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FIC Australia Association | Non-profit organisation

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FIC Australia Association

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24.01.2022 Episodio 3 delle nostre chiacchere e cucina con Fic Australia. In questo video parliamo di granita. LadyChef Laura ci mostra i suoi segreti per preparare un ottima e veloce granita a casa.

24.01.2022 Chiacchere e cucina con Fic Australia - Arancini Ep.8 Questo lunedi parleremo di Arancino o Arancina

23.01.2022 Thank you to Maga Merletta senza glutine #rossaninadelsanto for this wonderful mention in the article. The honor is ours to have you present wonderful recipes! #channelFIC Look at the article! Grazie Rossanina! ... #freefrom #australia #italy #ficfamily #FIC

23.01.2022 Oggi e' stata firmata la collaborazione con una delle piu' grandi ed attive banche australiane la Bendigo Bank e la nostra Associazione Cuochi Italiani Australia (FIC Australia Association). La Bendigo Bank, gia molto attiva nella comunita' italiana in Australia, ha organizzato pacchetti dedicati per i membri della nostra Associazione. Pacchetti appositamente ed esclusivamente realizzati per i membri della nostra Associazione, dalla relationship manager e parte del board ese...cutivo Fic Australia Mariangela Stagnitti . La Bendigo Bank e' tra le piu' attive per quanto riguarda le collaborazioni con enti no-profit, inoltre parte del suo ricavato annuale viene devoluto in beneficenza. Grazie a Bendigo Bank e Mariangela Stagnitti di questi pacchetti personalizzati per i nostri membri. Nelle foto il Presidente Tony Sabia ed il Vice Presidente Salvatore D'Alterio insieme allo staff della banca nella sede di Leichhardt.

22.01.2022 E' con il più profondo del cuore che poniamo le più sentite condoglianze al nostro caro membro Andrea Tranchero per la scomparsa della madre Assunta Tranchero. Offriamo le nostre preghiere alla patrona delle madri Sant'Anna, nonna di Gesù per la famiglia Tranchero. Possa Sant'Anna accompagnare Assunta Tranchero nel suo viaggio verso il Paradiso. Assunta era una moglie, madre e nonna vissuta e adorata dalla sua famiglia, era anche donna di forte fede. Andrea Tranchero

22.01.2022 Tune in at 1 pm! GLUTEN FREE PASTA

22.01.2022 Thank you for the honor !

22.01.2022 Continua la collaborazione della Fic Australia con le altre Fic nel mondo. Questa settimana insieme allo chef Alessandro Argento della Fic Unione Cuochi del Veneto

22.01.2022 We are proud to announce a succulent episode for Monday 28th at @6.30 pm Australian time. We the FIC Family Australia want to personally introduce to you, this charismatic personality. Now you don't meet many people in life at such a young age, that share a passion and a gift at the same time do you?... At such a young age Antonio Argentieri is an inspiration. He has direction, goals, and a purpose. All three in one, this is a benchmark for success! Do you agree? We wanted to share his journey with you, firstly, his love for children, Antonio has raised money for the Princess Margaret Hospital to support the Leukemia Foundation in Perth. The team at the hospital suggested that studies show that therapy works better with children to create and establish happiness. This is where the Cakes for Therapy Wish Foundation was birthed. Antonio dedicates his time to this. His wish is to create a Massive Event to raise money for the Foundation. 2nd - Antonio loves art, he is an artist, it ties him with his faith and family. He also is an Opera singer, he is called The Singing Chef Smule has made him a winner. These are already strong pillars and foundations for anyone to have today. This is what makes a person stand out. 3rd He makes everything by hand! Have you ever seen chandelier cakes? He is also a producer of his own product called Creme salate e crema dolce Brand Coast Crema. Costa is an artisan Italian product. He also has just released a CD which will raise money for the Leukemia Foundation. We are super excited to spend an hour with this extraordinary man, Antonio Argentieri. Are you? Are you ready? Got your apron ready? Set your time for 6.30 Australian time! Take that hour out of your evening and spend it with us! The Team of FIC Australia #FIC #australia ----- #antonioargentieri #italianpastrychef #italianopera #singingchef #leukemiafoundation #freelancechef #cremesalata #italianartisan #brandcosta #ireland #abbruzzo #ficaustralia #ficcookingchannel #australianmade #Italian #australia #followus #followusoninstagram #mondaycooking #artisans #passionate #chefstalk #chefsofinstagram #chefstalk #chefstable #purpose #heritage

21.01.2022 Celebrating world Pasta day 2020 with Supersalli Anna

21.01.2022 Today live on Facebook. @andreatrancherochef and @donatocoffano talking gluten free pasta. Recipe@featured here fork @andreatrancherochef @barillaaus 1pm today! Join us live!!!

