Firm Finance Pty Ltd in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Financial planner
Firm Finance Pty Ltd
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 1300 790 909
Address: Level 2 / 124 Exhibition Street 3000 Melbourne, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 Ridha Fkih Read all about it. As I predicted last year ! The RBA " The Reserve Bank of Australia"still concerned about housing market". Let me tell yous I say it again the interest rates will remain low alternatively we will have a bubble in the house pricing thus the "RBA" is still keeping the rates low. Therefore all yous out there do not take a bite on the cheap fix rates that all the banks and second tiers lenders are offering you. RF
24.01.2022 Reserve Bank of Australia drops the cash rate to two per cent HOMEOWNERS will have about $47 more in their pockets a month thanks to todays interest rate cut and ANZ is the first of the big banks to pass it on to customers. The Reserve Bank of Australia slashed rates for the second time in 2015 with the cash rate plummeting to a record low of two per cent after the latest fall of 25 basis points. Just over an hour later ANZ said its variable retail home loan rates will fal...l by 25 basis points from May 8. We hope by announcing this decision today were able to provide certainty for our customers looking to manage their household budgets as well as playing our part in supporting the broader economy, ANZ Australia chief executive Mark Whelan said. Despite the ANZ passing on cut in full and fast the Commonwealth Bank kept some of the latest cut for itself by only lowering its variable rate by 0.2 per cent. In justifying its decision to only cut by 0.2 per cent, CBAs Group Executive Retail Banking Services Matt Comyn said it has also considered the needs of the almost 7 million Australians who have savings accounts with us. The bank said it was raising its eight-month term deposit rate by 0.55 per cent to 3.05 per cent. Figures by financial comparison website show on a $300,000 30-year home loan the average standard variable rate is 5.25 per cent and the monthly repayments are $1667. The latest drop will see an additional $47 in customers hands. See more
21.01.2022 Big News Read all about it !!!!! I told you all before no change and I tipped it and its here again directly by the RBA governor Philip Lowe ABA boss himself yesterday the 04 09 2018. RBA keeps interest rates on hold at 1.5% for 25th month The Reserve Bank has left the cash rate on hold at 1.5 per cent less than a week after the first of the Big Four banks disregarded the official interest rate and increased costs for borrowers. The decision come as Josh Frydenberg faces his...Continue reading
21.01.2022 Check this other opinions on the world !!! Instreet Market & Economic Commentary & Opinion People around the world have been taken by surprise twice in the past two weeks. First, by Trumps convincing win in the US presidential race. And second, by the markets surprisingly resilient response. But as we cautioned in our last post, the election was always going to be a close call and perhaps we should have been more prepared for a Trump victory....Continue reading
21.01.2022 News Flash !! Firm Finance in the same opinion of this !! Owner-occupier lending overtakes investor ... CoreLogic RP Data has found that regulatory restrictions placed on finance for investment property have resulted in a sharp fall in the value of investor lending. Commenting on yesterdays CoreLogic RP Data Property Pulse report, research analyst Cameron Kusher cited higher mortgage rates, low rental yields and a maturing housing cycle as key contributors to the slowdown in investment activity. The reclassification of investor loans to owner-occupier loans is also muddying the clarity of the housing finance data, he said. Weve seen a noticeable slowdown in lending to investors over recent months. Since the value of lending to investors peaked at $14.1 billion in April 2015, it has fallen by 12.8 per cent to $12.3 billion in September 2015, Mr Kusher said. The value of lending to investors is now lower than the value of lending to owner-occupiers for new loans. The Australian Bureau of Statistics has noted that over recent months, many ADIs have been reclassifying some investor loans to owner-occupier loan, he said. As a result of the slowdown in lending to investors, the value of new lending in most states is now greater for owner-occupiers than it is for investors. According to Mr Kusher, it is