Fiona Barrett in Sydney, Australia | Local business
Fiona Barrett
Locality: Sydney, Australia
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25.01.2022 Photo of the day -August 28 2020 I love sports photography ... i love strength sports. I love capturing people. People just being themselves. #snapfitness #snapfitness247 #deadliftmotivation #deadlifts #deadliftparty #strength #strong #threeamigos #strengthgains #belt #blackandwhite #people #friends #fitness #fitnessmotivation #strengthtraining #gymjunkie #gymmotivation #crossfit Snap Fitness Canterbury
25.01.2022 Photo of tbe day - feb 22 2021 That moment you walk up to the bar and take a deep breath and take a few minutes to get into the mindset before lifing HeAvY. * Photo: powerlifting. Squats *... Thats 320kg on the bar @adonisathleticspenrith for #summerstrengthshowdown2 * #strongman #powerlifting #squat #squats #squatlife #heaviestlift #strengthtraining #strong #strength #strengthgym See more
25.01.2022 Photo of the day -Sept 23 2020 Bar is loaded That moment when you step up, do what you need to get your mind in the right place and go for it. @citystrength_hq @sbdapparel #strength #powerlifting #squat #pb #strengthtraining #3whitelights #heavyassweight #strong #strengthgym #strengthsports #blackandwhite #strengthandconditioning
24.01.2022 Photo of the day - Jan 31 2021 Having fun photographing Truck pulls Brooks Hire Service Pty Ltd under the spotlight in the dark Truck: 26 tonne Komatsu Australia HM300 #truckpull #strongman #truck #brookshire #strongmanevents #strength #carpullsforkids #strengthandconditioning #truckpulls #strengthtraining #gymlife #strengthphotography... Troy Conley See more
24.01.2022 Photo of the day - Feb 20 2021 Today i had the pleasure of doing the photography for @adonisathletics at penrith covering all 3 events for summer strength showdown 2 Powerlifting Strongman & Weightlifting ... I have photographed all kinds of sports but never weightlifting. It really is as amazing as i remember. I was always at awe of the Olympicweightlifters. Loved every minute of today. #weightlifting #weightlifting #cleanandjerk #cleanandsnatch #strength #olympicweightlifting #strongman #adonispenrith See more
24.01.2022 Photo of the day Nov 19 2020 @littlewingsaustralia @rmhc_sydney And children hospitals work hand in hand to get the best outcomes for thier patients and family with as little stress as possible. So important for families being thrust suddenly often into the unknown. I was so humbled on how a little idea how to raise money for these fanstic causes got so many different people, groups, media and companies to help.. never mind turning up before the sun was up Bankstown airport... pretty much closed most of an airport to let this happen. And when time ran over as it often does for strongman events.. it was no problem. Guisness world record didnt quite fall today... but cars were pulled, and money was raised to help sick kids. #truckpull #guinessworldrecordattempt #strongman #sevennews #karen #strengthtraining #strength #charityevent #2020 #gymmotivation #carpull #beastmode Troy Conley-Magnusson Strongman See more
23.01.2022 Photo of the day August 26 2020 Memory lane Squating @ PtC sydney for GPC cup 2017 #lovethissport #powerlifter #power #powerbuilding #powerlifting #gpccup #crossfit #mysport #strengthcoach #sportsphotography #strengthphotography #flashback #strength #strengthtraining #strengthandconditioning #gymlifestyle #lifegoals #gymjunkie #strong #strengthgains #strengthgym
23.01.2022 Troy Conley-Magnusson Troy Conley-Magnusson Strongman
22.01.2022 Photo of the day Sept 28 2020 With less then a week to NSW strongest.. the countsown begins Packages are avl.... $50 pre or on the day. (Direct transfer) 52$ online. if bought after 4/10/20 55.00 (both online or via direct transfer) Pls message email me or go to
21.01.2022 Photo of the day -August 13 2020 Deadlifts with a twist... Photo from newcomers comp @ptcmacarthur . Supportive comp where it doesnt matter if its your first comp, first time doing an event or only being doing strongman a while.... #gymlife #gymrat #gymjunkie #gymmotivation #strength #strengthandconditioning #gymlifestyle #strengthgains #sportsphotography #strengthcoach #courageous #ironman #crossfit #realpeoplelift #strongwomen #strongertogether #strongwomenlifteachotherup #strongwoman #strongwomenthis
