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Fight the Lie

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19.01.2022 A soft answer turns away wrath. So scripture tells us. There is so much spoken non verbally by the tone of one’s voice. We need to be very aware of how we speak... to people in all situations. It should be with love. And yet it is an area we do not as humans do very well at. It would improve all areas of our communication if we became super aware of the tone of our voice and always speak with a gentle and loving voice. It carries far more authority than a voice of anger or impatience. See more

19.01.2022 Knowing the truth about our essence is an important step to becoming this truth and living it out in its fullness.

11.01.2022 Original Lie During childhood, we have many things happen to us negatively; words spoken over us or to us, needs not met, neglected, responsibility put on us too heavy for us to cope with, and many more. As a child, we begin to make decisions about who we are based on everything that has happened to us; I am stupid, I am ugly, I have no value, I am not able to be loved. Children do not have the capacity to think things out clearly. They always think they are to blame even...Continue reading

10.01.2022 Yesterday I posted on SSM. This a further dimension on this. I wrote on how the God essence of a male and of a female is very different to each other because God took the female qualities out of Adam to put into Eve. Thus when His marriage takes place, all the qualities come together to glorify Him. Our really deep purpose in life is to glorify God. The word love is the main basis for supporting SSM. And yes SSM do love each other. But it is easier to love someone who has the... same essence as you have. It is much harder to love someone who has a totally different essence to you; i.e. A male and a female in marriage. But this was His exact plan. When things are harder we have to depend on Him more, talk to Him more, walk in His laws and statues more, be prepared to learn more, give more, grow more. Allow Him to perfect us. All for His glory. The very fact of the extreme differences between male and female together in marriage is what makes a true marriage. There is a dying to self, a giving up of self centredness, a laying down of our lives that needs to happen in a heterosexual marriage, precisely because it is much harder to understand each other when He made us so different to each other. And again my burden will always be with the children. It is the struggling to overcome our differences and our determination to keep loving more and deeper that is an example that the children need to see. They need to see this to carry it through into their own relationships. It is a melding for us in a male female relationship but also a moulding for the children of this relationship. It is Gods blueprint. I know that SSM couples can love each other and can love children, and do. But to accomplish deep love and commitment as male and female together is how The Lord God ordained it for the development of both people in the relationship and of the children. And for His glory. See more

03.01.2022 If we need You to do things for us to prove what an awesome God you are, we will never know what an awesome God you are. It has to be because of who You are and what You have done already.

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