleanatomy #anatomy #clitoriseducation #clitorisfacts #SydneyNaturopath
20.01.2022 If you menstrual cycle was Coachella, ovulation would be Beyonce. Ovulation is the main event, and without it you won’t have a true period (bleed) Visualise this, your menstrual cycle is split into three main events;... Follicular phase = Day 1 of period until ovulation Ovulation= midcycle (24hrs) Luteal phase = day after ovulation until your next period Once you ovulate, your luteal phase will most likely last for 12-16 days and then you will get your period. So essentially, if ovulation is delayed due to stress, sickness, under eating etc, your period will be delayed. See more
17.01.2022 Are you trying to investigate the cause of your period pain? Or do you suspect you may have Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Just remember, pain isn’t a characteristic symptom of PCOS. _________________________________________ ... PCOS is a condition that effects the ability to ovulate regularly. It’s diagnosis is made upon 3 categories: - No period / long period (over 35 days) - Many cysts (follicles) detected on ultrasound. - High serum androgens via blood work or physical symptoms of androgen excess (acne, hirsutism, head hair loss). Common period pain is generally due to an over production of inflammatory hormones known as prostaglandins. Other causes of period pain include: endometriosis and/or adenomyosis. These can co-occur with PCOS or on their own. See more
17.01.2022 PCOS is a chronic condition with a strong genetic and environmental connection. Going gluten free is #not a single miracle cure by any means. If you have #PCOS and hear this unwarranted advice, put your metaphorical ear plug in
16.01.2022 Ploise explain... I’m talking about the changes of your vaginal fluid in the lead up to ovulation. Prior to ovulation oestrogen levels spike which causes our cervical fluid to change. Typically this type of cervical mucus is referred to as ‘egg white consistency mucus’ (EWCM) which is a very helpful/graphic description if you don’t know what you’re looking for This alkaline, egg white like discharge helps sperm to survive on their journey to the fallopian tu...bes. Knowing the signs and symptoms of ovulation isn’t just for people trying to conceive... The many benefits of ovulation include; Predicting the timing of your next period - once ovulation occurs your period generally will arrive 12-16 days later. If your ovulation is delayed, your period is generally delayed. Knowing your fertile window- if you have a regular cycle your fertile window will be 5 days prior to ovulation and 2 days after ovulation. Noticing patterns or irregularities in your body can give you a deeper understanding as to what’s going on. Are you noticing egg white consistency mucus (EWCM) more than one time during the month or does your mood change for the better or worse post ovulation? Ovulation is a vital health sign, and one we need to know about. I guess we owe a lot of our ovulation education to the chickens @ North Sydney See more
16.01.2022 PMS rage, have you heard of her? Question: Have your hormones to be better or worse throughout the past few months? What you do month in & month out can helps or hinder the delicate processing of your hormones. It’s possible to see changes to your period if you’ve just been through bouts of stress (excitement or anguish), changes to exercise habits, weight loss/gain, medication, disrupted sleep patterns and or eating behaviours.... You may not feel stressed at the time but yes, starting a new job or changing your daily routine to work from home can significantly impact your hormones. A great quote from @larabriden , See more
