First Step Wellness Coaching in Scamander, Tasmania | Business service
First Step Wellness Coaching
Locality: Scamander, Tasmania
Phone: +61 458 765 075
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25.01.2022 Expect unusual conversations and unexpected things, This opens you up to recieving gifts from the universe and hearing messages that lead you to new paths. Take a minute to release expectation in daily life Do something out of character, get some rebellious vibes on and feel the freedom of releasing the norm. Go on you won't regret it ... #freedomfromwithin #wellnesswednesday #expecttheunexpected #releaseyourself #firststepwellnesscoaching #mercuryoppositionuranus #astrology #dontbenormalbeyou #doesitreallymatter #thrivhers #galpals
25.01.2022 RIPJoe Ruby .... I have loved Scooby-Doo for my whole life and still will watch it whenever I see it on tv What was you favourite cartoon when you were growing up (or now) #ripjoeruby #cartooncapers #saddayforscooby #innocence #childhoodmemories #scoobydoo #foreverakidatheart #scoobysnacks #makememories #firststepwellnesscoaching #freedomfriday
24.01.2022 Think about it .... In the Marvel and DC universe most of the superhero's have either been bestowed their powers by a freak accident, been handed down by their race or augmented somehow but what about Batman, Green Arrow and the Blue Beetle? These were the ones that become super through intelligence and physical strength created solely by their own sheer will, moral stance and determination. We totally have the ability to become Super in our own right, by seeking out ways t...o change our environments, our life path and benefiting the lives of those around us. Now in the comic world the hero always has to defeat a villian ( generally a reflection of themselves ) and we are the same. By seeking to overcome our challenges through understanding and determination we become the masters of our own lives. Now exercise gives us physical strength but reading and information gives us mental strength. What can you do daily to ensure your becoming a Superhero? I shared the other day how I train and now i'll share what Im reading (or listening to in Audible) Limitless Jim Kwik - How to upgrade your brain, learn faster and unlock your exceptional life (audible) Breaking the habit of being yourself Dr Joe Dispenza - How to lose your mind and create a new one (Audible) Just finished The Surrender Experiment Michael Singer - My Journey into lifes' perfection (Audible)( lovely book about how the universe guides us) The power of full engagement - Managing energy, not time, is the key to performance, health and happiness Jim Loehr & Tony Schwartz (paper) Let me know in the comments what books you're reading right now And what you would like your superpower to be :) #superpowers #knowledgeispower #books #marveluniverse #dccomics #superheros #jimkwik #drjoedispenza #mentalpowers #jimloehr #tonyschwartz #michaelsinger #sheerwillanddetermination #beyourbestyou #whatsyoursuperpower #adversitycreatesresilience #pewpew #knowledgemakesyouasuperhero #captainmarvel #batman #greenarrow #bluebeetle #itsallinsideofyou #firststepwellnesscoaching #beawesome
23.01.2022 View from the job I do while I create the career I want #dowhatyouhaveto #luckyinlife #choosewhatlifeis #blessedbeyondmeasure #firststepwellnesscoaching #astrologyandcoaching #liveloveluck #thrivehers
22.01.2022 This is what it looks like when you just do the thing that your inner critic tells you not to do. I never go to the beach let alone go into the water, however I knew it was what I needed to do With a little shove from a friend and a bit of positive self coaching I took the plunge (literally) and it was amazing , it felt exhilarating and I got all the benifits I needed. Point being , 90% of the time its fear holding you back , with a little support you can achieve anything. ...Reach out if you need a shove or a hug or even a cut the BS conversation. You will always be heard when you ask for help [email protected] Take the first step #firststepwellnesscoaching #askforhelp #hugsarefree #letmehelpyouliveyourbestlife #sunshineandsaltwater #scorpiosun #sagittariusmoon #piscesrising #livelifeyourway #liveyourpurpose
22.01.2022 My beautiful cousin Tahlia