20.01.2022 @lauragelatonobile making homemade granita green apple ! Episode 2! Tune in every Monday for more tips and tricks. 1pm @ficaustralia #ficfamily

19.01.2022 Chiacchere e cucina ... Fic Australia Pasta fresca all'uovo Pasta fresca senza uovo (semolina)

18.01.2022 Save this date! Monday 28th of September 6.30 Australian Time. What a recipe do we have for you and a young man who has so much to share with us!... Be inspired! Take this to the next level and see how delicous flavours can blend together. Italians know flavour, they are incorporated in our DNA. The flavours of pistacchio and Nutella, what do they do to you? Love & Passion is why Antonio Argentieri chose the brand #Costa because they honour traditions, and the Italian language of Italy, they are a family company built on humility, strength and quality. Join us and Antonio Argentieri for an episode of Italian delicacies, family, tradition and honour are a match made in heaven, that is why we are the FIC family of Australia. Family is the cornerstone of what we are. Tradition is the pillar of who we represent, the past, present and future. Integrity is are the principles we have built our federation on. See you on Monday! Join us! All the FIC Family. --- #antonioargentieri #italianpastrychef #italiansinger #costa #traditions #episodes #italy #italian #people #honour #ficaus #australia #chefs #network #cookingchannel #international #chefslife #cuisine .

18.01.2022 Please click on the link @iccimelbourne for this free webinar. #ficfamily. #redifine #redirect ##reinvent #freewebinar

17.01.2022 From Our Vice President Salvatore D'Alterio Happy new year 2021

17.01.2022 FIC family Si unisce al dolore che ha colpito il nostro membro Gabriele Franco per la perdita del caro zio. Sentite condoglianze alla famiglia, vi siamo vicini in questo momento difficile. R.I.P.

14.01.2022 Our lovely member Guy has made some more traditional dishes. Biscotto della nonna! Bravissimo Guy Scalise!

13.01.2022 #NoViolance #Donne #DseFic

13.01.2022 L'Ovo Murina recipe Crepe 6 eggs 1 teaspoon of vanilla seeds... 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon 300 grams of almond flour 50 grams of flaked almonds 3 tablespoons of dark chocolate 4 tablespoons of sugar Crema di Latte 2 cups of milk 1/2 of a lemon peel 1 teaspoon of vanilla seeds or a vanilla pod 5 tablespoons of sugar 5 tablespoons of corn flour You will need icing sugar and crushed chocolate to put on top. Once you have done the crepes which will make approximately around 8-10 depending on how big you want them. In this ancient recipe they used to cook the crepes with fat, I used spray virgin olive oil in my crepe pan. You will need to have at least 2 tablespoons of candied zucchini once the crema di Latte is made, it will need to cool down before you implement the candied zucchini in it. How to make the jam is really easy, you can cut zucchini in small slices and place it in a bowl it will need to marinade in sugar cover the zucchini in sugar for about 24 hours then place the zucchini with the sugar in a saucepan for about 2/12 hours at a low heat and it will become a jam, you can bottle it and keep it in the fridge. Tip: Once I made my jam I put it in the food processor and pureed it so that it is easier to handle when making cakes you don't have chunks of it, instead its a nice paste.

