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25.01.2022 Two of my book authors are currently reaching the stage of lift off. It is so exciting when people overcome their belief that they cannot write a book, their belief that they are not, somehow, entitled to a voice, their belief that they will be judged negatively if they dare to speak their truth. And they struggle and weep and swear and tear up their work and have bad dreams. All a waste of time. If the book is going to be born, they just need to get on with it. As for me - I'm just the midwife. [email protected]
25.01.2022 People lose confidence when their job application is rejected or doesn't get a response. There's lots of things you can do to make your resume stronger and more noticeable and to boost your own self confidence. Email Betty on [email protected] to find out the inside story in a confidential consultation. Most of my clients survive. Many of them get jobs. Most of them feel better and more confident. [email protected]
20.01.2022 Why doesn't the average resume do what it's meant to do - get you an interview? Lots of reasons. One is that it is not specific enough. If you are using a general, waffly, fuzzy and essentially meaningless Career Objective on the front page - then your resume and your hopes and your job prospects will most likely get filed in the bin. The prospective employer needs to know what you are looking for. Here's an example of how NOT to inspire confidence in your new boss. "My amb...ition is to succeed in everything that I do whether it be my career, my social life or my health and well-being. The important thing is to find fulfilment in life and so it doesn't matter what I do provided I do it with determination and will to succeed." Now compare it with: "I am seeking a position which will enable me to apply my proven capabilities in client service, and to build upon and further develop my organisational and administrative experience, knowledge and skills. I am eager to utilize my passion and enthusiasm in order to provide high quality customer service and to contribute to my employer’s further success." Need a hand to fix up your resume? Email me on [email protected]
20.01.2022 Spent a fascinating 3 days learning how to write a best-seller. And it's not just about the book, it's about the game behind the game, the business behind the book. Think of the book as the brochure, the calling card, the 'open-sesame' to new realms of business activity. Talked to people whose lives had changed - rags to riches, obscurity to celebrity or just found some straight-forward improvement in self-esteem and confidence, significant personal growth. Food for thought here. Time to get that half-finished book back on track. Call me if you would like to hear more or to get some help with finishing your own book. (Or even starting it!) You CAN make a difference. [email protected]. Professional editors with decades of experience in helping authors and birthing books.
19.01.2022 Stabbed in the Chest? Drummed Out of the Club? Humans are vulnerable to rejection. Send out 50 job applications and get 3 feeble acknowledgments and 47 nil, nada, zippo responses and there arises a real feeling that you have been expelled from society for some unknown reason. You look in the mirror, checking for sprouting horns or previously unnoticed facial blemishes. You kick the cat. You set out to rewrite your resume and application letter and end up throwing the lot in t...he corner. Round about now your confidence plunges to as yet unplumbed depths. It's clear that you are unintelligent, incompetent, ugly and of low personal worth, and that - somehow - the people who are advertising those jobs you applied for know all this and have chosen not to employ you. They don't even want to talk to you. You face the awful truth - you are no good and all those qualifications and all that employment experience is just testimony to how long it has taken for you to wise up . . . . Well, no. Big mistake. You have taken the whole lack of response as a personal affront. Not true. THEY have not rejected you. Chances are that THEY have not seen or read your application. THEY just want someone suitable to do their darn job, and they read about 12 applications, interview 6 people and hire one. The other 488 applications are placed in the round file under the desk or sent swiftly to the recycle bin on the desktop. It costs them serious money to evaluate job applications and going through 500 or 1000 or more applications becomes prohibitively expensive. This means that the personal rejection bit is just a waste of time and good emotion. Your strategy will be to make a project out of applying for jobs, lots of jobs, not buying in emotionally to any one job. You can reasonably expect to have to put out 200, 300, 500 applications to get your number to come up. You should also get your resume and application letter into proper shape - intelligent self-marketing and professional presentation seriously increase your chances of scoring an interview. I can help you with this. [email protected]
