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25.01.2022 R U OK? . . #ruokday

25.01.2022 You know you worked hard in RPM when you still jumper less 30min later in the cool evening and slight drizzle . . . .... . . . #rpm #lesmills #goals #limitless #coach #bringit #mix #challange #cardio #cycle #ride #bodybike #narroginymca #narrogin #musclenation See more

25.01.2022 Phew! A sweaty and fun GRIT cardio smashed out this evening! . . Thank you so much to the clients that came, some expecting Konga, or knowing it was something different and willing to give it a go! You all did amazing, and maybe have found a love for GRIT? Or maybe a new found appreciation for Konga? .... . @sm_ackerman . . . . #grit #cover #cardio #gritcardio #goals #fitness #narrogin #narroginymca See more

25.01.2022 Enjoying this sunshine so much decided to take my workout outside today! . . . .... Another Grit thanks to Les Mills on Demand. Something always sneaks up to finish you off! . . . . . #lesmills #lesmillsondemand #goals #grit #cardio #strength #hiit #strongerthanyesterday #bringit #fitness #fightingstrongfitness #homeworkout #sunshine #spring #outsideworkout See more

24.01.2022 First Saturday RPM back for a while, with school holidays and all those other things. Felt so good! We where going well then track 5 hit! That was a good one! . . Sunday 30min RPM starts tomorrow with Lisa! .... . . . #rpm #lesmills #goals #fitness #fightingstrongfitness #cycle #bodybike #narrogin #narroginymca See more

23.01.2022 Feeling the red vibes today! Busy, busy! . . .... Kids where worried they would have nothing to do this week, but have filled their calendar up today, and for next two days at least already. Then next week is my week off hubby on holidays and hopefully get a few days away. . . . #fitness #goals #bodypump #weights #strength #strongerthanyesterday #progressnotperfection #coach #lesmillsondemand (because sometimes it nice to not have to think ) #fightingstrongfitness #narrogin #lesmills #musclenation #red See more

21.01.2022 One of my favorite parts of my job, as a group fitness instructor and Personal Trainer is watching my clients push past their limits. This particular lady amazes me every time! Every time she steps up, she pushes to the next level, even when you can see in her facial expressions she is done in. Her determination and drive is inspiring and amazing! . . . #fitness #goals #cardio #strength #detirmination #limitless #personaltrainer #chaseyourgoals #strongerthanyesterday

21.01.2022 Stretching and breathing after a wicked strength and cardio workout. . . . Do you love the feeling of pushing your max? ... . . . . . . . #findingyourlimits #limitless #goals #hiit #strength #cardio #fitness #strongerthanyesterday #progressnotperfection #bringit #gym #childspose #lesmills #reebok #runfastergear #fightingstrongfitness #narrogin #personaltrainer See more

21.01.2022 A lovely day to be sitting on the sun watching these two at their athletes carnival. Only one more year for the middle one. He did so well, running in the longest race of the day. And little girl so good in her team sports and run. All the kids where awesome to watch. . . . .... #family #kids #school #schoolcarnival #sports #sunshine #gored See more

19.01.2022 Wow! 4yrs. . . One of the most challenging times I ever faced was right in the middle of this course. I could have stopped. But would have had to start all over again. Do I did what I get my brother would want me to do. Follow my dreams! God I still remember crying when I passed (hmm a trend that hasn’t left me haha @yazreading). So relieved that I did it, so relieved that I kept living out my dream. I haven’t looked back, not once have I questioned why I do what I do. I lov...e helping others realize their fitness goals. To be along that journey with them. To be the person they show trust in. Becoming way more than just another Personal trainer to them. . . . Thank you to everyone that has helped me along in this journey, supported me in what I do. I look forward to so many more years doing what I love. . . . . #fitness #Australianinstituteoffitness #perth #throwback #memories #lovemyjob #followyourdreams #dreambig #youcandoit #changecareer #nevertolate #dowhatyoulove #fitfam #personaltrainer #groupfitness #narrogin #fightingstrongfitness #nevertoolate #lesmills #goals See more