13.01.2022 Today is the day where excellence shines Where passion and tradition meet. Are your ingredients ready?... We are coming to you LIVE. COOKING CHANNEL WHERE THE CHEF'S MEET YOU IN YOUR HOME. Antonio Argentieri is going to share with us an Abruzzesi recipe. Join the FIC Association Team and Antonio right here @6.30 Australian Time. See you soon! FIC ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA Passion, Tradition, Heritage. ---- #antonioargentieri #pastrychef #ormo #singingchef #cannolo #cakedecoration #dublin #ireland #abbruzzo #followus #followantonio #cookingchannel #live #joinus #mondaycookingchannel #ficaustralia #FIC #italian #italy #italianchefs #ladychefs

12.01.2022 Arancini with Teresa Matarazzo thank you for this classic recipe using arancini mold! Wonderful. Dedicated to Noria Letts We stand with you! ... Ragu 1 carrot diced 1 stick celery diced 2 gloves garlic Small onion diced 500gr beef mince Tbspoon Tomato paste 300 ml Passata Cup Baby peas Basil Salt and pepper Fry carrot onion celery garlic Add mince brown Tomato paste Passata Add peas salt and pepper Cook about and hour until it halves in quantity thick Leave to cool Rice Small onion olive oil 2 cups Aborio rice 4 cups of vege stock Mozzarella or provola diced small Olive oil Fry until soft add rice toss until coated with oil Add stock Cook for 14 mins Add handful of Parmesan Place in a tray to cook I use my Arancini maker To form So I start with cheese Ragu Cheese Ragu Risotto Pastella White flour Water Salt and pepper Make into a thin pancake consistency Then coat Arancini in this before breadcrumbs Fry for 4 to 5 minutes until golden brown Then Mangia Mangia Mangia

12.01.2022 From our wonderful member Alessandro Biviano and his wonderful pasta dish - happy new year !

11.01.2022 We are proud to announce our gluten free, nickel free, lactose free specialist of our time. With her own food channel and leader in her field. Honored guest @magamerletta @rossaninadelsanto Gentlemen hosts : ... Andrea Tranchero and Carlo Staropoli. Honored lady guests : Mariangela Stagnitti Carmela D'Amore Laura Ayoub Nobile

11.01.2022 Andrea Tranchero making his dish in our episode today! Gluten free pasta. Casarecce do ceci, with prawns and ricotta! Here is the final product! Watch our episode ! Join us we ti Monday at 1pm for great recipes! Recipes are In the previous posts!

11.01.2022 Celebrating Workd pasta Day with our President ! Tony Sabia

10.01.2022 Grazie per l’articolo di collaborazione con noi! #ficfamily #freefrom Thank you for the wonderful collaboration with #freefrom food. So honored to start our journey with FIC Italia

10.01.2022 Come seguire i webinar..

10.01.2022 Donato Cofano in episode 2 and 5. Making his pasta dishes. Cime di rappi and gluten free vegan gnocchi! Join us every Monday at 1pm for More recipes !!!!

10.01.2022 These are the two plates cooked yesterday during our live of " Chiacchere e cucina con Fic Australia " Ep. 6 Spaghetti al pomodoro 2.0 of VicePresident Salvatore D'Alterio and Cucciolone al pomodoro of awarded pastry chef @lucio isernia.

10.01.2022 Australia meets Italy! 6pm Monday 7th September 2020 We are proud to announce our gluten free, nichel free, lactose free specialist of our time. ... With her own food channel and leader in her field. Honored guest @magamerletta @rossanina del santo Gentlemen hosts : Andrea Tranchero and Carlo Staropoli. Honored lady guests : Mariangela Stagnitti Carmela D'Amore Laura Ayoub Nobile

09.01.2022 Supplì with black rice! Gluten free. Egg free. Lactose free. Grazie @ Donato Cofano! Descrizione ricetta: Andiamo a bollire il riso nero con il doppio di acqua, cioe se usiamo una cup di riso, dobbiamo usare 2 cup di acqua. Portiamo ad ebollizione e dopo lasciamo sobbollire per circa 20/30 minuti... Dopo questo tempo copriamo e lasciamo riposare fino a raffreddarsi Intanto nettiamo il cavolo, lo tagliamo a pezzetti e lo cuciniamo al vapore per circa 8 minuti Mettiamo una padella sul fuoco e saltiamo poi il cavolo con EVO e aglio, dopo di che lo schiacciamo grossolanamente con una forchetta per ottenere un pure grezzo Lasciamo raffreddare. Prendiamo ora una bacinella e vi mettiamo il riso, il passato di pomodoro gia cucinato con la classica brunoise di carote, cipolla, spicchio d’aglio e sedano, arricchendolo alla fine con delle foglie di basilico fresco, il pure di cavolfiore e mescoliamo bene. Quando tutto sara mescolato bene, cominciamo a fare delle palline che poi faremo una forma di uovo, classico del suppli e lo farciremo nel cuore con il formaggio di cocco vegano. Una volta fatta questa operazione, impaniamo nel crumb di riso, e lasciamo riposare un po’. Intanto mettiamo in una pentola abbondante olio, anche vegetale e quando avra raggiunto i 170/175 gradi andremo ad adagiare i suppli e li friggeremo fino a quando non saranno belli dorati Li togliamo dall’olio, li mettiamo su un po’ di carta assorbente e andremo poi a servire sul passato di pomodoro, arricchendo il piatto con delle foglie di basilico croccanti Buon appetito See more

