Fiona Leaf Yoga | Sports & recreation venue
Fiona Leaf Yoga
Phone: +61 499 625 590
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24.01.2022 Day 15 Sukhasana (Seated easy pose) with side extension and lotus feet Breathe. Relax. Warm up. Stretch whole sides of the body from waist up. Neck stretch and release. Stability in the spine. Ankle stretch if in lotus. Hip release. Yes... Sitting with legs crossed or if you prefer lotus or half lotus (foot or feet tucked up on your inner thigh) Make sure your sit bones stay connected to your mat, bring your left hand down onto the floor beside you. Bend your elbow and bring your forearm and elbow onto the floor. Use a block under your arm to modify if need be. Inhale and float right arm up towards the ceiling, exhale extend all the way over to the left. Extend out through the fingertips. Look down or look up. Find your place of comfort here, stretching, reaching and breathe fully. Beautiful extension stretch. Stay here for as long as you feel comfortable. Repeat on the other side. Namaste
24.01.2022 Day 27 Bow pose (Dhanurasana) This pose strengthens and stretches whole body. Balance. Massage internal organs. ... Start laying flat on your belly. Arms along side the body. Chin resting on the mat. Half bow- reach leg arm forward palm down. Bend right leg and reach right hand to take hold of right foot,ankle or shin. Lift chest up, left arm up keeping arm straight and palm down, relax neck, lift right thigh up off the mat and hold. Breathe. Repeat on the other side. Full bow - hold both ankles, feet or shins. Lift chest. Lift thighs activate legs. Hold. Breathe. Stay low like my pose (this is it for me at the moment) , or higher if you are flexible
23.01.2022 Day 22 Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotanasana) Tight hips??? Pigeon increases mobility of your hips here. Stretches hip flexors. ... Helps with sciatica pain. Try and stay in the pose. Breathe through the stretch. Start on hands and knees or in down face dog pose. Bring right knee behind your right wrist on the mat gently, bring your right foot in on an angle. Slide your left leg straight along the mat behind you. Hands on the mat in front of you. Stay up high, or bend elbows and come down with your forehead on your hands or on the mat. Palms flat on the mat. Soften chest down. Modification use a blanket or a block under your right hip if you feel you need support to be as straight as possible. Stay here. Breathe. Focus on the breath and quietening down your mind. Repeat of course on the other side. I don't want you to be all lopsided!!! Namaste xxx See more
17.01.2022 Day 24 31 Days of Yoga Who needs a rest today?! Restore. Refocus. Rejuvenate. ... Legs up the wall pose (Viparita Karani) Sit with your right hip touching the wall. Swing your legs up the wall as you move your body so that your buttocks are touching the wall. Legs against the wall. Back relaxed into your mat or the floor. Relax head and neck. Arms along the body, or on top of your belly or up above the head. Relax your feet resting heels into the wall. Close your eyes. Follow the air on the in breath and the air on the out breath. Fountain of youth. All is well xx
16.01.2022 Extended Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana) Triangle Pose strengthens the leg muscles, ankles + hips. Increases hip, shoulders + leg flexibility while giving a lateral stretch to the spine. Triangle can also relieve tension in the chest, shoulders + pelvis. Opens the chest for deep breathing. Step wide apart, positioning your front foot forwards + your back foot turning out about 45 degrees. Make sure the heel of the front foot is in alignment with the arch of the back fo...ot. Your hips + shoulders are centred. Raise both arms to shoulder height spreading fingers. Look towards your right hand. Reach your right arm forward, keeping your arms parallel to the ground + shoulders level as you lean here. Your hips should remain undisturbed. Windmill your left arm up (or bend arm and place left hand on hip) with right arm down, reaching with the front fingertips towards the floor touching the floor or fingertips on top of a block. Eyes look up towards the other hand or down. Namaste See more
16.01.2022 Day 25 Pigeon Pose (modification) today. ... Start in pigeon pose (see day 22) Come up on your hands, bend your left knee and keep your left thigh on the mat, lift your left foot into the air. Stay here if you wish. To go further reach back with your right hand and take hold of your foot, or heel, or ankle or just reach toward the foot. Be mindful of your neck and look forward or to the side. Hold. Breathe. Swap sides. Namaste Hari Om
14.01.2022 Day 31 How did you enjoy our 31 days of yoga Dancer's Pose (Natarajasana)... Bring balance, confidence, grace and strength into your life. Strengthens legs and arms, ankles and knees. Stretches groin, shoulders, thighs, chest and abdomen. Stand in mountain pose with feet together. Balance on your left foot with right leg bent, start with touching right toes onto the ground. Stay balanced. Lift right foot off the ground with bent knee, reach back with right hand and take hold of the foot, ankle or toes or shins. Reach forward with the left arm extended. Let your body lean forward. Feel the energy from your fingertips to your toes. Keep the resistance in the right side by pushing the right foot into the hand. Balance. Breathe and relax. Namaste all & thanks for following along Fiona xx