20.01.2022 Photo of the day - 17 august 2020 Volunteers are the life blood of comps. Without them comps wouldnt run. Its a bonus when they are very experienced strongman in thier own right. @smithyiainsmith @ptcmacarthur #crossfit #mysport #sportsphotography #blackandwhite #oldmanstrength #strongwomen #strongman #nevertooold #strengthgains #strong #strengthtraining #gymlife #ptcmacarthur #gymjunkie #yoke #farmers #atlasstones #deadlift #volunteer #thankyou
20.01.2022 Photo of the day - Aug 15 2020 Special thank to @ptcmacarthur for running such fantastic comps especially during these strange times of Covid where the rules around gyms and what you can and cant do are often changing. Thank you for having me and look forward to the next comp tommorow :)... @abedmoey #strength #strengthtraining #strongman #strengthcoach #crossfit #strengthgains #strengthgym #strongertogether #strong #yokecarry #farmerscarry #atlasstone #ironman #deadlift #lovethissport #crossfit #strength photography #lovethissport
20.01.2022 Photo of the day - Sept 30 2020 When carry this beast of a stone and give 110% of everythong you goqt to carry it as far as you can go. #strong #strengthtraining #strength #strongman #strengthinnumbers #strongnotskinny #beastmode #beast #naturalstone #stone #stonecarry #strongertogether #strongwomen #strengthandconditioning #strongwoman #strongwomenthis #gymlife #sweatandtears Photo from Australasia strongest 2019
19.01.2022 Photo of the day - April 1 2021 "Just remember, once you're over the hill you begin to pick up speed. Arthur Schopenhauer This is not an April fools joke... they keep them strong and keen @transdev *... #buspull #whentheytellyouyourtoold #mighty #bigtrucks #strongman #strong #weetbixforbreakfest #whenigrowup #heroworship #strength #nevertooold #ever #9today #todayshow #lovethissport #charityevent See more
16.01.2022 Photo of the day - Oct 2 2020 Almost comp time!!!!! #strength #strong #strengthcoach #sportsphotography #blackandwhite #oldmanstrength #strongman #strongwomen #strongertogether #strengthtraining #aroundwego #crossfit # strengthgains PTC Macarthur
15.01.2022 Photo of the day -August 30 2020 New business cards! #vistaprint #buisnesscards #strongman #strong #strengthtraining #gymlife #strengthphotography #strongwomen #courageous #strongertogether #strengthandconditioning #strengthgains #sportsphotography
15.01.2022 Photo.of the day - August 27 2020 I recently was asked for photos from a powerlifting comp in 2017. It wasnt hard to find because i literally keep everything. i also may have already had the drive out to backup this years photos I really enjoyed going through old catalogues.. a trip down memory lane. Photo from PTC sydney for GPC CUP 2017. ... PtC sydney had large posters of lifters all across its walls. After seeing them it became my goal to have my photos enlarged on a gym wall. I proudly achieved that last year with several enlarged framed photos.... maybe one day large posters... #lovethissport #powerlifter #power #powerbuilding #deadlifts #deadliftmotivation #deadlifting #deadlift #squat #squats #benchpress #blackandwhite #barbell #weightlifting #weightraining #ptcsydney
15.01.2022 Photo of the day - Feb 21 2021 I dont usually do back to back days of 2 different comps... but I couldnt miss either for the world! That and #ilovethissport Today i spent the day @ptcmacarthur for a newcomers comps. Lots of new faces and very strong people. These comps are important to keep the sport going, the next and upcomming Event: Atlas stone to a plarform... #atlasstones #strengthtraining #strengthandconditioning #gymlifestyle #strengthgains #sportsphotography #strength #strongman #strongwomen #stone #homeofstrongman #newcommers See more
14.01.2022 Photo of the day -Sept 01 2020 True form - you are only competing against yourself The mirror doesnt lie but what we perceive looking back at us can be a lie. #strength #strong #strengthcoach #liftingmotivation #crossfit #mirror #mirrorpic #strongman #deadliftmotivation #deadlifts #deadlifting #strength #strengthgym #strengthsports #strengthtraining #strongwomen #strengthandconditioning #lovethissport #lifegoals #lifting #liftingweights #likeforlikes