19.01.2022 Here's some great news from a very happy editing client. Hi again Elizabeth Thought you'd like to know I have only just started my 'free on Kindle' best-seller push , and I'm thrilled to say it is already at #1 in Kindle store in the section Religion & Spirituality> Spirituality>Women and #5 in Business & Money > Women & Business... Released online in December, Growing Business with Soul: Practical Spirituality for the Busy Entrepreneur is receiving 5 star reviews on Amazon Kindle and Amazon UK. Here is a sample of what readers are saying: This book is one of the best business books I have read! This really is a 'must read' for the entrepreneur and small business owner. The book offers unique strategies for consciously strengthening and aligning business with purpose. Jasmine Sampson brings her solid spiritual credentials to [a] book which is easy to read This is exactly the book the world needs now! A valuable collection of extra resources 4 days free on Kindle: Growing Business With Soul is available free on Amazon Kindle from 24th 28th February. Search ‘Growing Business with Soul’ or download from this link Once again many, many thanks
18.01.2022 Thank you so much Betty You know that you are my guardian angel! I do not know what I would do without you! Regards Belinda
12.01.2022 How to keep track of your plot
06.01.2022 Magical Thinking Jim came to see me for the third time. He's being made redundant and is going though a process where he's working with a consultant to develop a career plan. On this visit, he needed changes to his resume as recommended by his consultant - these REVERSED the changes she required on the previous visit. And made not one tiny bit of difference to his capabilities. Jim is a fabulous, experienced, well-qualified banking and finance professional. He doesn't need to... spend his time and money uselessly polishing his perfectly adequate resume. He needs to get his skates on and apply for 500 jobs as fast as possible. The moral of this is that there's always someone ready to provide you with "help" at a price. You just have to figure out who gets the benefit. For a good quality resume - and some straight talkin' - email me on [email protected] See more
06.01.2022 Hey, I've got an interview on Monday! - Belinda
05.01.2022 My resume - it's perfect! - G. G.
03.01.2022 My clients talk a lot, some of them. They talk about themselves, necessarily, because that's what goes into their resumes. Not just facts and dates, but the essence of this special person. What their aspirations are, what potentials they have that are locked away in their present roles. Many of them have no-one to talk to honestly, to explore the options and the consequences of their possible choices. Talking it through makes for a thorough, thoughtful, reflective, involved,... engaged resume, one that does a superb job of marketing the client into a new organisation. You cannot get these results from a template or from a quick trip across the facts and figures. Why not take the time to write a proper resume? Why not invest in yourself? This could be the start of an awesome life for you! Contact us,we're listening - [email protected]
03.01.2022 RESUMES DONE PROPERLY SUPPORT YOUR JOB SEARCH Hi E.T. Thank you for your work in pulling together my Resume and providing a cover letter. I feel these documents will well support my applications for work in the child care industry. It was a pleasure to meet you and I wish you well in the future. A.H. Hi A.H.... Attached to this email are a copy of your resume and a model letter. The profile in the resume is quite powerful and will allow your resume to stand alone without a cover letter - if this is appropriate for any positions you are applying for. The letter has a statement of the actual position as the first paragraph. There are various reasons for doing this one is that agencies will use a scanning process to pick up the keywords used in a job advertisement, and this is a nice, formal, courteous and professional way to ensure that your application makes it through the scanner to be read in due course by a human. E.T. See more
03.01.2022 Help! My Boss has Gone Crazy! You’d be surprised how often I talk to clients who have a job that they are trying to get out of. Many reasons, but one of the scariest is when they lose faith in the organisation or their management. Seems as though some bosses manage OK in the good times and think they are great managers. Come the tough times and they cannot manage, cannot get the results, and they take it out on their subordinates. It all gets surreal and the poor folks at the coalface feel the ground slipping from under their feet as irrationality takes over the workplace. Does this sound familiar? Drop me a line on [email protected] and we can sort out a new resume and fill you in on some alternative career progression options.
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