important to note that historically, it has been very unusual for investors to form a greater part than owner-occupiers of the new lending environment; however, this has been the case for most of the past year and a half. The findings indicate that NSW is the only state in which the proportion of new lending to investors (51.7 per cent) is still greater than lending to owner-occupiers. Three months ago, the proportion of new lending to investors was higher than 50 per cent in NSW, Victoria and the Northern Territory. A key policy change, implemented by APRA and covering lending by Australian banks, was to limit annual investor credit growth to 10 per cent. The latest data from the Reserve Bank shows that investor housing credit has increased by 10.4 per cent over the year. Given this, Mr Kusher said, there is still some further slowing in lending within the investor space which needs to occur. Furthermore, most ADIs now have a higher interest rate for investment mortgages along with requirements for larger deposits, he added. These factors are likely to contribute to a further slowing of mortgage demand from the investment segment of the market. See more
21.01.2022 September 2017 News Flash !!!!!!! The Perils of Jawboning Jawboning, or trying to influence markets through pointed commentary, is one of the weapons financial regulators use to supplement their policy tools. Its been popular for a long time. Central banks use it in their board reports, which are pored over by people in the markets, and in speeches by their executives. But when politicians start trying the same thing, they generally just cause alarm. They are like tourists s...Continue reading
20.01.2022 Like I said before many times it will continue to drop so buy-buy and keep till 2023. RBA cuts rate to new low of 0.75pc to head off rising unemployment. The ...Reserve Bank has driven its official cash rate below 1 per cent for the first time as it battles to head off rising unemployment and stimulate a stalling economy. It is the RBAs third cut since June and comes after jobs data showed the unemployment rate had risen to 5.3 per cent from 4.9 per cent at the start of the year. The move came as little surprise, with markets pricing in an 80-per-cent chance of a cut following recent speeches from RBA governor Philip Lowe, highlighting concerns about not only low wages growth and unemployment but the impact rate cuts overseas could have in driving up the Australian dollar to uncompetitive levels. The big banks passed on around 80 per cent of the 50 basis points of cuts in June and July, but are expected to hold back more this time. More cuts in the pipeline RBA governor Philip Lowe said in a statement accompanying the decision more work may need to be done to support the economy. Franais Comme je lai dj dit maintes reprises, il continuera baisser, achetez-achetez-le et gardez-le jusquen 2023. La RBA abaisse le taux de chmage 0,75 pc pour viter une hausse du chmage. La Banque de rserve a abaiss son taux officiel de trsorerie moins de 1% pour la premire fois en luttant contre le chmage croissant et en stimulant une conomie en perte de vitesse. Il sagit de la troisime rduction de la RBA depuis juin et vient aprs que les donnes sur lemploi aient montr que le taux de chmage tait pass de 4,9% 5,3% au dbut de lanne. Cette dcision na rien de surprenant, les marchs prvoyant une rduction de 80% aprs les rcents discours du gouverneur de la RBA, Philip Lowe, soulignant les inquitudes suscites non seulement par la faible croissance des salaires et le chmage, mais galement par les rductions de taux ltranger. le dollar australien des niveaux non comptitifs. Les grandes banques ont rpercut environ 80% des 50 points de base des rductions en juin et juillet, mais devraient se retenir davantage cette fois-ci. Plus de coupes dans le pipeline Le gouverneur de la RBA, Philip Lowe, a dclar dans un communiqu accompagnant la dcision, quil restera peut-tre encore du travail faire pour soutenir lconomie. See more
