Fiona Craig | Businesses
Fiona Craig
Phone: +61 407 813 221
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24.01.2022 Lots of people are back at their desks at work this week. Its always challenging, getting into the new year in Australia when its mid summer and we all want to be on holiday. But this year its particularly challenging, as our people and our country struggle emotionally and physically with the devastating bushfire crisis. ... Yet amidst the devastation and heartbreak weve seen the true Australian community spirit rise to the fore, and the world has also responded with incredible generosity and compassion. I started SmartWomen Connect to create a community for corporate women in Sydney. Weve got a packed calendar of events starting in February and Id like to invite you to consider coming to one of our events where I guarantee the positive energy of our very own community will lift you, so that you in turn can go out and help lift others. All proceeds from tickets sold to our events in February will be donated to the NSW RFS, so youll also be helping the healing in a practical way. Go to our website to buy tickets for our first breakfast on 4 February, and networking on 12 February. Stay safe. Fi x. #nswrfs #help #rfs #networking #professionalwomen
24.01.2022 First COVID work gig in the CBD called for a fave @camillawithlove coat and of course a co-ordinating mask So sad to see all the shops and cafes that have closed. I love the vibrancy of Pitt St Mall and hope it returns #COVIDSafe #keynote #virtualspeaker #camillawithlove
23.01.2022 Barefoot backyard #isobirthday vibes! Today I turned 48. Yep, 2 years away from the 5-oh-oh. It was a strange day, cut in two. The first half, quite frankly, stank. I was lonely, sad, missing my family (I should be in Scotland right now), feeling sorry for get it, right? Then I got showered, changed, dressed in my #camillawithlove, make-up on, tossed my hair (oh wait, thats a song!), and was starting to feel better when a nutbag mate @hawley_amanda and her famil...y #myframily did a birthday drive by! Too much fun and the best way to kick my ass out of sad-land into glad-land! So thank you EVERYONE for all your messages of love. As my good mate @uberkatejewels said in her message to me you get to have a birthday in the middle of a pandemic - how lucky are YOU?! #perspective #covid19 #love #friendship #kindness #birthday See more
22.01.2022 Thought I had a secret admirer... Next best thing...its a thank you from a client I moderated a panel for recently. Four leading females in finance talked about the key elements that helped them in their career. It was literally filled with gems of wisdom. If youd like a copy of the recording comment RECORDING below. Even when you get paid for doing something, its nice to feel really appreciated for a job well done, dont you think? ... Thanks to the team at @robertwalterslife recruitment for these beauties! #keynotespeaker #womeninfinance #careerwomen #careerdevelopment
22.01.2022 Im doing daily videos on LinkedIn. If you want coaching tips on: how to maintain your business development in this time ... how to stay front of mind for clients how to stay productive and focused And if you want a right old belly laugh on how my caption app translates my Scottish accent, then connect with me at Todays video for you
21.01.2022 You might know that I coach and train professionals who need to build a client base. Ive worked with major legal and accounting firms and many individuals. Im starting a new Business Development pilot program and Im looking for a few specific people - this might apply to you!... If you... 1. Are a partner, special counsel or senior associate working in professional services (eg law, accounting) or a service based business 2. Want and need to build a client base 3. Know you need a business development strategy, but you dont know where to start 4. Enjoy what you do (and youre good at it) 5. Have time to work with 2-3 new clients in the next 90 days 6. Are friendly and coachable (we know you are or you wouldnt be a member ;0) 7. And can keep a secret... Comment below with the words "BD PILOT PROGRAM" and Ill send you all the details
19.01.2022 Happy Easter from our house to yours. Im all sorted thanks to the kind and thoughtful @camillacakesandchampers #isolife #camillawithlove #eastercheer #staypositive #winetime #friendship #kindness
19.01.2022 If youre kicking off the new decade feeling like youre lacking in direction, Id love to help. Ive been coaching professionals for 10 years and Im skilled in helping people find purpose, clarity and confidence to move forward in their career and life. I dont take on many clients in this area due to other commitments, but this month and during Feb Id like to provide help if you need it! ... From a one off clarity session to a full circle complete career clarity program, Ive got options to suit your needs and budget. If you want to talk about getting clear on your career goals message me and Ill be in touch. Fiona PS I also run group sessions for your team as a great kickstarter to the year #career #careergoals #careerdevelopment
18.01.2022 If youre in the job market right now I feel for you. Getting in front of a company for an interview is a real challenge. Initial screening is on a whole new level with my clients getting calls out of the blue from HR and first interviews being done via automated video.... Regardless of whether youre job hunting voluntarily, or youve been made redundant, I thought Id share some tips on how to cut through the mass of applicants and improve your chances of getting to interview. 1. Tailor your cv for every role. Time consuming? Yes. Frustrating when you then get an automatic rejection? Yes. But at some point someone will read it and know youve got exactly the right skills for the role they want to fill, because youve tailored it to show them. 2. Reflect the language of the job advert in your cv and application. Use keywords that will get picked up in an automated system. 3. Put some personality into it! You also need to be able to let the person reading it know why youre right for the role - the first page should summarise transferable skills and strengths and highlight relevant key achievements. 4. Use your connections. Advertised roles are just one part of your job search strategy. Stay positive. There ARE people getting new roles! Reach out if you need help. #jobsearch #careercoach