15.01.2022 Yes, it is normal for your vagina to have a scent #preachitsister No, this scent isn’t supposed to smell like Madagascan vanilla bean and Tahitian lime ... So how can you tell what a healthy vaginal odour is and what isn’t (malodour)... Factors that influence your vaginal odour: what you’ve eaten, your hormones, your period, sexual activity, medication, exercise etc. Normal Vaginal Odours Bleach Sexual activity, condoms, semen and lube can raise your vaginal pH. This can result in a more alkaline scent similar to that of mild bleach or chlorine. Musk Sweating or just general ‘life-ness’ can produce a normal musk like smell. Similar to underarms & is nothing to be concerned about. Metallic During your period, menstrual blood can raise your vaginal pH. This, along with oxidised blood can cause a metallic/tin like scent. Fruity/Ripe Anecdotal evidence suggests a consumption of particular fruits can produce a sweeter smell this could also be due to a higher sugar content. Sour / Fermented milk The vaginal microbiome is made up of acid producing bacterial known as Lactobacillus species. This can produce a normal sour like scent. Causes of Vaginal Malodour Strong fishy malodour This symptom is common in the vaginal infection, Bacterial Vaginosis (BV). Bread/Yeasty This smell coupled with cottage cheese like vaginal discharge and itchiness could be a sign of Candida over growth (thrush). Rotten smell This can occur from a forgotten tampon or certain Sexually Transmitted Infections such as Trichomoniasis. See more
14.01.2022 Testimonial time (I feel very grateful and humbled to receive this feedback) "For as long as I can remember, I’ve had shocking period pain. The debilitating type where you can’t get out of bed (or the foetal position) for the first 24-48hours - occasionally even get cold sweats. I couldn’t find any relief - I tried heat packs, the pill, acupuncture, the usual suspects in pain relief, nothing worked. I’d seen multiple specialists who said they were 99% sure it was but wouldn’t be able to confirm this without surgery. Then there were the doctors who told me I might find having babies helps with the pain. But there was nothing more they could do for me. So here I am, two babies later and up until two months ago, the pain was back with a vengeance. Enter Chloe... Chloe assessed me - I had other health concerns like feeling anxious, angry, irrational etc. - which I thought was just life with a toddler and a baby. She created a plan for me based on my situation and what was realistic for me to achieve and boom, my period pain was almost non-existent. As an added bonus, my anxiety levels dropped dramatically and I’m less angry and frustrated. I would definitely recommend Chloe to anyone who has health concerns - especially female health concerns. I felt comfortable talking to her and she was professional, yet warm. Thanks Chloe! Technically, I owe you two days out of every month.
13.01.2022 Some (but not all) gender identity terms explained. assigned gender at birth = born with binary genitalia binary genitalia = penis or vagina ... Cisgender - A term used to describe when someones personal and gender identity corresponds with their assigned gender at birth (male/female). - *Brooke was assigned female at birth and gender identifies as a female Transgender - An umbrella term used for some people whose gender identity is different from their assigned gender at birth. - *Sam was assigned male at birth but gender identifies as a female. Non-binary - People who’s gender identity is neither male nor female. - *Alisha was assigned female at birth but does not identify as male or female gender. - Non binary is NOT the same as intersex. Intersex people have anatomy or genes that don’t fit medical or social normals for female or male bodies. Gender identity can be complex topic as terms can be interpreted differently by people. Please be respectful when making comments and if you disagree with a point made, know that an educational response is preferred over defensiveness. We are all here to learn and accept. Gender and non binary pronouns: (She/Her, Him/He, They/Them) Neo (or new) pronouns are used as an alternative to ‘they’, and include xe/xem/xyr, ze/hir/hirs, ey/em/eir, and more ( If you are unsure of how to address someone via their correct pronouns, you should always ask them directly. More to come on the topic of gender identities!