20.01.2022 Read All About it !!! A. The lowest interest available ever in 2020 from 2.09% to 3.77% commercial higher of course ! B. Here’s a fun fact for you: back in 1973, the median house price in Sydney was $27,400, in Melbourne $19,400.according to a Department of Parliamentary Services report. C. At the end of March 2020, Sydney’s and Melbourne median house price was $1,020,849, according to CoreLogic. D. That’s an increase of 3,625.7%.... E. Our smallest capital, Hobart, saw similar growth during the period: median house prices jumped from $15,200 to $513,325, an increase of 3,277.1%. F. That’s despite the 1973 oil crisis, the 1982 recession, the 1987 stock market crash, the 1991 recession, the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, the 2000 dot-com bubble, the 2003 SARS outbreak, the 2008 GFC and the 2009 eurozone crisis. G. Each time there’s a crisis, doomsayers declare the end of the world. Yet we always recover This could be the ideal time for you and your client/s to buy property/s. H. Just ask people who bought property in 1973. Need Help for your finance needs please call Firm Finance P/L on 1300780909 or +61418553009 or email to [email protected] Français Lire tout de qui le concerne !!! A. L'intérêt le plus bas jamais enregistré en 2020, de 2,09% à 3,77% commercial, bien sûr! B. Voici un fait amusant pour vous: en 1973, le prix médian des maisons à Sydney était de 27 400 $ et à Melbourne de 19 400 $, selon un rapport du Département des services parlementaires. C.À la fin de mars 2020, le prix médian des maisons à Sydney et à Melbourne était de 1 020 849 $, selon CoreLogic. D. Cela représente une augmentation de 3 625,7%. E. Notre plus petit capital, Hobart, a connu une croissance similaire au cours de la période: le prix médian des maisons est passé de 15 200 $ à 513 325 $, soit une augmentation de 3 277,1%. F. C'est malgré la crise pétrolière de 1973, la récession de 1982, le krach boursier de 1987, la récession de 1991, la crise financière asiatique de 1997, la bulle Internet de 2000, la flambée de SRAS en 2003, la crise financière mondiale de 2008 et la crise de la zone euro de 2009. G. Chaque fois qu'il y a une crise, les prophètes du malheur déclarent la fin du monde. Pourtant, nous récupérons toujours Cela pourrait être le moment idéal pour vous et vos clients d'acheter des biens. H. Demandez simplement aux personnes qui ont acheté une propriété en 1973. Besoin d'aide pour vos besoins financiers, veuillez appeler Firm Finance P / L au 1300780909 ou +61418553009 ou par e-mail à [email protected]
18.01.2022 More than 180 Australians have been arrested accused of DELIBERATELY lighting bushfires since the start of the horror season thats left 25 dead
18.01.2022 Media ReleaseStatement by Philip Lowe, Governor: Monetary Policy Decision Number2020-18 Date4 August 2020 At its meeting today, the Board decided to maintain the current policy settings, including the targets for the cash rate and the yield on 3-year Australian Government bonds of 25 basis points. The global economy is experiencing a severe contraction as countries seek to contain the coronavirus. Even though the worst of this contraction has now passed, the outlook remains h...Continue reading
15.01.2022 I wish a very happy and safe Greek Easter to alls my my friends, my brethrens theirs families and love ones I a long healthy and prosperous lifes. ( brings God Endless Blessings, Easter brings new love) to alls. Francais Je souhaite une "Pques grecque" trs heureuse et sre tous mes amis, mes frres et leurs familles et ceux que jaime - une longue vie saine et prospre. (Pques apporte des bndictions infinies Dieu, Pques apporte un nouvel amour) tous.
15.01.2022 Good and Marvelous News of The Reserve Bank of Australia The RBA Leaves Cash Rate Unchanged In Interest Rate Bulletin May 2017. Statement by Philip Lowe, Governor: Monetary Policy Decision At its meeting today, the Board decided to leave the cash rate unchanged at 1.50 per cent. There has been a broad-based pick-up in the global economy since last year. Labour markets have tightened further in many countries and forecasts for global growth have been revised up. Above-tren...Continue reading
14.01.2022 Lovely morning breakfast with the Economists Seminar at Sofitel hotels on Collins Street, Melbourne 31 August 2017. Overviews: All economist are happy with the stable Australian positions at the moments with h the view of no Interest arise till mid or late 2019-2020 with property growth in Sydney and Melbourne, building approvals on the slowdown mode. Overseas: England, France and Germany are steady.... China on the slowdown economy. Japan is stable economy. US economy improving Risks: Threats of wars with North Korea. See more
08.01.2022 Please enjoy Preville Pabst opinion its quite good to be sure to be sure. Focus on fundamentals not financial wizardry Australian Property Journal Commercial and residential property, real estate investment trusts REIT Please enjoy Preville Pabst opinion its quite good to be sure to be sure.