17.01.2022 You know youve stumbled across something truly great when you wake up thinking about it. Im a big fan of Hugh Jackman. Not just his acting, but his attitude and approach to his work and life. If youre planning a long walk this weekend, grab your headphones and listen to this brilliant podcast with Tim Ferriss where they talk about Hughs lessons learned, routines, favorite books, exercises, intuition, meditation, and much more. ... The parts that stood out for me were: How Hugh maintains his extraordinary energy on stage. Hughs work is a passion and a calling and how he believes we all have a calling. The importance of self awareness and continual development. Even the most successful people have coaches (including Hugh). The values Hugh learnt from his Father that have impacted every decision he makes. How he feels he is never good enough (yep, even Hugh has Imposter Syndrome!) and how that has fuelled his work. This is an outstanding conversation - Im going to listen again, and again, and share it with my son. I hope you enjoy it too #careerdevelopment #careercoaching #personalbest
15.01.2022 Its been a while between visits. I miss #Manly @manlywharfhotel Here for a 2 day training.
15.01.2022 Sunday drinks with my #camillawithlove tribe My patio is getting a fair workout this weekend! Happy Sunday #isolife #friends #makethemostofit #stayhome #staysafe
14.01.2022 First meeting in the city for 2020...theres a purpose in my step but my heart is still in #Byronbay #camillawithlove #workit #networking #coaching #professionalwomen #simplify #newbeginnings
14.01.2022 This is my WFH look today. Im wearing a vintage Camilla kaftan, a coveted piece from a collection that launched years ago, around the time I started my coaching business. The kaftan has had 3 owners, and been worn lovingly by all of us. Its one of my favourite items and I purposely chose it today to remind me that:... Quality always shines through Quality is worth the investment Quality is more likely to stand the test of time Quality can be adapted to changing circumstances (thank you UGGs!) Quality may seem replaceable, but it always leaves a gap when its gone Were starting to look at ways to #getbacktowork here in Australia and we have some tough times ahead in business. Its crucial to focus on quality right now - in the delivery of your work, in your network, in your relationships, in your management and leadership, in your team. And its a great time to focus on the quality you want in your career, your family, your life. You may have felt like youve been in survival mode, but focusing on quality will help you get ahead of the game as we navigate work in our new COVID19 existence. #executivecoaching #careerdevelopment #leadershipcoaching
13.01.2022 Its the last day of school holidays and Im hanging with my son at Wylies Baths in Coogee. From tomorrow its back to work full time and Im looking forward to catching up with clients and working on 2020 goals and projects. This year my theme is Simplify - Im taking time to untangle some of the more complicated parts of my work and life, and focus on the areas that will help to sustain me in the future. ... It will inevitably bring change, hopefully mostly positive but I accept sometimes there is no light without darkness. Are you fully back in the swing of work yet? Whats happening in your work world? Id love to hear what you want to achieve this year. And if I can help you in any way with coaching, training, content or just a word of encouragement, let me know! #careergoals #careerdevelopment #professionalservices #sustain #coaching #networking #businessdevelopment
13.01.2022 I set myself a new challenge today to work off all the Easter indulgences... 100 squats every day in isolation I watched a video of someone doing this last year and have been meaning to try it.... So here goes! Have you set yourself any new challenges during this time? Fitness? Work? Personal? Id love to know - comment below ***This is an actual photo of me doing squats - yep, I wont be giving up the day job anytime soon, and I do apologise if I offend anyone, please scroll past
12.01.2022 #mentalhealthwalk earlier today. Gorgeous day in Sydney so I took advantage and explored my new local area. Feeling a bit lonely, this sociable girl is missing her socialising! Happy Sunday #innerwest #sunny #autumninsydney #isolation #stayhome
11.01.2022 I’m an extrovert I love meeting new people! I love big events!... I love sitting in a group talking about life, business, family and all the stuff that makes us who we are. I love public speaking! I love training people. I love coaching people. The lack of face to face contact and the monotony of working from home has been a very big issue for me this year. It would be so easy to slip into very bad habits - I’ve had a tortured relationship with exercise over the years! But midday boxing sessions at my gym have been a saviour for me. Sweat and punch out the pent up energy, have a chat to some people, then head home again. I cannot wait to start mixing online with face to face events and trainings again. But meantime this extrovert will keep boxing out the frustration, one punch at a time What do you do to get through a day online? PS I’m TOTALLY up for a coffee date in the city - send me a message if you’d like to connect in person! #networking #covid_19 #worklifebalance #lawyer #speaker #trainer #coaching
