Fighting Fit Physiotherapy in Nerang, Queensland, Australia | Sport & recreation
Fighting Fit Physiotherapy
Locality: Nerang, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 402 938 661
Address: Unit 3, 25 Brendan Dr 4211 Nerang, QLD, Australia
Likes: 1764
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25.01.2022 Get your arse up & outta bed for this one peeps!! Our man @therealtdelight taking the fight to @uae_warriors tonight 1am Sydney time. So from midnight in qld, Shannon is 7th fight. Watch the fight using this link ...
24.01.2022 JOIN TEAM TD 3 weeks from flying out to Abu Dhabi and flying the flag Looking to finalise all sponsors so if any business, brands would like to join td as we travel across the world please direct message me If any one has any leads on potential sponsorships I’d be very grateful Come join my team Fighting Fit Physiotherapy TICK TOCK Nutrition Boss Therapies CMBT Nutrition SK Nutrition Jitsy The Fight Dietitian Currumbin Autobody Repairs Phresh Ink
24.01.2022 Was awesome to be able to help Alli recover from her long standing hip pain! Consistency is key and her hard work has paid off!! She can now enjoy long motorbike rides without any problems .... . Tyson Physiotherapist #fixedatfightingfit #painfree #fixed #physiotherapy #exercise #physiology #hip #pain #strength #consistency #recover #thumbsup See more
24.01.2022 Yeeeeeaaaahhhhh boi... @therealtdelight with the W!!! Congratulations on a great fight!!
23.01.2022 It’s fight day for two of our athletes! @josh_kuhne and @jamesvictorsargison taking the hard work and putting it into action tonight @southportsharks for @eternalmma Leave nothing but your best performance in the cage tonight boys!! #trainhardfightharder
22.01.2022 Epic to see Thibault get a great result after a nasty bicep femoris (one of your hammies) tear! Solid work from @kyle.wells.1238 will see him back for preseason #football. Following any hammy injury it’s important to continue a maintenance/prehab program for as long as your involved in sport! If you stop, expect another tear and time on the sidelines! ... @burleighbulldogs.fc #fixedatfightingfit #hamstringrehab #hamstringinjury #hamstringinjuryrecovery #hamstringinjuries #hamstringinjuryprevention #hammytear #hammy #donemyhammy #hamstringsniper #physio #hamstringstrain #hamstringpain #hamstrings #goldcoast #nerang #physionerang #fixedatfightingfitphysio
22.01.2022 at this and read belowif you have plantar fasciitis! This lady had suffered over 12 months of heel pain and tried the quick fixes. But none of the treatments included exercise! ... She wanted to get back to tennis , running and being able to get back to a regular fitness regime. Orthotics didn’t build strength Shockwave does NOT build tendon resilience Dry needling has never increased load capacity GUESS WHAT... A specific exercise program DOES and it also reduces pain and other symptoms. Just look at that graph. It’s a progressive program. Has a start point and builds over time. First you see the pain (symptoms) reduce, that’s step one! Step two progress it and don’t stop! See those spikes in symptoms? That’s every-time we progressed to a higher level task. The end is playing tennis after 1hour of cardio training. #fixedatfightingfit
21.01.2022 So cool to have in to share here celebrations with @fightingfitep. Such a pleasure to have a motivate kid push herself and reap the rewards of sport! #ouryoungestfighter #fightingfit #bjj #jits #strengthandconditioning #kids #youngathlete #learnyoung #liftingislife #liftingmotivation #nostoppingher #spoilsofsport #trainsmart #younglifter #activekids #kidsinsport #activeforlife #physio #exercisephysiology #nerang #goldcoast
20.01.2022 A beautiful day to respect the fallen, the past and present service men and women of our country! We thank you all
20.01.2022 Here is a direct link if needed. Fight 7 or 8, a few have been out of order from earlier posted cards. So not sure exactly when it will be.
