Fibre Frolic in Hawkesbury, New South Wales, Australia | Shopping & retail
Fibre Frolic
Locality: Hawkesbury, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 400 036 833
Address: 83a Old Bells Line of Road, Kurrajong 2783 Hawkesbury, NSW, Australia
Likes: 652
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24.01.2022 Modern Crochet, Girl's Granny Square Top/Dress #fibrefrolic #hiptobesquare #groovygrannies #patonscottonblend #crochetersofinstagram #niceandcolourful #shopsmall #shoplocal #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
24.01.2022 Theses beautiful Cushions by AnnLemon_art really rock #fibrefrolic #AnnLemonArt #worksofart #Rock #makeastatement #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
24.01.2022 Cute Crochet Christmas tree earrings from Seasontree now in store along with some other new styles #fibrefrolic #Christmas #christmasearrings #knittingneedlebraclets #Seasontree #madeinthebluemountains #shoplocal #shopsmall #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw @ Fibre Frolic
23.01.2022 What's your favourite Gummy Bears or Jelly Beans? #fibrefrolic #markmystitches #gummybears #jellybeans #stitchmarkers #yummy #knittersofinstagram #shopsmall #shoplocal #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
23.01.2022 Another beautiful Ann Lemon Art project bag for you to check out today
23.01.2022 Do you love a Christmas suprise? A yarny Christmas suprise. We have four of our lovely Indie Dyers making us a mystery Christmas colourway. Participating are Louie &Lola, Fiberlily, Glenheavenknits and 24 Mile Hollow yarn co. You can choose to be both naughty and nice. For more info #fibrefrolic #naughtyandnice #mysteryChristmascolours #hohohowhatafeeling #supriseyourself #glenheavenknits #24milehollowyarnco #louieandlolayarns #fiberlilyyarn #localyarnstore #shoplocal #shopsmall #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
22.01.2022 Still a few places left for Saturday night. Call the Cafe on 45730988 to book your spot #fibrefrolic #villagekitchen #knitnight #funnightout #dontforgetyourknittingorcrochet #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
21.01.2022 This easy crochet dishcloths book is in store now. Lots of great patterns, i think I might start with lollipop #fibrefrolic #easycrochetdishclothsbook #heirloomcotton4ply #ausyarnco #crochetersofinstagram #sustainability #shopsmall #shoplocal #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
21.01.2022 Another beautiful delivery today this time from Victoria Ceramics. Yarn Bowls and yarn bowl and mug/cup sets #fibrefrolic #victoriarobinson_ceramics #yarnbowls #yarnbowlsets #Beautiful #ceramics #knittersofinstagram #crochetersofinstagram #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw @ Fibre Frolic
20.01.2022 Today we are unpacking our latest delivery of Roving/Top from 24 Mile Hollow Yarn Co. Thanks Imogen, especially loving Derek the unicorn and someone's roses #fibrefrolic #24milehollowyarnco #toproving #spinning #weaving #felting #29Micron #shoplocal #shopsmall #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
19.01.2022 Our latest Drover and Classer has finally arrived. Its been touring around the countryside taking 2 weeks to get from Nowra to Kurrajong. We have 3 more of the mini skein sets and 2 new colours in this order #fibrefrolic #droverandclasser #ontour #thanksaustraliapost #miniskeinsets #vintagerose #tutu #shopsmall #shoplocal #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw @ Fibre Frolic
19.01.2022 How Gorgeous are these bright colours to warm a cold windy day Beautiful Gold Fusion by Fiber Lily, project bag by Ann Lemon Art and Gorgeous labels by Kylie and the Machine #fibrefrolic #fiberlilyyarn #kylieandthemachine #knittersofinstagram #crochetersofinstagram #itscoldoutside #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