13.01.2022 Diabetes mellitus is a chronic and complex whole body condition that can lead to morbidity, disability, reduced quality of life, preterm delivery/induction and premature death. Indigenous Australian youth experience type 2 diabetes at a MUCH higher rate. This is an alarming statement because we already know that Indigenous adults have amongst the highest rates of renal complication, predisposed by a long history of imbalanced blood sugar levels. ... The short term and long term health complications from being diagnosed with diabetes adds extreme pressure on the individual, their families and the community. Is there enough being done to tackle the diabetes inequities Indigenous youth ? The key take away from reading several Indigenous diabetes reviews is early years education and intervention programs that places an emphasis on the whole community. #IndigenousHealthMatters #IndigenousLivesMatter #AboriginalHealthMatters #AboriginalLivesMatter #HealthInequity #DiabetesMellitus #type2Diabetes #T2DM
12.01.2022 Did you read my previous post about unprotected intercourse causing bloating/cramping? There I mentioned a possible factor being semen, as it can cause uterine irritation But how? Semen contains hormone like compounds known as prostaglandins. ... Prostaglandins cause localized inflammation. During your period, prostaglandins assist the uterus to contract and expel its lining. Too many prostaglandins and you can get typical period pain. Have you heard the saying se helps to kickstart labour? Have you ever questioned the mechanisms of this? It turns out it’s got to do with prostaglandins in semen. Prostaglandins cause uterine contractions and can help to soften and dilate the cervix. More on this topic, having unprotected se married with an orgasm could be a double whammy in kickstarting labour as orgasms produce the neurotransmitter oxytocin. Oxytocin iss needed during labour to stimulate uterine activity. Did se help to kick start your labour? See more
11.01.2022 SPRING IS HERE, along with one of my favourite self motivational quotes This is your personal reminder that you don’t have to be performing at 110% all of the god dam time. You need phases of dormancy, phases of regrowth and phases of bloom. *I feel like Oprah today ... Share the freaking sh*t out of this post! See more
11.01.2022 Have you ever wondered what causes foul smelling flatulence? Majority of the gas we produce (hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide) is odourless. Gas that smells like rotten eggs occurs when our gut microbes break down sulfur-containing compounds from the food we ingest. ... Sulfur-containing amino acids (AA): methionine, cysteine and taurine. AA are the building blocks that make up protein. Sulfur containing compounds are also found in vegetables Common smelly fart foods; Protein supplements (whey + plant based) Animal meats Eggs Cruciferous veges (kale, broccoli etc) Allium veges (onion, garlic etc) Alcohol (beer / cider ) Woah, not so easy! Before you start limiting these whole vegetables, i’d first suggest looking at whether you are over consuming protein in the form of protein powder and/or protein bars. Do you know how much protein you require, and are you reaching your daily intake of #dietaryfiber ? See more
10.01.2022 When you think of a cervix, do you know where it is, what it looks like and what it’s purpose it? I hope this post answers these questions for you (images for reference). 1. Your cervix sits at the lower part of the uterus, and forms the connection to the vagina. ... 2. Looking up through the vaginal canal, the cervix looks like a doughnut or a plum. Throughout the menstrual cycle, hormones change the texture, colour and shape of the cervix. 3. The cervix is very important. It serves as the golden gates into and out of the body. ____________ During our period, our cervix contracts to expel menstrual blood into the vagina. During ovulation, our cervix sits higher in the vagina, softens and opens to allow sperm to enter into the uterus to fertilise an egg. And during pregnancy, your cervix is what dilates in order to help move the baby from uterus, through the cervix and into the vagina canal, ready to deliver. More cervix facts to come! I can’t get enough of this little cutie (aka cervix) @ Sydney, Australia See more
10.01.2022 If this isn’t me, then I don’t know what is Hungry is a primal instinct I feel deep within my second stomach. Meme by @nottoopretty... See more