13.01.2022 Day 13 31 Days of Yoga Eagle Pose (Garudasana) Balance. Strength. Twist. Coordination. Focus. ... Strong arms, legs, knees, ankles. Opens shoulder blades and hips. Loosens wrists and shoulders. Balance on your left leg. Lift your right foot off the ground, wrap the right leg in front of your left leg and behind. Try to tuck your toes in behind your calf muscle. Find your connection here. Modification is place your right foot on a block. As you squat into the pose bring your arms extended to the front of you. Drop your left elbow in your right elbow crease, and wrap your arms. Bring your palms together in front of your third eye, centre of your eyes, third eye chakra. Modification for hands bring the back of hands together or hold onto your thumb or finger interlaced. Balance. Breathe. Focus forward at your drishti point (focus point) with your hands in your vision. See more
12.01.2022 Day 26 31 Days of Yoga Upward Salute Pose / High Salute Pose (Urdhva Hastasana)... Stand in mountain pose and breathe. Stand tall. Float arms out and upwards towards the sky. Bring palms together in the air. Look upwards or eyes closed. Breathe. Backbend into this if you wish or stay straight centred. Balanced. Focused. Strong. Create clarity. Grace You alone can do anything you wish. Anything is possible. Remember this Xxx namaste and om shanti Xxx Fiona
12.01.2022 Day 14 Virabhadrasana (Warrior 2) Strengthens arms, legs, hips, groin and shoulders, creates stamina and energy and focus. Balance and stability in mind and body. ... Step wide apart, right foot turned to front, left toes turned in slightly so you have your heel leading out. Keep feet in alignment. Take your arms out,palms facing down. Relax your shoulders. Keeping arms strong. Fingers spread full of energy. Look over your right finger tips, inhale and on the exhalation bend into your right leg. Breathe. Belly in. Standing strong and tall. Keep spine centred. Check your knee is above your ankle by looking down, if you can not see your toes widen your stance. Breathe. Warrior. Strong. Namaste See more
10.01.2022 Day 23 31 Days of Yoga Mountain Pose (Tadasana) ... Stand tall, strong, unwaivering, steady, grounded and unable to be knocked down like a mountain. Improves posture. Increases stability. Strengthens legs, thighs, knees, ankles. Tightens belly and buttocks. Steadies the breath. Tadasana. Stand with your feet together as close as is comfortable. Strong legs. Feet connected to the earth. Buttocks strong. Spine straight and steady. Belly in. Shoulders relaxed. Chest open for deep breathing. Face relaxed. Chin relaxed. Lengthening through the crown of the head towards the sky. Hands at heart centre in prayer. Or down beside the body with fingers pointing down to the earth. Breathe. Strong Mind and body
09.01.2022 Bakasana upside down
08.01.2022 Day 19 Reclining big toe (Supta padangustasana) Lie on your back with your legs straight out and relaxed. ... Bend your left knee and hug your leg into your chest. Place a yoga strap around the ball of your left foot. Hold the ends of the strap with each hand. If you don't have a strap, a belt, scarf or dressing gown tie will work. Straighten your left leg up toward the ceiling while holding tightly to the strap. Stretch your left leg upwards with the foot flexed, but keep both sides of your butt equally resting on the floor. Keep your right foot flexed and your right leg pressing towards the floor. Try pointing the right toes for a slightly different stretch. You can go back and forth between a flexed and pointed foot if you like. Hold your leg up for five to 10 breaths. To come out, bend your left knee back into your chest, bring the right knee to join it, give your legs a little hug, and then do the same thing with your right leg raised. Do one stretch for each leg. Namaste
08.01.2022 Day 20 Forward straddle fold (Prasarita Padotanasana) Begin standing feet together. Bring your hands to your hips and step your feet wide apart. Turn your toes slightly in and your heels slightly out so the edges of your feet are parallel to the edges of your mat. Align your heels. lengthen your torso, reaching the crown of your head up toward the ceiling. Exhaling, fold forward at the hips. Keep the front of your torso long. Drop your head and gaze softly behind you.... Bring your hands to rest on the floor between your legs. If your hands do not come to the floor, rest them on yoga blocks, or hold onto your big toes. Shift your weight slightly forward onto the balls of your feet. Lengthen your spine on your inhalations and fold deeper on your exhalations. Hold for up to one minute. To release, bring your hands to your hips. Press firmly through your feet and inhale to lift your torso with a flat back. Step your feet together and stand tall. Namaste