19.01.2022 Our team had a super fun day out @gcturfclub for #derbyday on the weekend. @becleefielding @fightingfitep @tyson_m @boss_lady_gentle @kyle.wells.1238 @cghunt89 Doing great things with people deserves great rewards! ... So we enjoyed lots of beer and wine, a lot of donations to various punting apps and bookies, yummy food and a sweet ride for the day! Thanks team! #workisntboring #enjoyyourjob #loveyourwork #enjoyyourteam #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #teamwork #funworkplace #workmates #neveradullmoment #stretchhummer #dresstoimpress #laughterisgoodforthesoul #balancedlifestyle #physioclinic
19.01.2022 With just a few weeks of #fightcamp left we have got @britney_dolheguy #fixedatfightingfit Hip pain is super common in #muaythai athletes as there is different hip morphology, yet the same technique is required. Not all hips are built the same, not all hips function the exactly the same. So if your having hip pain with kicking, you need to get it checked out. ... Don’t flog your hip out with training, get it assessed and the correct rehab underway. Obviously not with any old physio, someone who has had some skin in the game over the years! #combatsports #combatathlete #fighter #fighting #hip #boxing #mma #mixedmartialarts #physio #goldcoast #nerang #expert #fightingfit #strikeforce #fighterslife
18.01.2022 Happiest of birthdays to @kyle.wells.1238 may your day be full of fun, laughs and better photos then these
16.01.2022 Super stoked to see Elena to discharge after suffering from low back pain. She followed her plan to the letter and got a great result! @tyson_m #fixedatfightingfit
14.01.2022 The OG! Colin was one of my first patients when I opened the clinic and the most consistent patient entering his 7th year with us. At 80 years old, he has turned up to over 95% of his exercise sessions, still plays golf (since we got him back to it in 2014), and is fighting fit at 80 managing his health with such an active lifestyle. Colin your a true gentleman and a pleasure to work with for so long! I can’t wait to do many more!!... If only we could bottle your consistency and commitment to pour it over a few of the ones who think it’s impossible to exercise and train. #ageisjustanumber #seniorshealth #activeaging #fixedatfightingfit #nerang #goldcoast #physio #goldcoastlife #healthyaging #healthisthegreatestwealth #investinyourself
13.01.2022 Andrew came to us with a long history of low back pain. After begin super consistent with his treatment plan he now has more confidence to do things in his daily life without getting back pain and has progressed to our exercise physiologist Chris to continue smashing goals in the gym! #goldcoast #seqwater #fire #firefighter #nerang #backpain #backpainsucks #outcomes #results #healthiswealth #healthylifestyle #gym #exercisephysiology #strengthandconditioning #timetolift #strongback #backpainexercises #backpainsupport
13.01.2022 Fight week!! The best or worst week for a fighter... In most sports a tapper week pre competition is normal to allow the body to recovery and adapt fully from the training before the grueling onslaught of a big race, event or game. For fighters, this week is usually cutting weight. A very stressful time for some, a breeze for others in the know. ... For the ones stressfully cutting weight, depleting their bodies of food/fuel during and after a stressful fight camp. Your tapper week is nonexistent and you won’t recover and adapt in time to perform at your peak come fight night. Those in the know fuel to perform during camp, train to peak at the right time and tapper while successfully cutting those last few kilos without stress, anxiety or concerns. Their ready to perform. @josh_kuhne is in his last few days and feels great, weight on point and body ready to go It’s our last week, we keep moving but without volume, intensity or stress. We use the right energy system to ensure we aren’t depleting with exercise our already depleted glycogen stores from the diet restrictions required for weight reduction. Train smart! #mma #muaythai #eternalmma #mmatraining #mmafighter #mmafighters #mmalife #mmagold #training #trainsmart #trainhard #sportscience #strengthandconditioning #vo2max #testing #athlete #performbetter #foodisfuel #health #weightcut #weightcutting #smart
10.01.2022 Awesome seeing two of our athletes @brentinm and @josh_kuhne get their hands raised @eternalmma on Saturday night! Both guys put on a show, which is what everyone sees on the night. What they don’t see is the hard work in the gym, the injuries they have had to over come, the doubts, struggles, all the challenges and life hurdles thrown in to their camps. ... Congratulations on finishing with the result you pushed so hard to get! On to the next #52weekfightcamp
09.01.2022 Welcome to the team @liammuenster our latest physio recruit! We are pumped to have you join us in 2021 to help us get even more awesome results! #physio #newrecruit #goldcoast #physiotherapist #nerang #onlyqualityjoinsthisteam #fightingfitfamily #teamwork #teamworkmakesthedreamwork
09.01.2022 Making real life insta models with maximal strength testing since 2013 If it isn’t ugly your not working hard enough! @bspit6 ... #trainhard #liftheavy #makefunnyfaces #nerang #goldcoast #fun #enjoythemoment #havealaugh #physio #exercise #exercisephysiology #valdperformance #forceframe #fightingfit #testing