10.01.2022 Omega 3 essential fatty acids are the lube to life! They’re ‘essential’, which means we need them from our diet b/c our bodies can’t make them on their own. They’re polyunsaturated, which means they’re the healthy category of fats. Unlike their counterparts saturated and trans-saturated. ... They reduce inflammation via their ability to reduce prostaglandin production. In simple terms, omega 3 lubricates the brain (your brain is mostly fat) which contributes to healthy cognition + mood. We tend to think of oily fish (salmon etc) containing omega 3, but what about the vege’s + vegans + people with seafood allergies. Vegetarian sources of omega 3 - Walnuts - Chia seeds - Flax seed oil/ meal - Hempseed oil/ seeds - Seaweed - Edamame - Kidney beans Supplements - Alpha EFA’s (BioCeuticals) - Flaxseed oil capsules See more
09.01.2022 You’re not alone! In fact, experiencing bloating, cramping or discomfort in your lower abdomen post penetrative se isn’t as uncommon as you’d think? Note: it’s important not to disregard these symptoms if they’re causing you distress. Here are some causes:... *not in order of most common Endometriosis / Adenomyosis Anatomy: Retroverted (tilted) uterus Pre-exisiting digestive issues (IBS) Inflammatory mediators (prostaglandins) present in sperm can irritate the uterus () Dysorgasmia (painful orgasms) Deep penetration with irritation Your menstrual cycle If this is happening to you, it might be a good idea to write down your answers to these questions: How often does this pain occur? When does the pain start and how long does it last for? How painful is it (scale 1-10) What other symptoms do I have? Gas, constipation, menstrual cramps, low mood/ anxiety See more
09.01.2022 Let’s discuss the difference between menstrual blood loss vs. menstrual fluid loss. Menstrual blood Consists solely of red blood cells (haemoglobin) ... Menstrual fluid Consists of endometrial tissues, cervical and vaginal secretions and mucus. Composition of total fluid + A study of menstrual discharge collected directly from the uterus found menstrual haemoglobin concentrations to be approx 35% of fluid lost on days 1 - 2 of your period, whilst about 50-60% is believed to be endometrial transudate (tissue). Cervical and vaginal fluid/mucus was estimated to be approx 1-5% So what is considered a normal amount of menstrual fluid to lose each period? Normal range: 5ml-80ml Equiv. to 1-6 tablespoons Heavy period: over 80ml How to estimate your menstrual fluid loss: Menstrual cup holds: ranges from 10-25ml Super tampon/pad: up to 12ml Regular tampon/pad: 6ml Overnight pad: 10-15ml * , See more
08.01.2022 I’m sorry but when did we decide that our nipples should be hairless? Also, I’m not sorry for my awesome nipple graphics Nipple hairs are hairs that grow anywhere around/on the areola. ... Nipple hairs are common and normal and can range from sparse light hairs, to longer darker hairs. There is NO real medical range of what constitutes a normal amount of nipple hair. When to question nipple hairs If you’ve experience a sudden increase in nipple hair growth, along with other symptoms such as male pattern hair growth (face/neck/chest), acne, scalp hair loss, irregular period and/or weight gain. Your nipple hair growth may be a sign of hirsutism, a condition where your male hormones (testosterone) are imbalanced. Hirsutism is associated with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Hirsutism rarely just affects nipple hair alone. What’s your relationship with your nipple hairs? Reach out if you have any questions See more
08.01.2022 I never considered that my mental health or my bowel or stomach concerns ever had anything to do with my endo at the time - Quote from ABC article A study (2020) out of QLD found a genetic link between endometriosis, depression and gastrointestinal concerns such as reflux, GERD, peptic ulcers, and irritable bowel syndrome. ... Although this hypnosis has been floating around for some time, this study has given a snippet (literally ) into the complex aetiology and pathogenesis of endometriosis. Are you experiencing menstrual cycle pain/ heavy periods/ pain on intercourse? Do you have low mood/ depression? Does your GUT give you grief? If you answered yes to one or more, reach out to a health professional! See more
08.01.2022 Simply put, blood clots are caused by the protective mechanism known as coagulation (the process of turning fluid blood into semi solid blood to stop you from bleeding out). Menstrual blood differs to venous (vein) blood in the sense that it is thought to have anti-coagulation mechanisms which inhibits clotting as the endometrial lining is shedding, however when menstrual blood flow volume is heavy (like on day 1 or 2 of your period) there isn’t enough time for this ant...i-clot mechanism to exert its full effect, resulting in visible clot formulation. Blood clots can vary in size and colour and are typically considered a normal characteristic of heavy flow volume. If you are noticing numerous blood clots, and they’re larger than a 20c coin, it could be sign of #menorrhagia (abnormally heavy menstrual bleeding) There can be many reasons for why you may be experiencing heavy menstrual bleeding, keep an eye out for this in an upcoming post. fact: warfarin is an anti-coagulating (anti blood clot) medicine commonly used as Rat Poison. When a rat consumes Warfarin, it will eventually die from internal haemorrhaging. #bloodclots #heavybleeding #menstruation #perimenopause #femalehealtheducation @ Sydney, Australia