05.01.2022 Day 16 Anyone with hangover / fatigue / headache? Uttanasana (forward fold) ... Calms the mind, helps relieve stress, belly ache, tiredness, anxiety, depression and fatigue. Standing, fold forward at the hips and allow yourself to soften as you breathe and bow forward. Allow the crown of the head to release towards the earth and reach to the ground~fingers releasing towards or touching~use blocks here or cup your elbows with your hands. Soften your face and breathe. Legs are either straight or bend knees slightly. Release, breathe and relax. See more
04.01.2022 Day 30 31 Days of Yoga Ok so who needs a pick me up? Me Bridge pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)... Stretches chest, neck, shoulders, hips. Strengthens back, buttocks and hamstrings. Improves circulation and digestion. Helps with depression, sadness and stress. Yes Lay on your mat, knees are bent. Feet about hip width apart or close to. Find your comfort here. Head is flat on your mat. Don't turn head to either side stay at centre. Arms down along side your body. Palms down. Lift hips up towards the sky on the in breath, release back down on the out breath. Up and down with the breath. Stay up in bridge and breathe. Bring hands underneath the body as the base of the bridge. Tuck shoulder blades under you if possible. Interlace fingers and breathe. Modification use hands and support lower back gently. Stay here and breathe. Namaste
03.01.2022 Day 16 Bound Angle ( Baddha Konasana ) I love Bound Angle pose. Let go in this pose, relax + breathe into the stretch ... Bound Angle pose stretches the pelvis, stomach, inner groin + buttocks while improves mobility in the hips. It relieves tension in the lower back, thighs, knees. Sit upright with the soles of your feet together and let your knees fall out to the sides. Extend your spine + sit tall while drawing your heels close to the body. Soften your knees towards the floor. Hold your feet or ankles with your hands. Keep your chest + shoulders open. Close your eyes + breathe here If you find it difficult, try sitting on the edge of a blanket or cushion. You can use blocks (or cushion/blanket rolled up) under your knees. You can also gently bounce your knees up + down to release your knees towards the floor. Also bow forward to increase the intensity of the stretch. Namaste
03.01.2022 Day 29 Chair Pose ( Utkatasana ) In Chair Pose you will strengthen your entire upper body as well as your legs + ankles. Chair Pose tones your legs... Stand with your feet apart, bend your legs so your knees are bent + shift your weight onto your heels. Tilt your pelvis forward slightly. Raise your arms on an angle towards the sky. Keep your shoulders open. Look towards your hands. Breathe here. Modification : bend legs only slightly + keep hands at heart centre in prayer. Move your feet closer together. Namaste all
02.01.2022 Day 21 31 Days of Yoga Balance. Strength. Focus Crow Pose or Crane Pose (Bakasana)... Strengthens arms and wrists. Tones abs. Stretches and strengthens the back and inner thighs. Endurance building. Calming. Standing with feet a little further apart. Bend your knees and Squat down. Bring your hands to the floor or mat. Knees out wide over your toes. Have a blanket or cushion directly in front of you on the floor as a modification. Balance on the balls of your feet or feet flat on the floor. Make sure your fingers are spread wide as your foundation of the pose. Elbows or back of upper arms rest on your inner knees, thighs or inner shins. Create resistance here. Elbows bent. Lift one foot off the floor. Place it back down. Lift the other foot off the floor. Place it back down. Challenge is to lift both feet off the floor in the crow balance. Lean forward in the balance. Bring toes together in the air if you can. Relax neck. Breathe and hold. Knowing if you fall forward your forehead will land on the soft blanket or cushion. Namaste
02.01.2022 Day 28 31 Days of Yoga Ok so this pose follows Plank Pose Side Plank variation ... Start in plank pose. Make sure your foundation is steady and secure. Hands underneath shoulders, fingers spread nice and wide on your mat. Feet about hip width apart. Strong. Turn your body now so you are facing the right and balancing on your left hand, side of left foot. 1 First start with right inner side of foot resting on the left inner side of foot you are balancing on. Keeping legs straight. Right arm extends past your right ear and make sure fingers are reaching 2 Bend your right leg and place right foot gently on your inner left leg. 3 Keep right leg bent and place it on the mat in front of your left knee. 4 Or lift right leg into the air straight (scissors)hold Energy flow. Look up or down, listen to your body. Breathe. Make sure your core is strong. Mind is strong. Right arm can also be bent and hand on hip Come back to full plank and repeat on the other side. Namaste all
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