19.01.2022 We are very excited to have these absolutely beautiful books by Prue Hutton & Sally Ord instore and online Mountain, inspirations from the wild - art to knits with stories inspired by walks on kunanyi/Mount Wellington which overlooks Hobart, Tasmania, illustrated with linocuts snd drawings and stunning original designs all reflecting the mountain experience Maria, voyages in design - art to knits. Inspired by Maria Island off the east coast of Tasmania: stories, and screenprints, knitting designs, stunning colours and beautiful textures. This is a book to treasure! #fibrefrolic #localyarnshop #special #present #gift #tasmania #myhomestate #mountains #MariaIsland #knitting#originaldesigns #illustrationartists #stories #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw @ Fibre Frolic See more
19.01.2022 We also had a visit from our favourite bag lady Ann Lemon with some more of her beautiful creations Some of these little birdies may have already flown the coop. The rest will be on the website soon #fibrefrolic #AnnLemon_art #Bluewrens Summermagpies #flyingoutthedoor #greatchristmasgift #bequick #shopsmall #shoplocal #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
19.01.2022 More beautiful mixed merino packs arrived in store today from Fibre Arts Shed, thank you Clare #fibrefrolic #fibreartsshed #merinopacks #beautifulcolours #spinning #felting #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
19.01.2022 If your knitting or crochet requires a larger than usual project bag. Look at these beauties that we have in-store from Ann_lemonArt, they are just beautiful. #Fibrefrolic #AnnLemon_art #largeprojectbag #knittersofinstagram #crochetersofinstagram #uncycled #tapestry #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw @ Fibre Frolic
18.01.2022 More Beautiful stitch markers have arrived in store this time from Beadoodads, check them out.....
18.01.2022 Thank you to all who came along to our first Knit/Crochet night at the Village Kitchen. Thanks to Shane and Village Kitchen staff for a wonderful night, the food and service was awesome especially the lime and pistachio cake.
17.01.2022 We are just a bit excited, the first of.our Naughty and Nice Mystery Christmas yarns have arrived. It's the Prawns & Pav Colourway by 24 Mile Hollow Yarn Co. If you would like to know more about our Christmas promotion you can check the link below #fibrefrolic #localyarnstore #NaughtyandNice #MysteryChristmascolours #24milehollowyarnco #fiberlilyyarn #glenheavenknits #louieandlolayarns #suprise #spoilyourself #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
17.01.2022 Remberance Day 2020 We will remember them #lestweforget #fibrefrolic #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
17.01.2022 Unpacking all this gorgeousness from Kylie at Fiber Lily. Adding more beautiful colour to our wall of Indie Dyed yarns #fibrefrolic #fiberlilyyarn #indiedyedyarn #madeinaustralia #knittersofinstagram #crochetersofinstagram #supersoftsock #buylocal #shopsmall #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
16.01.2022 So excited to have the latest edition of Indie Road arrive in store today #fibrefrolic #indieroadmagazine #instorenow #agoodread #grabacopyandacoffeeatthecafe #shopsmall #shoplocal #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
16.01.2022 It's a blooming beautiful Spring day in Kurrajong. We thinkl that this Peach Light colour way from Louie and Lola would make a gorgeous Acer Shawl what do you think? #Fibrefrolic #louieandlolayarns #Peachlight #AnnLemon_art #victoriarobinson_ceramics #crochetproject #crochetersofinstagram #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
15.01.2022 Hooked on these beautiful granny squares inspired by this Modern Crochet book #moderncrochet #cotton #hooked #crochetsofinstagram #fiberfrolic #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
15.01.2022 Are you a bit of a magpie and like things that sparkle? We think this beautiful Bronze colourway from Ridgetop Fibre Studio would really shine as a Truly Myrtle REBEL REBEL #Fibrefrolic #ridgetopfibrestudio #Magpie #knittersofinstagram #AnnLemon_art #trulymyrtledesigns #rebelrebel #Bronze #shopsmall #shoplocal #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
15.01.2022 We have had another delivery of beautiful project bags by Annlemon_art Vheck Nb them out they are just so gorgeous #Fibrefrolic #Annlemon_art #projectbags #checkthemout #youcanneverhavetoomanyprojectbags #worksofart #upcycled #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