08.01.2022 News Flash!! July - August Newsletter 2015 Mortgage broker originated loans are at a record high of 51.9 per cent and this is expected to keep rising as consumers continue to value their broker experience and lenders increase their engagement with brokers.... Some articles have predicted that in the near future there will soon be a time when 60 per cent of all home loans in Australia are written by mortgage brokers! Have a look at the article below to find out more about how Australian consumers are being increasingly drawn to the choice, expertise and convenience offered by mortgage brokers. In this issue of the newsletter we also take a look at what recent changes to investment lending mean for the future of interest-only loans (article 3). Other topics we cover in this issue include the advantages of leasing for small business and how to take the stress out of moving for those of you selling up. Enjoy this newsletter and feel free to Call me 24/7 1300 790 909 or 0418553009. Please pass it on to family and friends and tell them you are a friend of mine and you will be rewarded. Ridha Fkih 1300 790 909, 0418 553 009 [email protected]
07.01.2022 I told all of yous and here we go again I was right so just get on with it and buy properties call me if you need help I will be glad to help. Media Release Statement by Glenn Stevens, Governor: Monetary Policy Decision Number 2016-18... Date 2 August 2016 At its meeting today, the Board decided to lower the cash rate by 25 basis points to 1.50 per cent, effective 3 August 2016. The global economy is continuing to grow, at a lower than average pace. Several advanced economies have recorded improved conditions over the past year, but conditions have become more difficult for a number of emerging market economies. Actions by Chinese policymakers are supporting the near-term growth outlook, but the underlying pace of Chinas growth appears to be moderating. Commodity prices are above recent lows, but this follows very substantial declines over the past couple of years. Australias terms of trade remain much lower than they had been in recent years. Financial markets have continued to function effectively. Funding costs for high-quality borrowers remain low and, globally, monetary policy remains remarkably accommodative. In Australia, recent data suggest that overall growth is continuing at a moderate pace, despite a very large decline in business investment. Other areas of domestic demand, as well as exports, have been expanding at a pace at or above trend. Labour market indicators continue to be somewhat mixed, but are consistent with a modest pace of expansion in employment in the near term. Recent data confirm that inflation remains quite low. Given very subdued growth in labour costs and very low cost pressures elsewhere in the world, this is expected to remain the case for some time. Low-interest rates have been supporting domestic demand and the lower exchange rate since 2013 is helping the traded sector. Financial institutions are in a position to lend for worthwhile purposes. These factors are all assisting the economy to make the necessary economic adjustments, though an appreciating exchange rate could complicate this. Supervisory measures have strengthened lending standards in the housing market. Separately, a number of lenders are also taking a more cautious attitude to lending in certain segments. The most recent information suggests that dwelling prices have been rising only moderately over the course of this year, with considerable supply of apartments scheduled to come on stream over the next couple of years, particularly in the eastern capital cities. Growth in lending for housing purposes has slowed a little this year. All this suggests that the likelihood of lower interest rates exacerbating risks in the housing market has diminished. Taking all these considerations into account, the Board judged that prospects for sustainable growth in the economy, with inflation returning to target over time, would be improved by easing monetary policy at this meeting. See more
06.01.2022 Trumps Impact on the Aussie Dollar April 21 marked the first 100 days of President Trumps time in the Oval Office, and since his first day the world has been looking to his policy initiatives and his Twitter feed to predict how worldwide currencies will respond. To complement our recent video on the topic, lets take a look at the potential implications of Trumps latest policy changes and plans on the Australian dollar. Changes in Trade President Trumps protectionist...Continue reading
05.01.2022 Happy new year to all
05.01.2022 Big News Read all about it !!!!! I told you all before no change and I tipped it and it’s here again directly by the RBA governor Philip Lowe ABA boss himself yesterday the 04 09 2018. RBA keeps interest rates on hold at 1.5% for 25th month The Reserve Bank has left the cash rate on hold at 1.5 per cent less than a week after the first of the Big Four banks disregarded the official interest rate and increased costs for borrowers. The decision come as Josh Frydenberg faces his...Continue reading
