Fezraylia Creative | Arts and crafts shop
Fezraylia Creative
Phone: +61 423 360 182
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25.01.2022 Pile'o'sandwich pockets! Have spent the day sewing the first stages of a pile of reuseable sandwich pockets and snack bags. #sewistsofinstagram #reuseableproducts #reuseablebags #snackbags #sandwichbags #sandwichpockets #buyhandmade #buylocal #smallbusiness #handmadebusiness #fezrayliacreative
23.01.2022 Nothing like thinking outside the box for objects to get curves right. Improvisation for the win!! #sewistsofinstagram #catharness #improvising #usesforplates #alternativeusesforthings #catbikerharness #custommade #bespoke #black #white #drillfabric #fezrayliacreative
22.01.2022 With both sewing workhorses out of commission, knitting has taken front and centre again while waiting for repairs. An infected thumb is also making things difficult... #bendigowoollenmillsluxury #bendigowoollenmills #handknitting #marlalong #marledblanket #garterstitch #garterstitchblanket #mindlessknitting #handdyedyarn #sorethumb #sewingmachinebreakdowns #sewingmachinerepair #handmadebusiness #fezrayliacreative
21.01.2022 Gotta love a good old masking tape buffer for chain piecing when you don't own a 1/4 inch foot for your machine. #sewistsofinstagram #quiltersofinstagram #chainpiecing #sewinghack #maskingtapefun #maskingtape #fezrayliacreative #latenightsewing
19.01.2022 Evening knitting plans thwarted... #catsofinstagram #snugglecat #kittycuddles #foiledplans #thingswedoforcats #thwartedplans #bestlaidplans #somuchforknitting
18.01.2022 All about the downtime this evening. Mindless garter stitch blanket, knitted with natural and handdyed by me yarn held together. My 'moving meditation' #knittersofinstagram #marledblanket #garterstitch #babyblanket #handmadewithlove #handdyedyarn #bendigowoollenmillsluxury #bendigowoollenmills #aussieyarn #buylocal #fezrayliacreative
16.01.2022 Got some lovely colour and fabric swatches in the mail this week... Trying to find the right one for a customer wanting some favourite pants copied/remade. #swatches #cathelper #catchooses #pink #kittyhelper #fabricswatch #colourchoices #toomanytochoosefrom #bespoke #custommade #madehowyouwantit #handmadebusiness #sewingbusiness #fezrayliacreative
16.01.2022 Christmas baubles progress... Beads from very old and deep stash reserves. The rare occasion that craft supply hoarding comes in very handy! #crossstitchersofinstagram #crossstitching #christmascrossstitch #winteryteals #beading #beads #fezrayliacreative
15.01.2022 The magic of about an hour of ironing... I was about 36 HST's short for my quilt, so whipped up the last few just now, ready to piece tomorrow. #hst #halfsquaretrianglesfordays #black #gold #white #red #quilting #quilttopinprogress #tabletopironingboard #sewistsofinstagram #quiltersofinstagram #fezrayliacreative
13.01.2022 While it more often than not gets much messier than this, welcome to a day spent getting creative! Cutting and sewing pieces for a new bag pattern I'm trying out in some lovely Jocelyn Proust fabric. #jocelynproustfabric #decoratorfabricforbags #handmadebags #handmadebusiness #buyhandmade #buylocal #supportsmallbusiness #blue #jocelynproust #craftymess #sewersofinstagram #sewistsofinstagram #sewing #handsewn #imadeamessagain #fezrayliacreative
13.01.2022 It grows! The start of the pink is officially halfway! #handknitting #knitting #knittersofinstagram #marledblanket #rainbowblanket #bendigowoollenmillsluxury #handdyedyarn #selfdyedyarn #prettycolours #pink #blue #green #fezrayliacreative
13.01.2022 Fabric stock up for the next production line of bags and things! #sewistsofinstagram #jocelynproustfabric #harrypotterfabric #handmadebusiness #handmadebags #medievalfairestuff #brightcolours #brightcolors #australianfabric #buylocal #buyhandmade #smallbusiness #fezrayliacreative
13.01.2022 Production line of reuseable snack and sandwich bags! Nice and bright and colourful. #reuseablebags #reuseableproducts #snackbags #sandwichbags #sandwichpockets #bright #colourful #watermelon #buyhandmade #supportsmallbusiness #buylocal #fezrayliacreative
12.01.2022 Have done most of the little fiddly stuff already, but here's how the current commission is going! #sewistsofinstagram #catsofinstagram #catharness #bikercat #catbikerharness #blanketstitch #applique #custommade #customcatharness #handmadebusiness #fezrayliacreative
11.01.2022 Sneaky peek at biker cat harness... #catbikerharness #catharness #handmade#handembroidery #blanketstitch #applique #fezrayliacreative #wip
10.01.2022 I got myself a new (to me) toy to play with!! Snapped up an absolute steal of a bargain, she's in fantastic condition and I can't wait to get her working on some bags. Just need to come up with a name for her I think... #jukisewingmachine #jukiindustrial #bargainshopper #bargainbuy #meanttobemine #fastersewing #speed #buyused #rehomed #newhome #juki #heavydutysewing #nothingcanstopmenow #fezrayliacreative
09.01.2022 Today was face scrubbie production lines and finishing off beading my baubles, haha! #crossstitching #reuseableproducts #facescrubbies #productionline #handmadebusiness #sewersofinstagram #buyhandmade #buylocal #beading #beadsoncrossstitch
09.01.2022 All done! Adorable biker inspired cat harness and matching lead! Now to get it off to it's new owner. #catharness #sewersofinstagram #bikercat #bikercatharness #handmadeleash #smallbusiness #madetoorder #handmadebusiness #handmade #fezrayliacreative
09.01.2022 Finally found the perfect fabric for making small wash bags for my face scrubbies and produce bags! Bought the whole bolt... #handmadebusiness #reuseablebags #reuseableproducts #handmadebags #cottonmeshfabric #finallyfoundit #naturalfibres #100cotton #bigpurchase #worthit #allthesewing #lotsofworkahead #fezrayliacreative
02.01.2022 Custom knitted hat. 100% alpaca yarn held double with Aussie merino (after a chat about alpacas not so elastic properties with the customer...) Lovely and soft, and the recipient will have the toastiest head this winter! #knittersofinstagram #handmadehat #handknittedhat #buyhandmade #buylocal #aussieyarn #aussiewool #bendigowoollenmillsluxury #bendigowoollenmills #naturalfibres #undyed #aunaturale #fezrayliacreative
01.01.2022 A calm and quiet end to my day. Started a little Christmas bauble cross stitch. So relaxing to lose oneself in the stitches. #crossstitchersofinstagram #crossstitching #christmascrossstitch #baubles #movingmeditation #stitchtorelax #relaxingstitching #eveningwinddown #eveningrelaxation #calmingteals #shannonchristinedesigns #winteryteals #fezrayliacreative
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