08.01.2022 If your stuck in the rain for your appointment today, we arranged this special Uber and it’s ready to go! Call the clinic as there is only one and it’s for our patients only We also asked for Uber’s algorithm not to charge your life savings during peak demand times like they did after eternal on the weekend! ... #physio #goldcoastphysio #fun #goldcoast #havefun #laugh #mondayjoke #truestorybro #funny #lightenup #itsmonday #gettoyourappointmentontime #nerang #nerangphysio #healthygc #swimmingtraining
08.01.2022 What a camp @therealtdelight, well really going 3 back to back camps leading into this @uae_warriors bout going ahead. But what better time to build on each and turn a shit covid year into serious athletic growth. We’re lucky, we test and measure at set intervals. Ensuring our athlete is ready and what we are doing is work for them. ... Not them just feeling good or bad, actually knowing they are ready physically. Below is some early (very raw) comparison to data collected from @eternalmma March 2019. RMR 1541kcal/day RER 0.87 at 62.5kg (1411, 0.88 at 65.1kg), yeah he can eat more lighter and leaner! Vo2max 68.8mlO2/kg/min AT 170. (55mlO2/kg/min, AT 141), increase 25% in his gas tank. CMJ 44.3cm (40.56cm) increase of 3.7cm and also 500w of power. IMTP = 2754N (2697N) 57N less, but relative to body mass is stronger. Conclusion: a fitter, more powerful, more explosive fighter who can push the limit, eat more and look like one hell of a physical specimen. #mma #mmafighter #uaewarriors #therealdelight #cmbt #fightingfit #strengthandconditioning #sportsscience #goldcoast #nerang #athlete #athletetraining #combatsports #combatathlete #rmr #vo2max #midthighpull #cmj #metabolictesting #testdontguess #knowyournumbers #boxing #platinumboxing #ticktocknutrition #tfd #tfdapproved @ticktocknutrition @the_fightdietitian @cmbttrainingcentre @cmbtnutrition @currumbinautobodyrepairs @phreshink @jitsyclub @platinumboxing @bosstherapies
08.01.2022 Any physio students looking for some hands on work?
07.01.2022 Happiest of birthdays to @cghunt89 @fightingfitep Bloke has a heart of gold and always down for a hair challenge with @becleefielding or @tyson_m Also regularly found sleeping on the job (pictured), pretending exercise is hard and practicing his putting mid week in an attempt at emulating his hero tiger woods on most weekends at various golf courses on the GC. ... Have a great day! Don’t eat too much cake, no soccer to burn it off tonight! #birthdays #fightingfit #staffbirthday #stitchup #photoshoot #model #hairstyles #hairstylist #golf #trainhard #goldcoast #employeeappreciation
07.01.2022 Happy birthday @boss_lady_gentle our party animal, full of laughs, massage therapist! May you make many more memories like these today, your special day. #traditionalbirthdaysitchuppic
06.01.2022 Not the best technique but the effort was certainly there
06.01.2022 Another great addition to the team for 2021! Welcome Josh, an accredited exercise physiologist. Looking forward to shaping your career and you helping our patients to become fighting fit! ... #exercisephysiologist #nersng #goldcoast #fixedatfightingfit #team #fightingfitfamily #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #teamwork #ep #essa #exercise #healthyliving #yourhealthmatters
06.01.2022 #remembranceday thank you to all our serviceman past, present and future!
05.01.2022 Happy Star Wars Day from the Fighting Fit Family. - May the 4th be with you -... - - - #starwars #disney #darthvader #starwarsfan #jedi #themandalorian #babyyoda #clonewars #sith #kyloren #mandalorian #starwarsmemes #lukeskywalker #anakinskywalker #lego #cosplay #stormtrooper #physiotherapy #physiotherapist #physicaltherapy #rehab #prehab #injuryprevention #goldcoastphysio #healthandwellness #correctiveexercise #backpain #lowerbackpain
03.01.2022 Keep those excuses in check and get into it! Make 2021 about you, your health and wellness. See you in the gym!... #fightingfit #health #physio #exercise #helpingothers #helptogethealthy #exercisephysiology #nerang #goldcoast #gym #noexcuses #2021healthgoals #attitudeiseverything #focusonyourself
02.01.2022 Understanding your own performance Whether an Elite Athlete or not, the more you understand how your body is performing the more you can push it and achieve greatness in everything and anything you do in life.
01.01.2022 Looking forward to josh adding some more power to his game next weekend. Boy hit some serious numbers in the last week of camp!!
01.01.2022 What are you getting mum on #mothersday ?? Since she gave you everything, why not give her the gift of good health and enjoy life without pain or injury! To celebrate mums on Mother’s Day with have a great gift to share. ... A #physio to help her pain or injury... Or An #exercisephysiologist to help with exercise, manage those age related conditions or add some bulk to make lifting the grandkids easier! Click on the link below, and give her the gift of good health. Or tag her and share a great opportunity to get fighting fit.
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