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25.01.2022 Fitness can seem likes it’s all about abs or who is the strongest or who has the best Glutes It’s way more than that, it’s about moving properly, being harder to kill, keeping your strength as you age It’s not a short term fix, it’s adding to your life to extend the quality of it ... P.S I know there is a grammar error
24.01.2022 Your jokes about your weight are just hiding your insecurities. Here’s the truth... everyone one else is insecure too When you have met people who have been on both sides of the fence... Making jokes about their body and then taken control and lose that insecurity It’s not even comparable, it’s not even worth the hesitation What makes me so sad is watching people be handcuffed by what they think their friends will think or feeling silly asking for help
23.01.2022 I am comfortable in my own skin What a sentence to read on a Sunday morning check in It’s got a bitter sweet element to it though ... It means that at one point this was not the case If you can’t say that you feel comfortable in your own skin Here is a couple things that I teach my clients to over come that hurdle 1- Focus on performance rather just weight 2- Learn the scale, get comfortable with changes 3- Get really comfortable tracking food 4- Take regular photos to check progress 5- Sit in the uncomfortable so you can work through it That process is based on education and self awareness It’s not easy but it’s worth it So you can be comfortable in your own skin and wear those damn shorts Shoot me a message if you get stuck on what your next move should be
23.01.2022 Imagine this...... Your diet is 100% You are getting your steps in... You feel good You’re doing a victory lap in your head as you walk to the scales You step on Look down in shock Step off the scales cause you didn’t believe the number Step back cause that first number was obviously wrong And still It’s the same number What have you done wrong? Are the scales broken? Are you broken? No none of the above
23.01.2022 Back Pain SUCKS!!! I am not and never pretend to be an expert in this field There are people out there much smarter than me in this field... Luckily I have a great team I work with across Australia to help my clients With saying that there are a few things that I generally implement straight away with people to assist them This is obviously a massive generalisation 1- Lose some weight 2- Move more frequently That sounds very general and it is very general advice but ill explain why I suggest those two Majority of people hold their weight around their stomach which makes them tilt at the hip loading their lower back Also most people sit at their desk, then sit on the couch and then lay in bed without much in between Move when you can and in your capacity The body is not designed to be stagnant Like I said I am no expert but sometimes it is the simple things that make a difference
23.01.2022 It’s the pulling at your shirt so it doesn’t cling to your body It’s the being worried about online shopping because you might not fit in that size It’s the wishing you could wear that outfit you use to love ... It’s the looking at that skinny bitch and feeling envious It’s the avoiding the mirror when getting dressed That’s what’s wrong with that extra 10kgs that you have been trying to lose over and over again. Holding a bit of extra body fat isn’t that big of a deal really It’s not a life or death situation physically It’s the fact that being self conscious as shit and having that voice in your head telling you that you feel fat that’s the bad thing. I see it all the time.... It’s the same 10kgs people want to lose They try a shake diet..... then they start eating food again and gain it all back They order lite and easy or whatever and then they start eating how they were and gain it all back They start walking or going to the gym thinking that’s the ticket to drop that 10kgs, to make that inner voice shut up. It doesn’t work and now that voice is telling them they are useless cause they didn’t drop that 10kgs Its not the 10kgs people want to lose They really want to gain something They want to gain their confidence back They want to feel sexy again They want to feel how they use to But the are missing the knowledge to silence that inner voice that just doesn’t stop talking. These are a few simple things you can do to start to silence that self doubt monster and make sure you are on the right path to get the old you back - Have a concrete plan!! Make sure that you have your calories mapped out that after X amount of weeks you will see the scales where you want them. Start with 0.5kg a week weightloss for long term success - Track as much data as possible week to week. Weight, measurements and photos are the big three, this way you can see your progress - Have a small list that you have to tick off everyday. Stay within calories, get your steps in etc etc All of that builds momentum and silences that inner voice over time. If your stuck with and want help, drop a comment below or shoot me a message and I can help you get set up so you can feel like you again. This time a better you, a empowered more knowledgeable you. Drop that comment below or shoot the message and let’s build some momentum for you.