14.01.2022 Excitment plus, our Fiber Lily Mystery Christmas colours way All the trimmings has arrived instore. It has now been hidden away with the 24 Mile Hollow Prawns & Pav. Lets just say you are not going to be disappointed both are beautiful. If you would like more info about our Christmas promotion see the link below #fibrefrolic #localyarnshop #NaughtyandNice #MysteryChristmascolours #justforyou #merryyarnychristmas #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
14.01.2022 Love when the postman delivers on the weekend. Having my coffee this morning while unpacking these beauties from Louie & Lola. Of course there was one mystery colour for.our naughty and nice promotion that has been hidden away #fibrefrolic #localyarnshop #naughtyandnice #louieandlolayarns #madeintasmania #BFLnylonfingering #knittersofinstagram #crochetsofinstagram #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw @ Fibre Frolic
14.01.2022 Have you had your greens today? #fibrefrolic #greenisoneofmyfavcolors #yummygreens #knittersofinstagram #crochetersofinstagram #itsnoteasybeinggreen #shopsmall #shoplocal #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
14.01.2022 Excited, our first online orders are packed and ready to go #fibrefrolic #newwebsite #onlineorders #shoponline #knittersofinstagram #crochetersofinstagram #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
14.01.2022 A little Birdie told me that this beautiful yarn from Glenheavenknits in the Siam colour way would make a beautiful Contour Shawl. What do you think? #fibrefrolic #glenheavenknits #thecrochetproject #contourshawl #AnnLemon_art #projectbags #victoriarobinson_ceramics #yarnbowl #crochetersofinstagram #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
14.01.2022 More gorgeous yarns arriving in store today. This time it's from Ridgetop Fibre Studio, 4ply Merino/silk, 4ply Merino/silk/yak, 4ply Merino/nylon sock #fibrefrolic #ridgetopfibrestudio #gorgeousyarns #merinosilkyarn #merinosilkyak #knittersofinstagram #crochetersofinstagram #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw @ Fibre Frolic
13.01.2022 Fibre Frolic Kits now available for our Diamond Mesh Stitch Cowl using Noro Silk Garden Lite #fibrefrolic #Diamondmeshstitchcowl #Noro #silkgardenlite #crochetersofinstagram #easycrochet #crochet #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
13.01.2022 More beautiful deliveries arriving in store today. Just in time for Christmas shopping. Ceramic yarn bowls from Victoria Ceramics and gorgeous project and shoulder bags from Annlemon_art #fibrefrolic #localyarnshop #victoriarobinson_ceramics #AnnLemon_art #yarnbowls #projectbags #Christmasshopping #shoponline #shoplocal #shopsmall #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
12.01.2022 Helen from Waratah Fibres delivered us some beautiful colours and yarn types this morning. Going up on the website soon #fibrefrolic #waratahfibres #southernhighlands #4ply #8ply #lotsofcolours #knittersofinstagram #crochetersofinstrgram #shopsmall #shoplocal #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
12.01.2022 Today is brought to you by the colour Orange. #fibrefrolic #orange #orangeisthenewblack #fiberlilyyarn #droverandclasser #24milehollowyarnco #bambini #rowankidsilkhaze #brights #shopsmall #shoplocal #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
12.01.2022 Enjoying a cosy cup of tea. Flower Power crochet tea cosy class now online #fibrefrolic #flowerpowerteacosy #classes&workshops #heirloommerinomagic #ausyarnco #shoponline #shopsmall #shoplocal #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw @ Fibre Frolic
12.01.2022 In a Purple patch today #fibrefrolic # Purpleismyfavouritecolour #droverandclasser #24milehollowyarnco #ridgetopfibrestudio #knittersofinstagram #crochetersofinstagram #shopsmall #shoplocal #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