13.01.2022 Photo of the day - March 31 2021 Pulling 2 buses to raise money for Little Wings Troy Conley-Magnusson successfully pulled 2 buses (couches) across the bus yard. Special thanks to @TransdevGroup south for providing the buses, hospitality and space to host this event. *... Special thanks to transdev south and Georges River Grammar for the generous donations and very loud motivating cheering crowd * @ TODAY * #charityevent #buspull #vehiclepull #bus #truckpulls #strengthtraining #todayshow #iwakeupwithtoday #today9 Troy Conley-Magnusson Strongman See more
10.01.2022 Photo of the day - August 12 2020 Having so much fun going through the photos from @ptcmacarthur newcomers comp on the weekend Strong people =amazing photos #strength #crossfit #strongman #strongwomen #farmers #atlasstones #strengthandconditioning #lovethissport #gymmotivation #gymjunkie #gymlife #strengthphotography #barbellife #barbell
09.01.2022 Photo of the day - Aug 30 2020 Some people whine quit and makes excuses ... and some deadlift Nothing more motivating then PB day #deadlifts #deadliftmotivation #gymlife #deadlift #strength #strong #strengthtraining #barbellife #weightlifting #strongman #strengthandconditioning #powerlifter #powerlifting #crossfit #power #powerbuilding #mirror #mysport #sportsphotography #strengthphotography #personaltrainer
09.01.2022 Photo of the day - March 29 2021 Truck pulls have to be one of my favourite events to photograph... even better when its troy pulling/pushing and/ or moving vehicles of some kind to raise money for an amazing cause @littlewingsaustralia. Lots of fun.. hanging out with the crew from TODAY And the very lovely Tim the weather man. More photos and info to come ... #truckpull #strongman #strongereveryday #strength #livetv #todayshow #timtheweatherman See more
09.01.2022 Photo of the day - Oct 2 2020 "When you have nothing ro wear on comp day..." @coalcitystrongman I had so much fun at this comp raising money for the @nswrfs. At the time a large amount of australia bushland was burning and what else do people do in a strong community but get together to raise money for a great cause. Rather then comp shirts i photographed people lifting in wedding dresses, cowboy hats (and a little bit more), budgie smugglers and a variety of costumes the two youngest people i have photographed lifting being aged 9 and 11 at the time. Looking back at photos like this make me smile... #strength #strong #strongertogether #charity #fundraising #bushfire #bushfiresaustralia #strengthtraining #strongwomen #strongwoman #strongkids #crossfit #deadlifts #bundy #budgiesmugglers #bunderbergrum #silverdollardeadlift See more
06.01.2022 Photo of the day Aug 14 2020 As i mentionee recently ina.comment. i love capturing those clieent coach moments I find there is often an interesting bond/ reationship between coaches/PTs and friends who train us. i love try the capture this bond... how coaches I nterect with thier clients. It maybe quiet reasuraing word or set up withstraps, or full on yelling as they pull a heavy vahicle. Its even more fun when the tables are turned a clients chear on thier coaches.. se...nse of pride that works both way @adonisathleticsgranville @adonisathleticspenrith @snapfitnesscanterbury @ptcmacarthur #coach #coachingbiblico #lovethissport @leannemmatthews #srongman @stronmantraing#strengthgains #strength #strengthgains #sportsphotography #truckpull #truc ñ See more
06.01.2022 Photo of the day - august 19 2020 I have photographed a lot of atlas stones, but an event where stones need to be lifted to ones shoulder is rare. It has a feel of beauty, power and raw strength. Its linked to stories of gods and demi gods thousands of years ago. Such a fun event to photograph especially with a supportive loud crowd. #strongman #strong #strengthtraining #strengthandconditioning #lovethissport #gymmotivation #gymlife #atlasstones #atlasstone #blackandwhite #strongwomen #crossfit #atlas #powerlifting #rawpowerlifter #rawstrengthandconditioning #rawpower #sportsphotography #lovethissport
06.01.2022 Photo of the day - August 16 2020 Spent today @ptcmacarthur for Wrath of Ivar. Great day photographing strong people moving, lifting and shouldering large weights and objects. First photo from the comp and definitely one of my favourites #atlasstones ... Packages are still avl. Pls msg me or buy a pacage voa a coupon on line from #strengthtraining #strongman #gymlife #gymjunkie #strengthandconditioning #strengthgains #lovethissport #strongwomen #courageous #strengthgains #strengthgym #sportsphotography