19.01.2022 Saturday RPM done! Now time to enjoy the rest of the long weekend.... doing house work . . What is everyone else getting up to? ... . . . . #longweekend #saturdayvibes #rpm #fitness #goals #cycle #pumpitup #limitless #lesmills #coach #cardio #bodybike #fightingstrongfitness #narroginymca #narrogin See more

19.01.2022 There is something about sharing a workout, and learning with fellow colleagues. I am so lucky to work with some amazing people that support each other. And ones that don’t mind me dropping into their conversations with their PT clients . . .... . . . . . . #lovemyjob #doenstfeellikework #goals #collegues #fitness #fitfam #instructor #groupfitness #gym #sweatyselfie #weights #cardio #hiit #practice #learning #ymcanarrogin #narrogin #westernaustralia #fightingstrongfitness #personaltrainer #newclasscoming #watchthisspace #workinprogress #b30 See more

19.01.2022 RPM for the morning smashed out! Felt the legs after yesterday’s workout but they soon loosened back up. . . .... What is your favorite cardio to do? Class or own your own? . . . . . . . . . #fitness #rpm #lesmills #class #coach #goals #spin #bodybike #cycle #stationarybike #limitless #united #narrogin #narroginymca #wheatbelt See more

17.01.2022 Narrogin Heart Walkers went for a stroll (over 5km) through Foxes Lair today, with a few extras in tow saw some kangaroos, an old car, and lots of beautiful flowers. . . . .... . . . . . #narroginheartwalkers #fitness #free #walk #healthylifestyle #foxeslair #schoolholidays #kids #bushwalk #country #countrywa #countryliving #lovethelife #wheatbelt #backyard #narrogin See more

17.01.2022 Rise and shine! . . Days are getting lighter and warmer! .... . . . #bodypump #lesmills #weights #highrepslowweights #groupfitness #coach #weights #fitness #challenge #cardio #narrogin #narroginymca #fightingstrongfitness #goals #class #legs #squattrack #sweatyselfie #repeffect #lowweightshighreps #gettingitdone #loveit #groupfitness #narrogin #ymca #narroginymca #lovethelife #wheatbelt #earlymorning #riseandshine

16.01.2022 Spent the weekend in the cold supporting family in their hockey, and footy grand finals. Not the result we wanted. But they should be proud of how hard they worked to get there. Coming second is still an amazing feat. Especially with the short, crazy winter sports year we have. Hold your heads high. You both are amazing and I must love you for spending two days freezing watching you. I am still trying to defrost. . . .... . #kids #cold #sports #wintersports #finals #love #loveourkids See more

16.01.2022 Making the most of the nice weather, and getting away from the hubby and kids Headed out to the backyard for my Grit session. A habit I have formed over the last 2-3mths is getting my hiit workout done the first day of the week. I find if I put it off I don’t tend to get it done! I usually try and fit one in at the end of the week as well. Having a plan and a routine to stick to, even during public holidays, is so important for the end goal! . .... . . . Used my new second hand bar today, had to use some spray to get it moving but otherwise it worked just as good as my newer one. A bit spoilt having two, one at work and one at home . . . . . . See more

15.01.2022 What have I learnt this last 12mths? . . . If I put my mind to it, I can achieve it. ... hard work does pay off slow progress is still progress dreams can be realized to love your body, no matter what. . . . I had so many highlights. The top one that comes to mind professionally is finally becoming a certified GRIT captain! Another opportunity to help others achieve their goals and dreams. . . . Bring on 2021 and seeing more dreams and goals achieved. . . . #goodbye2020 #hello2021 #letsdothis #wearestrong #newyear See more

15.01.2022 HIIT peaked the HR and sent me bright red . . . .... . #hiit #goals #cardio #weights #fitness #challange #progressnotperfection #fightingstrongfitness #narrogin #narroginymca See more