21.01.2022 Not many people know this.. I used to have a meth habit Its pretty odd for me to talk about buts how sort of how I became a trainer... I got clean for the final time cause of a girl When that relationship ended, I was a mess I knew if I didn't distract myself I would end up back on the pipe So I did the classic revenge body thing I hated my body, super down and out about myself and felt weak physically and emotionally Worst part was when I started going to the gym I was lost I was confused I was given so much conflicting information I didn't know what to do I was embarrassed cause I was weaker than most of the women in the gym, that alone was a blow to my ego. I was so self conscious cause I had no idea what I was doing I wore a hoodie the entire summer thinking that would shield me from people noticing me flailing around not knowing what I was doing I was pissed off and started to do my own research, started to read science journals Taking in any information that was actually backed by peer reviewed science Started to learn what actually worked Realised how much rubbish, confusing and overly complicated information about fitness was out there. I fell in love with fitness I hated seeing people sifting through the rubbish trying to figure out how to make sense of everything The tipping point is when people started coming to me for advice A friend of a friend sitting on my couch crying, asking for help cause her trainer had given up on her after some silly commercial gym 8 week challenge She wasn't losing weight anymore, she had no confidence and she felt like a failure In that moment I decided to be a trainer I wanted to help people, make it easy for them to understand Teach them the tools they need Make everything they were confused about make sense Give people the power back to control their own body If this post resonates with you and you want to chat, I have made time over the next 48 hours for anyone that wants a chat. Leave a comment below or message me Happy to help you out
19.01.2022 Just an example of a beginner female 4 day a week training plan. Initial reaction may be there is not enough leg work When looking at the volume calculations it would appear that way.... I would like to introduce you to a concept called direct and indirect volume. Think of a leg press, a leg press you use your quads but you also use your glutes. As the Glutes are not the primary mover in this exercise they do not get a full mark for full volume. That would be classes as a set for quads. So a leg press per set would be 1 set for quads and 0.5 sets for glutes. I have only calculated total direct volume in this post not the indirect volume. Remember when you are creating your training plan to look at volume from direct and indirect. Also a beginner does not need that much work to see some drastic changes. Less is often more @ Woodville, South Australia, Australia
18.01.2022 Explaining the eating more food but losing weight situation that some people experience
18.01.2022 Not many people know this.. I used to have a meth habit (Notice the scabs on my arms)... Its pretty odd for me to talk about buts how sort of how I became a trainer I got clean for the final time cause of a girl When that relationship ended, I was a mess I knew if I didn't distract myself I would end up back on the pipe So I did the classic revenge body thing I hated my body, super down and out about myself and felt weak physically and emotionally Worst part was when I started going to the gym I was lost I was confused I was given so much conflicting information I didn't know what to do I was embarrassed cause I was weaker than most of the women in the gym, that alone was a blow to my ego. I was so self conscious cause I had no idea what I was doing I wore a hoodie the entire summer thinking that would shield me from people noticing me flailing around not knowing what I was doing I was pissed off and started to do my own research, started to read science journals Taking in any information that was actually backed by peer reviewed science Started to learn what actually worked Realised how much rubbish, confusing and overly complicated information about fitness was out there. I fell in love with fitness I hated seeing people sifting through the rubbish trying to figure out how to make sense of everything The tipping point is when people started coming to me for advice A friend of a friend sitting on my couch crying, asking for help cause her trainer had given up on her after some silly commercial gym 8 week challenge She wasn't losing weight anymore, she had no confidence and she felt like a failure In that moment I decided to be a trainer I wanted to help people, make it easy for them to understand Teach them the tools they need Make everything they were confused about make sense Give people the power back to control their own body If this post resonates with you and you want to chat, I have made time over the next 48 hours for anyone that wants a chat. Leave a comment below or message me Happy to help you out
18.01.2022 How to ruin the enjoyment of your journey Wondering why you are not like the other person Stop doing that!!! ... It has zero value to what you are trying to achieve Focus on what you are doing and only what you are doing
18.01.2022 Watch the video for the full instructions but here are the main points Keep your feet flat on on the plate the entire time As you lower the plate push your knees to the side just as you would with a body weight squat ... Hunch over and push your lower back into the pad supporting your back When you push the plate up keep your foot in full contact and drive through your mid foot Use a controlled tempo to stay in control of the weight If this helped you at all like the post Comment if it helped you or if you have any questions Share the love around yo help more people