07.01.2022 Just a cheeky menstrual meme with a touch of USA politics Hormones fluctuate all throughout your menstrual cycle. Simply put... When you get your period (bleed), your hormones are all at the longest point throughout your entire cycle. For some people this can cause low energy levels, low mood, sluggish and brain fog.... During ovulation (approx mid cycle) your levels of testosterone and oestrogen peak, giving you a sense of high vitality, confidence, energy and mental clarity. What day are you current at in your cycle? Let me know below in the comments See more
07.01.2022 Sounds common enough, so what is a retroverted uterus and is this something to be concerned about? A retroverted uterus is when a uterus grows backwards (tilted) towards the spine as opposed to leaning forward towards the belly button. Rather than being considered an anatomical abnormality, it’s thought of as a ‘normal variance’. ... The majority of retroverted uterus cases cause no symptoms however, some people have reported painful intercourse, pain inserting menstrual products, painful menstruation and mild uterine discomfort. There is a correlation between retroverted uteri and endometriosis, hence the cross over in symptomatology. A retroverted uterus does not impact ones ability to fall pregnant/stay pregnant. It has been reported that some women with a retroverted uterus may experience these symptoms in their first trimester: back pain, difficulty emptying bladder, UTI’s. Although, they are thought to resolve after 13-14 weeks. Isn’t the body wildy amazing? For all you know, you may have a tilted uterus? #datwomblife See more
06.01.2022 Ever wondered why your throat hurts the most when your mouth is dry in the morning; why tonsillitis pain is relieved on swallowing and why putting spit on an ant bite helps? Opiorphin is a natural pain killing chemical found in your salvia, discovered in 2006 by French Scientists. Opiorphin works by preventing the break down of enkephalin, a sub class of endorphins that binds to opioid receptors that controls the level of pain we experience. ... Preventing the breakdown of enkephalins means pain receptors are blocked and there is an increases supply of this natural pain killer action exerted in the body. How freaking cool is saliva! See more
06.01.2022 "Chloe is so knowledgeable & helpful. She’s a lovely person as well which makes it easier to talk about health issues. I highly recommend her services" Receiving this kind of feedback is a warm chocolate brownie for the soul.
06.01.2022 Do you experience dandruff? Is it constantly there or does it get worse at specific times within your menstrual cycle? If you’ve tried all the antidandruff haircare and nothing seems to help, it may be time to take a deeper look and the underlying cause... Dandruff is described as an itchy, flakey and irritated scalp. It can be caused by several factors, one of these includes hormonal imbalances.... Reproductive hormones play a vital role in controlling the bodies oil production. When androgens are elevated like in PCOS, your body can produce excessive amounts of oil (sebum). We talk a lot about how excess oil on the face can cause acne, well excess oil on the scalp can cause dandruff! If you have persistent dandruff, irregular cycles, acne, hair loss and facial hair growth it may be worth exploring this further with the help of a holistic practitioner. @ Crows Nest, New South Wales, Australia See more
06.01.2022 Are these period cramps, my lactose intolerance symptoms, trapped wind or all of the above... Period talk Day 1 of your period is noted as the first day of actual blood flow, whilst the end of your period is also noted as the final day of blood flow. Typically, browny/dark red spotting days before or after your period aren’t included in your total ‘period cycle length’