22.01.2022 I feel the winds of change coming and Im choosing to go with it rather than being rigid and fighting it. All of the Aquarian planets in the sky right now are asking you to view your future with fresh eyes and new enthusiasm. Change is inevitable in life and stagnant thoughts just like stagnant water cause goopy build ups and unpleasant consequences Where in your life does it feel unpleasant ? Are you going with the flow or fighting change? First step is entering a period of... change and a rebrand is on its way, I will still be available for a limited number of readings and sessions a week but its time to redirect my energy to becoming a butterfly and create a new life. Brickfarm to also changing to 'The Bunker' , Ill be creating a Youtube channel to document my tradie lady journey and keep you updated on our offgrid life change. I will still be here, just morphing into something new #Bthebutterfly #changeiscoming #firststepwellnesscoaching #rebrand #astrology #phoenix #imstillherejustchanging #thebunker #tradielady #astrologer
22.01.2022 Mindful Monday ...Sometimes its ok to not be ok Sometimes just sitting with a feeling for a little while is fine When it stops you from functioning or hearing the other side of a rational conversation then its time to reach out. There are many services or groups that can help you or reach out to your friends and family. My girlfriends can always make me stop and reframe a bad mood into giggles.... Beyond Blue Find Your Feel Good #badmoodbegone #girlspower #itsathought #reachoutandmakeitout #selfworth #firststepwellnesscoaching @katiesbeautykitchen @emmawilloxwellbeing #thanksforthefriendship #taurusmoon #mindfulmonday See more
22.01.2022 What are you going to choose to do today of your own volition ? Take a moment first and connect with yourself , How have you been feeling ? A bit frazzled ? Overloaded ? Listen to your inner voice and breathe. That job that seems so important will be there later but if you have a meltdown it will never get done. Choose self care... Choose a sensible work life balance Choose to do the stretch or meditate You are worth it and you matter first #selfcare #piscesmoon ##astrology #wellness #chooseyoufirst #firststepwellnesscoaching #wellnesswednesday #ofyourownvolition #innerstrength #balancedlife #feeltheinnerfeelings #meditate #universehasyourback #listentoyourbody
21.01.2022 firststepwellnesscoaching Woman's health week, R U OK day, Moon in Gemini (communication) and Mars retrograde (Internal frustration you can turn into discipline and courage) all of these things tie in together so succinctly for me. Im reminded of a time when I felt I couldn't reach out for help , a time when I felt like I was not OK to speak my truth, but I survived that time and grew so strong from the lessons and experience I gained from it. Anyone out there who feels ri...ght now like your not safe find a way to be heard. You are worth your place in this universe, you are important and where you are now isn't forever. #areyouok #domesticviolencesurvivor #youareimportantandyoumatter #beheard #staysafe #marsretrograde2020 #geminimoon #turnshitintogold #yourwordsarepowerful #firststepwellnesscoaching #riselikeaphoenix See more
21.01.2022 Plant care. They look after me I try to look after them
19.01.2022 Don’t listen to the inner voice that wants to hold you back, it lives in the past and can’t feel the passion of your dreams of greatness
17.01.2022 Choas insues !!! Part of the process of moving forward or in my case moving house involves revisiting things from your past. These can often offer valuable insites into how far you have come or make you aware of things you once valued that you have let fall by the wayside. Use this time to examine the things coming back to you or that are not working properly, maybe you can find strength or patience in your review The Universe works in funny ways and sometimes learning to that it is the way it should be is a game changer. If you're after guidance with a situation that is happening and would like some astrological insites, drop me a email or DM me and let me help you get a different perspective. #yougothis #mercuryretrograde #aquariusseason #lookbacktomoveforwards #itshowitshouldbe #mentalhousekeeping #materialcleanse #firststepwellnesscoaching #spiritualmentoring #astrologicalguidance #healthymindhealthybodyhealthysoul #packingopensfloodgates #whathaveyougottoloose
16.01.2022 Absolutely loving my week cleanse with the beautiful and knowledgeable Nice way to reset and review your eating patterns in this Mercury retrograde period
15.01.2022 Thankfully 2020 is nearly over and even though it has been filled with tragedy there has been so much growth and a growing realisation to many about what the important things in life actually look like. #2020 #lifelooksdiffrentnow #healthbeforewealth #wellnesscoach #matruity_comes_by_experience #firststepwellnesscoaching #astrology #jupitersaturninaquarius #moveonmoveup #hugsifyoureadthis
13.01.2022 I’ve been watching this all afternoon, it’s really good (I generally have a ten minute rule of interest)
