Фолклорна Група Шумадиа in Keysborough, Victoria, Australia | Dance studio
Фолклорна Група Шумадиа
Locality: Keysborough, Victoria, Australia
Address: 115 Church Road 3173 Keysborough, VIC, Australia
Likes: 1226
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24.01.2022 Ekskluzivno za RTS Srbi u Australiji u doba Covid-19
23.01.2022 Nazalost opet zakljucani Za sve opsirnije informacije otvorite link i procitajte
22.01.2022 Šumadijo dobro nam došla Pocetak folklornih proba
20.01.2022 Da se malo podsjetimo kako je to bilo nikad
19.01.2022 Свети Василие Острошки,Слава Фолклорне групе Шумадиа
18.01.2022 Na putu za Sidnej i Folklorni Festival Bonnyrigg FA ŠUMADIJA
18.01.2022 Вечере на Велики Петак
17.01.2022 Вести као и увиек опширно извештавау о догааима Српске диаспоре Аустралие Фолклорни Фестивал у Сиднеу 4 Група ФА Шумадиа
16.01.2022 ... rekle su DA ... КУД "Бранко Радичеви" Бешка Aleksandar Erdes Ivana Repija Dunja Mackic @Александар Кики Раденови #veridba #folklornaporodica #verenickiprsten #prsten #porodica #ljubav #tradicija #folklor #throwback #tb #tbt ...
15.01.2022 Nastup nase 4 Grupe FA Šumadija na FF Boniring Koreografija Nikole Jovica Šumadija 11 Avg 2019
14.01.2022 Throwback to our 2019 Serbian Cultural Concert! It is unfortunate that we were not able to hold our concert this year due to COVID-19. But don't worry! We are a...iming to hold the 2021 Serbian Cultural Concert in November next year, with bigger, better and more exciting performances! We also look forward to welcoming our inter-state special guests once again, God willing! To all of our friends and families, stay safe and we will persevere! Thank you once again to our beautiful performers in 2019 from Oplenac Adelaide Фолклорна Група Шумадиа - Folklorna Grupa Šumadija Kosovski Bozuri Brisbane Folklorna Grupa Djerdan Gold Coast and the amazing and talented Accordion Trio Sinisa, Milijan and Justin. See more
13.01.2022 Sretna Slava Folklornom Ansamblu Šumadija da ste nam svi živi I zdravi da uz pomo Božiju nastavimo tamo gdje smo stali Svako dobro vam želimo Folklorni Odbor Šumadija Сретна Слава Фолклорном Ансамблу Шумадиа да сте нам сви живи И здрави да уз помо Божиу наставимо тамо где смо стали Свако добро вам желимо Фолклорни Одбор Шумадиа
12.01.2022 Dear Faithful The Victorian Government is attempting to introduce dangerous law that could significantly impact you as individuals, parents, our Christian faith and our teachings. We must act now to stop what is one of the most serious threats to religious and personal freedoms. On 25 November 2020 the Victorian Labor Government introduced the Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Bill 2020 (Vic) (Bill) to the Parliament. The Bill has passed the Assembly ...and will become law if it passes the Legislative Council in February 2021. The Conversion Bill restricts religious freedom and is discriminatory against Christians. Under Section 5 (3), this Bill criminalises common religious practices such as prayer and even informal conversations that express orthodox religious beliefs relating to sexual orientation or gender identity. This will take away the freedom of parents, teachers and religious leaders to teach biblical beliefs and traditional culture. Under this Bill, religious and cultural views will make many people vulnerable to criminal prosecution and police investigation. They need to be protected. Therefore, we urge you to oppose this Bill. You can do this by following 3 simple steps and will only take 5 minutes. But it must be done before the end of January. Step 1 Visit the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) website Add your name and address to an online form which automatically sends an email to your local parliament ministers. To do this, visit > https://www.acl.org.au/cm_vic_conversionbill Step 2 The Australian Christian Lobby has also written an open letter to the Premier of Victoria, Hon Dan Andrews and need support from your friends, family and faith community. Simply enter in your name here > https://www.acl.org.au/pet_vic_parents Step 3 Sign an electronic petition on the Parliament Victoria website that opposes the bill. There are two already setup Add your name and address to an online form. For the first one, visit > https://www.parliament.vic.gov.au/index.php For the second one, visit > https://www.parliament.vic.gov.au/index.php Notes: 1. Type your address, then select from the dropdown. Ensure location services are enabled. This confirms that you are a Victorian resident 2. Accept the terms and conditions.