09.01.2022 Just strollin out for Friday #afterworkdrinks...on my patio! Happy Friday all - well done surviving another week in #iso Cheers to the weekend #camillawithlove #isolife #sunshinemakesitbetter #alivenotjustliving #love
07.01.2022 Set your remote team (and yourself!) up for success on a weekly basis with this 3 step process to ensure your team stay focused, productive, and achieve the things that will move them, you and the business forward. Were a few weeks in to a new way of working for most of us. As a leader and manager, you might be feeling youve lost line of sight of your team. Youre probably wondering how to ensure they remain productive and meet team objectives, without being a complete m...icro-manager (lets NOT do that!). In a coaching call with a client yesterday (who manages a team of 5), we discussed a new way of managing work-in-progress team meetings. I talked my client through a 3 step process I use to stay on track, get the stuff done that actually matters, and ensure Im not a slave to the endless "to-do" list. I thought this might be useful for some of you too, so Ive recorded a video sharing this process. Use this 3 step weekly goal-setting process to make sure your team stay focused, productive, and achieve the things that will move them, you and the business forward. Have a safe Easter break and let me know how you go using this process in our short week next week! Fiona #executivecoaching #businessdevelopment #careerdevelopment
06.01.2022 Dressed up today to run an online presentation on running an online presentation! Thanks to everyone who came and played. If youd like copy of the recording comment below #camillawithlove #keynotespeaker #workfromhome #businessdevelopment
06.01.2022 Heres an idea to help your career, based on my advice to a client today Until you have clarity for yourself about what you want from your career, dont ask anyone for advice (except your career coach or a very good mentor). As well-meaning as your parents, partner and friends are, most of their opinions will be coloured with a lens of what is important to them, not you. ... So, if youre feeling less than enthusiastic about your career and think a change is on the cards, heres my advice for today: Stop worrying about what OTHER people in your life think you should be doing with your career, and start focusing on what YOU want from it. Stop beating yourself up about all the things you SHOULD or SHOULDNT have done in the past, and start focusing on all the things you CAN do in the future. Stop letting FEAR of failure hold you back, and start focusing on the OPPORTUNITIES you have right now. Reach out or book a call with me if youd like my help Fiona #careerdevelopment #careercoaching #careerchangers #womencareersuccess
05.01.2022 ARE YOU A WOMAN LAWYER? I created a new private Facebook group especially for you If you're a woman working in law looking to get ahead in your career and network with like-minded women, join the group. ... Being part of this group will help you gain crucial business and personal development skills to complement your legal expertise and set you up for a successful and sustainable career. If you need help with: 1. Building a strong professional profile 2. Increasing your professional and commercial confidence 3. Marketing your services to get more clients 4. Leading a team 5. Boosting your business development 6. Creating career opportunities 7. Getting the best out of yourself and others then click the link below to join the group and come learn and share with us! Fi x
03.01.2022 Heading to a girls lunch by the water with long-time besties on this beautiful Spring Saturday. Meantime #myboy is going to see @thematildas play in what will be a historical match thanks to the landmark equal pay deal this week. Go #womeninsport. Wearing a vintage @camillawithlove kaftan and feeling great after a morning boxing session with @jrfitnesscoaching I love #theweekend #camillawithlove #changingmylife #alivenotjustliving #choosehappiness #womenpower
03.01.2022 With extra time on our hands we learn new skills! Welcome to my new video series, Fionas Coaching Corner. Ill be sharing videos on business and career development regularly. Let me know if theres a topic youd like me to cover!... You can also subscribe to my YouTube Channel (my son is going to be horrified by this ;)) Todays video is about finding your "superpower" - that key strength you have that can help you, and others, through this challenging time. I hope you enjoy it. Fiona #businessdevelopment #coaching #careerdevelopment
03.01.2022 Ive had a coaching practice for 10 years, but right now with less training and speaking events Ive been able to refocus my expertise in this area - Im going right back to my roots of career and leadership coaching and Im loving it This week Ive worked with: A senior in-house lawyer looking for their next role with personal brand and job search strategy and also advising on direction for the side gig that may become a full time gig... A senior in-house lawyer looking to use their business skills in a non-legal role with direction, branding and job applications A senior retail professional looking for a new role with a pivot in direction to uncover different opportunities A mature law student with their strategy and branding to help land their first legal role All of them are unique and different. Yet all needed support, direction and some needed a reminder that they are worthy, capable and deserving of a great role. The best bit about what I do is seeing spirits lifted, hope increased and confidence restored. Thank you to my clients for trusting me to help you. Its great work that I am grateful to do! Happy Friday everyone