16.01.2022 Let’s not demonise food any more hey?
16.01.2022 I’m not the biggest fan of transformation coaches Nothing against them personally I have friends that do it for a living ... Also I have nothing against people just wanting a physical transformation Totally understand how hypercritical that may seem Scroll down my page and you will see a couple of transformations Hear me out though We all like different things All class wins differently The transformations I am most proud of that my girls get are not the scale or photo wins It’s the wins in other areas of life It’s the I enrolled in uni It’s the I have started planning my wedding It’s the I felt confident in that dress for the first time They are the transformations that can’t be posted Transformations that go way beyond the scale I mean posting the before and after booty shots it’s cool Have you tried digging up what’s blocking someone and watching them over come it though? By no means am I a life coach All I do is educate my girls Build momentum for them in a physical form Show them what they are actually capable of That’s the cool stuff That’s where the real transformations are
15.01.2022 It’s so shit, it’s not working and everyone is looking at me What’s the point I’ve been going for ages, nothing’s changed I just don’t get it!!! Look at them, this is clearly working for them... I just be broken or something nothings happening I’m exactly the fucking same That is the sound of someone on the verge of giving up after going to the gym day in day out and not getting where they want to be That is the cry of frustration The cry of confusion on what they are doing wrong The someone help me, please cry but not knowing who to talk to If that sounds like you just shoot me a message and I can help point you in the right direction. First things first here’s what you need to do to stop being so confused. 1 - workout how many calories you are currently eating. - you can do that by tracking everything on a calorie tracking app for 14 days and then work out your daily average - that’s going to give you your baseline of what your eating - don’t go try and eat all healthy just cause your tracking, stop lying to yourself and and track what you are eating normally or there is no point 2 - Take 500 calories away from that number. - that will create a 3500 calorie deficit for the week which is about 0.5kgs per week That’s how you can go from being lost and confused to being empowered and in control. If you want more help with that shoot me a message or comment down below. Happy to help you out.
14.01.2022 HOW HARD SHOULD YOU TRAIN Well it depends? Do you have your period? Is work stressful? Did the kids poop on the carpet again and you spent all day cleaning it up?... Different days means that we are going to have different energy levels for the gym. This is where Reps In Reserve comes into play. A really easy day where you had Smashed Avo for breakfast and you are in a good mood will probably result in a better training session. Where as a day that you woke up late, your boss was acting like a and you didn’t sleep well then you are probably going to be fatigued. Scaling your training so you have a metric to measure with how hard to push is going to allow the stressful days be just as productive as the good days. A good day you might do 4 sets of 250kg for 8 reps on the leg press with 4 reps left in the tank that’s 4 Reps In Reserve. The next week you might have your period and you can only manage 4 sets of 8 with 200kg with 8 reps in reserve. Thats ok, you have made over all progress based on how many reps you had left in the tank. It allows you to push when you can and still make progress on the bad days Also working within the Reps In Reserve scale means you don’t waste any training sessions cause you went too light or didn’t ruin yourself and not be able to recover before your next training session because you went to heavy. @ Woodville, South Australia, Australia