09.01.2022 Cosa ne pensate di un supplì vegano fatto con questo ingredienti?! Seguite il live alle 13.00 ( orario di Sydney) per la ricetta. Cheers

09.01.2022 Have a look who we will be online with !

08.01.2022 Donato Coffano tune in to our previous episode for@the full recipe of Donato. Pasta con cime di rappi!

07.01.2022 Antonio is making Abruzzesi Ferratelle Recipe. Can you hear the magnificence of ingredients slowly coming together! Get your ingredients and cook with Antonio Argentieri ... Here are the secret ingredients for you to give it a try! Come on get ready for tomorrow @ 6.30 Australian time! We are coming to you live with this master! And you don't have to leave your home.. The FIC Association of Australia Where Tradition and Heritage are the cornerstones. --- #antonioargentieri #masterchef #chefartist #singingchef #channelfic #italy #ficassociationaustralia #cookingchannel #australia #FIC #abruzzo #abbruzoitaly #orma #canapes #ferratelle #recipe #secret #ingredients #tradition #excellence #cannoli #shortcrust #pastry #tartlets #company #australiachefs #italianchefs #joinus #members #sponsors #sponsorship #sponsoropportunity #cookinglive

07.01.2022 What are we doing for Christmas ? Let's bring some heritage desserts back to life

06.01.2022 @donatocoffano his gluten free gnocchi. Have a look at our Facebook @ficaustralia for full video and recipe

05.01.2022 Questo lunedi parleremo di pomodoro ed i suoi diversi utilizzi in cucina

05.01.2022 Thank you to @donato cofano @andreatrancherochef @chefcarlostaropoli @domenicotellatin @lauragelatonobile for episode 5! Gluten free pasta ! Tune@in on Facebook every Monday at 1pm for more lessons and episodes! Have a look at the finished dishes!

05.01.2022 Casarece di ceci! By @andreatrancherochef in today’s episode. Go our Facebook page for our full recipe. @barillaaus #ficfamily

04.01.2022 Ricetta per gnocchi gluten free e vegani Per 6 pax 1 kg di patate sebago vecchie 470 di farina gluten free per gnocchi (io uso un mix della ditta ardor di Melbourne) 50 ml olio extravergine... Sale fino e pepe bianco quanto basta Recipe for gluten free gnocchi! From Donato Cofano 1pm Today

02.01.2022 Last Sunday the President of FIC Australia Tony Sabia and Secretary Sandro Isabella along side of Philip Burton from the Australian culinary Doundation NSW chapter, volunteered for Rough edges. To help support the homeless on the streets receive a meal! These two great culinary establishments volunteered their time to cook and pack food donated. @tonysabia contributed pasta and his restaurant for the cause. The food was delicious ! Thank You to all!

02.01.2022 FIC chef Antonio Argentieri cooks live Monday 6.30pmAEST

02.01.2022 1pm today. Facebook live!!! @andreatrancherochef @barillaaus

01.01.2022 Ep. 5 - A noi piace la pasta ... anche quella senza glutine!!

01.01.2022 We are so proud to announce the wonderful collaboration with FIC Italia and the honorable Chef Alessandro Argento 6pm AEST (Australia) for a wonderful recipe with gnocchi and prawns ! We are celebrating this wonderful collaboration with @federchuochi #ficitalia #ficfamily ... @mammaemma #veneto @ficaustralia See more

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