12.01.2022 Think back (for me its January 2015), how many dreams have you been excited about and then just let go of ? Do those thoughts still excite you , scare you even ? What can you revisit and find passion in :) A reminder from the universe has set me a renewed goal of starting my own podcast. Someone in the know has told me I need 5 minutes, I feel like 6 weeks is a more realistic time frame due to current transits (Watch this space, and be prepared to be invited to chat) What...s something you want to pick up and love again? Dream big people, life is short and your uniqueness is needed in the world !!! #dreambig #pickupwhereyouleftit #itsnevertoolate #yougotthis #firststepwellnesscoaching #stretchgoals #transitsareeverything See more
11.01.2022 You know when you're feeling that little bit sassy and someone wants to bring you down? Well, its a choice to let them into your head. Maybe they're intimidated by your awesomness, maybe they're just a Debbie downer. You totally have the ability to put up a super hero shield and reflect that shit away from you. Pew Pew, Be gone bad vibes! Hello badass babe! Bring out your inner Wonder Woman dont let no one dull your shine. #shinebrightlikeabadass #dontletthemin ##bethebestyou #laughalotlifeisgreat #yougotthis #wonderwoman #beyourownhero #theheroinesjourney #firststepwellnesscoaching ##forkyoufriday #riseup #shinebright #astrology #wellness #wellnessfromwithin
10.01.2022 Be brave! I love doing things that challenge me. From shaving my head to starting my own business so I don't have to work for someone else, what's something you want to do that truely scares the shit out of you but just won't leave your thoughts Tell me in the comments what it is and one way you feel you could get it done #bebrave #challenge #whatwouldyoudoifyouwerentafraid #shareyourthing #wellnessfromwithin #firststepwellnesscoachin #uranusintaurus #astrology #justdoit #facethefear
09.01.2022 The amazing science behind the power of the mind body connection
07.01.2022 Are you overwhelmed with allllllll the things that you feel like you need to do ? Get brutal, now especially is the time to look at what you are really willing to do and be honest with yourself. Is it a "should" or is it a need? Don't overextend yourself to the point that you get stressed and then wear yourself out physically, say 'No Im not able to do that right now' People will understand, and if they dont..... oh well ... And if you "must" then remember self care is as easy as 5 deep breaths and a concious regrouping of thoughts Stay sane in this silly season and remember there are people (including myself) that are out there willing to help you off a ledge and listen #findbalance #sillyseason #sagittariusseason #libramoon #firststepwellnesscoaching #justsaynopenotnow #sillypic #selfcare #5deepbreathsandcountto10 #plantostaycalm #peoplewillunderstand
07.01.2022 Taking time to explore the feels is what its all about today. Sitting with your thoughts and looking at what you are really thinking and feeling can generate real change. Where do you want to go ? How far have you come this year ? Dont be afraid of calling yourself out for BS thoughts or stinkin thinkin.... Part of growing is being uncomfortable and decideing what you dont want, so you can gain clarity on what you do want. #changeisgood #firststepwellnesscoaching #wellnessiswithin #mooninvirgo #venusinvirgo #mercuryretrograde #marsretrograde #astrology #beauthentic #yourthoughtsyourlife #growthischange #health #clarity #youcandoit #lifeisawesome
06.01.2022 Your intuition is the body's way of saying "Incoming message" These messages have many and varied meanings, from 'something's not right here" to "The phone is going to ring" What is your relationship to your intuition? At @katiesbeautykitchen RetreatbyKBK I'll be chatting about developing your intuition skills to develop trust in your body's natural antenna ... #intuition #trustyourgutfeeling #wellness #astrology #firststepwellnesscoaching @katiesbeautykitchen #naturalskill #mercuryretrograde #marsretrograde #retreatathome #universeistalking #selfcare
06.01.2022 I love that feeling of exertion, but it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Movement is however essential to having a body that works well. What do you do to feel your best daily ? . #exerciseisessential @fitnessfanatics_training #whatsyourthing #healthylifestyle #tabataworkout #firststepwellnesscoaching #liveyourbestlife #sweatfest
06.01.2022 How good does it feel to complete something :) 2020 was a year of forced confinment that enabled me to sit back and focus on something that will only enrich my life and allow me to help and guide people in a thorough professional manner. (and meet so many amazing people) In my last post I said First Step was changing and it is, but at the centre of my values is still the health of your mind, body and spirit. You cannot seperate these three aspects of life. So in the middle of... the craziness im calling my life right now, this was a lovely reminder that Im still much further along the road than I was this time last year. Hugs to all Bxx See more