12.01.2022 Only those who are afraid to stand up are the ones that are freighted by confidence.
12.01.2022 Be honest with your self why you are trying to drop that 10 kilograms.
11.01.2022 What if you just went to the gym with the goal of health? You lifted weights because you know it will help you long term You just ate well and made a effort to eat veggies ... What if you did that 90% of the time for a year straight? You worked with a coach to learn about food and to learn what exercises to do in the gym You focus wasn’t so much about weightloss but a healthier life? You can do all that and with 12 months of consistency of just aiming for health not perfection You will be shocked what will change about your life
10.01.2022 Some one had to say it.....
10.01.2022 What if a "super food" was making you gain weight? What if that "good food" was the reason your jeans are too tight? What if the "bad food" was the reason you woke up lighter on the scale the next day? ... All the labels that we give different food is confusing Like really what is a super food and does it even matter? We know the basics Don't eat like an unsupervised toddler and eat "healthy" Most people do this and they are still confused They may want to lose weight and they are eating healthy Kale is their best friend They close their eyes as they walk past the bread at the supermarket just in case they catch a carb Still nothing....... I see it all the time when I stat working with my clients They eat very well cause they are trying so hard They have no idea how much food they are eating, I see it all the time its super common. Its not til they learn to track their food that they learn food labels like good, bad and super food etc doesn't matter Its calories that matters if your goal is weight gain, weight loss, toning (I hate that word but you know what I mean) Obviously we want to eat nutrition dense foods for the obvious health reasons but a Mars Bar wont kill you Just like the Kale wont save you If you want a hand working out your calories or want some help with tracking food shoot me a message or comment down below
09.01.2022 This is for the girls with irregular cycles If your working on your health and trying to become regular how do you know if you are not collecting data
09.01.2022 I felt guilty cause it wasn’t diet food As humans we have many needs Social needs and calorie needs are just two of them... So when we go out we generally we socialise with food This can mess with people’s heads Makes them anxious about food choices Makes them feel like they are doing a bad thing cause it’s not diet food I don’t know about you I’ve never gone to a social event and just smashed broccoli It’s easy to combine those two needs together by simply tracking your food Most of the time it’s not as many calories as you think Couple of tips for doing this - use a common restaurant to track your food, use the MacDonald McCafe to track your latte Cause I bet your local cafe is not on My Fitness pal - Find the average calories and track that Some items will have really low calories abs some really high Just choose the middle ground We have a need to be social DONT deny yourself that just for weigh in day Learn the tools to remove anxiety from going out with friends to eat
09.01.2022 Let’s get this straight....... you should never feel guilty about eating something
08.01.2022 It’s simple right? Go to the gym and sit on the machine Follow the little picture on the side and you will be fine... What if that picture isn’t the right way to perform that movement for your body? What if that exercise doesn’t hold as much value for you as something else? What if there was something better? Chances are there probably is a better exercise for you. A better way to execute that exercise Again it just comes down to your time is valuable So why waste it on the things that are sub par?
07.01.2022 This is a barbell, this is all you need to get strong. First you have to allow yourself to get strong. Give yourself a chance to see what your body can do... Show yourself that you can pick up the weight of a fully grown man Show yourself that you can press overhead the weight of one of your children This may be just a bit of metal but fuck me can it build your confidence if you allow yourself the chance to find out
06.01.2022 One weird way to lose fat It’s this shit that complicates the process Do you want to know what that one weird trick is?... Move more, eat less There are a few ways to make that simpler for you I couldn’t explain everything here cause it’s way too long for the caption section Here’s a couple small things that can help If you want me to go over that one weird trick Drop a comment or shoot me a message Like I said there isn’t a weird trick it’s just eating less and moving more
05.01.2022 Some people just love to jump on anything that vibrates Figure it’s fitting considering it’s Valentine’s Day
02.01.2022 Searching for validation from your body weight
01.01.2022 Hey, probably too much information but I have to tell you....... I had sex with the lights on last night for the first time in years. Thank you so much, you gave me my confidence back This was a text I received a few years ago from a client that was doing Personal Training with me....Continue reading
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