06.01.2022 Photo of the day - Nov 22 2020 On Sunday spent the day @citystrength_hq in marrickville for the city strength cup. The staff were friendly and the gym well equipped. I had so much fun and as always inspired by the lifters. Packages (all your photo for 1 competitor) are still avl until midnight 26/11 for 50$. They will then go up to 75$. Pls message or email me asap.... #photooftheday #powerlifting #rawpowerlifter #powerlifter #squat #sbd #rawstrengthandconditioning #strengthtraining #strengthgym #strengthsports #strengthathlete #pb #liftheavy - @australian.powerlifters @sbdapparel @powerliftingaustralia
05.01.2022 Photo of the day - AUgust 25 2020 " The littlest feet make the biggest foot prints in our hearts - unknown Weather your a cat or dog person or both, you have to agree pets are more then just animal companions. They have an impact they forever stays with you. ... Mr Monte is almost 15yrs old, and going strong. I must have hundred of photos of him (mostly in the last couple of years) but none of his footprint. Well until a couple of days ago We are renovating and every night he goes in the inspect what has been done in the bathroom. Today he didnt get far and left a everlasting print on the floor. The floor/ render was just wet enough for him to leave a mark but not sticky enough to stay on his paws Its a photo i am going to cherish for a long time... would make a cool #tattoo? #cat #pawprints #paws #lovethatcat #moggie #catsofinstagram #cats #renovations #catprint #oldcatsofinstagram #oldcat #monte #catlover #catstagram #cats_of_day #curiositykilledthecat #9lives #catantics
04.01.2022 Photo of the day - Nov 21 2020 Sun rising over Bankstown airport as event organisers and media set up around me for a world record attempt - pulling 16 cars.. @hyundaiaus #carpull #gymmotivation #strongman #strengthtraining #charityevent #guinessworldrecordattempt #littlewings #strong
04.01.2022 Photo of the day - August 24 2020 Updating my logo and business cards. Love #tattoos and #strengthsports.. especially when in black and white.. Throw back to one of the first couple of comps i photographed at PTC sydney. ... ... #powerlifting #rawpowerlifter #strength #strengthandconditioning #gymrat #gymlife #tattoo #artwork #strongman #strong #strengthtraining #barbellife #weightlifting #weightraining #thankyou #reflectionsoffamily #power #powerlifter #benchpress #squat #deadlift #lovethissport
04.01.2022 Photo of the day -Aug 23 2020 Lifting up kegs is hard enough but lifting them up stairs is something between a awkard deadlift and duck walk... but oh so much fun.. well to photograph atleast. #crossfit #strong #kegcarry #strengthtraining #strengthgains #strongwomen #strongwoman #strength #followe #powerlifting #powerlifter #barbellife #weightlifting #strongman @ptcmacarthur #strongmanevents #gymlife #gymjunkie #gymmotivation #crossfit #gymtime #liftandcarry #lovethissport
02.01.2022 Photo.of the day - nov 20 2020 (Catchup) "It's about making a difference in people's lives. Remembered or not lived out in a small town or on the world stage the journey of relevance matters. - It was less then a week ago I watched a fellow strongman and friend attempt to pull 16 cars... Really cool experience as a photographer... nail biting experience for the #strongwomen. #strength #carpull #littlewings #charity #fundraising #goodcause #strength #strengthtraining #strongman #sportsphotography See more
01.01.2022 Photo of the day - Sept 2 2020 "Sometimes when one person is missing the whole world seems depopulated." - alphonse de lamintime One of the strong lasses I have photographed whos always has a smile. ... Photo from NSW strongest man/women. Packages for this year to be released soon. #strength #brother #myrock #strength #strongwomen #courageous #ironman #deadlift #finglefingers #strongman #gymlife #strengthphotography #crossfit #womenofstrongman #strengthtraining #ironman #barbellife #barbell #barbellsandponytails #mysport @ptcmacarthur @steph.raddo
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