12.01.2022 I stand for three simple reasons 1. DOING IT FOR THE RIGHT REASONS Love for the community and the place we all call home. ... I have no paid affiliation with any political parties. So I am free to make the decisions you would expect of me. This is great for when I get into council, however, make it very difficult to get a seat at the table. Hence I need your help. Doing it for my children and yours, so that they have a prosperous childhood and grow into successful and productive adults that can look after themselves and the community at large. Inspire them to be more than they believe they can be. Doing it for the young families who live in our city. Taking into consideration and make decisions that enable more people to work in Dandenong and not have to travel to the city, to be able to play in safe and clean playgrounds and to be able to grow and prosper. Doing it for our Grandmas and Grandpas who many times than not are forgotten. I didn't run last time for two reasons. We wanted to spend a lot more time with our grandparents, which we did and will cherish it for the rest of our lives. I also didn't run because we had our first child and it was difficult to know how much time that would also take along with other family commitments. Increase security around Dandenong, especially during the night. This doesn't have to mean employing the military, but adding more lighting in darker spots, providing more assistance to those in need and ensure that people walking at night feel safe just as they did 20 to 30 years ago. Understand and integrate cultures through creation of opportunities where this can happen. For example erecting more exercise equipment in parks where people from different backgrounds can meet, provide more multicultural festivities and events for different communities to compete and socialize. Get the most value out of our rates. I pay my rates yearly and I can tell you it's hard to part with more than $1500 a year. However, knowing what you get for those rates and accessing services and resources makes that a little easier. Knowing what you are entitled to such as parks, venues, events and everything in between. 2. NEVER GIVE UP This is my third time running. When I initially thought about running there was one or two people that even poked a bit of fun at me for running the third time. There's a message I'd like to send to the younger minds of our community. Never give up. It's going to be a very difficult and hard road and one of things I like to live and breathe by is to never give up on the things you want to achieve. It's what this community needs, someone that is willing to inspire and be a role model. It's also the wealth of this community. That we lend each other a hand when one of us is down and that we always plow forward. 3. I DON'T WANT TO DO IT ALONE I want this journey of you and I to continue during this election and going forward. I want you to be part of decision making, I want you to be aware of what's happening in the council, I want to keep you updated on all things relevant in our local community. I'm the type of person that likes interacting with people and I find that his would be the perfect place where that interaction can provide a tremendous amount of benefit for both you, the council and wider community. It's rather long, so if you go this far, thank you. Please share this with your family and friends. Keep asking questions and be inquisitive. It's what our community depends on. Take care, D. Authorised by Dalibor Saula, 35 Jarvis Crescent, Dandenong North Victoria 3175
11.01.2022 Фолклораши широм света... 17 држава, 41 ансамбл и 195 учесника. Снагом српске традицие, заедно! За наш народ е одувек важило да е едини путоказ ка заеднич...ком успеху Слога. Борба за културу, нематериалну културну баштину, традиционално наслее, борба за очувае нашег идентитета, борба за одговор на питае ko смо, може бити плодотворна само ако е заедничка и сложна. Ова снимак кои видите пред вама управо е светао почетак те борбе, оне у коо учествуу Срби из свих делова света, поносни, чили и ведри ер проносе своу, српску реч, песмом широм универзума. Тиха вода, брег рони". Нека потече вода фолклораша из матице и расеаа, и нека не стае, нека одзваа своим шумом кроз горе и долине. Нека одзваа и нека свако зна... Ово е Србиа! # Српски Центар Бонириг се са поносом одазвао позиву да учествуе у овом проекту. Огромно хвала Станку Димитриеви, овани Ровчанин и Деани Калуерови # Композитор: Никола Грби-Грба Музички аранжман: Милош Мутапчи Проекат реализовали: Милош и Милан Мутапчи, Саша Богунови.