05.01.2022 My, my, my, my hormones hit me so hard, makes me say, oh my lord Now seriously, are you checking in with yourself and making your hormone health a priority? Here are foundational happy hormone tips to implement:... | Go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. | Veges with each/most meals (this includes breakfast). See @nourishednaturalhealth for delish ideas | Daily bowel movements (formed and easy to pass) | Daily movement. Get that heart pumping and oxygenated blood moving. I’ve been using and loving @alo_moves | Limit packaged/ processed foods with unrecognisable ingredients. | Be kind to yourself. Smile at yourself when you look in the mirror, laugh at your awkwardness, give yourself a belly massage. If you feel like you’re doing all this and still not getting results, there may be an underlying pathology. **supplements and herbal formulas are used to help but you need the foundations to be in place for symptoms to resolve. __________________________________ I offer personalised 1:1 help to resolving hormonal woes. If this interests you or you’d like to know more, shoot me a DM or visit
04.01.2022 Hi, I’m Chloe! Hormone fanatic, period meme enthusiast and doughnut lovin’ Naturopath! My goal as a Naturopath is to simply help YOU feel better and more vital! This is achieved through evidence based, realistic treatment approaches that are individualised for you. I have helped people manage the following health concerns, do any of these relate to you? ... Menstrual irregularities Menopause PCOS Endometriosis Mood concerns + PMS Acne / Rosacea Thrush / UTI’s Preconception / Fertility Low energy / Fatigue Things you will NEVER see in my clinic! Detoxes / Cleanses Over supplementation FAD diets Pill shaming Face to face and/or virtual consultations available. For booking details, visit website in my bio See more
04.01.2022 New chocolatey blog post! If you're a client of mine, you'll know that this is one of my favourite recipes. It’s also suitable for those with hormonal concerns such as PCOS and acne. Super easy to whip up and requires minimal ingredients.
02.01.2022 PERIOD CARE FOR THE WIN In a world first, New Zealand supermarket chain @countdown_nz will now use the term period care in place of sanitary items or feminine hygiene to describe pads, tampons and menstrual cups. Menstruation isn’t unhygienic or unsanitary. ... Period isn’t a dirty word Menstrual blood isn’t a taboo Furthermore, products typically known as intimate hygiene will now be called genital wipes and washes Skincare, haircare, healthcare so why can’t we have period care! How we speak about our period forms our relationship with our period. Visit @bloodygoodperiod to read their #MindYourLanguage campaign
02.01.2022 Human papillomavirus (HPV) Abnormal results Your test results detected a HPV infection. (Hey, don’t freak out! This is quite common) When the labs find a positive HPV result they undertake additional tests on the sample and depending on these results, you will receive the following outcomes: ... A. Lower Risk Positive Repeat another cervical screening in 12 months time to see if your body has cleared the HPV on its own. If it’s gone when you retest, you will return to testing every 5 years. If it hasn’t gone you’ll be referred to a specialist. B. Higher Risk Positive Your test results either detected a higher risk HPV strain that needs further investigation OR an isolated a type of abnormal cells warranting further treatment. Your GP will help you understand what these results mean and support you with ongoing treatment. Negative results A negative result means the test did not find a HPV infection. In this case, you will be sent a reminder every 5 years to have your next screening test. *this is a simplified example of what your results may uncover and it’s always best to consult your GP or specialist for advice on your results See more
01.01.2022 This next series of posts aims to spread awareness that there is an obvious disparity in health between indigenous and non-indigenous people. Indigenous Australian’s are more likely than non indigenous Australian’s to develop cervical cancer, and are less likely to survive it. Similar patterns exist in Indigenous populations worldwide, such as New Zealand Maoris and Canadian Aboriginals, suggesting that high rates of cervical cancer incidence and mortality may be a sym...ptom of social and economic inequity -PMID: 21889857 If that paragraph doesn’t shock you and make you question why, I’d read it again... White privilege is relevant in many aspects, including health. Please take this time to reflect and educate yourself on the magnitude of information out there. #IndigenousHealthMatters #IndigenousLivesMatter #AboriginalHealthMatters #AboriginalLivesMatter #HealthEquality See more
01.01.2022 Can I get a hellllls yeah! We know the Oral Contraceptive Pill (OCP) temporarily suppresses ovulation, and without ovulation was don’t experience a ‘true period’. How long did it take you to get your period back after coming off the pill ... See more
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