03.01.2022 The face of someone about to go and do what they love most I’m off to do my first IN PERSON speaking gig in a year and I am soooo happy!! I’ve loved public speaking since school and really enjoy the audience interaction - as well as being an extrovert who draws energy from people! Happy to be guiding law students on how to create a great career for The Law Society of NSW #personalbrand #publicspeaking #keynotespeaker #zimmermann #fashioniver40 #colourpop
02.01.2022 We’ve all been forced to put so much on hold in 2020 - for many that includes career ambitions and plans. But Spring is in the air and there is a renewed sense of energy and hope in clients I’m talking to. If you’re ready to take your foot off the brake and reignite your career, I’d love to help ... I’ve created a brand new free online workshop which I'm running next Thursday 5th November at 12noon (AEST). It’s specifically designed to get you fired up about your career - to help you reclaim control, reignite your enthusiasm and regain your confidence. I'll help you: Work out why you don't feel 100% happy in your career right now (and show you what to do about it) Gain clarity on what you REALLY want from your career Understand how to close the gap between a GOOD career and a GREAT career Get clear on what's holding you back from the career success you crave so you can create a plan to move forward I'll also talk about how we can work together to create a personalised career plan for 2021 if you’re ready to finish 2020 feeling positive and purposeful Link to register in the comments below, see you on the line and please share with any colleagues or friends who need a career boost! Fiona #career #careercoach #careersuccess
02.01.2022 Hello everyone, Well, what a crazy time we are in right now. Its a very uncertain time for all of us in business and in the workforce. ...Continue reading
02.01.2022 I have missed running a #pinkbreakfast with @smartwomenaus this year, but that doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten about the importance of raising #breastcancerawareness this month (and every day!). I was 42 when I was diagnosed with Stage 3, grade 3 breast cancer. It was an aggressive cancer trying to take me out. Thanks to an incredible medical team I’m still here, one boob down, but alive 6 years later. Sadly I’ve witnessed way too many friends go through this too. My wish for YO...U is that you never experience the terror, pain and grief that accompanies a breast cancer diagnosis. BUT, statistics unfortunately say some of you will. So please, keep checking your boobs, check in with your doctor if you don’t feel right in yourself - trust your gut - you know your body. Ask, ask again and ask again if you feel you’re not getting the certainty you need. The earlier you detect it, the stronger your chance of survival. I LOVE being alive. I’m sure you do too! Let’s keep it that way for as long as we can #breastcancerfree #checkyourboobs #copafeel #earlydetection #mammogramssavelives #cancersurvivor See more
01.01.2022 Social distancing with an emphasis on the social! Thanks to @sydneycharterboat for a fab arvo on #hoochimumma on an incredible Sydney day with some good @camillawithlove mates. Soooo good to get the social endorphins flowing again and to spend time appreciating our beautiful city #happy #luckycountry #friendship #love #sydneywinter
01.01.2022 Isnt this a cute installation in the QVB?! The Year of The Rat symbolises new beginnings. I dont know about you, but I started the year feeling the need to shake some things up in my life and business. A new year in a new decade is the perfect time to assess where youre at in your career. If youre not happy, do something about it. If youre not getting the support you need, ask for it. And if you feel stuck, get some help to get unstuck!... What are your new beginnings in 2020? PS if youre stuck I can help get you moving on your career development, your personal brand, or your business development #careerdevelopment #professionalservices #careergoals #businessdevelopment
01.01.2022 I’m getting ready to call a halt on 2020 Christmas hols here we come. Some last minute shopping then a glass of awaits. Stay safe out there friends #zimmermann #xmasholidays #rest #family #celebrate #fashionover40
01.01.2022 If you’re in the job market right now I feel for you. Getting in front of a company for an interview is a real challenge. Initial screening is on a whole new level with my clients getting calls out of the blue from HR and first interviews being done via automated video.... Regardless of whether you’re job hunting voluntarily, or you’ve been made redundant, I thought I’d share some tips on how to cut through the mass of applicants and improve your chances of getting to interview. 1. Tailor your cv for every role. Time consuming? Yes. Frustrating when you then get an automatic rejection? Yes. But at some point someone will read it and know you’ve got exactly the right skills for the role they want to fill, because you’ve tailored it to show them. 2. Reflect the language of the job advert in your cv and application. Use keywords that will get picked up in an automated system. 3. Put some personality into it! You also need to be able to let the person reading it know why you’re right for the role - the first page should summarise transferable skills and strengths and highlight relevant key achievements. 4. Use your connections. Advertised roles are just one part of your job search strategy. Stay positive. There ARE people getting new roles! Reach out if you need help. #jobsearch #careercoach
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