11.01.2022 ПИСМО УПУЕНО СВЕШТЕНИЦИМА И ВЕРНИЦИМА ДА ПОТПИШУ ПЕТИЦИУ ПРОТИВ ПРИЕДЛОГА ЗА НОВИ ЗАКОН У ВИКТОРИИ. ЗАКОН Е ШТЕТАН ЗА ЦРКВУ И ВЕРНИКЕ. У ПРИЛОЖЕНОМ СЕ НА...ЛАЗИ САСТАВЕНО ПИСМО КОЕ САМО ТРЕБА ШТО ВИШЕ УДИ ПОТПИСАТИ И ПОСЛАТИ НА СВАКУ МЛЦ КОНТАКТ ЕМАИЛ АДРЕСУ. PISMO UPUENO SVEŠTENICIMA I VJERNICIMA DA POTPISU PETICIJU PROTIV PREDLOGA ZA NOVI ZAKON U VIKTORIJI. ZAKON JE ŠTETAN ZA CRKVU I VJERNIKE. U PRILOŽENOM SE NALAZI SASTAVLJENO PISMO KOJE SAMO TREBA STO VIŠE LJUDI POTPISATI I POSLATI NA SVAKU MLC CONTACT EMAIL ADRESU. LETTER ADDRESSED TO PRIESTS AND BELIEVERS TO SIGN A PETITION AGAINST A PROPOSAL FOR A NEW LAW IN VICTORIA. THE LAW IS HARMFUL TO THE CHURCH AND THE BELIEVERS. ATTACHED IS A COMPOSED LETTER THAT ONLY NEEDS AS MANY PEOPLE TO SIGN AND SEND TO EACH MLC CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS. Драги оци, Прослеуемо вам образац писма и адресе чланова MLC-а, кои е гласати о усваау предложеног закона, кое можете да упутите ви и ваши парохиани, као ош едан вид апела против усвааа закона кои прети да ограничи наше верске слободе и дискриминише хришане. Постои могуност, да е се ова закон изгласавати у четвртак, па се надамо да имамо довоно времена да утичемо на спречавае доношеа овог закона. + С И Л У А Н Епископ аустралиско-мповозеландски PERSONAL LETTER / EMAIL TEMPLATE Dear MP I oppose the Victorian Change or Suppression Conversion legislation as it will criminalise many common religious practises of myself and many people from various faiths for doing nothing wrong. I am greatly concerned that the Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Bill will possibly deny help and support for vulnerable members of the community. I ask that you and your parliamentary colleagues: 1. Retract this Bill to respect religious freedom and cultural rights. 2. Establish a Joint Parliamentary select committee to properly review this Legislation and allow submissions from the Public 3. Please note that this is very important to myself and my Faith. If this request is ignored then it will affect the way that I vote at the next elections. Yours Sincerely MLC CONTACT E-MAILS: [email protected] Eastern Metropolitan [email protected] Southern Metropolitan [email protected] South Eastern Metropolitan [email protected] Northern Victoria [email protected] Eastern Victoria [email protected] South Eastern Metropolitan [email protected] Northern Victoria [email protected] Eastern Victoria [email protected] Western Metropolitan - please thank Bernie for promising to oppose the Bill [email protected] Western Victoria [email protected] Western Victoria [email protected] Eastern Metropolitan [email protected] Northern Metropolitan [email protected] Northern Metropolitan [email protected] Eastern Victoria [email protected] Northern Metropolitan [email protected] Southern Metropolitan [email protected] Western Metropolitan [email protected] Eastern Victoria [email protected] Northern Victoria [email protected] Northern Metropolitan [email protected] Eastern Victoria [email protected] South Eastern Metropolitan [email protected] Northern Victoria [email protected] South Eastern Metropolitan [email protected] Western Metropolitan [email protected] Western Metropolitan [email protected] Eastern Metropolitan [email protected] Western Metropolitan [email protected] Eastern Metropolitan [email protected] Northern Victoria [email protected] South Eastern Metropolitan [email protected] Southern Metropolitan [email protected] Southern Metrpolitan [email protected] Western Victoria [email protected] Western Victoria [email protected] Southern Metropolitan [email protected] Eastern Metropolitan [email protected] Northern Metropolitan [email protected] Western Victoria
10.01.2022 Danasnja akcija uredjenja crkvenih i folklornih prostorija Hvala svima koji su se danas odazvali ovoj akciji
10.01.2022 Koliko je važan nas folklor
09.01.2022 Dalmatinsko Vece Prvi Ansambl Šumadija Igre iz Vojvodine
07.01.2022 1990. VRANJANSKA SVITA Koreografija: Ivon Despotovi-Ešvajler Muzika obrada: Dragan Mlaenovi... 6. jul 2019. godine KOLO NA DAR Stadion TAŠMAJDAN, Beograd Režija: Misko Milojevic Produkcija: Ansambl Kolo, 2019.
06.01.2022 Христос Васкресе Фа Шумадиа Среу и здраве да вам донесе и да се у што скорием времену састанемо и поново заиграмо
06.01.2022 33 Folklorni Festival Bonnyrigg 4 Grupa FA "ŠUMADIJA" Sveti Arhidjakon Stefan Keysborough
03.01.2022 И кад се пева и кад боли. И кад се игра и кад се моли. И кад е криза и кад се ломе чаше, Србиа се воли, ер све е то наше.... #СрцеКажеСрбиа
03.01.2022 Da se nikad ne zaboravi velicanstven nastup nase Šumadije
01.01.2022 Kad je bilo najteže sauvali ste Ostrog i Djurdjeve stupove od bezbožnika...Nije bilo lako biti duhovni vodja u ovim teškim vremenima. BILI STE NAJBOLJI KADA JE BILO NAJTEŽE...VJENA VAM SLAVA I HVALA.
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