13.01.2022 First holiday workout done! . . . If you are on holidays and don’t want to workout, don’t. It you do, do! ... . . There are a few reasons I choose to. . . . 1. I feel so much happier within myself, and so much nicer to my family when I do (just ask my husband) 2. I have goals, and I am not in the head space to put them on complete hold. Food/drink wise I am having a few more indulgent things but also trying to keep it as balanced as possible. But I have goals in mind and for my head space I need to stick to them as close as I can while still enjoying the time with my family. 3. When I am back from holidays I am straight into a full timetable, so I prefer to be able to coach and breathe not be a sweaty mess on the floor . . . But you do you!!! You need to find what makes you feel the most happy and content. . . . . . #fitness #camping #holidays #grit #lesmills #goals #summer #fightingstrongfitness #bringit #motivation #monday #albany #wa #fitfam #gritstrength #weights See more

12.01.2022 Sweat session smashed out. . . . Made my clients work equally as hard today as well. ... . . . . #sweatyselfie #fitness #personaltrainer #weights #cardio #hiit #gym #workout #goals #progressnotperfection #strongerthanyesterday #narrogin #narroginymca #wheatbelt #narroginfitness #reebok #fitfam See more

12.01.2022 Sprint smashed out! . . Was perfect as short on time, and possibly last time on a bike for meaty toe weeks, unless I find time and a gym to go to. .... . . . #sprint #lesmills #lesmillsondemand #hiit #hiitcycle #goals #sweaty #homeworkout See more

12.01.2022 Hello gym! Oh how I have missed you! . . Ooo and hello Booty! .... . . . @musclenation . #booty #gym #weights #upperbody #booty #musclenation #goals #bringit #strongerthanyesterday #thickthighssavelives #progressnotperfection #personaltrainer #gains #narrogin #narroginymca #wheatbelt See more

12.01.2022 Saw so many beautiful gardens on bloom on our walk today. . . . This one always reminds me of my Nan, as she had them in her garden. ... . . . . . #narrogin #narroginheartwalkers #walk #garden #fitness #wheatbelt #walkinggroup #heartfoundation #keepingfit See more

12.01.2022 We are always learning! And I am so fortunate to work with some amazing instructors and PT’s, that let me ask them advice, a lot. . . . Umm this is me setting up for a sumo deadlift BTW ... . . . . #learning #work #gym #weights #loveit #deadlift #legs #narrogin #narroginymca See more

11.01.2022 2020 Has been an interesting year to say the least! I think it has helped everyone realize that not everything is in our control. We try and control every aspect of our life, and we get so use to it going to plan. That when it doesn’t go to plan we loose our shit. I can only hope that this year reminds everyone that when the plan changes, adapt change with it. Loosing your shit isn’t going to change it. Or solve the problem. I learnt this 5yrs ago. The hardest way I could... have learnt it. I had to rise above, I had to work hard to get back to my plan. It wasn’t easy. Just as this year hasn’t been easy for so many. Everyone has had to learn to live a little differently. Let 2021 bring the best version of you. Let it bring kindness, happiness, appreciation, and resilience. . . . . . #newyear #bestyou #2021 #happy #love #beyou #health #love #kindness #resilience #appreciation #growth #motivation See more

11.01.2022 I still remember, when I first started, looking at fitter people and thinking must be so easy for them! Any wait till it gets easy well as some that is now fit it doesn’t get easier, we just get stronger, and better and better every time. . . . #stronger #strongerthanyesterday #workinprogress #goals #fitfam #personaltrainer #pushups #keepworkinghard #gym #weights #bodyweight #narrogin #narroginymca

11.01.2022 I don’t know what it is, but today I feel strong, I look at this photo, and feel good about it. I can see what others have been telling me they see. . . I honestly wish I knew what this major shift is. But I don’t, so I just going to enjoy the feeling while it is here. .... . . . . #jump #thickthighssavelives #feelinggood #embraceyourself #embracethejourney #goals #fitness #personaltrainer #loveyourbody #strong #mucles #fightingstrongfitness #runfastergear #bringit #strongnotskinny See more