05.01.2022 APRA clamps down on interest-only mortgage loans The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) has clamped down on interest-only loans in a bid to cool the hot property market. The regulator said it had written to all lenders today, and said from now on interest-only loans must be restricted to 30 per cent of new residential mortgage loans. Interest-only lending represents nearly 40 percent of the stock of residential mortgage lending by banks, which APRA said is "qui...te high" by international and historical standards. It said new supervisory measures in relation to the high level of interest-only lending is warranted, to ensure lenders recognised the heightened risk in the lending environment. "APRA views a higher proportion of interest-only lending in the current environment to be indicative of a higher risk profile," chairman Wayne Byres said in a statement. "We will therefore be monitoring the share of interest-only lending within total new mortgage lending for each [lender], and will consider the need to impose additional requirements... when the proportion of new lending on interest-only terms exceeds 30 per cent of total new mortgage lending." Treasurer welcomes measures Treasurer Scott Morrison welcomed APRAs move, flagging increased pressure on past measures to combat risks in housing lending. "I have remarked upon the relatively high proportion of interest-only loans on housing lending and I welcome APRAs tightening of lending standards in that area," Mr Morrison said in a statement. "These latest measures follow actions which have strengthened mortgage lending standards and had a dampening impact on investor credit growth." Investor lending accelerated to its fastest growth over the year to January, jumping 27.6 percent, almost three times the 10 percent speed limit APRA imposed on banks in December 2014. Mr Byres said APRA believes the 10 percent benchmark for growth in investor lending continues to provide an appropriate constraint "balancing the need to continue to moderate new investor lending with the increasing supply of newly completed construction which must be absorbed in the year ahead". APRA will also place internal limits on the number of interest-only lending at loan-to-value ratios above 80 percent. APRA is also monitoring the prevalence of higher-risk mortgage lending including lending at high loan-to-income ratios, lending at a high loan-to-valuation ratios and lending at very long terms or long interest only periods of beyond five years. The increased scrutiny is in response to an environment of high housing prices, high and rising household debt, subdued wage growth and historically low-interest rates. See more
05.01.2022 As Major Bank target third party in investment lending crackdown !! (At Firm Finance, We will help you and thats what we do best like our like what our statement said, "Where Others Say No We Say Yes". (Terms, fees and conditions apply) You also owe to know that we are mortgage managers and we white label for private and commercial lending products. If you have a loan scenarios, just call us on 1300 790 909 and if its urgent call Ridha Fkih +61418553009,). Read on. The rece...nt tightening of investment lending practices by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia only apply to those loans coming through the third party channel, it has been revealed. Last week, it was reported that the CBA had halted any new refinance applications for standalone mortgages. A notice sent to the banks broker network stated: To ensure we continue to meet our commitments, from Monday 13th February we will be suspending the acceptance of new refinance applications for Investment Home Loans, until further notice. Applications which include both Investor and Owner Occupier loans are not impacted. While the notice appeared to apply to all refinance investor loans, the major bank has now told Australian Broker that these changes apply solely to intermediary-sourced loans. Borrowers will still be able to access refinance investor loans via CBAs retail branches. Were committed to meeting our responsible lending and regulatory obligations and to ensure we continue to meet this commitment, we are unable to accept new refinance applications for Investment Home Loans from our broker partners, a CBA spokesperson told Australian Broker on Wednesday. The vast majority of our single property investment home loan refinances come to us through our broker partners so the decision was made to address this in the first instance to ensure we continue to meet our regulatory requirements. We constantly review our products, policies and processes to ensure were meeting our customers financial needs, the spokesperson said. This decision comes soon after CBA subsidiary Bankwest announced it too would halt all new applications from customers looking to refinance their standalone investment lending. NZ, Westpac and NAB have thus far made no changes to their investment lending policies in either the third party or retail channels.
03.01.2022 I wish a very happy and safe ‘Greek Easter’ to all’s my my friends, my brethren’s their’s families and love ones I a long healthy and prosperous life’s. ( brings God Endless Blessings, Easter brings new love) to all’s. Francais Je souhaite une "Pâques grecque" très heureuse et sûre à tous mes amis, mes frères et leurs familles et à ceux que j'aime - une longue vie saine et prospère. (Pâques apporte des bénédictions infinies à Dieu, Pâques apporte un nouvel amour) à tous.
01.01.2022 News Flush Read all about it The federal Budget has created compelling evidence for the Reserve Bank to cut interest rates - rather than raise them - by year end, according to a former RBA employee. The governments plans to undertake a notional fiscal tightening of 1.3 per cent of GDP in the 2015 financial year represent a weighty argument for a rate cut, Credit Suisse research analyst and former RBA employee Damien Boey told MortgageBusiness. While residential investment ...Continue reading
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