11.01.2022 Only 1 more week till our next Knit Night, still some places left. Book now to avoid disappointment. A fun night out #fibrefrolic #thevillagekitchen #knitnight #funnightout #knittingandcrochetinginpublic #booknow #shopsmall #shoplocal #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
10.01.2022 Our Website is now live, check it out #fibrefrolic #newwebsite #checkitout #orderonline #thingsstillbeingadded #shoplocal #shopsmall #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
10.01.2022 Some Knit and Crochet packs off to hotel quarantine #fibrefrolic #hotelquarantine #covid19 #fourteendaystoknitandcrochet #knittersofinstagram #crochetersofinstagram #keepingbusy #shoplocal #shopsmall #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
10.01.2022 Some very cute little bears and dachshunds have arrived in store today. Handmade in Tasmania by Ria Bosveld using 100% wool blanket. #Fibrefrolic #handmadeintasmania #olifant #waverleywoolenmills #vintageblanket #bearycute #cuddlyfriends #wholetthedogsout #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw @ Fibre Frolic
10.01.2022 "The first blooms of Spring always make my heart sing." S Brown Beautiful Spring day in Kurrajong Village. #fibrefrolic #Spring #knittersofinstagram #crochetersofinstagram #agoodyarn #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
10.01.2022 Hi Ho Ho, Our final Knit Night for 2020 will be the Friday 11 December 6 -9pm A fun night out, with good food, drinks and great company. Book now to avoid disappointment #fibrefrolic #villagekitchen #greatnightout #christmas #knittersofinstagram #crochetersofinstagram #dontforgetyourknittingorcrochet #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
09.01.2022 Pretty shades of blue #fibrefrolic #glenheavenknits #blackwattleyarn #skeinyarn #louieandlolayarns #daffodilroadartisanyarns #24milehollowyarnco #knittersofinstagram #crochetersofinstagram #shoplocal #shopsmall #localyarnshop #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
09.01.2022 Monday's Moody Blues #fibrefrolic #blues #daffodilroadartisanyarns #glenheavenknits #MillpostMerino #Katia #fiddlesticksyarn #heirloom #shopsmall #shoplocal #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
09.01.2022 Only one more week to our next Knit Night at the Village Kitchen Kurrajong. Friday 25 September 6-9pm places still available book now on 45730988. Dont forget to mention you coming to Knit Night #fibrefrolic #villagekitchenkurrajong #Knitnight #knittingandcrochet #yummyfoodanddrinks #dontforgetyourWIP #WIP=workinprogress #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
08.01.2022 Do you want to Learn to knit or crochet?. Classes now available to book online More classes will be listed soon #fibrefrolic #learntoknit #learntocrochet... #learnanewskill #localyarnshop #shopsmall #shoplocal #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw @ Fibre Frolic See more
08.01.2022 Just loving how this Skein Donegal Sock is knitting up. Making Frida by Kristen Finley in the Frida colourway Check out the other colours online and in store. #fibrefrolic #localyarnshop #skeinyarn #frida #kristenfinlay #knittersofinstagram #madeinaustralia #shopsmall #shoplocal #shoponline #kurrajongvillage #Hawkesburynsw
08.01.2022 We are very excted that the beautful Glenheaven Knits yarn has arrived in store Stop in and check them out, you may need some Earl Grey Gin or one of the other beautiful colours #fibrefrolic #Glenheavenknits #indiedyedyarn #knittersofinstagram #crochetersofinstagram #earlgreygin #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw @ Fibre Frolic
07.01.2022 Open this Monday 9am to 2pm, the Village Kitchen Cafe is also open, Nothing better than coffee and a good yarn. Great destination for a Monday drive #FibreFrolic #villagekitchenkurrajong #coffeeandagoodyarn #knittersofinstagram #crochetersofinstagram #agreatdayout #publicholidaymonday #shopsmall #shoplocal #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
07.01.2022 It's hip to me square, isn't it. Really enjoying making these groovy granny squares in the beautiful Patons Cotton Blend.#Fibrefrolic #patonscottonblend #grannysquaretop #crochetsofinstagram #summertime #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