09.01.2022 What a way to finish of the working week, with a sweaty GRIT Strength session :) . . . .... #grit #lesmills #strength #goals #fitness #class #groupfitness #coach #fightingstrongfitness #challange #friday #narrogin #ymca #narroginymca See more

09.01.2022 Another camp session smashed out! Ran through the new Bodypump! Making sure I am ready to bring it to you when I back from holidays not putting pressure on myself though! Lol. . . Really felt the DOMS in the legs today after having another break and then smashing out GRIT. I am kinda sadistic in the way that I actually love the feel of DOMS. They aren’t needed to know you have done a good session. But they sill make me feel like I worked hard lol. .... . . . . #doms #bodypump #practice #camping #holidays #fitness #fightingstrongfitness #albany See more

08.01.2022 When a walk with kids riding bikes turns into a run so I can keep up . . . .... . #kids #schoolholidays #family #minipersonaltrainers #run #fitness #fightingstrongfitness #narrogin #narroginwa See more

08.01.2022 What do you do on your birthday? Les Mils Grit of course! . . .... I am loving the United Strength release, and can not wait to bring it to our club on the 2nd of December! . . . . . #lesmills #grit #gritunited #nothingbeatsgrit #gritstrength #captian #goals #workinprogress #loveit #hiit #weights #plyometrics #coach #countdown #comingsoon #narrogin #narroginymca See more

05.01.2022 When you look ahead, also look back to see how far you have come. . . . It’s easy to think about how far you have got to go, to get to your goals. ... It isn’t easy to think back to how far you have already come. . . I am the worst for this, if I don’t see change, or improvements I get disheartened. I self-sabotage. Heck even when I do see slight improvement. But I have to stop myself from being to hard on myself. My body, and mind has been through a lot. Changes are happening, on the inside, and outside. They may not stand out to me all the time. But they are there. And I have to trust that. I have to trust myself. Trust the process. And see how far I have come. . . . . . . #stronger #strongerthanyesterday #workinprogress #alwayslearning #alwaysgrowing #fitness #fightingstrongfitness See more

04.01.2022 Progress. . . It maybe small. It may take time. ... It may not be dramatic. It may not all be visible. . But it is there. . . Keep working. Keep fighting. . . . . . . #progress #progressnotperfection #journey #goals #fitness #strongerthanyesterday #weights #cardio #personaltrainer #ihavetoworkhardtoo #igetit #fightingstrongfitness #fitfam #lesmills #grit #bodypump #rpm #bbr #youcantoo #motivation #throwback See more

03.01.2022 Nothing like getting your butt kicked but the trainer you trained . . . #rpm #lesmills #goals #cardio #bodybike #coach #fitness #fightingstrongfitness #narrogin #narroginymca

03.01.2022 One of the cool kids with my high socks . . Epic Sunday class by Lisa! Sweaty af! .... . . #class #cycle #sundaysesison #fitness #cardio #goals #musclenation #runfaster #reebok #howmanybrandscaniwearinoneoutfit See more

03.01.2022 Bright red again! What an epic session!! . . .... Let’s do it all again on Thursday @ 6.15am and Friday @ 9.05am . . . #hiit #class #fitness #loveit #sweatyselfie #ymca #narroginymca #narrogin #fightingstrongfitness See more

02.01.2022 Bodypump smashed out. . . . .... And a little practice on something . . . . . . . #bodypump #lesmills #weights #highrepslowweights #groupfitness #coach #mix #weights #fitness #challenge #cardio #narrogin #narroginymca #fightingstrongfitness #goals #class #legs #squattrack #sweatyselfie #repeffect #lowweightshighreps #gettingitdone #loveit #groupfitness #narrogin #ymca #narroginymca #lovethelife #wheatbelt

02.01.2022 Where is your favorite place to relax? . . . As the sun is starting to show its self I am enjoying going outside to lay on the lawn, to have time out, or learn chory. ... . . . . . . #sun #sunshine #spring #chill #frontyard #relax #chory #peaceandquiet #narrogin #westernaustralia See more

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