06.01.2022 Funny thing about life, there is generally two choices Love or fear, Black and white, Left or right, Yes or No It takes courage to make choices and sometimes you just need someone to hear you and reflect back what youre really saying to make a choice Yes I will or No I wont You really do know what is best for you, You really can take the steps needed to get there. ... I offer support and give insight to the patterns and energies that you live with. Drop me a line @ [email protected] or go to my website and book a free discovery chat. It might just be the support you need to take that First step towards a You that you dream of being. #wellnesscoaching #firststepwellnesscoaching #astrology #youcandoanythingyouwant #supportisessential #shinebright #becauseyourworthit #ilovewhatido #jupiterrising #scorpiosun #sagittarismoon #piscesrising See more
05.01.2022 New Years Eve and Im happily sitting at home chilling out thinking about how far I have come this year and where I would like to go in 2021. Silly season is over (almost) and its time to knuckle down again and make those dreams a reality. Tell me in the comments, What is one big thing you would like to achieve in 2021? Inspiration by @melrobbins and Id like to thank the continued support of @stellarleeastrology @aylin_darjani @a_wanderingnature @juliachalon @katielowndeswell...ness @emma_willox #supportsystems #timetomoveforwardagain #capricornseason #goalsaredreamswithdeadlines #howcanihelpyouhelpyourself #happynewyear #goodbye2020 #hello2021 See more
05.01.2022 3 simple things to create a more meaningful Christmas
04.01.2022 Daydreaming .... remember when you were a kid and you could sit for ages just dreaming of potential scenarios (showing my age pre device era) Well today is one of those days In our busy busy lives we don't give ourselves permission to sit with our thoughts , even our meditations are timed. Today I challenge you to switch off for a while, stare into your inner space and listen to what your higher self may have to tell you. And I get it, you may have back to back clients or ...zoom meetings, but those moments in between just sit in silence, don't listen to the radio in the car or do that bit of housework....Just sit and be #stoprevivesurvive #daydream #listentoyourinnervoice #piscesmoon #gowithin #quietmoments #permissiontofeel #permissiontodream #everyoneisconnectedsomehow #firststepwellnesscoaching
03.01.2022 Im opening up a private Facebook group for you to join me in achieving my own wellness goals for September. (Everyone needs accountability) If you're interested in becoming part of a team that only has realistic, achievable and empowering goals in mind then follow the link or look it up Supercharge September... Some topics we will visit will be Overall physical condition and your mindset towards your body Meditation Nutrition and meal prep Exercise and movement Spirituality and What is your mental story all about? Any of these things sound cool ? Feeling the need for a spring clean ? Come and hang out with me and find your inner Superdooper #superchargeseptember #wellnessjourney #monthlychallenge #firststepwellnesscoaching #teaminspo #gotyourback #beaccountable #smallwinsoften #achievewhatyouwant #goalsaredreamswithdeadlines #whatdoyouwant #safetobereal #universehasyourback #riseaboveyourfears
03.01.2022 Feeling refreshed after a retreat from all the things...... Do you sometimes feel the need to withdraw and gather your strength? #retreatandrefresh #howareyoufeeling #wellness #strengthcomesfromwithin #firststepwellnesscoaching #imback
03.01.2022 This is what happens when you let things grow in their own time #brocolliisbeautiful #dreamsandgoalstaketime #patience #letthingsgrowintime #firststepwellnesscoaching #takingtimetogrow #wellness #energymanagement
02.01.2022 4 days and counting to the big move If you would like to watch the evolution of Brick farm Tas to The Bunker and watch First Step also evolve into what ever it will turn into it will please follow me @ So nervous but also excited at what the future holds ... #thebunkertas #permiculture #wellnesscoaching #firststepwellnesscoaching #astrology #newmoonpisces #offgridliving #newlife #shittingbricks #lovemypeeps #whatdoesthefuturehold #4days
02.01.2022 Being in a good headspace helps you recognise the gifts in your life #universehasyourback #blackcockatoo #iamblessed
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