05.01.2022 On your way to Grandma's house stop in and check out this beautiful colourway from 24 Mile Hollow Yarn Co. Its called "What big teeth you have" #fibrefrolic #24milehollowyarnco #littleredridinghood #bigbadwolf #fairytale #bigteeth #goodygoodygumdrops #woolstore #LYS #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
05.01.2022 We think that the Beloved Bonnet by Tin Can Knits looks beautiful in the Bambini 8, Fuchsia #fibrefrolic #beloved #tincanknitspattern #Bambini8 #Fuchsia #knittersofinstagram #1ball #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
05.01.2022 Unpacking these lovelies today Skein Cushy DK #fibrefrolic #skeinyarn #cushy #sosoft #knittersofinstagram #crochetersofinstagram #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
04.01.2022 Loving the colours of this beautiful Shepherd Pure Baby that arrived in store today. 70% Organic Cotton, 30% Wool Online now #fibrefrolic #Organiccottonandwool #greatforsummer #summer tops #summerbabies #knittersofinstagram #crochetersofinstrgram... #localyarnshop #shopsmall #shoplocal #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw See more
03.01.2022 What better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than unpacking our next order of yarny goodness from 24 Mile Hollow yarn Co. Thanks Imogen for the special delivery. Our wall of Indie dyed yarn is looking very full with more arrivals coming soon you will be spoilt for choice. We also have some hand dyed Roving/Top this time #Fibrefrolic #Australianhanddyedyarn #24milehollowyarnco #Somegirlsaretimelords #crushing #tootsweet #Cometomummy #Bluetongue #backtothefuchisa #Keenas #Velvetcake #Hecalledmecarrots #knittersofinstagram #crochetsofinstagram #spinnersandweavers #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
03.01.2022 They say "Home is where the heart is" Its also the place for a cosy cup of tea and a warm hug. We have just had another beautiful delivery of project and tote bags from our favourite bag lady #fibrefrolic #AnnLemon_art #awarmhugbylouieandlolayarns #louieandlolayarns #teacosy #shopsmall #shoplocal #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw @ Fibre Frolic
03.01.2022 Our next Knit Night is on Friday 23 October 6-9 pm. Call the Cafe from Tuesday on 45730988 to book your place. Don’t forget to mention Knit Night #fibrefrolic #thevillagekitchenkurrajong #knitnight #goodfoodandagoodyarn #pluswinecoffeeandcake #newfriends #knit #crochet #shoplocal #shopsmall #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynswcommunity
02.01.2022 Have you seen out beautiful crochet earrings from Seasontree. Handmade in the Blue Mountains by the lovely Vanessa. #Fibrefrolic #Seasontree #madeinthebluemountains #crochetearings #intheloop #grannysquare # hiptobesquare #buylocal #shopsmall #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw @ Fibre Frolic
02.01.2022 This Saturday is my birthday, so to celebrate we will be having 10% off in store and online (excludes classes and gift certificates) #fibrefrolic #happybirthday #10%off #lastbirthdaythatstartswitha5 #nextyearitsthebig60 #therewillbecake #shopinstore #shoponline #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
01.01.2022 Unpacking some very beautiful Louie & Lola colourways in store today on the Lola 4ply sock, Mohair Silk Lace and Merino Silk Yak Fingering #fibrefrolic #louieandlolayarns #madeintasmania #knittersofinstagram #crochetersofinstagram #socks #shawls #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw @ Fibre Frolic
01.01.2022 This beautiful Dusty Pink from Millpost Merino makes a gorgeous Serendipity Bonnet by Mel Harrison #fibrefrolic #MillpostMerino #dustypink #crochetersofinstagram #justsosoft #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
01.01.2022 Our Drover and Classer basket has been restocked and we also have some mini skein sets this time that are already walking out the door #Fibrefrolic #droverandclasser #miniskeins #beautifulcolours #5ply #sosoft #knittersofinstagram #crochetersofinstagram #kurrajongvillage #hawkesburynsw
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